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Ted Talk – Procrastination.

1. How long does the video last?
2. Do you remember the name of the speaker?
3. Have you ever heard the term procrastination in your native language or in English?
4. What do you understand for procrastination?
5. Do you have a health relationship with deadlines?
6. What are the pros of procrastination?
7. What are the cons of procrastination?
8. Is there a moment of your life where you would stop and say procrastination was the best
9. Is there an aspect of your life where you feel you put in practice your procrastinator-self?
10. Do you feel you have lost an opportunity because of procrastination?
11. What advice would you give yourself to avoid procrastinator behavior?
12. Do you agree with the speaker when he says that non-procrastinators don’t exist?

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