Selling Beats Online (By Taylor Beats) PDF

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Selling Beats Online: The Definitive Guide (2020)

By Taylor Beats

1. Gaining massive exposure & engagement using Ad Campaign for
1$/€ or less
2. Automation
3. Email marketing
4. Engagement rate
5. How to increase the reach on Instagram (including my own secret
sauce and golden nugget)
6. Scraping emails from ig
7. Additional information
8. Contracts
Greetings, I’ve been making beats for 5 years already, over the
years I have gained a lot of experience, which I want to share with
The guide is based on attracting traffic to your beatstore and
social medias, because this is the key to sales.

Gaining massive exposure & engagement using Ad

Campaign for 1$/€ or less

Recently, I have been testing some methods to get the most out of IG’s
promotion services and might have found a loophole in the system. What is

Getting massive exposure and engagement by spending 1$/€ or less


Reach 1.PNG1178×171 15.5 KB


1. Click on the post you want to promote and the goal was to drive
traffic to my account.
2. In select target audience, for my test I created my own audience list
based on countries with highest IG users and set the age bar
between 17-55, both male and female. I used all the countries in this
chart below.
Aud.PNG817×550 11.3 KB

3. For audience interest, I added “travel, photography and

architecture” based on the post I was promoting.
4. If you did the above steps right, your “Potential People Reached”
must have reached 500million+
5. Now, set your budget as 1$/€ (or other currency you use) and
campaign for one day - don’t worry about the Est.Reach prediction as
it always reaches more than prediction numbers.

Sit back and relax.

For example, if you are based in Europe and don’t want to target such
demographic area as above example, you can restrict audience just for
Europe like the example below:
Some might say, " Spending 1$/€ just to gain 1000-2000 likes? ". I am not
claiming this is the only best method for massive exposure, but a humble
guide without external automation which helped me create a better insights
chart and was able to strongly pitch potential brands for collaborations.

Note: As always, content is the key. Promote only the content you
believe is high quality and engaging.

If you reached here, thank you for reading and you deserve to hear

1. Repeat Step 1 to 4 from the setup process mentioned above.

2. Instead of 1$/€ budget, set 2$/€ for 3 or 4 days duration and start
the campaign.
3. After day hours of your target audience (example - after 12am),
pause promotion.
4. Resume promotion the next day during active hours - 8am and pause
again after 12am.
5. Pause and delete promotion after you reached satisfactory


IG pushes your content to even more audience since you have bigger
budget. But you only will pay for the period you used. In my case, I paid
2.16€ out of 6€ budget campaign.
New Software for Instagram (Trend 2020) ’’Instagram Story Mark’’

How it works?

The program or promotion service on behalf of your account (which you

add) is filled with stories with your content, each story is marked with up to
10 people (more limit Instagram does not allow), and people who have
marked receive notifications that are most likely to be interested in your
story and view it.


At the time of writing, I can say with confidence that the conversion of this
promotion is about 35%.
Of the 3,000 users I marked in my story on the new account, about 850
came to my account in a couple of hours
Three softwares are currently do that service:
1. SocialKit
2. Tooligram
3. Zeus

Link to program settings in social kit
Or you can buy software from this person on Telegram
Like Automation on Instagram (Jarvee)
The functionality of the service allows you to automatically put likes under
photos. Content can be selected by geometries, hashtags, or by the list of
subscribers from competitors. Massliking allows you to attract the attention
of users to your page. Each like presented is in the action log. In addition,
this is a kind of pleasant token of attention, which one way or another has a
person to you.
For automation of likes and everything else on instagram, the best software
will be Jarvee. I recommend using it only.

Automation Benefits
High-quality interaction with the audience significantly speeds up the
promotion of your account, and automation programs also save your time.
Automation of actions has a number of advantages:
• frees up time;
• allows you to capture a larger number of audiences;
• attracts the attention of users 24/7;
• allows you to simultaneously work with a huge audience of users;
• the script cannot be mistaken, therefore it works exclusively with the
target audience specified by filters;
• the program will never exceed the permissible limits of Instagram;
• the opportunity to work simultaneously with multiple accounts;
• you can always get detailed statistics on the effectiveness of using certain
methods, which allows you to draw up the right strategy for attracting
You can use additional accounts, write to artists through them and redirect
to your main profile.
Most importantly, it should be a friendly message. Here is an example
3. Email marketing

The first email marketing tip is to choose the right mailing platform. We like
to use, because the cost of the resource is ten times less than
other similar ones, and the process of creating a campaign is many times

For more advanced newsletters, you can use InfusionSoft. Next tip:
understand what is behind a good mailing list. And now we are talking not
only about the attractive subject of writing or beautiful HTML templates. It's
about a complete understanding of what your audience first wants to see in
their inbox. Orientation with a good letter is best on the principle of "but
would I like to receive such a message?" Do not forget to also experiment
with the frequency of distribution, days of the week and types of letters.
Always compare the percentage of opening emails from recent campaigns
and draw the right conclusions.
Here is example of message that you will need to send artists.

Scraping emails from ig

Scraping emails from ig is working well

I sent an email to 80k users and made 1k in sales

always clean your email lists first to avoid getting marked as spam

the cheapest and best is 9

Engagement rate Instagram

I will be covering the things that I think we both can increase our accounts’
engagement rate, boost the reach, and improve accounts’ quality.


You should start engaging with your current audience more. Simply, just
use 20-40% of your daily actions on improving your engagement rate from
your followers by engaging with their content (liking their random posts,
commenting their posts, watching their stories and leaving a message
there, etc…), whilst 60-80% of your daily actions could be spent on growing
your following list (following more people). By doing this, you will be
growing your account and increasing the engagement rate of your account
at the same time, increasing your reach too.

Stop using shitty captions. If you are posting high-quality content, that is
just half of your efforts. The other 50% of the success of the engagement
rate of the post depends on the caption. Why? Because people read them
too, and you can put a call-to-action so it can drastically improve the
engagement rate of the account. When conducting various tests, there are
two ways you can get more engagement on your post: either posting a call-
to-action on the post itself or posting a call-to-action in the caption. Some of
the examples could be:
“Tag 2 friends, but one of them is stupid. Don’t say anything, just let them
“Save this post because I am about to delete it soon”
“DM me the answer to this question”
Another way of increasing the engagement rate and reach is by deleting
your account followers who haven’t engaged with your content for a month
or so. They are called “ghost followers” of your account. Make sure that you
will filter out those ghost followers of your account and remove/block them
in the period of one week to one month (depending on the size of the
account and percentage of the ghost followers your account has). By
removing ghost followers, you will be improving the engagement rate of
your account and increasing the reach too for other upcoming posts.

Also, this would be an effective way to improve the account quality, but not
so much of improving the engagement rate, just a bit. Usually account
sellers, before selling their accounts, they use this technique. Why?
Because this way they can trick buyers into thinking that account is in good
shape and have great posts with great engagement. Also, it is common to
delete low-performing posts from your account so it would look nicer. Also,
don’t forget to remove all posts that are promos, giveaways, shoutouts -
you don’t want to leave them on your account feed forever - that’s for sure.

Yes! If you want to improve your engagement rate of your account, you
should delete low performing sources. By removing them, you are
eliminating the potential follow sources that are giving your posts not a
great engagement rate. If you use low-performing follow sources - your
engagement rate will also be lower. Make sure you always be changing
and testing your follow sources, so at any given moment, you should end
up having follow sources that give you at least 20% follow back ratio.

This is quite new thing in Instagram as it is trying to push this new feature
very hardly. You probably noticed that when some of your friends post an
IGTV video, you get a notification on your phone. I hardly suggest you guys
to use IGTV feature as often as possible to get a boost on your account.
Also, I would hardly suggest you use stories as often as possible. I use
stories often for 3 main things: I end up at followers’ story feed more often; I
increase the reach by using the most of the Instagram Story features (such
as polls, questions, stickers - yes! you should use them to as Instagram
favors you for the usage of them by giving you more exposure); and by
announcing about upcoming IGTV video or feed post (yes! This is a great
tactic! The main goal is to get as many engagements on your new post as
possible so you can get better reach and exposure, and get into explore
page more often) - you can post something like: “In 10mins I will be posting
a secret post. I will delete it very soon.” - then just blur the content, and

You should know when your followers are most active, when you are
getting most of the traction, where are your followers from, etc… By
analyzing such data in few weeks time, you can get into improving posting
time and your targetting by implementing some changes - that way you will
improve your engagement rate for sure!

Hashtags play an important role in your account success. Most of you

might be using dynamic hashtags (spinned ones) on your captions. But the
most effective use of using hashtags is by doing this (during my tests):
never using 30 hashtags
never use the same hashtags on the posts
using very different hashtags on every caption
using hashtags that convey emotion, action
using viral hashtags
using a variety of hashtags based on their size
So, to sum up, I am using hashtags like this:
Every post has between 4-25 hashtags (never 30!)
10% viral hashtags + 1 branded hashtag + 2 viral hashtags + 20% 5k-50k
hashtags + 30% 50k-500k hashtags + 10% 500k-100M hashtags
Also, you should be using different sets of hashtags based on how fast
your account grow and how much engagement your account is getting on
the posts.

Stop using captions that have the same spintax template! Your followers
are not stupid, they might recognize that and think you are lazy

ass Instead, come up with long captions! Make sure you don’t use
the same words/keywords in the next posts (that way you improve your
post quality and account quality at the same time!). At the end of caption,
always post interesting CTA’s, not the basic shit such as: follow account __
for more stuff - that’s boring as hell. Instead, use something like this:
you better follow this account before your ex finds out
doctors told that it is a good vitamine if you follow this account
i dare you to save this post in 5secs
etc… (those just came up to my mind). Be creative guys!

This is how you push your new post to the followers. If you want to get a
better chance at landing at the explore page and ranking in hashtags
faster, make sure you get a lot of engagement on your post as possible
FROM YOUR FOLLOWERS!!! Stop using fake likes, comments to boost
your engagement - that might hurt you in the long run. How you can get the
engagement fast on new post? Easy:
post a story about upcoming post
use your own network of accounts to post comments and give likes on your
new post
start fake discussions in the posts
encourage people engaging with your post ASAP by writing a creative CTA
on the caption or the post itself
if you are posting video - use catching thumbnail
if you are posting image - use high-quality post
start asking for sending DM’s and saving posts - you should try to get as
many of them on the new post

Most of you, using stories already, but rarely you use all features that
Instagram gives you. You should use them, so Instagram could favor you
by giving you more exposure and reach to a greater percentage of your
followers. Try using polls, stickers, tagging hashtags and locations, also
use CTAs so you can receive more comments on stories. You should try to
use as many story features and using the CTA on every story post!

My tips: always you public profile. By using private profile, you are
decreasing the reach and you can’t go to explore page.
You can do this: have a public profile until you grow to 100k for example,
and then turn to private profile by using CTA’s on BIO/name, such as: i am
hiding something in my feed, i dare you to follow me…
Also, make sure you test different variations of your profile picture and
check which one gets the better open rate. Also, try using full names such
as: don’t check this profile; your ex follows me, etc… to get better open-
Also, you bullet-points on your BIO so it can look nice!
Use highlights, and nice icons - this way you look more professional!

Sure, you can try using boosting services, such as powerlikes, engagement
groups, etc… I am saying experiment because I have different thoughts on
using them. Some of the people use them with success, some people
destroying engagement rate after stopping boosting services. My preffered
way of growing account and increasing engagement rate includes all the
tips that I covered on this topic, since I rely more on organic ways to grow
an account.
Don’t scrape random images/videos from internet! Don’t do that! Also, if
you repost content with good engagement rate - that also doesn’t mean
that those are the posts that could go viral, but it’s a good start. The way I
am finding viral content:
scraping posts from explore page
scraping posts from top 9 posts from both location tags and hashtags
scraping posts with high comment/like ratio

Unheard methods: How to increase the reach on

Instagram (including my own secret sauce and golden
Most of us are managing client accounts or own network of accounts on
Instagram and thinking about how we can increase the reach.

Some of my tips (and some of my secret private tweaks and twists are):

 Link Instagram profile to FB page (yes, it actually helps to increase the

reach as Instagram favors accounts which are linked to FB profile as it
gives more authenticity and gets better trust score)
 Making it to a public profile, instead of having private account (yes, it
actually helps too to increase the reach as you will be ranking in hashtags
easier and getting into explore page too)
 Not making the profile into Business profile (actually having Business
profiles, in most cases, decreases your reach because Instagram is
earning more money from Business profiles and wants them to spend
money on ads more to get better visibility and reach thus decreasing it on
 Engaging with your followers constantly (yes, this also helps in getting
better reach on your posts because Instagram sees your account as a
constant engager thus giving you a favor)
 Replying to followers’ comments and DM’s as fast as possible (yes!
this is definitely a must thing to do on your own account! I hardly advise you
to reply to followers’ comments and DM’s as soon as you get them -
preferably in within 30 minute frame)
 Preferably, do not post hashtags in the comments (as this was patched
a long time ago and is not working as effectively as while back) - most
people use this to make caption better-looking by placing hashtags into the
first comment, but please put them in the caption

Posting only relevant hashtags in the captions (yes, it helps you to get
a better reach on upcoming posts if your previous post has a lot of
relevant hashtags. Instagram implemented alt text a while ago which
determines what is in the image by implementing their image recognition.
You can find alt text on any image in HTML code where it says “Image
may contain”. By the way, not all images have alt text.

I will tell you one trick that no one has been talking here around:

1. Download an image and its alt text.

2. Then, find those keywords as tags in Instagram
3. Scrape all related hashtags of all alt text keywords
4. Use them in your post caption
TADAA! Now you have only related hashtags (in most cases) to your

Don’t tell anybody about this secret lol

Probably some of the experienced Instagram marketers already found out
about it, but no one is talking about it and keeping it as a secret to their own

needs (bastards… ):

I ran several tests while back ago and did this:

1. Posted the image which I downloaded from some random Instagram

2. Removed MD5 hash (as all content reposters do)
3. Posted the image on a test account

Then, I tried to do this:

1. I did exactly the same as in the first test, but uploaded a picture I took
with my Samsung phone and uploaded

And you know what? My reach increased! I tested it by following both test
accounts with a bunch of other accounts that I created just for the sake of
this test to determine which accounts see my posted images on the feed.

Why I got lucky (maybe)? Because Instagram tracks GPS coordinates of

each published post. Reposted content don’t have those, while original
posts (taken with a phone/camera, made in photoshop, screenshots, etc.)
have! You can do this test if you don’t believe me: upload a picture/video
on your Instagram account via mobile app and you will see that Instagram
will give you suggestions of locations to tag on this post before publishing
it. Do you think those locations were given just for fun, randomly? Of
course not! Instagram checks those GPS coordinates on image’s/video’s
METADATA and then provides you such suggestions.

You can see the difference METADATA of the same image here:

All reposted content (downloaded from the Internet, scraped from image
sources, or downloaded from other Instagram accounts) don’t have
METADATA (here is the proof):
Original posts (taken with phone/camera, photoshop, etc…) have
METADATA (proof):

17.18.22.png438×1002 58.7 KB
Best tool for schedule post on instagram

I’m using Planoly and have been for a while. Never a single issue and
great functionality. It’s free btw.
Settings on Jarvee in details:

So you making beats and are creating nice content, regular stories,
engaging with your audience and your Instagram feed looks great.
Awesome, you are doing everything right!
Unfortunately only a couple of hundred people even know you exist and
you don’t have $$$ to spend on marketing in other channels or SEO to get
your brand recognized in an oversaturated market. If this sounds familiar
then you have to read on…

This is a basic tips for those looking to get started using automation to
increase the awareness of their business and find some customers. I am
assuming that you have a brand account that is already established and
active daily. If you have a new account then please search elsewhere on
the forum for advice.

Before you use your brand account for any automation, test on a
personal account to get some experience and make mistakes in a safe

Why do it yourself?

1. Nobody knows your brand and target customer like you.

2. Employing a quality agency to manage your IG account is an
expense you can’t afford (yet).
3. You like a technical challenge and love learning new skills.

What Automation tool?

Jarvee - if you do your own research you will find it is the only one people
recommend. It costs $30 per month for the basic package. I found it after
researching and testing many tools. Get the free trial and you won’t look
Jarvee is windows based and needs to be running 24/7. If that is something
you want to do at home then go for it.
If you only have Apple stuff or you don’t want to run a PC at home 24/7
then you can run the software on a Virtual Private Server (VPS). This is a
nice ‘clean’ way of having the software running on a reliable datacentre
windows server environment. Jarvee have a great tutorial 42 for getting this
set up on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and it’s free for the first year.

OK, so you are all set up with Jarvee software, well done and thanks for
coming back.
Do I need a proxy?
It’s time to consider IP addresses: If you are running Jarvee at home then
that’s good, you have a residential IP address that will be well trusted by
IG. If you only have one account on Jarvee then you don’t really need to
set up a proxy. This is the basic setup and perfectly good to start
automating your account. Don’t automate more than one account using this
method as bad behavior or a mistake on one account could affect your
brand account. If you get things wrong Jarvee can do a lot of damage to
your account much quicker than you could using the IG app.
If you are running a VPS or want to automate more than one account (you
will do I guarantee it) then you are going to need proxies. There are loads
of proxy providers out there, you will need one suitable for IG. If you have a
search around you can find various recommendations but it seems that
everyone’s experience is different and there are many conflicting
experiences. Good ones do a free trial so you can test things before
spending actual cash. A datacenter proxy should work well for our strategy
here as we are not going to be pushing things too hard or posting from

Proxy setup
In your proxy configuration set the authorized IP to that of your VPS.
Make a note of your proxies, should be something like

Jarvee setup
We are only going to use Follow, Unfollow & Like tools as these are fairly
safe. I don’t recommend using other tools without serious testing on non-
critical accounts.

Settings - Enable global nightmode & randomise nightmode. Switch them

on and set to reasonable hours that a real person might actually do.
Social profiles - add profile. Show proxy settings, add your proxy for the
account (eg. Add your IG username & password
and click ‘validate account’.

Tools - Follow - these are starting guidelines, change all the numbers
slightly to make your automation more anonymous. Keep follow + unfollow
actions less than 60 per hour (combined).
Wait between 4-8 min per operation
follow between 2-8 people per operation, with a delay 70-120 seconds
between each follow.
Add random sleep time on.
Follow limits (SUPER IMPORTANT) - this is where you can easily go
wrong as if this is not set correctly your account will just keep going and be
stopped by IG.
Follow a maximum of 10 - 20 per day, increase each day with 10 until it
becomes 400 max. You may want to be more aggressive with this but test
and research before you do.

User filters - this is up to you, more filtering = better accuracy. We are

looking to grow and find real customers, not only follower numbers.
Use the filters that segment your target customer, i.e. english speaking,
skip business accounts, follow only male/female and language selection.
The following filters should be used to improve your follow back
effectiveness and avoid fake accounts:
User has profile image
User bio must not contain invalid words (find an undesirable word list)
User has a number of followers / followings, 20-1500, 20-1500 - tweak this
for your target customer (do research) but keep the max number low or
they might not notice you exist and are unlikely to follow back.
User is not following this account
Do not follow private users
Do not follow accounts with more than 3 digits in their username (filters a
lot of spam accounts)

After follow actions

Like users latest post
Like between 1 and 2 posts
Like random posts
Like before follow 50% - modify this anywhere from 20-80 for increased
Like percentage 50% - this is a bit safe but IG hates automated likes so we
will only like 50% of the time.

Tools - Unfollow - these are starting guidelines, change all the numbers
slightly to make your automation more anonymous. Keep follow + unfollow
actions less than 60 per hour (combined).
Unflollow items after a minimum of 1-1 days. this depends on how
agressive you want to be unfollowing.
Wait between 4-8 min per operation
unfollow between 2-8 people per operation, with a delay 70-120 seconds
between each follow.
Add random sleep time on.
Unfollow limits
Unfollow a maximum of 15 - 25 per day, increase each day with 15 until it
becomes 400 max. You may want to be more aggressive with this but test
and research before you do.

User Filters
Unfollow all users targeted by Jarvee - optional but recommended to keep
your own follower / following ratio looking healthy
Also target users followed outside of Jarvee - good if you have already
manually followed loads of people and need to tidy up.
Use whitelist is handy, add your favorite customers/friends so you don’t
accidentally unfollow them.

Tools Like - Settings - We are going to keep the use of this feature minimal
as we are mostly liking from follows however, we need to switch it on so we
can control the number of likes given in a day. As mentioned before IG is
crazy suspicious of likes and easily blocks you for a day.
Wait between 120-240 minutes between each new operation
Like limits - 10-20 per day increase each day with 10 until it reaches a
maximum of 300 (or less)

Tools - Like - Sources

Like latest feed posts
Like posts of users that interacted with target posts - enter your own
account here.

Tools - Follow - Sources.

You may have noticed that I did this in the wrong order! that’s because this
is the big one and the bit where you need to do the work. I can’t tell you
what accounts to use as it depends on your niche and target customer. So
let’s start with the settings and then you can do your research.

Follow followers of target accounts

Follow the most recent 1000 followers
enter accounts of competitors or people your target customers follow and
click ‘add account followers’ to add to the tool.

Follow usersd that interacted with posts on target accounts

enter accounts that your target customers like or comment on and refine
the settings to suit.

There are lots of other great tools but i’ve just covered the basic (and most
popular ones).

Once you get started, you can monitor and refine these sources. Jarvee
gives you a follow-back ratio on each source so you can refine your
sources. You will find that some sources give you numbers and some
sources give quality, so don’t jsut focus on the follow back. As a brand you
need social proof (i.e. followers & engagement) and you need real
customers, I personally find that in my niche real customers don’t comment
very much but view every story and like the posts they really love. This all
depends on your customer and niche.
OK, it’s time to get started, go back to the tools page and enable Like,
Follow & Unfollow for your account.

Congrats, you got started using my guide! Now the real work begins
monitoring and refining your setup to perfection.
If this looks like too much of a challenge for you then I suggest searching
the forum for a professional who can give you customized service and grow
your social media presence. I have spent so much time on Instagram and
would not recommend doing it yourself unless you really enjoy it.

Disclaimer time:

1. The above guide is based on my personal experience and may not

work for you, depending on a thousand variables your experience
could be completely different so use with caution.
2. Jarvee is addictive, you will spend much more time on it than you
expect and you have a business to run so you should go and do that
instead (voice of my wife).
3. If anyone more experienced on the forum (there are many here) see
any technical inaccuracies then please let me know so I can update.
If any data here is too sensitive for lvl1 then please let me know as I
still can’t work out what is and is not OK.
Jarvee For Instagram | Best Settings for 2020 |
Follow Settings [2020 update]
Here is a link to Jarvey settings for 2020:
Subscription service
The subscription business model is a business model in which a customer
must pay a recurring price at regular intervals for access to a product
or service.

Subscription services are gaining popularity in the world. And this is

understandable why, people want to pay less and get the most value. I
have revised the approach to selling beats. My idea is that you can
organize such a service for selling beats. You can sell a monthly
subscription to access all of your beats. For example, for $ 100
When you sell beats, always sign a contract with an artist, know the
price of your beats and yourself as a producer.

Here is an example of a contract:

MP3 + WAV Master License Agreement

FROM: (“Producer”)
TO: (“Artist”)


1. In return for payment of the fee, Producer grants a non-exclusive
licence to the Artist to use the chosen musical work named "Solo |
6LACK Type Beat" (referred to here as “Beat”) to create one (1) new
recording (“the Track”).

2. The Artist shall have the right to commercially release the Track by
any and all means, throughout the world, subject to these terms

3. This licence is for a term of one (1) year from the date of this
agreement (“Term”). After the Term the licence will automatically end
and the Artist will be required to extend the term to by paying an
additional fee or taking such other steps as required by the Producer.
[or The term of this agreement shall be for life of copyright subject to
the provisions of Para 3].

1. Further during the Term the Artist’s usage of the Beat shall be
limited to the following limits
1. five thousand (5000) for-profit downloads or physical sales of
the Track. For the purpose of of calculating and the
Threshold two hundred (200) streams of the Track via so-
called subscription services shall count as one sale, and

2. unlimited free internet downloads for non-profit and non-

commercial use.

3. five thousand (5000) for-profit public performances of the

Track with a maximum profit of one thousand ($1,000) US
Dollars in compensation or ticket sales using the Track in the

4. unlimited non-profit public performances of the Track

5. two (2) music videos for the Track

2. Once any of the limits have been reached then the Artist will be
required to extend the licence by paying an additional fee or
taking such other steps as required by the Producer.
4. The Artist is not required to pay the Producer a royalty or any income
from the Track.

However, despite this, the Artist agrees that;-

1. the Producer shall have a fifty percent (50%) share of the
publishing in the Track and shall receive publishing income
directly from the applicable Collection Society.
1. The Artist agrees that he/she will register the Producer’s
interest, on the Producer’s behalf, at the collection society in
the Artist’s home territory to ensure that mechanical and
performance royalties are collected throughout the world.

2. The Artist shall use the Producer’s membership number and

follow the directions contained in the email that shall be sent
to the Artist by the Producer. [to be drafted separately]

3. The Producer and the Artist shall each administer their

respective shares of the publishing in the Track. Any sync
licences for the Track must be pre-approved by the Producer

2. the Producer shall have the right to receive neighbouring rights

income as a performer on the Track directly from the applicable
Collection Society.

1. The Artist agrees that he/she will register the Producer’s

interest on the Producer’s behalf with the collection society
in the Artist’s home territory that that administers
neighbouring rights income throughout the world.
2. The Artist shall use the Producer’s membership number and
follow the directions contained in the email that shall be sent
to the Artist.

5. The Producer warrants and represents the following:- 1. that they are

the owner of the copyright in the Beat;

2. that he/she has the right to enter into this Agreement and to grant
all the rights which he grant herein;

3. subject to the provisions of Para 9 below that the Beat does not
infringe the rights of any third party;

4. that all necessary consents under law are granted to the Artist

5. that he/she waives any and all so called moral rights.

6. all necessary publishing licences will be made available to the

Artist in respect of the Track free of charge for use by the Artist in
connection with non-monetised advertising and/or promotion of
the Track

6. The Artist warrants that and represents the following;- 1. that they

have the right to enter this agreement

2. that the Track shall not infringe the rights of any third party

3. that they shall comply with all the obligations and limitations set
out in this agreement

7. The Artist agrees to ensure that the Producer is credit on the on the
metadata and packaging or promotion of the Track as follows
[Produced by ’’Your name’’]

8. The Artist agrees to indemnify the Producer and hold him/her

harmless from all claims, losses and expenses including reasonable
legal fees arising out of or resulting from a claimed breach of the
Artist’s warranties, representations and obligations in this agreement

9. If in the description the Beat is stated to contain an uncleared sample

then Artist agrees that they will take steps to obtain all clearances of
the sample prior to release the of Track. The Artist shall also take
steps to clear the publishing sample. The Artist shall indemnify the
Producer from all losses and costs arising from any claims from third
parties concerning the Artist’s failure to take the required steps.

10. The Artist acknowledges that the Producer shall retain ownership of
the copyright in master and the underlying composition the Beat and
shall have the right to grant separate licences thereof to other artists.

11. The Artist acknowledges that the payment for this licence is non
refundable. If the Artist fails to comply with any obligation hereunder
the Producer shall have the right on notice to the Artist to terminate
this licence and all rights shall revert to the Producer. Such
termination shall render any further exploitation by the Artist as an
actionable infringement of copyright.

12. This rights granted to the Artist are not assignable or otherwise

13. This licence constitutes the entire agreement between the parties

14. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the law of

(Your Country).

Producer's / Licensor's Signature

Artist's / Licensee's Signature

Artist's / Licensee's Name Producer's / Licensor's Name

Date: 9th January 2020 Date: 9th January 2020

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