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PAST laura petruta vlad

I° Choose the right tense and fill in the blanks 1) it's the most beautiful girl John
_______ ever ________
a) has met b) have met c) was meeting

2) When _____ you ___________ school yesterday ?

a) have .... left b) did .... leave c) were ..... leaving ?

3) Helen is happy because she ____________________at the Lottery

a) won b) has won c) have won

4) They _______ never __________ any snails

a) didn't ...... eat b) weren't ... eating c) have ...... eaten

5) I ____________ to Italy three years ago a) have gone b) went c) were going

6) ________ you ever ____________ champagne ?

a) has ...... drunk b) did ... drink c) have ...... drunk

7) Why _______ Jim ________ tennis yesterday ?

a) has .... played b) is .... playing c) did ..... play

8) David ________ already __________ Paris , he _____________it last year

a) is visiting b) has visited c) was visiting a) did visit b) visited c) visits

9) It's the best film Greg ______ ever __________

a) is ...... seeing b) have ....... seen c) has ...... seen

10) I _____________________ a cake last Saturday

a) haven't made b) didn't make c) hasn't made

II° Simple Past or Present Perfect

1° _________ you ever ________ Angelina Jolie ? (meet)

2° I ______________Manhattan two years ago ( visit)

3° It’s the first time she ( fly) _________________over the Grand Canyon

4° When _______ you _________ to Paris ? ( travel )

5° it’s the most beautiful museum he ____________ ________( ever - see)

6° They ( leave) _____________ Santa Barbara when I was twelve

7° He ( eat) _______ never _________ foie gras in California but he ( eat) __________ some last
8° They ( take) ________ already __________ (take) a helicopter , they ( take) _____________one a
few years ago when they flew over New York

9° I ( not- know) _____________________ there ( be ) ___________ so many skyscrapers in NY

10° My sister ( not - swim ) ________________________ in the Pacific Ocean yet

11° Where ------------ you ------------------- last year ? ( travel)

12° During my last holidays I ( go ) __________scuba diving

13° When ________ they _____________ Harlem ? ( visit)

14° My father travels a lot . He ( travel) ___________________ all over the world

15° Jenny is tired because she ( run ) _________________ a lot

16° My father ( go ) ____________ to the football stadium last Sunday

SIMPLE PAST ( GRAMMAR STOP ) : Past action , finished and dated

( yesterday - last week - the day before yesterday - one year ago , when I was a baby , in 2001 )

Positive sentences( + ) : regular verb + ED : They visited Paris in 2005

irregular verb ( second column ) : She went to Paris in 2006 - They took
the train last Monday - We met John a few weeks ago

Negative sentences ( ---) didn't + infinitive : I didn't watch TV yesterday - she didn't go to
school last week

Questions : did + subject + infinitive : did you listen to music yesterday evening ?
Wh questions : Where did they run the marathon one year ago ? Why did she go to the
cinema last Saturday ?
1° How + adjective + Noun + verb ! How clever that boy is !

2) What + a /an + adjective + Noun ( singular) ! What a high building!

3) So + adjective : Jenny is so pretty !

A° Exclamative sentences : Turn these sentences into exclamative


Ex : this exercise is very easy How easy that exercise is ! What an easy exercise !

1° This casino is wonderful

2° That landscape is beautiful
3° This girl is attractive
4° This museum is very interesting
5° These pupils are lazy
6° This avenue is lively

B° Use the Present Perfect followed by SUCH A / AN + adjective +

Ex: This museum is so interesting ( see)
I have never seen such an interesting museum

1. This apple pie is so delicious ! ( eat)

2. That car is so fast ! ( drive)
3. This girl is so amusing ( meet)
4. This motorbike is so expensive ( buy)
5. That film is so thrilling ( see)
C° Complete with the right structure : so – such a - such an
1° That skyscraper is ------------- gigantic .
2° Look ! I have never seen ------------------- fabulous restaurant
3° Helen was ---------------- exhausted that she went to bed very early
4° She has never drunk -------------------- good cocktail
5° Look ! This park is ------------ attractive .
6° He has never met -------------------- extravagant girl.

D° Complete with the right word : how – what - so – such a - such an

1° He is -------------------- big liar .
2° ------------------- thrilling that film is ! I have never seen ------------------------ exciting film
3° ----------------------- wonderful landscapes !
4° Greg was -------------- big-headed that he got on the teachers’ nerves
5° She was -------------- surprised to meet John at the airport that she couldn't believe her eyes .
6° ------------- crowded the street was ! I couldn’t cross it .
7° ------------------- a shame ! Nobody knew the answer .
8° ---------------- boring that film was !


I° Match the questions with their meaning

1---------- 2 ----------- 3----------- 4----------- 5------------ 6------------ 7------------ 8-----------

1. How old is John ? a) frequency

2. How tall is Kelly ? b) price
3. How many children has he got ? c) age
4) How much is a bike ? d) quantity
5. How often do you play football? f) duration
6. How far is it from London to Liverpool ? g) height
7. How long does she work every day h) distance

II° How do you ask these questions

1° Number of inhabitants in New York
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?
2° Age to someone ------------------------------------------------ ?
3° Height of the Empire State Building -----------------------------------------------------------------?
4° Distance between New York and Washington ------------------------------------------------------------
5° Price of a motorbike : --------------------------------------------------?
6° Frequency ( brush the teeth) : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
7° Someone's height ------------------------------------------------------------------?
8° Duration of your stay in Paris -------------------------------------------------------------------------?
III° Complete with : how good – how far – how often – how long –
how much – how many – how high – how tall – how old

1° ____________________is Jim ? He is 1m 8O tall

2° ___________________ is it from Paris to Lyon ? more than 300km

3° ___________________ do you go to the cinema ? once a month

4° ___________________ is that T-shirt ? £ 8

5° ____________________ are they ? They are twenty

6° ____________________ can she jump ? 1m35

7° ____________________ are you at English ? Quite good

8° ___________________ brothers and sisters has he got ? Just 2 sisters

9° ___________________ must I cook this cake ? for one hour

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