3 Variant

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1. Use some, any or no in the following sentences

1. My brother is going to buy _________ apples, but he’s not going

to buy ___________ fish.
2. The students had a test paper last week. The results are great!
They didn’t make ________ mistakes.
3. Don’t you see that he can’t pay. He doesn’t have _________
4. There aren’t _______ cafes in this part of the city. There are only
________ plants and factories.
5. Bill and Pam haven’t got ________ bicycles. And they would like
to ride in the countryside.
6. Have you got __________ cats or dogs?
7. There are __________ tall trees in the garden?
8. Are there __________ phone calls for me this morning?
9. I haven’t got _________ stamps but Tobby’s got ________ .
10. Do you know _________ good restaurants in New york?
11. Would you like __________ juice? – Yes, please.
12. Don’t buy _________ jam. We don’t need _______.
13. We haven’t got _________ bread, so I’m going out to
14. When we were on holiday, we visited ________ very
interesting places.
15. I went out to buy ________ milk but they didn’t have
__________ in the shop.
16. I’m hungry. Can I have __________ sandwich, please?

2. Complete the sentences. Use some or any + one of these words:

Batteries shampoo chairs cheese
friends milk stamps languages
money air photographs problems
1. I can’t buy you that suit. I haven’t got ______________ .
2. I want to wash my hair. Is there ______________?
3. I’m going to the post office to get _____________ .
4. Can you speak____________ foreign ____________?
5. Helen hasn’t got her camera, so she can’t take __________.
6. Sorry we’re late. We had ________________ with the car.
7. Everybody was standing because there weren’t ___________ in
the hall.
8. It’s really hot in the room. I’m going out for _________
9. I would like to listen to the radio.Why isn’t the radio working? Are
there __________in it?
10. Can I have ______________ in my coffee, please?
11. Yesterday evening I went to a restaurant with ___________
of mine.
12. Would you like ______________? No, thank you. I’ve had
enough to eat.

3. Put in a lot / a lot of / much / many.

1. Do you drink ________ coffee?

2. Nom’s friend likes reading. He’s got _______ books.
3. There isn’t __________ cheese on the plate.
4. It costs ______money to travel round the world.
5. Please, come on! I haven’t got ________ time.
6. How _________ foreign languages can you speak?
7. They didn’t ask me _______additional questions.
8. There was _________ food at the party but I didn’t eat______.
9. We saw __________ interesting things in the museum.
10. George knows ________ about politics.
11. We went on a cheap holiday. It didn’t cost__________.
12. Did you enjoy the concert? – No, not _______.
13. Most of the town is modern – there aren’t _________ old
14. Most people in Switserland have jobs – there isn’t ______

4.Put in a little/or a few + one of these words:

chairs German days friends houses
letters sugar air times
1. Yesterday evening I wrote ___________ to my family and
2. Can I have __________ in my coffee, please?
3. When did John go away? ____________ ago.
4. Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes, Greek and ________.
5. Are you going out alone? No, I’m going with ___________.
6. Have you ever been to Rome? Oh, yes. ______________.
7. I live in a very small village. There is a church, a shop and
_________- that’s all.
8. I’m going out for a walk. I need _________ fresh ___________.
9. There wasn’t much furniture in the room – just a table and

5. Translate into English using it :

1. Зараз 8 година. Час збирати речі для подорожі.

2. Я рада Вас бачити.
3. Приємно познайомитися.
4. Необхідно підготувати усі документи.
5. Важко розмовляти з ним. Він не розуміє англійську.

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