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Language functions: expressing feelings

Topic/Vocabulary area: colours, moods, colours in idiomatic expressions


MOOD noun [c] – the way you are feeling at a

particular time

We can be in a good mood or in a bad mood. When

our mood changes very often and suddenly, we suffer
from mood swings.
We can also say that we are not in the mood for
focus on talking something e.g. dancing – it means we do not want to
dance because of the way we are feeling.
Answer the questions.

1. What mood are you in today?

2. When was the last time you were in a bad mood? Why? What happened?
3. Do you often have mood swings?
4. Are you in the mood for learning English today?

focus on vocabulary
Which of these adjectives express good moods? Which ones are bad? Put (G) next to
each good mood and (B) next to each bad mood.

angry sad happy relaxed excited

furious enthusiastic thrilled bored depressed DECEMBER 2006 1

focus on reading
Imagine that your office was painted in one of these colours. How would you feel.
Fill in the blanks with colour names.

………………………………………… colour would make me feel sad.

………………………………………… colour would make me feel stronger.
………………………………………… colour would make me feel inspired.
………………………………………… colour would make me feel angry.
………………………………………… colour would make me feel happy.

Now read the text about the results of the research carried out by Konica Minolta.
Put these words under the colour boxes according to the information in the text.
energy concentration strength boredom
passion anger happiness sadness


Blue Is The New Black

Source:, November 2006

Office workers say they get the blues - when they work in an office that is painted blue.
Yellow walls and ceilings made staff feel happy, energised and more focused on their work.
Employees said they felt angrier, and possibly more passionate, if there was more red than any
other colour, while black made them feel "tougher."
Grey was described as "dull and inspiring" in the research among dozens of workers by
photographic giant Konica Minolta.
"This study shows that it is not just Monday mornings, the rush hour or having to work late that
can affect the office environment - colour has a huge impact," said Robert Sethre of Konica
Minolta. DECEMBER 2006 2

focus on vocabulary
What do underlined expressions mean?

1. I’ve been feeling blue all day. I don’t know what makes me so sad?

2. We didn’t expect his resignation – it came out of the blue.


3. I don’t want to see this film. I don’t really like black comedies.

4. Don’t worry – your new boss is not as black as he is painted.


5. I really should spend less money. My bank account is in the red again.

6. Drivers who ignore cyclists make me see red.


7. He got white with shock when he’d heard about the accident.

8. Johnson’s new BMW made their neighbours green with envy.


9. The new trainees are still very green and cannot do many tasks.

10. I want to apply for a green card. I’ve always dreamt of living in the USA.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DECEMBER 2006 3

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