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MM13M005’s Comment on Existence of diffusional creep in metallic Systems

At pre melting temperature, activation energy for diffusion is much smaller which implies that
diffusion must be high. If the stress (uniaxial tension) we are applying on the specimen is not
sufficient to move dislocation (at pre melting temperature) then plastic deformation (at pre melting
temperature) is due to diffusion of vacancies in stress direction. Therefore at pre melting
temperatures and low stresses, creep is may be due to diffusion (Diffusional Creep) as dislocations
are unable to move under low stresses until any other unknown mechanism is happening.

Diffusional creep depends on grain size as diffusion through lattice is different from diffusion
through grain boundary and anisotropic inside the crystal. Diffusion inside the crystal depends on
miller indices (plane and direction). The diffusion in the slowest path will decide the rate control for
diffusional creep. Edge dislocation does not involve in diffusional creep.

Many papers argument for diffusional creep was based on Nabarro- Herring and Coble which may
not be correct because of their disputes. Some of the disputes are as follows:

 They considered diffusion as isotropic but in reality which must be anisotropic (especially in
crystalline systems). Theoretical investigation is needed for anisotropic diffusion.

 They used Fick’s first law in derivation which is valid only in steady state condition but in
reality non steady state condition exists.

 In any real material all grains are of different sizes but they are not taken it into
consideration (They assumed all are of same size).

 Noticeable strains due to grain rotation.

 Effect of grain growth with increase in temperature is not taken into account.

 Microstructure changes (dissolution of secondary phases, lattice parameter change etc.) not

But some people are trying to prove diffusional creep by using surface studies (making some
scratches on the surface). Scratches will give us grain boundary offsets after test. But it may not be
correct test because some other mechanism may also show offsets.

Some people are showing precipitate free zones to prove diffusional creep. But it is not sufficient
proof for existence of diffusion creep as PFZ formation depends on several metallurgical factors.

To determine diffusional creep we have to understand what was the fundamental physical
phenomenon happening inside the system. Significant test for that physical phenomenon will give
us whether diffusional creep does occur or not. One should need to determine whether diffusional
creep and grain boundary sliding are independent mechanisms or dependent mechanisms. Many of
the studies were based on so many assumptions which may not give right results. Actually there
was no correct experimental evidence for diffusional creep till now.

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