Writing A Path To Success

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Macario Rosas

Michele Tubbs

English 1302-129


Writing a Path to Success

I enjoyed reading new short stories and analyzing every bit of them mostly in this course.

The environment of the class was very nice, especially meeting new people and having a teacher

who is understanding and caring to their students. I had to read more than I did back in 1301, but

that is not an issue at all since I like evaluating literature, especially poems. Now there was not a

difficult aspect of this course, other than the main research paper. I have not had much

experience with researching articles. This made me have to really look closely at every piece of

evidence I could find. Yet I personally feel like I could have done better on that paper. I have

learned new ways to analyze and interpret different forms of literature. I have also learned how

to create a more successful research for my paper, using our library guide to find new and

interesting articles.

For example, I have analyzed short stories, poems, and library sources for all of my

essays. I carefully examined them and annotated every piece of literature so I can understand

each piece more clearly. The most specific example of this would be in my first essay, which is

over the short story Cathedral by Raymond carver, where I analyze the story on how impactful it

is. This process means to me in many ways, as when I read a piece of literature, I want to receive

everything it offers me. Every story has a meaning behind it, especially in poetry.

Then, By doing research on my own, I have realized that it is tough to look for specific

articles that tie in with your topic without them having very little information on what you are
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writing about. However, working together as a class and doing research together is extremely

helpful because you can view what other people have found, and communicate with them if that

specific article fits in with the topic or not. When I used MLA style on all of my papers,

including this one, I have become more aware on how to write my papers more successfully and

in the correct format every single time. I am still not at perfection level, but we are slowly

working on it. The most specific example you can find of this is my research paper, where I

spent a couple of hours fixing up all of my research and putting everything in its right place

before ensuring that I have reached a certain level of positive feeling. This process makes me

fully understand the backstory of what happened on any topic I am doing research for. It explains

to me the ins and the outs of the literature I am writing about, and it helps me interpret it into my

own work.

As a result, I have also learned that you have to know what you are writing about before

you can convince an argument. You also have to show the both sides of the argument and say

what is wrong about the other idea, so you can get your point across successfully. You can find

an example of this in my research essay, where I go in depth over Sylvia Plath and explain her

sad past and why it happened. Finding an argument is important because you want the reader to

fully understand what is going on in your paper and having to get your point across to the reader.

In the end, I feel very confident in my language of English, more than the usual college

student. I feel that the essays that I write for any of my future classes will be more successful

than the ones I have written before, especially knowing how to use a library for research, and

how to quote literature better. However, in the future, I will have to work on my research a bit

more before ensuring my mastery experience on research. I will also have to work on my MLA
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format more as I have not reached exemplary success on my papers. There is always room for

improvement, and I will have to keep working for that gold metal.

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