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1. Course Information
Course Code and Title MKT 201; Marketing Management
Credits 3
Term and Year Term-II; AY 2019-21
Course Pre-requisite(s) FOM
Course Requirement(s)
Course Schedule (Day and time of class) As scheduled by PMC
Classroom # (Location) As allocated
Course Instructor Dr. Shalini Nath Tripathi
Telephone Number (for office appointments) Ext. no. 239
Student Consultation Hours
Office location Room no.11,Ground floor

2. Course Overview
MKT 201 has been designed to provide a deeper understanding in the field of marketing. The
course focuses on equipping the students with the knowledge of marketing mix related
decisions along with focus on consumer and need for differentiation. During the course of
studying MKT 201, students are expected to comprehend and critique the ingredients of
marketing mix. They are also expected to unpack the domain of marketing decision making
using practical examples, and understanding developed.
Specific topics to be covered include: consumer behaviour, segmentation, targeting and
positioning, product price, promotion and channel related decisions and so on. This course is
therefore a pre-requisite for students interested in the advanced course of marketing as well
as elective courses in the area of marketing. It draws upon the learning from Fundamentals of

3. Course Learning Outcomes

CLO 1: Illustrate core marketing concepts in a given marketing situation
CLO 2: Apply marketing concepts for decision making
CLO 3: Analyze a given marketing situation

4. Mapping of CLOs with PLOs and GAs*

  PLO-1 PLO-2 PLO-3 PLO-4 PLO-5 PLO 6 PLO-7 PLO-8
Communicat Demonstrate Apply Develop an Evaluate the Demonstrat Leverage Demonstrat
e effectively Leadership relevant entrepreneuria relationship e technologie e capability
and display and conceptual l mindset for between sustainable s for as an
inter- Teamwork framework optimal business and ethical business Independent
personnel towards s for business environment business decisions learner
effective and
skills decision- solutions organization practices
making s
l goals

GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8
Self- Deep Critical Humility, Open and Clear Global Ethical Entrepreneurial
Initiative discipline thinking Team- Communicatio outlook competency and innovative
knowledge and Building and n and sustainable
Problem Leadership mindset
solving Skills

* PLOs, CLOs & GAs stand for Programme Level Outcomes; Course Level Outcomes &
Graduate Attributes, respectively.
** The highlighted cells indicate the key differentiators.

References and Books

 Bains, P., Fill, C., Page, K., Sinha, PK, (2013), Marketing – Asian Edition, New Delhi,
Oxford University Press. (BFPS)
 Kotler, Philip, Keller, K., Koshy, A., Jha, M., Marketing Management, a South Asian
Perspective, 14th edition, N. Delhi, Pearson Education. (KKKJ)
 Ramaswamy, V S, Namakumari, S, Marketing Management – Global Perspective, the
Indian Context, 5th edition, New Delhi, Macmillan Publications.(RN)
 Marketing Management, An Indian Perspective by Prof Vijay Prakash Anand, 2nd Edition,
Biztantra Publisher, Distributed by Wiley Internation
Internet Resources
 This website offers
an introduction to marketing terminology and the types of market orientation. Lessons also
explore cause-related marketing and the social responsibility of corporations.
 This website touts itself as “the go-to resource for innovative
marketers hungry for insight on results-driven strategies and trends to propel their
multichannel marketing forward.
 This website
discusses new product categories and their developmental stages along with product life
cycles and classes of product adopters.

 This site offers internet marketing news, strategies, and tips on
analytics, email marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, and social media

 This website explains

such terms as pricing cost, price selection and price elasticity.
 Marketing By Vijay' YouTube Channel:

5. Assessment

Assessment Description Weightage CLO

Assessment 1:  Two quizzes with multiple choice, scenario 20% 1
Quiz based type of questions.
 Individual assessment: Moodle based.
 After 16th and 22nd session
 Pre/In/beyond class: Beyond class
 Feedback: Moodle grades
Assessment 2:  Students would be assigned firms for review 20% 3
STP Analysis of STP and suggest strategies for existing/ new
product/ service.
 Group Assessment: Written
 After 12th session
 Pre/In/beyond class: Beyond class
 Feedback: Through rubrics and counselling as
Assessment 3:  A case shall be identified and administered as 20% 2
Case Analysis/ Mid-Term Evaluation
Assessment 4:  Description: Conceptual and application based 40% 2, 3
End-Term Exam questions.
 As per schedule
 Feedback: Showing of assessed answer sheets

CLO mapping with Assessments

Assessments CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3
Quiz X
Assignment- X
STP and
Marketing Mix

Case Analysis/ X
Mid term
End Term X X

7. Session Plan
Sessio Topic/ Sub Topic Pedagogy Session Learning CLO
n Outcomes
Module I: Understanding Consumer Behavior
1. Introduction to Class discussion At the end of session, the 1
Consumer Behavior student will be able to
understand the Consumer
Why and What of Behaviour Model and
Consumer Behavior types of buying behaviour.

2. o Understanding  Experiential Exercise:  At the end of session,  2

Consumer Behavior  Mapping Purchase decision the student will be able to
o process identify the different
How and Why of  factors influencing
Purchase Decisions  consumer decision process
and demonstrate the steps
of buyer decision process
3.  Organizational Class discussion  At the end of session,  1
Buyer Behaviour the student will be able to
 familiarize with stages of
Organizational Buying
Behaviour process.
Module II: Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
4.  Market Article – VIP Industries  At the end of session,  1
Segmentation the student will be able to
 Major variables for apply the knowledge for
segmenting markets s-slice-and-dice-strategy- identifying steps in
VALS Framework 117011801562_1.html designing a suitable
SEC Classification marketing strategy.
5.  Targeting: Meaning Introducing New Coke : HBS  At the end of session, 1
& Approaches  the student will be able to
understand market
targeting concept and
apply them in selecting
target market segments
6.  Differentiate  Experiential Exercise: Market  At the end of session,  1
for Competitive Segmentation Grid/ STP table the student will be able to

Advantage  explain clearly the
relationship between
market segments and
positioning statements and
explain how critically
important it is for
7.  Positioning for Book : Positioning: The Battle for  At the end of session  2
Competitive Your Mind Al Ries and Jack student shall be able to
Advantage Trout understand competitive
Case : Saffola Cooking oil advantage.
repositioning journey - IIMB
8.  Applying Guest talk  At the end of session  3
Differentiation and student should be able to
Positioning differentiate and position.
Module III: Product Decisions
9. What is a product  Experiential Exercise: Feature-  At the end of session,  1
Benefit-Value Ladder the student will be able to
 appraise different
dimensions of product
related decisions.
10. Product Mix  Class Discussions  Apply how the  1
Decisions  product decisions
dimensions decide upon
the product mix.
11.  Product life  Case Discussion  At the end of session,  2
cycle and strategies  Universalization of L’Oreal - the student will be able to
HBS examine the stages of PLC
 and analyze strategies of
 products/ services at
different stages of a firm.
12.  NPD   At the end of session,  2
pic/managing-a-product-and- the student will be able to
retailing.html guide through the concept
 Nanda Home : Preparing for of building strong brands
life after clocky - HBS and managing brands at
market place for
developing sound brand
13.  Relevance of   At the end of session 
Brands in Branding Yoga - HBS student should be able to
Marketing  understand brands.


Module IV: Pricing Decisions
14. Pricing Decisions  Visit the site-  The students will be  1
 able to analyze the role of
pic/selling-and-pricing- pricing as an important
strategy.html managerial decision for
 This website explains such maximizing returns to
terms as pricing cost, price customers and firm.
selection and price elasticity
15. Pricing strategies  Class discussion  At the end of session,  2
Library exercise: examine the student will be able to
different pricing strategies in examine different pricing
practice by rivals in an industry strategies in practice by
and evaluate reasons of price rivals in an industry and
adjustments evaluate reasons of price
adjustments at market
place for sustainable
16. Recent Trends in  Guest talk  At the end of session  1
Pricing of Product student will be able to
and Service appreciate recent trends in
 (Dynamic Pricing/ pricing.
Aggregator Pricing)
Module V: Distribution and Channel Management Decisions
17.  Distribution  Case discussion  At the end of session,  1
and Channel the student will be able to
Management  Aqualisa Quartz : HBS establish the importance of
 Importance of role of Marketing
Marketing Channels for delivering
Channels superior customer value.
18. Channel Design & Class Activity  At the end of session,  3
Management the student will be able to
decisions understand and apply the
 (Omni channel) knowledge of channel
design & management
decisions for evolving a
suitable marketing mix

19. Channel Conflict  Case Study  At the end of session  2

 student will be able to

understand different
dimensions of channel
Module VI: Promotion Decisions
20.  Promotion  Case Discussion  At the end of session,  1
Decisions Introducing New Coke : HBS the student will be able to
examine new marketing
Critique of promotion mix communication landscape
strategies of a company. and shifting models. Be
 Case: Amul Girl Turns 50 able to apply this
(Page 403-404) knowledge for identifying
the socially responsible
marketing communication
21. Integrating the  Case Discussion  At the end of session,  3
Promotion Mix the student will be able to
 foster an understanding of
the role and impact of
advertising and personal
selling techniques for a
higher visibility and
22. Advertising and At the end of session, the 1
Sales This site offers internet marketing student will be able to
Promotion explain clearly the
news, strategies, and tips on
emerging trends in the new
analytics, email marketing,
direct marketing models
and role of sales
23. PR, Publicity, Case discussion At the end of the session 1
Personal Selling , students will understand
Direct Marketing the importance of various
promotional tools and
how critically important it
is for balancing different
marketing communication
elements for generating the
desired customer response.
24. Digital Marketing Amazon Aur Dikhao Case : At the end of session 1 student will be able to
reflect on latest trends in
brand promotion.

Institute’s Policy Statements
It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the requirements for this course, and
understand the specific details included in this document. It is emphasized that this course
requires a significant commitment outside of formal class contact.  The learning tasks in this
course may include classes (lectures or seminars), required readings, flipped-videos, preparation
of answers to set questions, exercises and problems, and self-study. In addition, students may be
required to complete an assignment, test or examination.
LMS-Moodle/Impartus is used to host course resources for all courses. Students can download
lecture, additional reading materials, and tutorial notes to support class participation.
Late Submission
Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be not
be accepted. Requests for extension of time must be made with the faculty member concerned
and based on Special Consideration guidelines. 
Plagiarism is looked at as the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as
though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person.
Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with according to Plagiarism Policy of the institute. It is
advisable that students should read student handbook for detailed guidelines. It is also advisable
that students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard
against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised
equally; an exception will be if the student can demonstrate the work is their own and they took
reasonable care to safeguard against copying.




CRITERIA Good Fair Poor

POINTS 11-14.99 POINTS 7-10.99 POINTS 1-6.99

Coverage and The content covers The content covers only The content covers
quality of many aspects few aspects of topic only few aspects of
content (G) affecting the topic chosen and misses on topic chosen and
chosen but misses many other, the relevance misses on many crucial
on few critical and quality of content is aspects. The relevance
factors. The OK and quality of content
relevance and is also not up to mark.
quality of content

Structure and The content is The content is presented The content is

flow of written presented in a but the flow and sequence inadequate and not
presentation logical manner but is not up to mark. No presented logically as
(G) fails to establish effort is made in well.
comparison with comparison with
competitors. Some competitors and data is
effort is made on inadequate.
comparison part but
data seems to be
Quality of Critical analysis and Little effort is made on Neither critical review
critical review review is done but critical analysis and nor analysis is done nor
and limited or no review and no are any suggestions
suggestions. (G) suggestions are suggestions and provided. provided.


POINTS 0-3.4 POINTS 3.5-8.0 POINTS 8.1 – 10
A very few of the concepts seems Majority of concepts are Most of concepts are clear
clear and student is unable to clear and understood by and understood by the
comprehend the same. student. student.


POINTS 0-3.4 POINTS 3.5-8 POINTS 8.1 – 10

A very few of the concepts Many of the concepts are clear Most of concepts are clear
seems clear and student is and understood by student. Is and understood by the
unable to comprehend the able to apply and analyze a student. Is able to apply
same. Lacks application and many of the conceptual and analyze a almost all of
analysis of the conceptual frameworks. the conceptual
frameworks. frameworks.


POINTS 0-3.4 POINTS 3.5-8 POINTS 8.1 – 10
Identification of Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and
main issues / demonstrates a weak demonstrates demonstrates a
problems understanding of issues/ acceptable sophisticated
problems in case study. understanding of some understanding of
of the issues/ problems the main issues /
in case study. issues in case
Analysis and Submitted an incomplete Presents satisfactory Presents an
evaluation of issues analysis of all identified analysis of all insightful and
issues / problems. . identified issues / thorough analysis
problems. of all identified
issues / problems.
Recommendations No action suggested. Few actions suggested Supports diagnosis
on effective with limited reasoning and opinions with
solutions and evidence. strong arguments
and well-
Writing mechanics Improper grammar and Writing is not well Proper grammar,
punctuation. organized and not punctuation,
logically consistent. spelling and
effective sentences
making logical

10 | P a g e

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