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Career Development Centre, Asper School of Business

University of Manitoba (204) 474-6596
Company: Various
Position: CA Student
Contact: See Below
Posted: Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Deadline Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 (4:30 pm sharp)
* CA’s begin their careers in public practice working for a chartered accounting firm. Here you‘re exposed to everything – tax, audit, personal
financial planning, computer consulting, business valuation, bankruptcy, and fraud investigations. Being a CA is hard work, but the pay-off, the
challenge, the excitement and the rewards make it worth the effort. By the time you’ve earned the right to put the letters CA behind your name,
you’ve shown everyone, including employers that you have what it takes to succeed in business and in life.

Completing your degree is the first step in becoming a CA. Your academic training will provide you with components that cover the basic
technical material in audit, financial accounting and taxation. You also need strong analytical, financial and accounting skills, excellent
communication skills, the ability to work under pressure and solid problem-solving and decision-making skills.

The Following CA Firms are recruiting for Co-op CA Students:

Firm Contact
BCCA LLP Mr. Ryan Peterson
BDO Canada LLP Mr. Doug Einarson
(Winnipeg and Winkle, MB, Dryden & Fort Francis, ON) **May & January term (Winnipeg & Dryden)
**January term (Dryden & Fort Frances)
Booke & Partners Mr. Kelly Ukrainec **January term only
Deloitte Mr. Tim Hayward
** You can ONLY apply on-line at:
Ernst & Young Mr. Jason Gorchynski
** on-line at: or submit to CDC, 254 Drake
Grant Thornton Mr. Colin MacLean
**online at:
Great-West Life Assurance Co. Ms.. Andrea Bean
Investors Group Ms. Bev Davies
KPMG LLP Ms. Heather Ritchie
** You can ONLY apply on-line at:
Magnus & Buffie Mr. Jeff Macey
Meyers Norris Penny LLP Ms. Pam Mangat
(Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie, MB)
Office of the Auditor General Manitoba Mr. Bradley Keefe **May term only
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ms. Sheri Hicks
**You can ONLY apply on-line at:
Scarrow & Donald LLP Mr. Dean Austin
** If you have technical difficulties please drop off an application at the Career Development Centre, 254 Drake Centre

Education Required: Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) students with a major in Accounting are encouraged to apply.
Material’s Required:
• CACEE form (download this WORD template form
• a photocopy of a transcript (DO NOT attach original copies)
Submit applications to:
Career Development Centre, 254 Drake Centre
* Taken from “Guide to University Students” – Chartered Accountants of Manitoba
Career Development Centre, Asper School of Business
CA Recruiting 2010

The Dates !
Job Postings: Posted: Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Deadline: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 - 4:30 SHARP
Applications will be collected by the Career Development Centre

Orientation Session: Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Fort Garry Hotel
222 Broadway Avenue
4:30 – 6:30 pm
All students interested in a career as a Chartered Accountant
are encouraged to attend.

Interview Sign up: Thursday, October 14, 2010

On Campus Interviews: October 18 – October 29, 2010

Second Interviews (Off Campus): Begin November 2, 2010
Rankings submitted by November 17, 2010
Ranking Results Released November 19, 2010

You Should Know!!

As set by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Manitoba Guidelines:

• No offers, either verbal or written are to be made to students

• Conditional offers are prohibited

Sign up for a workshop at, log on and click on Student Web Forms.
It is MANDATORY for all ‘CA’ Co-op Students to attend one workshop from each of the following


Thursday, September 23rd Friday, September 24th Monday, September

 Time: 1:00 - 2:30 pm  Time: 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Room: 530 Drake Centre Room: 107 Drake Centre  Time: 11:30 am – 1:00
Room: 104 Drake


Monday, September 27th Tuesday, September 28th Wednesday, September

 Time: 2:30 – 4:00 pm  Time: 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Room: 530 Drake Centre Room: 537 Drake Centre  Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am
Room: 539 Drake Centre


Thursday, October 7th Friday, October 8th Wednesday, October

 Time: 1:00 – 2:30 pm  Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am
Room: 530 Drake Centre Room: 530 Drake Centre  Time: 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Room: 539 Drake

A mock interview is one of the best ways to prepare for a professional co-op interview. It allows you to
gain experience and practice in answering questions which you are likely to be asked by the recruiter.
You will meet with a senior Co-op Student who will ask you questions that are typically asked by
recruiters, and give you a feel for what ‘real’ interviews will be like. There will also be an opportunity
for you to ask questions back to the ‘interviewer’, just like you will in ‘real’ interviews with CA firms.
After the interview you will be provided with tips and suggestions on how to improve for your next
interview…the one that counts!!

Friday, October 15th – Sign up for interview times outside room 262.

Lindsey Selch, Co-op Office – 474-8521,
Courtney Griffith, Co-op Coordinator – 474-6673,
CA Orientation Session
Thursday, September 30, 2010
4:30 – 6:30 pm
The Fort Garry Hotel
222 Broadway Avenue
Full Time, Summer and Co-op
Opportunities Available
All students are invited to attend.
Representatives from CA Firms, Industry, Government, Education
and the Institute will be there to answer your questions.

• To provide all University students interested in a pursuing a career with a CA firm the opportunity to
gather information and meet representatives from firms that will be recruiting.
• Learn more about the CA profession at the presentation.

Keep in mind that recruiting CA firms will undoubtedly use this as an opportunity to meet potential summer
or permanent candidates in an informal setting.

Tips and Advice:

• Dress as you would for an interview.
• Do your research on the firms. Use the information to express your interest in the firm.
• Be prepared to tell them about yourself. They want to know:
- why you are interested in becoming a Chartered Accountant
- your previous work experience
- extracurricular activities
- future goals and aspirations
• Introduce yourself by greeting the representative with a firm handshake and a smile - maintain eye
• Ask questions to further demonstrate your interest.
• Ask for a business card or write down their name discretely.
• Do not ask questions about salary and benefits -- wait until you are being considered as a candidate.
• Show enthusiasm -- a positive attitude does pay off!

Sample Questions to ask:

Have some questions ready to ask the recruiter such as:
What is the employment outlook for someone entering the field right now?
What assignments are given to summer students or new graduates?
Information on Ordering a Transcript

IMPORTANT: It takes at least 48 hours to order a transcript

***There is no guarantee of 48 hour service

Transcripts are $10.50 each and can be ordered in person, by mail, or by FAX.
Transcripts cannot be ordered by phone.

In Person: order a transcript at Registrar’s Office, Room 400 University Centre

By Mail: Send a completed Transcript Order Form (

or send a signed request containing detailed instructions and enclosed payment by cheque,
Visa or MasterCard (including number and expiry date) Cheques should be made payable to
the University of Manitoba

Mailing Address: Transcript Section

Registrar’s Office
400 University Centre
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2

By Fax: Fax a completed Transcript Order Form (

or a request with your signature on it and your Visa or MasterCard number (including expiry
date) to (204) 474-7641. Note: as unsigned faxes are not accepted, you cannot order by fax
directly from your computer

2nd Party: if you want someone else to pick up your transcript you must give that person a signed
authorization identifying the person and that they are authorized to pick up your transcript

• When applying to firms on-line you will have to include your
“unofficial transcript” with your application.
• Cut this transcript from “MY INFO” and paste it into a word document,
then send as an attachment.

• Do obtain an original transcript from Student Records to bring with you

to the interview.

**NB: When submitting your transcript with an application/resume, use a photocopy.

Employers do not need an original, unless otherwise stated.
(as agreed to by participating firms on May 25, 2010)

These Recruitment Guidelines apply as follows:

• University of Manitoba – permanent, regular summer students and winter 2011/summer 2011 co-op students
follow the processes outlined below. Where not specifically noted otherwise, a guideline applies to all U of M
• University of Winnipeg – permanent and regular summer students follow the process as outlined for permanent
and regular summer students. Where not specifically noted otherwise, a guideline applies to all U of W students.
• Brandon University - permanent and summer students follow the process as outlined for permanent students.
Where not specifically noted otherwise, a guideline applies to all BU students.

Important Dates to Remember:

• June 30 – Firms to contact Kathy Kirkpatrick with planned Fall recruiting information for U of M and U of W.
Kathy will then communicate timetable for postings and other required information. For recruiting on the BU
Campus, contact Doug Pople or Sharon Springer.
• September 7 – Job postings go up on campus
• September 30 – CA Orientation and Wine & Cheese at U of M (to be confirmed with ASBAA)
• October 5 – Job postings close; applications are compiled and sent to firms for review on October 6
• October 12 – Shortlist for first interviews provided by firms to career services staff by 9 am.
• October 18-29– First interviews on campus
• November 2 – Second interviews start for permanent, regular summer and winter/summer co-op students
• November 12 – Date before which no offers may be made to permanent students
• November 17 – Firm rankings of regular summer and winter/summer co-op students are due
• November 18 – Commerce Business Banquet (date to be confirmed with CSA)
• November 19 – Ranking results (regular summer and winter/summer co-op) released to students and firms.
• November 19 – Date before which firms may not require a response to an offer of permanent employment
• September 1 to November 2 – dates between which no receptions may be held by firms

1. Annually, all firms approved to train students will be asked whether or not they will be recruiting on campus for the
current year and will be advised as to the date a reply is required (June 30, 2010).

2. Recruitment dates on campus for first interviews: October 18 to 29, 2010. Firms must interview on campus
during these dates.

3. Firms will not conduct interviews with U of M, U of W or BU students seeking employment commencing in 2011, between
June 1, 2010 and the commencement of recruiting on campus. The only exception is that firms may make an offer of full-
time employment to students currently working for the firm. Permanent offers or offers for subsequent co-op terms may
also be made to co-op students who are currently working for a firm. Any students contacting firms prior to campus
recruiting will be told how to make appointments for campus recruiting dates.

4. There will be no restrictions on the number of firms to which a student may apply but firms may restrict interviews
to students meeting certain specifications, such as minimum grade point average or type of degree.

5. All firms will pre-screen applicants. Other than those firms who receive applications electronically, firms will receive
student applications from the university career services offices and will advise the office of which students they wish to
interview. Firms may use their own criteria as to which students to interview.

6. First interview dates will be assigned to recruiting firms by the university career services offices on a first-come, first-
served basis.

7. Firms may, at their discretion, schedule second interviews with permanent, regular summer or winter/summer co-op
applicants. However, such interviews will not be scheduled until November 2, 2010 and firms should endeavour to
accommodate the students' university course requirements.

8. No offers, either verbal or written, may be made to permanent students until NOVEMBER 12, 2010. (This
guideline also applies to BU regular summer students.)
Conditional offers (i.e. offers made to more students than the firm is prepared to hire or offers made only if the student
agrees to accept the offer) are prohibited. Any offer that is made verbally must be followed up in writing on the following
business day.

9. AT NO TIME may firms discuss with students their rankings of U of M or U of W regular summer or U of M
winter/summer co-op students.

Firms will submit rankings of U of M and U of W regular summer and U of M winter/summer co-op students to the
Asper School Career Development Centre by November 17, 2010. Firms may rank as many students as they
plan to hire as their first choice, but must provide positions/placements for as many students as are ranked
as a first choice.

10. The date of November 19, 2010 is the earliest date on which a permanent student could be required by a firm to
accept or reject an offer, and firms cannot withdraw an offer before this date. (This guideline also applies to BU
regular summer students.)

11. Upon receipt of written acceptance of an offer of employment, firms are required to advise the Institute of the
names of those permanent students who have accepted offers of employment. The Institute will then advise all
participating firms of the names of those students, provided that the students have consented to the release of
their names.

12. Any contact with students prior to the start of first interviews should be handled through the career services staff,
unless there is a “technical glitch” with an application such as missing information which requires immediate follow
up in order to meet deadlines.

Firms are not permitted to contact permanent students between the date an offer has been made and
November 19, 2010. (This guideline also applies to BU regular summer students.) However, firms may
contact students to confirm receipt of offers only.

Firms are not permitted to contact regular summer and winter/summer co-op students after rankings have
been submitted to the Asper School Career Development Centre.

13. Recruiting firms will not host separate hospitality rooms in conjunction with the annual Business Banquet held by
students of the Asper School. Firms are expected to observe the spirit of the guidelines in their dealings
with all students during the Business Banquet and should not use the event to discuss ranking or other
recruiting information.

14. Receptions are not to be held during the period from September 1, 2010 to November 2, 2010.

Orientation Session Guidelines

1. No wine and cheese reception may be held in conjunction with the orientation session other than the ASBAA/CA
Wine & Cheese event.

2. Firms are encouraged to participate but must agree to keep with the spirit of the session, which is informational in

3. No firm may have a display (other than a table skirt or small table top sign to identify the firm – table-top, free-
standing or other display units are not permitted), provide give-aways and/or prizes, use VCRs or equipment
requiring a power source.

4. Firms may distribute 1 piece of printed promotional material, not larger than approximately 8.5” by 11” to students.
A “folder” type brochure with inserts is considered to be 1 piece. Other firm promotional material is not allowed.
Firms are not required to disclose salaries.

5. Firms are allowed a maximum of three representatives at the Orientation Session.

The Basics
• Should highlight your skills, experience and accomplishments without reiterating your résumé.
• Should indicate your basic understanding of the job and the organization.
• Should demonstrate why you are an excellent candidate and should appeal to the recruiter’s needs and interests.
• Should convince the recruiter to read your résumé.

The Mechanics
• Use 8½ x 11 top quality, neutral colour paper.
• Try to keep it one page in length and no more than four paragraphs.
 Make each cover letter an “original” Tailor it to the position you are applying for.
 Make sure name of the contact person, organization and address are spelled correctly.
 Emphasize your skills, talents and experiences and tailor to the position.
Highlight your strengths. Don’t’ be afraid to brag a little.
Anyone can change the names and dates on a “standard” cover letter. Take a few minutes to personalize it and
target it to the job that you are applying for. If you are responding to a job posting and you have many of the
qualifications that they are asking for then make sure you address this in the cover letter.
 Link yourself to the employer - name your referral.
• EDIT, EDIT, EDIT…..check for spelling, punctuation, grammatical errors and typos.

The 3 most likely circumstances that will cause you to write to an organization are:
• You are applying for a specific position.
• You want to “open a door”, and leave a résumé even though the organization may not be recruiting for someone with your
skills and experience at this time.
• You are trying to persuade a networking contact to meet with you so you can gather information on the

Dear Mr. Jacobs, First paragraph

- refer to specific position and how you learned about it
I am sending you my résumé in response to the advertisement you placed in last week’s - if there is a quote number, use it
edition of The Winnipeg Free Press for the position of Public Relations Trainee
(reference number FR391).

Second paragraph
I will be graduating this spring from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of
Commerce (Honours) Degree. My experience as captain of the school’s intercollegiate
hockey team has taught me outstanding communication and interpersonal skills. It has
also given me an opportunity to deal extensively with the media. Throughout my years - tie your qualifications to the position being filled
at school, in addition to my involvement in sports, I have held a part time position at a - indicate why you’re “right” for the job
retail store. As proof of my discipline and organizational abilities, I have been able to
work thirty hours each week and still maintain good grades. - show some knowledge of the organization/job and how
you can contribute
I am interested in beginning my career in the communications industry, in the field of
public relations and I feel my experience, energy and enthusiasm would enable me to
make an excellent contribution at Communication Canada Inc. Third paragraph
- request an interview
I can be reached at the above address and telephone number, or a message can be left
at (204) 287-3865. - thank recruiter for the time and consideration of the

Information Sessions / Wine & Cheese Tips

Throughout the academic year various companies will be hosting “Information Sessions” and “Wine &
Cheese” events for management students. They last from 1 – 2 hours and typically involve a short presentation
with Q&A followed by a brief reception. Here are a few tips that will help you to prepare.

• Remember the impact of the first "visual • Talk about their organization, and ask questions
impression". Your appearance must be about future trends in their industry/business. If
impeccable. For a Wine & Cheese, dress and you've read a recent article about them, or heard a
prepare as you would for a job interview. news report about their success or a new initiative,
Information Sessions tend to be less formal. weave that in to the conversation. Listening is an
Studies show that people form an impression important part of the communication process,
about you within the first 7 - 30 seconds of so listen attentively to what they have to say.
meeting you. You don't have to "carry the ball" in every
• When meeting a host/guest/potential employer at
the event, smile, make eye contact, and shake • If you are with a group of students who are
hands confidently. Make sure the hand shake is talking to an employer, make sure you
firm but not TOO FIRM. Don't wait for the participate in the conversation, but do not
employer/ host to initiate conversation. dominate it. Recruiters tend to make note of 2
Approach them. Introduce yourself with your types of behaviours at social events…those that
first and your last names , and a little bit tend to "hog the show" and don't let others
about yourself. ( e.g. "Hello, I'm David Miller , participate in the conversation, and those that
and I'll be graduating in the spring of 2000 with stand idly by.
a degree in Marketing") Thank them for • Remember to use appropriate language… avoid
coming/supporting the event/participating/etc. slang, and talking about last night's "beer bash".
This is an excellent way to initiate conversation. Always remember that you are an educated
• Don't ask them to "tell me about your person, and are heading for a leadership role in
company”…it will demonstrate that you have business/management.
not done any research. Instead ask about what • Wearing a nametag? Place it on the right side
they look for in students, what their training close to your shoulder.
program is like, or the type of work new grads • Remember the "zone of space". Keep a distance
typically do in their first year of employment. of about 6 feet between you and the other person.
• Keep your right hand free in order to shake If this is too uncomfortable for you, then stand
hands. Avoid holding the cold glass in your about one arm's length away.
right hand..your hand will feel cold and clammy • Make sure to get the employer's business card.
to the touch, even if you switch the glass to your Make notes about the company, and what you've
left hand. learned. The back of the card is a good place to
put that info. Discretely take periodic note breaks
during the evening to record the information you
Approv Full-time
ed Summer
By Internship
CACEE Application for Employment      

Name of Organization Position(s) Sought

Spell company name CORRECTLY Be Specific. If unsure, give an area of interest.

Name of Educational Institution

University of Manitoba
General Information
Surname Given Name(s)
Last Name First & Second Names
Address until No. Street Tel.
123 Anywhere (204) 555-5555
City Province/State Postal Code
Winnipeg MB R3T 5V4
Permanent No. Street Tel.
Address E-mail
(if different City Province/State Postal Code
from above)

Are you legally eligible to accept employment in Canada? Would you accept employment anywhere in Canada?
Yes No Yes No

When are you available to start work? Preferred Location(s)

1. Cities, Regions or provinces preferred
List month and year 2. only if you are willing to relocate
3. if company recruiting for ary area specifically?
Date obtained
Post Secondary or other institutions Faculty, Department, Discipline or Degree/Diploma/ ex
attended. Begin with most recent. Division, or School Program (Major) Certificate pe
B. Comm
University of Manitoba Asper School of Business Accounting (Hono May 2010
High School
John Taylor Collegiate University Entrance Diplo June 2006

G.P.A. for your most recently completed academic year 3.5 on a scale of 4.5 (Percentage or letter equivalent: B+).

G.P.A. for all courses completed to date (cumulative average) 3.0 on a scale of 4.5 (Percentage or letter equivalent: B ).

Highlight skills relevant to the position(s) sought.

List your skills that might be important to the position (i.e. Knowledge of languages, computer programming
experience, word processing skills)

Computer Skills
Proficiency in the use of MS Word and WordPerfect, dBase IV and Excel.
Educational Experiences and Accomplishments
Describe your relevant courses, project work, theses, publications, and presentations. Include awards and scholarships.

Scholarships and Awards:

2008 Dean’s Honour List, Faculty of Management

2006 Entrance Scholarship, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Manitoba

List and describe any courses you have taken, any projects / presentations you have completed that will be
beneficial to you on the job.

Extracurricular Activities
Describe your extracurricular activities including class or campus offices held, volunteer experience, memberships in clubs or organizations, leadership
roles, sports activities, hobbies, etc. (You are not required to mention the names of organizations that indicate race, ancestry, place of origin, colour,
ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, political beliefs or disabilities).

Involvement in related non-academic activities is significant to the employer. Tell him / her where your non-
academic and non-work interests lie.

List the skills you have acquired and / or developed.

2008 – 2009 Member, Faculty of Management Accounting Association,

University of Manitoba

2008 – 2009 Member, Commerce Students’ Association Intramural Volleyball Team

2008 – Present Volunteer, Manitoba Heart and Stroke Foundation

Realize the link between your extracurricular activities and your career goals. This section may be done in point
Work Experience
Describe all work experience (paid and unpaid) starting with most recent.

Position Name of Organization

Most recent experience first Summer

City Province/State Dates Part-time

Month, Year to Month, Year (# of hours/wk 16)

Duties: Co-op

• List what you did for the company as well as the skills you acquired Internship

• Use action verbs Volunteer

• Illustrate the kinds of skills and achievements that are noteworthy Full-time
Other: (specify)

Position Name of Organization


City Province/State Dates Part-time

                  (# of hours/wk      )
Other: (specify)

Position Name of Organization


City Province/State Dates Part-time

                  (# of hours/wk      )
Other: (specify)

Position Name of Organization


City Province/State Dates Part-time

                  (# of hours/wk      )
Other: (specify)
Demonstrate your suitability for position(s) sought, by outlining your career objectives and elaborating on the factual material already presented.
Show how your experience (educational, extracurricular and work) is relevant to the position(s), organization, and/or field of work for which you are

Show you are the right person for the job and that you have a real interest in both the job and the

Bring together your academic and /or employment skills and experiences with your abilities, interests,
preferences and achievements.

Make sure you research the company before you complete this section. Include some positive references to the
company here. (i.e. I found speaking with Mr. Recruiter at the ABC Wine & Cheese last week very interesting. The
CA student training program at ABC appeals to me a great deal……..)

Discuss why you want to work for this company and what you know about the employer. (i.e. I read a recent
article in the September issue of the “Manitoba Business Magazine” where ABC company was featured as one of
the top companies in Manitoba…….)


I understand that any omission or misrepresentation with respect to this information may be cause for denial or
immediate termination of employment.

Date Signature

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