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Casill Voz Activa Voz Pasiva

1 Present La chica se está midiendo un vestido Un vestido está siendo medido por una chica
e The girl is measuring a dress A dress is being measured by a girl
Continu De girs is meshurin a dress A dres is bein meshurin by a girls
2 Present cada vez más árboles talan todos los días mas arboles han sido talados todos los días
e more and more trees cutting down every day more trees have been cut down every day
Perfecto mor an mor tis calin daun evry dei mot tis haf betcatdaun every dai
3 Present El profesor está buscando un libro Un libro esta siendo buscado por el profesor
e The teacher is searching for a book a book is being searched by the teacher
Continu De ticher serchin fot bok a bok Is bein serch bt de ticher
4 Nosotras hemos enseñado francés Frances hemos venido enseñando
we have taught french French we have been teaching
wi haf tach french French wihaf bin tichin
5 Present Mi hermana está comiendo ahora Ahora está comiendo mi hermana
e my sister is eaten now now my sister is eating
Continu may sister is iten nao nao may sister is iten
Present El béisbol no se juega en las escuelas de En las escuelas de españa no ha sido jugado el
e España beisbol
perfecto baseball is not played in schools the spain Baseball has not been played in Spanish schools
beisbol is not plein in iscool de spail In he scoll de spain not been pleing beisbal
6 Present Los perros se están robando el pan El pan esta siendo robado por los perros
e the dogs are stealing the bread the bread is being stolen by the dogs
continuo de dog ar spilin de brek de brec is bein stolen by de dog
7 Present Me he abrazado a mi madre todos los días Todos los dias he venido abrazando a mi madre
e I hugged my mother every day Every day I have been hugging my mother
continuo A jant may moder every dai Every dat ai haf bin jant my moder
8 Present Mi mama ha servido la cena a las 7:30 La cena ha sido servida por mi mama a las 7:30
e my mom has served dinner at 7:30 Dinner has been served by my mom at 7:30
perfecto may mon a server diner at seven trery Diner jas bin serf by may mon at seven trery

9 Present El niño esta rompiendo el libro El libro esta sineod rompido por el niño
10 e the boy is breaking the book The book is broken by the boy
continuo de boy is brikin de bok De bok is broken by the boy
11 Present han hecho muchas preguntas en clase Muchas preguntas han sido hechas en clases
e they have asked lots questions in class lots questions have been asked in class
Perfecto dei hf aslot cuestion in de clas lost cuestion haf bin asks in de clas
12 Present Samy esta tomando un bus un bus está siendo tomado por samy
13 e samy is taking a bus a bus is being taken by samy
14 Present El ingeniero esta construyendo una casa Una casa está siendo construida por el ingeniero
e the engineer is building a house A house is being built by the engineer
Continu de ingenery bildig a haf A haf is bein butl by the ingenery
15 Present Henrry esta tomando una foto Una foto esta siendo tomada por henrry
e henrry is taking a photo A photo is being taken by henrry
16 Present Fanta es producida por coca-cola compañia La compañia de coca-cola ha estado prodiciendo
e Fanta is produced by Coca-Cola Company fanta
Perfecto Farnta is produs bay cocacola compañy The coca-cola company has been producing
De cocacola company has bin producin fanta
17 Present El mensajero esta entregando las cartas Las cartas estan siendo entregadas por el
e the courier is delivering the letter mensajero
Continu The letters are being delivered by the courier
18 Present Los telefonos moviles son hechos en china En china hacen los teléfonos móviles
e mobile phones are made in china mobile phones have been made in china
19 Present Mis hermanos estan colgando la ropa La ropa esta siendo colgada por mi hermano
e my brothers are hanging clothes Clothes are being hung by my brother
Di michos regalos para mi cumpleaños Para mi cumpleaños he venido dando muchos
i gave lots of nice presents for my birthday regalos bonitos
ai gif lost of nai presen for may birdet for my birthday I have been given many nice gifts
for may birdat a haf bin givin may nai gif

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