Change Comes in Many Shapes and Forms

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Change comes in many shapes and forms, some prettier and easier than others.

Some changes
require little to no effort, thus we build up our courage to take matters in our own hands a lot
quicker. Some changes come with great labour, similar to the metamorphosis of a pupa: skin peels
back and splits under the pressure of change , viscera glistens in its violence, yet the outcome leaves
the world in awe.

Therefore, change may not come easily, but it is important for us to identify when it is required.
Harder than change still, is facing the problem. Because, well, who wants to face problems waiting to
be solved?

We build coping strategies that, more often than not, turn into avoidance tendencies. We learn how
to become better at quailing and shying away, we learn how to better duck our heads down low, and
thus we end up enslaved by the sheer fear of assuming responsibility for our actions and mending
that which broke along the way. It is then that we become reluctant about finding the root of our
issues and then tending to it. And perhaps that is the moment when anger and frustration and
untruths and anxieties are watered to fruition.

Perhaps one of the main problems is that we set our expectations too high- we aim for that which
we cannot reach, we desire a flawless result without noting the small, intricate details throughout
the way, and we lose sight of the bigger image. And maybe we are afraid of being disappointed as
well. For disappointment, failure, the sense of not being enough and hence not succeeding, leaves a
bitter taste lingering upon our tongues. We learn that taste, and just like a horse made obedient
learns to avoid its master’s whip, we seek to not allow that taste in our mouths. The problem is, not
only do we avoid bitterness, but we tend to spit all taste out, be it bitter, sour, sweet or spicy.

I believe it takes a tremendous amount of courage to make an attempt at growing up and have the
maturity to not give in to the urge of turning away, but standing up for oneself instead. It takes a
mature mind to comprehend that not everything can be achieved or changed, no matter the
approach. Some things happen because they ought to, some things are the consequences of our
actions, and what is in the past must be treated as such. Yet we should always consider trying, while
keeping in mind that our plans and best efforts might turn to ashes in our hands. That is where true
courage lies, I believe.

And even though our attempts might prove to have been for naught, we can at the very least give
ourselves a pat on the shoulder and at the end of the day remind ourselves that we tried, and that
our problems were not left unfaced.

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