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Ansa Zakriya

Data Collection Summary

Part 1 ____25

1. What is the topic and what do you hope to discover/confirm?

My overall topic is Autism, specifically the causes of it due to GABA and glutamate imbalances. I
was hoping to do a questionnaire to see how people perceive autism, however that isnt exactly
what my topic is. After reconsidering I think my only real option that would help further my
knowledge on my topic would be to look and analyze previously done studies. My question on
that type of data collection is which studies do I choose because most of my annotations were

2. What method of data collection do you intend to use and why?

Right now I will most likely analyze studies that have already been conducted because not
much is known about my topic and other forms of data collection would not make sense towards
my topic. In order to do a questionnaire I would have to find people who have previously
researched autism.

3 What vetted survey’s are you using? How are you using them? Include citations - articles

I am not going to use a vetted survey.

4. Who is the intended audience? How many responses do you intend to collect?

I am not completely sure who my intended audience is anymore, but I know it must be people
who have a background with this topic, however, I am not sure who that would be. I would love
for it to be a hospital such as medstar or kennedy krieger, but they would know much more than
I do so most likely it would not help them out. Even if this is new information I am not sure if they
would allow a highschooler to present.
5. What is the distribution plan?

I remember that my advisor sent me a link to one of the presentations that he delivered in johns
hopkins about autism and most of the information made sense to me so the level I am working
at is not too far off. My data could be presented or it could just be distributed through my paper.

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