Donna Haraway Handout PDF

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handout 3/oct/2017.

Synthetic Skin

Donna Haraway. “A cyborg manifesto” (1984)

1. dicotomías 1. 2.
2. tecnología
3. escritura Simultaneously material and ideological, the It is no accident that the
dichotomies may be expressed in the symbolic system of the family
4. agencia cyborg following chart of transitions from the of man - and so the essence of
5. máquina comfortable old hierarchical dominations to woman - breaks up at the
the scary new networks I have called the same moment that networks
4. informatics of domination: of connection among people
on the planet are
This is not just literary Representation Simulation unprecedentedly multiple,
deconstruction, but liminal Organism pregnant, and complex.
transformation. Every, story that BioticComponent 'Advanced capitalism' is
begins with original innocence Depth, integrity Surface, inadequate to convey the
and privileges the return to boundary structure of this historical
wholeness imagines the drama of Heat Noise moment. In the 'Western'
life to be individuation[…]. Decadence, Magic Mountain sense, the end of man is at
These plots are ruled by a Obsolescence, Future stake. It is no accident that
reproductive politics - rebirth Microbiology, tuberculosis woman disintegrates into
without flaw, perfection, Immunology, AIDS women in our time.
abstraction. In this plot women Organic division of labour (300)
are imagined either better or Ergonomics/Cybernetics
worse off, but all agree they have of labour 3.
less selfhood[..]. But there is Reproduction Replication
another route[…]. It passes Family/Market/Factory Technological determination is only
through women and other Women in the integrated one ideological space opened up by the
present-tense, illegitimate circuit reconceptions of machine and organism
cyborgs, not of Woman born, who Family wage Comparable as coded texts through which we
refuse the ideological resources of worth engage in the play of writing and
victimization so as to have a real Public/Private Cyborg reading the world. 'Textualization' of
life. These cyborgs are the people citizenship everything in poststructuralist,
who refuse to disappear on cue, no Nature/Culture Fields of postmodernist theory has been damned
matter how many times a difference by Marxists and socialist feminists for
'western' commentator remarks Freud Lacan its utopian disregard for the lived
on the sad passing of another Mind Artificial intelligence relations … [M]y cyborg myth
primitive, another organic group WW2 Star Wars subvert[s] myriad organic wholes (for
done in by 'Western' technology, White capitalist patriarchy example, the poem, the primitive
by writing. These real-life Informatics of culture, the biological organism). In
cyborgs (for example, the domination short, the certainty of what counts as
Southeast Asian village women nature - a source of insight and promise
workers in Japanese and U.S. (300-1) of innocence - is undermined, probably
electronics firms described by fatally. The transcendent authorization
Aihwa Ong) are actively rewriting of interpretation is lost, and with it the
the texts of their bodies and ontology grounding 'Western'
societies. Survival is the stakes in epistemology […]. Who cyborgs will
this play of readings. (313) be is a radical question; the answers are
a matter of survival. (294)
A cyborg body is not innocent; it was not born in a garden; it does not seek unitary identity and so generate
antagonistic dualisms without end (or until the world ends); it takes irony for granted. One is too few, and
two is only one possibility. Intense pleasure in skill, machine skill, ceases to be a sin, but an aspect of
embodiment. The machine is not an it to be animated, worshipped, and dominated. The machine is us, our
processes, an aspect of our embodiment. We can be responsible for machines; they do not dominate or threaten
us. We are responsible for boundaries; we are they. (315)

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