Health Inequities Outline

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Gaviola, Hiroaki


Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social
determinants of health: An Outline

1) Improve daily living conditions

From the moment a person is born to the moment he dies, the conditions that he lives
in directly impact his health. Improving the daily living conditions of a person will prevent
his from being predisposed to the many different health risks that may affect him.
Improving the state of living of children will allow them to grow healthier and live longer.
Daily living conditions do not only refer to those who are already sick or elderly, but to

i) Equity from the start

- Development from the start helps children grow into healthier adults.
ii) Healthy places healthy people
- The environment has an impact on the health of those living it in.
iii) Fair employment and decent work
- Fair employment is needed to be able to afford the bare minimum in
iv) Social protection throughout life
- To be able to give support to those who need it is an indicator of less
health inequity in a country
v) Universal health care
- Healthcare given to each citizen to assure that their health needs are
being met.

2) Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money, and resources

Health inequities can be alleviated by solving the already existing equities in the
society. To achieve this, a public sector must be established and must be equipped
with enough competency and authority to make sure the needs of the people are
met. The private sectors must also be held accountable if they abuse those who
already suffer the inequities posed by the society.
i) Health equity in all policies, systems, and programs
- Coherence must be present in these to assure the efficient delivery of
health care.
ii) Fair financing
- There must be a reasonable budget for all things, including health related
iii) Market responsibility
- The market must not be abused and should only be used to introduce new
technologies for the healthcare system, making it more efficient.
iv) Gender equity
- By reducing the inequity found between genders, the health inequities are
also alleviated.
v) Political empowerment—inclusion and voice
- The needs of the people must be heard in politics as they are who the
political parties serve.
vi) Good global governance
- The growing interdependence among nations brought about by
globalization may allow different nations to collaborate into reducing health

3.) Measure and understand the problem and assess the results of action

If problems are acknowledged, steps can be taken in order to solve it. The different
health organizations must keep watch of the people and actively scout their needs as to
make sure that a problem does indeed exist.

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