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Pastor Smith

Girl 1

Girl 2

Girl 3

Girl 4

Girl 5

Boy 1

Boy 2

Boy 3

Boy 4


Psalty: We're almost ready for the International Kids' Praise Potluck. I'm soo excited!

Rhythm: Me too dad! I'm glad we're having a worship workshop . There's so many instruments and
crazy gadgets to play with here.

Melody: Yeah. its fun to learn about the Lord with the song mobile.
Harmony: The incredible music quizzical quail.

Rhythm: And now your new invention.

Harmony: Ooh ooh ooh I can't wait to see how it works and what it does.

Psalty: Rhythm help me lift this giant paper mache heart upon the wall.

Rhythm: Dad why are we hanging this heart on the wall?

Melody: And why did you send heart shaped invitations to all the kids in the neighborhood?

Harmony: And why did you send invitations to us? We're your booklets. We live with you. You could
have just told us about the potluck.

Psalty: I have something very special to share with you and the kids tonight and that's why I'm having all
the kids dressed up in their international costumes.

Melody: And bring food from different countries?

Psalty: Yup.

Rhythm: But why dad? What's it all about?

Psalty: You'll see. Oh here come the kids now. Come on in everybody. Come on into the workshop.



Kids: Hi Psalty!

Psalty: Hi kids! Welcome to the International Kids' Praise Potluck. I got lots to share with you tonight, so
put the food on the table next to the plate, silverware, and chopstick and let's get started.

Rhythm: Hey did you see somebody at the window?

Melody: I don't know. Did you see someone Harmony?

Harmony: There was nobody there.

Girl 1: How come you're in your pyajamas Marty?

Marty: I dont know. The invitation said to wear a pyajamas, a straw hat, and bring a big bowl of fried
rice. Who are you supposed to be?

Girl 1: I dont know either. My invitation said to carry fruit on a basket on my head. And I was supposed
to bring some stuff called 'flan'

Hannah: Psalty we really like the heart shaped invitations you sent us.
Kids: Yeah

Girl 2: Yeah and it smells good in here.

Boy 1: Why did you tell us to dress up in all these funny clothes Psalty? Whats the reason for this
potluck together with all these different kinds of foods?

Psalty: I have something special I wanna tell you about . Did you know that when it's daytime on our side
of the earth, it's night time on the other side and there are children sleeping while you're up playing and
going to school.

Willy: You mean when we're sighing Z's, they're out doing stuff?

Psalty: Thats right Willy! There are children and grown ups all over the world that we've never seen or

Girl 3: Do they live in different countries?

Girl 4: I bet they wear different kinds of clothes like what we're wearing.

Psalty: Correct! and they eat different kinds of foods.

Girl 4: Like what we brought?

Psalty: Exactly. They speak different languages than we do too.

Rhythm: For real dad?

Psalty: For real Rhythm. But it's most important to know that God loves them just as much as he loves
you and me.

Sally: I memorize a verse from the bible about that

Psalty: You did? Can you share it?

Sally: John 3:16. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes
in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Psalty: Well you do know that scripture. Hey, I got a song in my pages that goes to those words. Come
on Sally you start it.



Psalty: Beautiful. Now, the reason for the heart decorations. I wanna talk to you tonight about having a
heart to love the people around the world.

Boy 2: But Psalty Ive never been any place farther than the park on the other side of town.
Girl 5: Yeah we dont know about the poeple on the other side of the world

Psalty: Well Im glad you said that. Can we have a drum roll Rhythm. And now for the unveiling of my
latest invention. Kids Praisers I introduce to you the amazing, the stupendous, the remarkable new

Kids: What is it?

Melody: What does it do paps?

Psalty: The Psaltyscope has the ability to zoom in on areas of need in the world.

Girl 4: How does it work Psalty?

Kids: Yeah

Psalty: You see this giant viewing screen is attached to the image generator which is connected to the
specific location indicator which flows constantly through these series of condensers. The image
reversedly passes along these code anger through these laser tubes powered by the centrifugal forces of
gravity, accentuated by the wearing of soup in this can and all in conjunction with the physical laws of
inertia when you or I by the simple flick of the wrist spin this globe.

Kids: Right.

Psalty: When the globe comes to rest, a picture of that specific location is projected on the screen.

Kids: Hmm...

Psalty: The Psaltyscope is unique. It shows us places in the world where people need to see and hear
about the love of God. And it shows us places where He might want us to go.

Kids: Us?

Psalty: Of course.

Rhythm: But dad how are we gonna know where to go if we dont know where the people are?

Psalty: Thats just the point of the Psaltyscope. Its an educational device to help us learn about the
people in the world

Melody: Lets see how it works dad.

Psalty: Great. Harmony you give it the first spin.

Marty: Who are those people on the screen Psalty?

Kids: Yeah

Psalty: These are from the Chachi Indian tribe of South America. The man standing next to them holding
a book is a bible translator who is working on putting the bible into the Chachi language. Then the
people can read the bible in words they understand

Girl 1: The chichi or the chuchu uh

Psalty: The chachi

Girl 1: Yeah...they're really uh...different looking.

Psalty: They think the same about you too.

Hannah: This is fascinating. What kind of foods do they eat?

Psalty: They're farmers Hannah so they grow their food. They eat mostly fruit called plankanose. Its like

Melody: Dad this is really exciting!

Psalty: Theres more. Lets spin the globe again. Willy you do it this time.

Willy: Thanks Psalty

Harmony: Ooh a jungle. Where is this dad?

Psalty: This harmony is Campuchia. The airplane you see is flown by missionaries carrying doctors and
medicine to a hospital

Sally: Psalty, what is a missionary?

Psalty: Someone who God sends to share His love with other people.

Boy 2: Wow when I grow up could I be a missionary and fly a plane.

Psalty: You sure could.

Girl 2: I wanna be one of the doctors.

Hannah: This is interesting Psalty

Boy 2: Can we spin the globe again?

Psalty: Be my guest

Psalty: This is a village school in Ethiopia. The children here are learning about the love of Jesus. When
they first came they were very hungry but here they get good food to eat from people who care and
now people who God has sent are teaching them how to grow their own food so they won't be hungry

Boy 3: Psalty I like learning about other people. I wanna learn more in case God might want me to go

Kids: Yeah


Kids: That was fun Psalty!

Melody: Dad!Dad! Let's spin the Psaltyscope again.

Kids: Yeah!

Harmony: Its my turn! It's my turn! I get to do it now.

Melody: Just a second Harmony. Let me get out of the way.

Kids: Who's that?

Willy: Thats the boy I saw looking in the window

Girl 2: Oh he goes to our church. I think his name is Jimmy.

Boy 3: Why is he on the Psaltyscope? He doesn't live in the other side of the world

Psalty: There are people with needs right here in our own country, in our own city, in our own
neighborhood, maybe even in our own home. Jimmy's dad's been out of work. I think they're having
trouble making ends meet or even buying food. But why isn't Jimmy at the potluck? I invited him.

Harmony: I told him he couldn't come if he didn't bring anything.

Kids: What?!

Psalty: Harmomy why did you do that?

Harmony: This is a potluck. Everybody is suppose to bring something. He didn't have anything to bring.

Psalty: But Harmomy, there's plenty of food here. We would have love to have Jimmy come.

Harmony: Well I wanted to make sure there would be enough for me. Lets eat!



Psalty: Harmony, I'm surprised at you. You didn't even wait 'til we bless the food. You and I need to have
a little talk.

Rhythm: Willy and I are gonna find Jimmy dad. He must feel really bad.

Willy: We'll bring him back

Psalty: Good. Harmony, let's go into the other room.

Girl 2: uh oh
Jimmy: Lord, it's me Jimmy. I wish I could be at the potluck with all the other kids. But even if they don't
want me, I know you do



Rhythm: Hi Jimmy!

Jimmy: Rhythm and Willy! What are you guys doing here?

Willy: We came to bring you back to the potluck.

Rhythm: Jimmy, I'm sorry for what my sister Harmony said to you It wasnt very nice. Come on back to
the potluck with us. The kids all want you to.

Jimmy: Really?

Rhythm: Yeah! Let's go.

Willy: Ooh its cold outside.

Jimmy: Here Willy, take my coat.

Willy: Wow thanks Jimmy.

Rhythm: Come on. My dad's got this neat new invention. Its called the Psaltyscope. The way it works is
you spin this globe...


Psalty: And so sometimes when we have too much we forget who gave it to us. Do you kids know what
its very important to be?

Hannah: This is baffling. What do you mean Psalty?

Psalty: For all the things God has given us, what is it important to be?

Boy 3: Thankful! Its important to be thankful.

Psalty: Thats right. God loves it when we have thankful hearts and I've got a song on page 43 all about it.

Hannah: Ill turn your pages Psalty.


Melody: Dad, Im thankful for all the things we have and all the good things God does for us. But I cant
stop thinking about all the people who are poor, those who have needs, and those who haven't heard
about Jesus.

Kids: Yes

Psalty: That's good Melody. God wants us to be concerned about those people because He loves them.

Girl 2: Psalty what are some of the ways we can help?

Psalty: Well, lets think about what God might want us to do.

Girl 5: At christmas and birthday time I'll buy extra presents for someone who wouldnt get one.

Boy 4: I'll earn some money helping my mom and dad around the house and then I'll send the money to
help a kid who might need clothes or something to eat or even a bible.

Girl 3: I'm gonna invite my nextdoor neighbor over for dinner. I want her to know all about Jesus.

Boy 1: I'm gonna even be nice to my little sister so she can see how much God loves her through me.

Psalty: Thats the idea. Jesus said we are the light of the world and we wanna let that light shine so bright
that all the world can see it. We're his hands, his feet, and his voice. He'll use us to show the world his

Melody: Dad, could we put together a big basket of food right now for Jimmy and his family?

Boy 4: Can we?

Girl 1: Yeah! please?

Psalty: Here's the basket. Get started.



Rhythm: Hey everybody. Jimmy's here.

Psalty: Hi Jimmy. We really missed you.

Jimmy: Hi everybody

Psalty: Jimmy, get a plate and have some chop seuy.

Jimmy: Thanks.
Sally: Psalty can we give Jimmy his present now?

Psalty: You bet.

Girl 1: We put together a big basket of food and stuff for your family.

Jimmy: Wow thank you all so much I know my parents will really appreciate it thank you everybody

Kids: You're welcome Jimmy

Rhythm: Jimmy, do you wanna see how the Psaltyscope works now?

Jimmy: Could I?

Psalty: Come up here and give it a spin.

Jimmy: This is fun!

Kids: Our church?!

Hannah: Astonishing. It is our church.

Girl 4: Why is our church on the Psaltyscope?

Psalty: Hmm I wonder who that could be.

Pastor: Hi Psalty

Psalty: Pastor Smith! Come in.

Pastor: I just stopped by to see how the you and the kids were doing

Hannah: We're absolutely marvelously wonderful Pastor Smith

Pastor: Really? What have you all been up to?

Girl 5: We've been learning about the people all around the world.

Girl 3: We've been learning that God can use us to show them His love.

Girl 4: And Pastor Smith, wev'e been learning to let our light shine.



Pastor: You kids are so talented. Praise the Lord.

Willy: Look Pastor Smith, our church is on the Psaltyscope. Is there someone in our church with a need?
Pastor: There are lots of needs in our church. Hey, I've got an idea. Psalty would you and the Kids' Praise
kids come this Sunday night and share with the congregation what God has been putting in your hearts?

Psalty: Would we?

Kids: Yey!

Psalty: That would be our privelege.

Pastor: Great. Well see you there.


Pastor: Welcome everyone to our Sunday evening service. Tonight, we have some special visitors. Psalty
and the Kids' Praise kids are here to share with us. Let's give them a warm welcome

Psalty: This is a great big world we live in. There are people everywhere who have never heard what
Jesus did for them.

Girl 2: There are people who are hungry cold and lonely and they don't know that Jesus loves them.

Girl 3: These people might live in another country or they might live in our own neighborhood and go to
our own church.

Boy 1: And they might even live in our own homes.

Girl 5: We can be the ones God uses to help them.

Hannah: Yeah. we can be His hands to reach the world.

Psalty: It all starts in our own hearts. With a heart of love we can reach out and see God do miracles by
God's grace and in God!s strength we can change the world.



Psalty: I brought along my new Psaltyscope to show you how the kids and I had been learning about the
people and places in the world where there are needs. Who wants to give it a spin?

Jimmy: I do Psalty!

Psalty: Alright Jimmy give it a whirl

Kids: Its harmony

Girl 4: uh oh
Harmony: Dad. It's me. But what do I need? I've got everthing. I've got lots of book covers, amando
sticker collection, more food that I can possibly eat. I dont need anything except a change in my heart.
Jimmy, I'm sorry for telling you not to come to the potluck. Will you forgive me?

Jimmy: Of course I will Harmony

Harmony: Dad, I like to say something. Lately, my heart's been filled up with a lot of me. I've been so
worried about how much I can get for myself, I forgot about how much God has done for me. Dad, I
wanna let Jesus have my whole heart.

Psalty: That's my little booklet.


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