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MORAGA a poem “Game Called” by Henry

Grantland Rice
Rice .

NEWSLETTER She then led the group in the pledge of

May 12, 2020
~Recognitions / Virtual Happy
Ron Mucovich has a birthday later this
Next: May 19, Noon month. He indicated that he would be
We are now conducting regular paying the maximum birthday fine
meetings on-line video or by phone! anyway. So, this editor is not sure if he
“won” the May Fine Free Hat or not?
• Program: Professor Carl
Guarneri, St. Mary’s College Debbie Koo offered three Happy Bucks
for members successful participation in
speaking about the Civil War her Brain Teaser challenge.
Debbie Roessler contributed a High $5
Greeter: Brian South for a high school reunion meeting using
____________________________ Zoom. There were 25 to 30 people in
To participate next week: attendance.
Zoom connection information for May 12 will be
distributed early next week Evie Michon also paid $5 for a
successful FAB 5 president’s meeting.
Upcoming Speakers: Topics discussed included transitioning
• May 26 –Alex Cobo to new presidents and boards and
Cobo Construction virtual fundraising. She mentioned that
• June 2 – Frank May – Moraga the Rossmoor club is reaching out to the
Rotary and Kiva. other 200 or so clubs at Rossmoor for
new members.
Our guests today included our next
~~Rotary Business~~
District Governor, Mark Roberts, our
speaker from the Oakland Museum,
Lori Fogerty and Eline Lee, a guest of Need Some Greeter Volunteers
Debbie Roessler. Please send a note or call Debbie Koo
if you can be a greeter during the next
Our greeter, Jennifer Brophy, an avid several weeks. Brian South, thanks for
A’s fan, is missing baseball. She recited
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volunteering to be the greeter next district/volunteer/rescue-one. (Deadline
week. to apply August 1st 2020

“Feed the Need” Fundraiser Shelter, Inc.

As was announced last week, our club See the flyer below from Shelter, Inc.
partnered with the Kiwanis “Feed the asking for support during the
Need” fundraiser and our Interact Club Coronavirus pandemic.
to support our local food banks, the
Monument Crisis Center and Meals On A Thought on the Pandemic
Wheels. The details of this project are
documented below in case others want
to participate. Kiwanis has exceeded
their original goal of $30 thousand and
continue to match any donations.
Rotary Scholarship Winners
Frank May announced that the four
winners of our scholarships have been
announced. They will receive award
certificate and their checks very soon.
We have not heard from Campolindo on
whether they will have any virtual
presentation of their senior awards this
year. If so, we plan to participate and
award the scholarships in public.
From Club Member Adarsh Gupta
The Rotary Scholarship winners are
Jamiel Liu and Julia Parsons. The Moraga School Safety Project
Mary Elena Dochterman Scholarships
go to Samantha Merrick and Emily Gary Irwin asked about the status of
Marston. the school safety project and the
security cameras. Brian South
Congratulations to all! reported that Bruce Burns has
approved the project and the district
Moraga Rescue One Foundation grant process is underway. The Orinda
Essay Contest Rotary Club is participating in this
Our good friends at the Foundation project – thank you Orinda Rotary!
asked if we would include a notification Hopefully, the cameras will be installed
of their Essay Contest. The winner will this summer.
receive $500 and you can find the
announcement and details at
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~Guest Speaker~
Debbie Roessler first introduced a
guest from the Women’s Club Board of
Directors, Eline Lee. She then
introduced our speaker today, Lori
Fogerty, the Executive Director and
CEO of the Oakland Museum. Lori has
held this post since 2006. She has her
degree in art history from Occidental
College. Lori introduced Rene from her
office who helped out with the slide Friday Night at the Museum
The museum is currently closed due to
Lori described how the Oakland the pandemic. Some of the offerings of
Museum supports the community with the museum are now presented virtually
its exhibits and community events. She online through the Oakland Museum of
highlighted the “Art of Burning Man” California (OMCA).
exhibit which ended in February and
was the most popular exhibit in the
museum’s history. She also highlighted
the Friday Night Community Events that
have gathered three to five thousand

Access this “at Home” museum at

The Art of Burning Man
There are many activities and resources
available at this site. From online tours,
learning activities and virtual events this
site opens up the museum while we are
all in quarantine.

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OMCA’s extensive collection includes
some masks from the 1918 flu No date has been set to reopen the
pandemic. museum. Lori estimates that it will take
4 to 6 weeks of preparation to re-open
Lori discussed an outside renovation the facility. The current staff of 140 part-
that broke ground recently that will and full-time employees are still on the
provide a new outside area and more job through mid-June. With the
entrances to the facility. A new café will restrictions required during the
feature chef Tanya Holland from the pandemic, the new OMCA will be a
Brown Sugar restaurant in Oakland. vastly different experience.

Lori mentioned the recent highly

successful White Elephant Sale that is a
large part of the museum’s $16 million
plus budget. Obviously, with the
museum closed, the museum is under a
great deal of financial pressure.

~Moraga Rotary Directors 2019/2022~

Co-Presidents Evie Michon & Debbie Koo
President Elect Brian South
Past President Ron Mucovich
Secretary Jennifer Brophy
Treasurer Rich Render
Club Administrator Debbie Roessler
Foundation Chairman John Erickson
Youth and Community Service Chairman Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations Chairman Gary Irwin
Fundraising Chairman Frank May
International Service Chairperson Dianne Wilson
Membership Chairman Brian South
Director at Large Mary Sue Erickson
Director at Large Linda May
Advisor to the Board John Erickson
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman

District Governor 5160 Tina Akins

President, Rotary International Mark Maloney
May newsletter editor – Frank May
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Your gift will be doubled today!

Join us today
for #GivingTuesdayNow, an
emergency day of giving to help
prevent and end homelessness. Our
work is needed now more than ever
as thousands face homelessness due
to the economic impact of COVID-19.
Your gift towards our $10,000 goal
will help your neighbors. Already, we
have seen a nearly 300% increase in
calls to our eviction prevention

And today your gift will be doubled

The Gemmer and Quest Foundations have pledged to match every
dollar raised up to $110,000 donated by June 30, 2020.

Your gift will help families like Amy's:

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An unfortunate job change led to months
of owed back rent. With no way to raise
the money and facing eviction, Amy and
her husband had to tell their four children
that they had to leave their home of 12-
years immediately.

Weeks dragged into months as they

stayed with family and friends and
searched for help. Finally, they found
SHELTER, Inc. Matched with a case
manager, Amy, and her family moved into
our Mountain View Family Shelter. With a
safe place to stay, the couple was able to
work on budgeting strategies, pay down
eviction debt, receive counseling, and
both Amy and her husband used
SHELTER, Inc.’s employment services to obtain new jobs.

“Our family has been truly blessed to have SHELTER, Inc. in our lives,” she
said. “The time and dedication of everyone working with us to build a better,
more stable life for our family is amazing. SHELTER, Inc. continues to be a
huge support to our family. We are a stronger family unit with a bright future
ahead of us because of SHELTER, Inc.”

nors like you saved Amy's family. Join this social justice movement now and
help your neighbors attain self-sufficiency. A monthly donation of $10 or more
contributes to a steady and robust funding stream that allows SHELTER, Inc.
to deliver a lasting impact because of you. Please consider a gift today.
Your gift will help change lives.

Donate Now!

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