Business Ethics Mission and Life Goals

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My personal objective is to touch the lives of other people. Well, i don't have any plans
of being a saint, a famous influence nor a wealthy politician gathering thousands and
millions of people on their own particular platforms. The lives i want to "touch" would be
the people I got to be with, bond with and got close with: my family, friends, loved ones
and some acquaintances. To make a positive impact on their lives, I would be a good
example, a good friend and a good daughter to them. During happy times, I would
definitely root for their successes, support and be with them along the way. If given the
chance, I would also reach out during their critical decision-makings through advicing
and comforting in times of need. But of course, I will value self-love over people at
times. Let us not forget the fact that we cannot give something we don't have. The
values that I will use in fulfilling my mission is honesty, respect, reliability, fairness,
open-mindedness, and compassion.

1. I want to be a Certified Public Accountant (2023). If given the opportunity, I will
continue studying and enter law school.
2. I want to establish my own business (I'm thinking of a bakeshop, but other
businesses will also do as long as it is in-line with food industry).
3. I want to start helping my parents by providing financial support for their daily needs
(and medicines to take/maintenance).
4. I would love to donate some to an animal shelter. I grew up with a family who really
loves dogs (we even have one too!) that's why if I i have the capacity to help them, I will
definitely do!
5. I will do yearly feeding program, with some money I have, every May to celebrate my
birthmonth, to express my gratitude for all the blessings we have and to share it to those
who are in need.

CONSISTENCY, EAGERNESS and DETERMINATION - these are the qualities I must
possess to achieve all of my goals. Being successful is not an easy thing to do; it
requires lots of effort, hardwork and time to achieve. The road towards success is a long
one. It is a life-long journey full of obstacles, hindrances, disappointments and failures. 
Personally, I hate those. It feels devastating to give your best shot on something but
end up failing. You'll get tired (DISCOURAGEMENT). You'll feel hopeless (SELF-
DOUBT). You'll lose track of the way (DISINTEREST). But we must keep in mind that
there's nothing wrong in failing - what really matters is how you handle, get over and
learn from your mistakes. Only fearless people succeed - the ones that dare to dream
but don't dare to give up. We need to possess the eagerness and determination so that
we won't be wavered by those obstacles. On the other hand, consistency is the key to
steadily move forward until we make it to the top. 


1. Fairness and justice is crucial in all aspects, especially judgement-making.
2. If you are at fault, admit it and apologize.
3. Say "Please" when yoh ask something. Say "Thank you!" when someone does
something for you.
4. Men and women should have equal opportunities regardless of gender differences
(except physical labor).
5. Learn how to respect people regardless of their social status, physical appearance,
gender, etc.

1. Cheating and telling lies.
2. Clinging onto people who (1) do nothing but harm you and, (2) doesn't see your
3. Boasting about your successes in life. 
4. Hurting innocent animals.
5. Making fun of people's capabilities, situation, physical appearance, history, etc.


1. Fairness and justice is crucial in all aspects, especially judgement-making. As a
student, I've experienced lots of unfair circumstances in school especially in group tasks
like research. Most of the time, all of the group members get the same grade
disregarding the amount of effort they have contributed on the task. Members who did
not help at all must get no grade/grade that is not equal to others who actually helped
for the accomplishment of the research.

2. If you are at fault, admit it and apologize. When I was hit by a car by a doctor, she
didn't even bother to admit her mistake and apologize for it. Instead, she put the blame
on me and even insisted that it was my  fault. It was sad that a professional like her do
not have any bit of decency and shame on her blood that she can still talk like that after
causing a mess. It doesn't matter what type of person you are, may you be rich, old, a
professional, an educated person, you must know how to lower your pride, admit your
mistake and sincerely apologize to the person you have hurt. It will not cost you
anything though.

3. Say "Please" when you ask something. Say "Thank you!" when someone does
something for you. It might be a simple thing for the majority but for me the statements
greatly affects the mood/performance of the people whom you are saying that to.
Saying please sincerely after you ask something encourages the person to actually do
the task, while saying thank you to someone who does something for you motivates the
person and seems to be a token of appreciation for the work he has done for you.
4. Men and women should have equal opportunities regardless of gender differences
(except physical labor). Except for physical labor (it's already given that women are
undeniably weaker than men), women own the same potential and capabilities to
accomplish the same tasks men do. In families, I believe that men should also take part
for the household chores and taking care of the children while women also take part on
earning money.

5. Respect. Regardless of the person's social status, physical appearance, gender, etc.,
we should always respect other people. When we talk about respect, we do not just talk
about the elderlies. Aside from saying po and opo, we can also show our respect by
listening, encouraging, congratulating, helping and appreciating other people.

1. Cheating and telling lies.
No matter what the reason is, one must abide from cheating and telling lies. Especially
on relationships, what I hate the most is being cheated on. I would rather leave than
stay on a person who cheats on me even though I really love him. If you fell out of love
or you've found someone new, just tell your partner immediately and properly close the

2. Clinging onto people who (1) do nothing but harm you and, (2) doesn't see your
value/worth. Before loving other people, you should first know how to love yourself and
if you love yourself, you need to cut out things that are not good people for you. Clinging
onto toxic people does no good. Clinging to people who doesn't see your worth also
does no good. You have to leave early if you don't want to end up being in ruins.

3. Boasting about your successes in life. It is not bad to be proud of your success
because it took you lots of effort and time to achieve that. But, excessively bragging
your success might embarass and downgrade other people and you should also be
considerate of their feelings. Let the sucess do the noise instead.

4. Hurting innocent animals. Unlike humans, animals do not have the ability to defend
themselves especially against humans. It is very inhumane to hurt innocent animals just
for unnecessary reasons. It might be okay if it was for self-defense (e.g. snakes that will
bite you any moment) or crowd control (e.g. a lion that is outraging). Even though we
cannot understand how the animals speak, doesn't mean we will not take care of them.

5. Making fun of people's capabilities, situation, physical appearance, history, etc. Why
would you make fun of people in the first place? We should always understand that we
are unique in our own different way. We came from different roots and is experiencing
different challenges in life. We have no right to just judge without knowing the real story
behind every person.

 The values that are most important for me is:
1. COMPASSION - I possess ensitivity, the desire to help, or at the very least, see what
I can do in every situatuion.
2. OPTIMISM - I have no idea what the future holds, but I'm prepared to face challenges
that comes naturally with life. I deeply accept that there will be failures as well as
successes, and I am open to learning from these fsilutrs to be better equipped to
manage future obstacles.
3. FAIRNESS - I believe and apply just and reasonable judgement, decision and
treatment in accordance with accepted rules and principles.

I'm willing to give up everything I have just to maintain my values because I know that it
will not only do good to me but to others as well. Of course, I prioritize myself over the
others but if that's what it requires me to be a woman of virtue, why would I not?

I am scared to death-related things actually that's why I really cannot say what, but if
ever i would be on a situation where I need to decide, I would choose "other people",
especially my family and loved ones. Like Utilitarianism, if I would die for the sake of the
betterment of the majority, why would I not die right? I will not be selfish. What matters
is that I died for a purpose and they will remember me for the rest of their lives. That's
what my personal objective's all about though, touching the lives of other people...

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