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Step 1:

Create new file to model the member as shown below

Step 2:

Create a beam of length 10 m span by using any of the modeling tool as shown below

Step 3:

Now launch the Section wizard to create the composite section(The composite section has a
American Wsection W10X100 with 14 inch wide and 1.12 inch concrete slab over the top
flange and a 12” wide and 0.5 “ thick steel plate as bottom plate.)

Go to TOOLS | Section Wizard to launch section wizard window as shown below

Step 4:

After Section Wizard has been loaded in the Section Builder mode of the wizard we may include
the desired section.
Step 5:

The desired Steel section and plate with the dimensions can be specified from Select Profile
option in the above screenshot.

First the steel section is brought to the drawing area of section Wizard window.

Click on Select Profile tab. Select the W10x100 from Structural Steel sections | ASTM |W- Wide
Flange Beams | W10X100 as shown below
Step 6:

Top concrete plate of width 14” and thickness 1” is drawn by selecting Suitable plate section
with modulus of elasticity ,E = 3625.945ksi.

Click on Select Profile. Select Plates from Selecting Element window. Provide the thickness and
width of plate and select the material Concrete from the dropdown list of Materials and Click OK
to include the plate in Section Element Window. Now to assemble this plate with the W section
in the drawing area , Select the suitable Assembling method and click ADD to include the
concrete plate into the drawing area.
Step 7:

To include the steel plate at the bottom, similar steps described in STEP 6 is followed and the
only difference is that instead of concrete , steel is selected as the material to define E for the
Step 8:

Advice the program to compute the properties as shown below.

Step 9:

Import this section to STAAD.

Step 10:

You are now required to save the section to a table file with extension .upt. The table file the
section is saved to must reside in the same folder as the structure you are exporting the section
Step 11:

Specify the units from the drop down list and click OK as shown below .

Step 12:

Specify the section name as shown below and click OK

Now go to File| Exit to close section wizard application.

Step 13:
The section created in section wizard is ready to be taken into STAAD. Sections created in
section wizard are assigned as user defined section in STAAD.

a. Go to Tool |Create User Table

c. Click on Save Table and then Close.

Step 14:

Now add the custom section created to the section list in General| Property page.
Step 15:

Select the section and use any of the Assignment method to assign the section to the member.

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