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Enam UL Haq



Comsats University
Review Questions
1. What are the problems of managing data resources in a traditional
file environment, and how are they solved by a database
management system?
The six components of data hierarchy are bit, byte, field, record, file, and database.

Traditional file management techniques make it difficult for organizations to stay

track of all of the pieces of knowledge they use during a systematic way and to
arrange these data so that they can be easily accessed. Different functional areas
and groups were allowed to develop their own files independently. Over time, this
traditional file management environment creates such problems as data redundancy
and inconsistency, program–data dependence, inflexibility, poor security, and lack
of knowledge sharing and availability. A database management system (DBMS)
solves these problems with software that permits centralization of data and data
management so that businesses have a single, consistent source for all their data
needs. Using a DBMS minimizes redundant and inconsistent files.

In hierarchical model, data is organized into tree-like structure with one one-to-
many relationship between two differing types of knowledge, for instance, one
department can have many courses, many professors and of course many students.

Problems resulting from the traditional file environment include:

• Data redundancy: duplicate data in multiple files, leading to data inconsistency,

different values used for the same attribute.

• Program-data dependency: Changes in programs requiring changes to the data.

• Lack of flexibility.

• Poor security.

2. What are the major capabilities of DBMS, and why is a relational

DBMS so powerful?

A database may be a collection of data that's organized in order that it are often
easily accessed, managed and updated.

DBMS stands for Database Management System:

A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and

managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a scientific
thanks to create, retrieve, update and manage data.
The principal capabilities of a DBMS include a knowledge definition capability, a
knowledge dictionary capability, and a knowledge manipulation language. The data
definition capability specifies the structure and content of the database. The data
dictionary is an automatic or manual file that stores information about the info
within the database, including names, definitions, formats, and descriptions of
knowledge elements. The data manipulation language, like Structured command
language (SQL), may be a specialized language for accessing and manipulating the
info within the database. The electronic database is that the primary method for
organizing and maintaining data today in information systems because it's so
flexible and accessible. It organizes data in two-dimensional tables called relations,
with rows and columns.

• Data Manipulation Language (DML) is used to create, modify, and delete tables. Data Manipulation
Language (DML) is employed to impeach and update records stored within the tables. Database
Management System (DBMS) manages the database machine and affords protection features.
• Reasons for deciding on a non-relational database encompass: The want to keep serialized arrays
in JSON objects. Storing statistics in the same series that have special fields or attributes. Finding
yourself de-normalizing your database schema or coding around overall performance and horizontal
scalability issues.
• Normalization the system of making small, stable, yet bendy and adaptive information structures
from complex organizations of statistics. Referential integrity are regulations to make sure that
relationships among coupled tables continue to be consistent.
• An entity-dating diagram (ERD) is a records modeling technique that graphically illustrates an facts
system's entities and the relationships between the ones entities. An ERD can be a conceptual and
representational model of information wont to represent the entity framework infrastructure.

3. What are the important tools and technology for accessing statistics from databases to
improve enterprise overall performance and selection making?
• Big Data is a word used to intend a large quantity of each established and unstructured statistics
that is so large it is tough to system using conventional database and software techniques. In most
corporation scenarios the quantity of know-how is just too large or it actions too speedy or it
exceeds present day processing capacity. Powerful gear are to be had to analyze and get entry to
the information in databases. A statistics warehouse consolidates present day and historical
statistics from many various operational structures throughout a significant database designed for
reporting and analysis. Data warehouses aid multidimensional records analysis, additionally called
online analytical processing (OLAP).

• OLAP Stands for "Online Analytical Processing." OLAP allows users to analyze database
information from multiple database structures at one time. While relational databases are
considered to be two-dimensional,

4. Why are facts policy, facts administration, and records first-rate assurance crucial for handling the
firm’s facts resources?
Developing a database surroundings requires policies and approaches for handling organizational
statistics also as an honest data version and database technology. A formal information policy
governs the upkeep, distribution, and use of records inside the organization. In massive
corporations, a proper statistics administration characteristic is liable for statistics policy, also as for
facts planning, statistics dictionary development, and monitoring information usage within the firm.
Data which can be inaccurate, incomplete, or inconsistent create critical operational and financial
troubles for companies because they will create inaccuracies in product pricing, customer accounts,
and inventory information and cause inaccurate decisions approximately the movements that need
to be taken via the firm. Firms need to take unique steps to shape sure they need a high degree of
expertise first-class. These consist of using employer-wide facts standards, databases designed to
attenuate inconsistent and redundant records, information excellent audits, and statistics cleansing
software program.

Discussion Questions

1. Imagine that you simply are the proprietor of little business. How might you appoint
sentiment analysis to decorate your performance ?

• It drives proactive business solutions

Sentiment analysis offer helpful insights that drive effective enterprise decisions, strategies and
objectives. These answers offer event analysis, automatic reports, and adaptable categories.
There are sentiment evaluation tools that resource with emblem control through expertise the
motivations behind high-quality, bad and neutral opinions a few particular product or service.

Business leaders can use it to get in-depth information from blogs, reviews, forums information
and social media posts. It’s on hand when it involves benchmarking competitors and markets.

Furthermore, sentiment evaluation also can apprehend and track purchase motive via sales
funnel. Marketing managers can put it to use to evaluate how the most recent campaigns are
affecting emblem sentiment also as highlight which demographic section generates the
foremost interest.

• It provides audience insight

Comprehending the reactions of your audience in your posts allows you curate a strong plan for
future content material and campaigns.

Let’s say that your social media crew runs a marketing campaign about your logo’s printing
operation of facial wash which capabilities microbeads that act as scrubbing agents. After the
merchandise launches, your social team perceives that majority of conversations are poor way
to the undesirable effects of micro beads.

For the above example, the brand can modify the messaging thus and make mitigations like
coitus interruptus the products from the market, making a public donation to distinguished
environmental organizations, just to call a pair of, etc.

If there’s an oversized outcry in the direction of the merchandise, tracking sentiment can assist
to save you the sharing of tone-deaf social media posts. It lets in manufacturers to manage an
smooth marketing research and adapts its tone — before going further with new functions,
merchandise or services.

• It measures the ROI of your marketing campaign the achievement of each marketing campaign
isn’t most effective measurable in excessive range of likes, comments, or followers. the amount
of effective discussions you may help facilitate together with your customers also makes up the
success equation of your marketing campaign.

You can see what proportion advantageous or poor discussions arise within your audience by
means of doing sentiment evaluation. Combining the qualitative and quantitative measurements
allows you scale the essential ROI charge of your marketing campaign.

• It supports customer service

Sentiment evaluation is a good tactic for blogger outreach, purchaser service, and aid
representatives as they'll react efficaciously and monitor dissatisfaction earlier than negative
sentiments from purchasers spread.
It will serve another motive too — you’ll have an possibility to transform a nasty client experience
into a nice one.

• It augments correct PR practices

it’s a requirement for every public relation and agency communications professional to pay
attention to emblem perception. It’s the part of a PR professional to make sure that the message
they share to the overall public is focused and relevant. they'll greater easily try this with the aid
of knowing how their audience feels approximately sure topics — which precisely what
sentiment analysis does.

2. To what extent should end users be involved inside the selection of database
management device and database design?
End consumer may additionally engage with a database at once or indirectly depending on their
expertise of the database implementation and the Database Management System. ... Using a
front give up software program application to access records saved in a database is a
convenient choice for most groups. A computer system's database software program acts as an
efficient, secure repository for an corporation's information. The stop user of a database
typically by no means sees the software program or its files, and can be blind to how the gadget
works. So quit users are integral a part of database requirement and a database management
machine and the database layout as they together manage the facts and data go with the flow
across enterprise and aid inside the decision making extra effectively.
3. What are results of employer not having a records policy?
Not having the policy might also cause people and other businesses to keep away from dealing
with the agency, incur penalties from records security regulators and damage the credibility and
popularity of the operator.

Case Study: Data Driven Crime Fighting Goes Global

1. What are benefits of intelligence driven prosecution for crime fighters

and general public?

Proactive crime prevention programs believe data Collected and processed into
information that’s passed to precincts and officers to assist them effectively deploy
resources to the places that require it most. The Comp Stat system analyzes the
info and produces a weekly report on crime complaint and arrest activity at the
precinct, patrol borough, and citywide levels. CompStat data are often displayed on
maps showing crime and arrest locations, crime hot spots, And other relevant
information to assist precinct commanders and NYPD’s senior leadership quickly
Identify patterns and trends and develop a targeted strategy for fighting crime, like
dispatching more foot patrols to high-crime neighborhoods.

2. What problems does this approach to crime fighting pose?

When prosecutors begin to compile databases for data-driven crime fighting, one
must ask what people are selected for inclusion in these databases, what are the
choice criteria, and the way harmful is that this practice? Could the criminal justice

Include people that shouldn’t be there and nevertheless are targets for police
scrutiny? Consistent with Steven Zeidman, director of the criminal-defense clinic at
the town University of latest York (CUNY) School of Law, the solution is yes. Quite
1,000 people are arrested in NY City every day. An awesome and disproportionate
number are people of color arrested for minor offenses like riding a bicycle on the
sidewalk or jaywalking. People with arrest and conviction records find it next to
impossible to seek out legitimate work on release, and this result lasts for as long
because the records are retained.3.
3. What management, organization, and technology issues should be
considered when fixing information systems for intelligence-driven


District attorneys must have enough information to form fine-grained decisions

about charges, bail, please, or sentences. They need to have a process to quickly
separate minor delinquents from serious offenders.


Police departments everywhere the state must be ready to effectively and


Deploy scarce resources instead of use those resources where they aren’t
necessarily needed.

Using intelligence-driven prosecution allows cops and prosecutors to concentrate

their efforts on the more hard-core offenders.


The alert system helps assistant district attorneys make sure that charging

Bail applications, and sentencing recommendations address the defendant’s impact

on criminal

Activity within the community. The knowledge gathered by CSU and disseminated
through the arrest alert system differentiates among those for whom incarceration
is an important from community-safety standpoint and people defendants for whom
alternatives to incarceration are appropriate and can not negatively affect overall
community safety.

Case Study: Societe Generale builds an intelligent system to manage

information flow
1. Why did societe generale's managers determine to expand an
automatic transaction processing machine?

Societe generale's managers decide to expand an automatic transaction

processing gadget due to the fact transaction processing systems provide many real-
time advantages forever business. A transaction processing device is a type
of computer processing that takes place inside the presence of a pc user and allows for an
instantaneous response to consumer request or transaction.
Every business deals with these varieties of systems each day and the way Societe
Generale makes a decision to manipulate those transactions is an essential issue in its
success. As the business grows, the quantity of transactions they’ll have to deal
with will extensively increase. It is essential that they make certain that the
transaction procedure doesn’t become too complex, otherwise they can cope
with frustrated customers and the capability of losing them. All computerized transaction
processing device outcomes in higher productivity, reliability, availability, and
increased overall performance and can lessen working costs.
Moving to lights-out operations terrific return on investment.
The advantages of automatic systems may be a powerful purpose for growing provider to
the quit users.

2. Why did managers decide they needed an “intelligent machine?” In what way waste

new device “intelligent?”

Usually managers pick that the bank want a smart gadget as matters pass fast. Digital

revolution and statistics management are key to any business in particular in banking
sector. Through digitalization of the working gadget, they'll reduce their burden
in handling the business enterprise activity which includes the burden brought about by
means of large extent of underperforming and non-performing monetary units and loans.
The bank capable of remain skills because
it gains aggressive benefit over different banks in the same industry. The incorporation of
intelligent gadget organized Societe Generale
to master today's statistics demands through staying ahead of
the opposition thru controlling and leveraging the power of their statistics (Societe
Since Societe Generale has followed a well-known banking model, one forestall store to fulfil
client’s wishes and requirement, they want an intelligent device to
organize the information accrued from its customers. It engaged in three banking
segments consisting of retail banking for consumers, global banking
to carrier corporate clients, and investment banking for
wealthy customers and other sources of capital like pension funds, coverage firms, and
sovereign off-shore funds. The enterprise go with the flow of the bank is going on
smoothly thru the implementation of intelligent machine. Clients’ profile
was well saved and store in a safer place. This give blessings to all the staffs. Employees of
all control stage can easily get entry to to the wished fast and make correct decision based
totally on their findings. They able to provide top notch services while making an
excellent investment suggestion based totally on client’s preference and decrease hazard of
error. This will in a roundabout way increase a robust courting with clients. They can
also gain purchaser self-assurance over the monetary carrier furnished as well as their
loyalty. Besides, they want a smart machine in the financial institution to lighten the works of
their employees even as limit the possibilities of errors. This is because intelligent gadget helps
to automate the transaction procedure. Business process may be simplified and added in a
shorter period. For example, Societe Generale automate the verification method which
changed into manually handled formerly to reduce mistakes in actual time. Intelligent machine
can even proactively identify the vulnerability and dangers to them whilst prevent them from
facing crucial problems and meet key service stages for availability, performance and utilization.
Since banks may additionally have limitless activities which want plenty efforts from personnel
to be executed accurately from time-to-time, there are opportunity of having mistaken. Thus,
they can gain efficient result in a brief turnover time with using sensible device.
Moreover, the machine is clever as it guarantees the accessibility toward correct data. All facts
changed into provided for downstream applications and the overall ledger in particular. The
machine makes positive the transaction data is in compliance with the sequences and entire so
that the downstream application is successful to supply their task. The big increase in its virtual
infrastructure allow the bank had to exchange, store, and archive broad variety of records.
Thus, the smart gadget is a high-overall performance device that might gather records from
throughout the infrastructure, throughout geographies and supply quit-to-give up visibility,
from compute to storage, in an unmarried view and offer the employees with right details.

3. What is the function of human selection makers inside the new device?
This case look at is related to the Societe Generale which is the France’s largest bank. The day
after day banking commercial enterprise entails various sort of risk. Thus, human decision
makers play a important position in ensuring that transactions are made in their quality
interest. Appropriate flow of data is vital in level of choice making. Human decision makers play
vital roles in verifying the records of the organization. The data now and again will document
inside the wrong approaches and the quantity of recorded can trade as statistics drift between
and across systems. Thus, they want to make certain the records is relevant, complete and
accurate. This can lessen dangerous to commercial enterprise and the useless statistics is
supplied to company.
In addition, selection makers are responsible in making plans for destiny of the enterprise. They
need looking at past inner and external data to devise for business by using the facts and
analysis furnished by using the new gadget. For instance, they want to pull report primarily
based on the records provided by using using graphs, chart and animations to help customers
visualize records. Apart from this, human choice makers want encompasses records systems
planning, set up and preservation which includes hardware and software program upgrades.
They may additionally recognition on specific issues such as network security or internet
services and coordinates all generation operations. Furthermore, any other function of human
choice maker is to clear up the crucial errors or handle the new situations that the gadget
can not decide. They want to discover the solution to resolve the essential error that
disrupts the operation of commercial enterprise. They want to analyses the hassle and
create the solution for destiny use. They also need to make certain that the business is
managed in a better and efficient approaches so that it could have the ability to reap full
ability for this reason gain aggressive advantages. Besides, by way of the usage of the new
machine, the function of human choice makers is making overall performance analytics,
budgeting and product innovation. For instance, they want use performance information
provide through the new device approximately products, capabilities or services to create
new offerings designed around present day customer demands. They also want to create
branch price range and worker desires primarily based on past achievement. This can
resource them in target training and training of employee for off-peak time and screen
progress of goal in real instances.

4. Why did managers pick the Infogix platform?

Infogix platform defined as worldwide data controls and examination Software Company for
corporations to oversee, monitor and display screen their data for commercial enterprise
operations. Managers choose the Infogix platform due to the system monitors incoming
transactions, supplying balancing, and reunion and identifies and recognize and expect
fraud and patron behavior. Rather than that, Managers pick out Infogrix Platform, since a
standard primarily based framework permitting improvement of complicated commercial
enterprise policies for validating integrity. Moreover, thru Infogrix Platform in operation,
transaction is established several instances an afternoon so Infogix Platform, can take care
of the issue in substantially less time than with the manual framework. Besides that,
supervisor specify Infogix Platform because of the Infogix framework can discover the
policies and tactics that humans observe can when showed the data, and then practice
those regulations in PC codes.

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