Waspmote GPRS/GPS: Networking Guide

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Waspmote GPRS/GPS

Networking Guide

Document version: v7.0 - 11/2016

© Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.

1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 5

2. General Considerations........................................................................................................................ 6
2.1. Hardware SIM908 (discontinued)............................................................................................................................................6
2.2. Hardware SIM928A.......................................................................................................................................................................8
2.3. Waspmote Libraries................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1. Waspmote GPRS+GPS files.....................................................................................................................................10
2.3.2. Constructor....................................................................................................................................................................10
2.3.3. Working modes............................................................................................................................................................10
2.3.4. Library fuses..................................................................................................................................................................10
2.3.5. Debug modes...............................................................................................................................................................11
2.3.6. Special errors...............................................................................................................................................................11

3. Initialization........................................................................................................................................ 12
3.1. Initializing the GPRS+GPSmodule....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2. Setting the GPRS+GPS Power Mode................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3. Closing the GPRS+GPS module............................................................................................................................................ 12
3.4. Switching GPRS+GPS off......................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.5. Setting time and date.............................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.6. Checking the GSM connection............................................................................................................................................. 13
3.7. Setting operator parameters................................................................................................................................................. 13

4. SIM related functions......................................................................................................................... 14

4.1. Setting the PIN............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.2. Changing PIN number............................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.3. Getting IMSI................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.4. Getting IMEI................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

5. Call functions...................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1. Setting Information returned when receiving a call..................................................................................................... 15
5.2. Making Calls................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.3. Making Missed Calls.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.4. Hanging up calls......................................................................................................................................................................... 16

6. SMS related functions........................................................................................................................ 17

6.1. Setting Information returned when receiving an SMS................................................................................................. 17
6.2. Setting Mode for SMS............................................................................................................................................................... 17
6.3. Sending SMS................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
6.4. Deleting SMS............................................................................................................................................................................... 18
6.5. Getting the number of total SMSs stored in the SIM.................................................................................................... 18

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7. HTTP and FTP protocols..................................................................................................................... 19

7.1. Configuring HTTP/FTP profile............................................................................................................................................... 19
7.2. Creating your own FTP server............................................................................................................................................... 19
7.3. Uploading a file........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.4. Downloading a file.................................................................................................................................................................... 23
7.5. HTTP protocol............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
7.5.1. GET method..................................................................................................................................................................24
7.5.2. POST method................................................................................................................................................................25
7.5.3. Server response...........................................................................................................................................................25
7.6. HTTP queries with GET and POST methods..................................................................................................................... 26
7.7. Sending a frame to Meshlium............................................................................................................................................... 27

8. TCP and UDP connections.................................................................................................................. 29

8.1. Configuring TCP/UDP profile................................................................................................................................................. 29
8.2. Setting DNS servers................................................................................................................................................................... 29
8.3. Set local port................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
8.4. Saving configuration profile.................................................................................................................................................. 30
8.5. Creating a TCP/UDP client or a TCP server........................................................................................................................ 30
8.6. Sending data............................................................................................................................................................................... 31
8.7. Closing connections................................................................................................................................................................. 31
8.8. Enabling/disabling close connection quickly.................................................................................................................. 31
8.9. Getting IP direction from an URL......................................................................................................................................... 32
8.10. Enabling/disabling to adds an IP head............................................................................................................................ 32
8.11. Setting autosending timer................................................................................................................................................... 32
8.12. Enabling/disabling to show remote IP address and port when received data................................................. 32
8.13. Enabling/disabling to show transfer protocol in IP head......................................................................................... 33
8.14. Enabling/disabling to discard input AT data in TCP data send............................................................................... 33
8.15. Enabling/disabling to get data manually....................................................................................................................... 33
8.16. Getting data manually........................................................................................................................................................... 33

9. General functions............................................................................................................................... 34
9.1. Managing incoming data........................................................................................................................................................ 34
9.2. Sending any AT command...................................................................................................................................................... 34
9.3. Setting volume and mode for monitor speaker............................................................................................................. 34
9.4. Setting CLI presentation in incoming calls....................................................................................................................... 35
9.5. Setting CLI presentation in outcoming calls.................................................................................................................... 35
9.6. Gets the phone activity status............................................................................................................................................... 35
9.7. Setting loudspeaker level....................................................................................................................................................... 35
9.8. Setting call alert mode and level.......................................................................................................................................... 36
9.9. Mute................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
9.10. Getting current operator...................................................................................................................................................... 36
9.11. Getting available operators................................................................................................................................................. 37
9.12. Setting preferred operator................................................................................................................................................... 37
9.13. Getting cell information........................................................................................................................................................ 37
9.14. Getting module information .............................................................................................................................................. 38

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10. GPS related functions for SIM908................................................................................................... 39

10.1. Defined variables..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
10.2. Starting the GPS engine........................................................................................................................................................ 39
10.3. Stopping the GPS engine..................................................................................................................................................... 40
10.4. Checking GPS status............................................................................................................................................................... 40
10.5. Waiting for signal connection............................................................................................................................................. 40
10.6. Reading NMEA strings........................................................................................................................................................... 41
10.7. Converting to degrees........................................................................................................................................................... 42
10.8. Setting RTC time and date from the GPS........................................................................................................................ 42

11. GPS related functions for SIM928A................................................................................................. 43

11.1. Defined variables..................................................................................................................................................................... 43
11.2. Starting the GPS engine........................................................................................................................................................ 43
11.3. Stopping the GPS engine..................................................................................................................................................... 44
11.4. Checking GPS status............................................................................................................................................................... 44
11.5. Waiting for signal connection............................................................................................................................................. 44
11.6. Reading GPS data.................................................................................................................................................................... 45
11.7. Setting RTC time and date from the GPS........................................................................................................................ 45

12. Working with Hibernate mode........................................................................................................ 46

13. Geolocation tracker application example...................................................................................... 47

14. Code examples and extended information.................................................................................... 50

15. API changelog................................................................................................................................... 52

16. Certifications..................................................................................................................................... 53

Appendix 1: CME error codes................................................................................................................ 54

Appendix 2: CMS error codes................................................................................................................ 55

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1. Introduction
This guide explains the GPRS+GPS features and functions. There are no great variations in this library for our new product lines
Waspmote v15 and Plug & Sense! v15, released on October 2016.

Anyway, if you are using previous versions of our products, please use the corresponding guides, available on our Development

You can get more information about the generation change on the document “New generation of Libelium product lines”.

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General Considerations

2. General Considerations
In June of 2015, the GPRS+GPS module with chipset SIM908 is discontinued. The chosen chipset to replace it is the SIM928A. So
the new version of GPRS+GPS uses the SIM928A. Those 2 chipsets are very similar: there are not any differences regarding GPRS
features or handling. There are only small differences in GPS performance and handling. This Guide is valid for both modules.

2.1. Hardware SIM908 (discontinued)

Figure: GPRS+GPS module

Model: SIM908 (SIMCom)

Quadband: 850MHz/900MHz/1800MHz/1900MHz
TX Power: 2W (Class 4) 850MHz/900MHz, 1W (Class 1) 1800MHz/1900MHz
Sensitivity: -109dBm
Antenna connector: UFL
External Antenna: 0dBi
Consumption in power down mode: 30µA

GPS features:
Time-To-First-Fix 30s (typ.)
•• Tracking: -160 dBm
•• Acquisition: -143 dBm
Accuracy horizontal position : <2.5m CEP
Power consumption (GSM engine in idle mode)
•• Acquisition : 77mA
•• Tracking : 76mA

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General Considerations


•• Making/Receiving calls.
•• Making ‘x’ tone missed calls.
•• Sending/Receiving SMS.
•• Single connection and multiple connections TCP/IP and UDP/IP clients.
•• TCP/IP server.
•• HTTP service.
•• FTP service (downloading and uploading files).
•• GPS receiver
•• OTA. Refer to the Over the Air Programming Guide for more information:

Figure: GPRS+GPS module in Waspmote

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General Considerations

2.2. Hardware SIM928A

Figure: GPRS+GPS module

Model: SIM928A (SIMCom)

Quadband: 850 MHz / 900MHz / 1800 MHz / 1900 MHz
TX Power: 2 W (Class 4) 850 MHz / 900 MHz, 1 W (Class 1) 1800 MHz / 1900 MHz
Sensitivity: -109 dBm
Antenna connector: UFL
External Antenna: 0 dBi
Consumption in sleep mode: 1 mA to 1.5 mA
Consumption in power down mode: 0 μA

GPS features:
Time-To-First-Fix 30 s (typ.)
•• Tracking: -160 dBm
•• Acquisition: -147 dBm
Accuracy horizontal position : <2.5 m CEP
Power consumption (GSM engine in idle mode)
•• Acquisition : 72 mA
•• Tracking : 67 mA

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General Considerations

•• Making/Receiving calls.
•• Making ‘x’ tone missed calls.
•• Sending/Receiving SMS.
•• Single connection and multiple connections TCP/IP and UDP/IP clients.
•• TCP/IP server.
•• HTTP service.
•• FTP service (downloading and uploading files).
•• GPS receiver.
•• OTA. Refer to the Over the Air Programming Guide for more information:

Figure: GPRS+GPS module in Waspmote

Note: There are 2 different GPRS modules, the GPRS+GPS module and the GPRS module (also know GPRS Pro module). The GPRS
module offers GPRS connectivity. The GPRS+GPS module offers exactly the same GPRS features, and adds GPS features too. Both
modules are controlled in the same way for the GPRS features: the software library is the same.

This is the guide for the GPRS+GPS module. If you are not interested in adding GPS features to your GPRS module, you may
consider the GPRS module.

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General Considerations

2.3. Waspmote Libraries

2.3.1. Waspmote GPRS+GPS files
As commented before, there are two GPRS+GPS modules based in two modules from SIMCom. Both modules use the same
core library files: WaspGPRS_Pro_core.h and WaspGPRS_Pro_core.cpp. To manage the proper functions of each module, two
differents libraries have been developed.

SIM908 module (old GPRS+GPS version) needs WaspGPRS_SIM908.h and WaspGPRS_SIM908.cpp files and the next line must be
introduced at the beginning of the code:
#include <WaspGPRS_SIM908.h>

SIM928A module (new GPRS+GPS version) uses WaspGPRS_SIM928A.h and WaspGPRS_SIM928A.cpp and the next line must be
introduced at the beginning of the code:

#include <WaspGPRS_SIM928A.h>

2.3.2. Constructor
In order to start using Waspmote GPRS+GPS library, an object from class ‘WaspGPRS_SIM908’ or class ‘WaspGPRS_SIM928A’
must be created. This object, called ‘GPRS_SIM908’ or ‘GPRS_SIM928A’, is created inside Waspmote GPRS+GPS library and it is
public to all libraries. The object ‘GPRS_SIM928A’ is used throughout the guide to show how the Waspmote GPRS+GPS library
When creating this constructor, some variables are defined with a value by default, that can be modified later. These variables are:
•• baudRate : specifies the baudrate used to communicate with the module (57600 by default).
•• _socket : specifies the socket used to communicate with the module (UART1 by default).
•• _pwrMode : specifies the power mode (ON by default).

2.3.3. Working modes

Some constants have been defined to set the different working modes for GPRS+GPS module.
•• 0: GPRS_PRO_ON. Module is powered on. Starts in full functionality mode.
•• 1: GPRS_PRO_FULL. Module is set in full functionality (power consumption around 10-40mA).
•• 2: GPRS_PRO_RF_OFF. Module deactivates RF circuits (power consumption around 10-40mA).
•• 3: GPRS_PRO_MIN. Module is set on minimum functionality (power consumption around 10-40mA).
•• 4: GPRS_PRO_SLEEP. Module enters in sleep mode when there is no data on serial port. From time to time, it communicates
with carrier to maintain the connection (power consumption 1-2mA ).
•• 5: GPRS_PRO_POWER_OFF. Module is powered off. The power transistors are switched off.

Minimum functionality mode and RF disabled functionality mode cannot be switched to each other. When the module
communicates with carrier, current peaks between 1-1’4A are produced.

2.3.4. Library fuses

The library for this module is divided in 4 sections and a section with functions and constants that always are active. Each section
is activated/deactivated by a fuse. This fuses are located in WaspGPRS_Pro _core.h. By default this fuses have a ‘1’ allowing to use
the functions. The WaspGPRS_Pro _core.h have this fuses:

•• GSM_FUSE: Call and SMS related functions and constants

•• HTTP_FUSE: HTTP related functions and constants
•• FTP_FUSE: FTP related functions and constants
•• IP_FUSE: TCP and UDP related functions and constants
•• OTA_FUSE: Over The Air Programming related functions and constants

For deactivate a section change the ‘1’ in the related fuse by ‘0’.

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General Considerations

Note: If you use a function with the related fused with a value of ‘0’, the compiler will give you an error. Please, be carefully using the
fuses when compiling.

2.3.5. Debug modes

The library has two debug modes implemented that allows to the experimented user show the data transmitted and received
between the Waspmote and the GPRS+GPS module. The value of the GRPS_debug_mode constant selects the debug mode:

•• ‘0’ Disables all debug messages

•• ‘1’ Shows only the commands sent to the GPRS+GPSmodule and some extra messages
•• ‘2’ Shows commands sent to the GPRS+GPS module, the data answered by the module and some extra messages

The constant GPRS_debug_mode is located in WaspGPRS_Pro_core.h file.

2.3.6. Special errors

Some functions can give an extra error code (CME or CMS error codes).

This code is stored on GPRS_SIM928A.CME_CMS_code . To know the description of the code see the appendix.

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3. Initialization
3.1. Initializing the GPRS+GPSmodule
The GPRS+GPS module is connected to a multiplexer, since it is connected to the same microcontroller socket. To start using the
GPRS+GPS module, this multiplexer must be switched on and choose the correct combination for the GPRS+GPS to be selected.

To open the socket and set the multiplexer to the correct combination, a function has been developed. This function powers on
(GPRS_SIM928A.setMode(GPRS_PRO_ON)) the module too.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.ON(); // Opens socket and sets multiplexer

3.2. Setting the GPRS+GPS Power Mode

Sets the current internal Power Mode on the GPRS+GPS. GPRS+GPS module has five different power modes: GPRS_PRO_ON,
up the pwrMode variable to one of the five values, but also sends the serial command to the GPRS+GPS module. It returns ‘1’ on
success, ‘0’ and ‘-2’ if error and ‘-3’ when the module starts successfully with low battery.

Example of use:

uint8_t powerMode = 0;
GPRS_SIM928A.setMode(GPRS_PRO_ON); // Powers GPRS+GPS on
powerMode = GPRS_SIM928A.getMode(); // Get GPRS+GPS power mode

Related variables

GPRS_SIM928A.pwrMode  stores GPRS+GPS power mode

3.3. Closing the GPRS+GPS module

It closes the socket to which the GPRS+GPS module is connected. It means disconnecting the internal socket drivers inside the
ATMEGA1281 processor.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.close(); // Closes socket

3.4. Switching GPRS+GPS off

It closes the socket to which the GPRS+GPS module is connected to and turns it off.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.OFF(); // Closes socket and turns it off

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3.5. Setting time and date

This function updates the time and the date of the GPRS+GPS module from the RTC.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ or ‘-2’ if error

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.setTime(); // Updates time and date

3.6. Checking the GSM connection

It checks if the module is connected to the network for a time desired by the input parameter.

If the GPRS+GPS module does not connect within these attempts, function exits with ‘0’.

It returns ‘1’ when connected and ‘0’ if not.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.check(180); // Waits 180 seconds for connection

According to Libelium experience, 180 seconds is the recommended timeout for connecting the GPRS network. The timeout
may vary depending on the network range and quality of service. If the user detects this timeout does not allow his GPRS to
connect, he can experiment with higher values. 180 seconds would be the maximum advised timeout: if the GSM/GPRS module
cannot connect in 2 minutes, it is better to stop trying and check again in the next loop.

3.7. Setting operator parameters

When the GPRS module uses some services like IP connections (TCP/UDP), HTTP services or FTP transfers, it’s mandatory to
configure operator parameters like APN, login and password.

There are two ways to configure these settings. The first one is to use the definitions into the file WaspGPRS_Pro_core.h.

#define AT_GPRS_APN “APN”

#define AT_GPRS_LOGIN “login”
#define AT_GPRS_PASSW “password”

The second one is to use the function set_APN().

Example of use:

// If only APN is necessary
// If APN, login and password are necessary
GPRS_SIM928A .set_APN(“provider_apn”, “login”, “password”);

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SIM related functions

4. SIM related functions

Some functions have been developed to configure some settings related with GSM, specifically with managing calls and SMS.

4.1. Setting the PIN

It sets the PIN to the SIM and it returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ‘-2’ if CME error code available.

Example of use

GPRS_SIM928A.setPIN(“1234”); // Sets PIN = 1234 to the SIM

4.2. Changing PIN number

It changes PIN number of SIM card.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ‘-2’ if CME error code available.

Example of use

GPRS_SIM928A.changePIN(“1234”, “4321”); // Changes “1234” to “4321” PIN number

4.3. Getting IMSI

It gets the IMSI from the SIM card and it stores the IMSI into buffer_GPRS variable.

It returns ‘1’ if connected, ‘0’ if not.

Example of use


Getting IMSI example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

4.4. Getting IMEI

It gets the IMEI from the SIM card and it stores the IMEI into buffer_GPRS variable.

It returns ‘1’ if connected, ‘0’ if not.

Example of use


Getting IMEI example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

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Call functions

5. Call functions
5.1. Setting Information returned when receiving a call
This function configures the information returned by the module when a call is received. It is useful to generate interruptions or
to store data from the incoming call .

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ‘-1’ if no memory and ‘-2’ if error with CME error code available.

Example of use

GPRS_SIM908.setInfoIncomingCall(); // Sets information returned by the module when incoming

5.2. Making Calls

It makes a call to the given telephone number.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Note: the number can be using the country code or only the phone number.

Example of use
GPRS_SIM928A.makeCall(“*********”); // Makes a call to the desired number

Making call example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

5.3. Making Missed Calls

It makes a specified duration missed call to the given telephone number.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Note 1: the calling time includes the time to send the request to the carrier, so the receiving call time is a bit shorter than the
input parameter.

Note 2: the number can be using the country code or only the phone number.

Example of use
GPRS_SIM928A.makeLostCall(“*********”,10); // Makes a lost call of 10 seconds to the desired
number }

Making lost call example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

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Call functions

5.4. Hanging up calls

It hangs up all the active calls. It returns ‘1’ on success and ‘0’ if error.

Example of use
GPRS_SIM928A.hangUp(); // Hangs all the active calls up

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SMS related functions

6. SMS related functions

6.1. Setting Information returned when receiving an SMS
This function configures the information returned by the module when an SMS is received. It is useful to generate interruptions
or to store data from the incoming SMS.

It returns ‘1’ on success and ‘0’ if error.

Example of use

GPRS_SIM928A.setInfoIncomingSMS(); // Sets information returned by the module when incoming

6.2. Setting Mode for SMS

It sets the text mode for the SMS and it returns ‘1’ on success and ‘0’ if error.

It returns ‘1’ on success and ‘0’ if error.

Example of use

GPRS_SIM928A.setTextModeSMS(); // Sets text mode for SMS

6.3. Sending SMS

It sends a SMS to the specified number.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error, ‘-2’ if error sending the SMS and ‘-3’ if error sending the SMS with CMS error code available.

Note: the maximum length is 90 Bytes (90 characters).

Example of use

GPRS_SIM928A.sendSMS(“Hello World!”,“6********”); // Sends this text in an SMS to the desired

Sending SMS example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

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SMS related functions

6.4. Deleting SMS

It deletes a SMS in memory selected by sms_index.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ‘-2’ if error with CMS error code available.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.deleteSMS(“2”); // Deletes the SMS at index 2

6.5. Getting the number of total SMSs stored in the SIM

It gets the number of total SMSs stored in the SIM

It returns the number of SMSs, or ‘-2’ if error

Example of use:

total_SMS = GPRS_SIM928A.getTotalSMS(); // Gets the number of SMS

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HTTP and FTP protocols

7. HTTP and FTP protocols

7.1. Configuring HTTP/FTP profile
It configures GPRS connection with login, password and some other parameters for use with HTTP and FTP funtions.

The configuration parameters from ‘WaspGPRS_core.h’ are AT_GPRS_APN, AT_GPRS_LOGIN and AT_GPRS_PASSW.
Also, function GPRS_SIM928A.set_APN() can be used.

It returns:

• ‘1’ on success
• ‘0’ if error
• ‘-2’ if error setting the type of internet connection,
• ‘-3’ if error setting the APN
• ‘-4’ if error setting the user name
• ‘-5’ if error setting the password
• ‘-6’ if error saving the configuration

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.configureGPRS_HTTP_FTP(1); // Configures profile 1 for use it

7.2. Creating your own FTP server

First, you should get a server. This server will receive your frames and store them. There is no need to purchase a physical server
since there are companies that offer remote servers.

Note: The server used by Libelium to realize the upload and download tests is a Pure-FTPD server (www.pureftpd.org) and it is
hosted into a OVH server (www.ovh.com). The Pure-FTPD server has the settings by default:

•• TLS encryption support: Optional

•• TLS cipher suite: High-Medium + TLSv1
•• Allow anonymous logins: No
•• Allow anonymous uploads: No
•• Maximum load for anonymous downloads: 4
•• Maximum idle time (minutes): 15
•• Maximum connections: 50
•• Maximum connections per IP address: 8
•• Allow logins with root password: Yes
•• Broken clients compatibility: No

From Libelium, we recommend the use of this server hosting provider to obtain good results to upload and download files, but we
can’t guarantee the perfect performance of the FTP server.

Also, Libelium has tested with Guebs hosting (www.guebs.com) with good results.

Follow the next steps to create your own FTP server using the terminal:

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HTTP and FTP protocols

1 - Install the pure-ftpd server:

sudo apt-get install pure-ftpd

2 - Stop the server:

sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd stop

3 - Before creating the user, it is necessary create a directory to stored the received data:
sudo mkdir /home/ftp and inclide a false shell. To check if the shell exist:
sudo more /etc/shells

4 - If it isn’t the line /bin/false, edit the file, for example with vim, and include it:
sudo vim /etc/shells

5 - After creating a new folder to store data, you have to create a group and a user with false shell, because this type
of user don’t need a valid shell (more secure), therefore select /bin/false shell for user and /dev/null as directory:
sudo groupadd ftpgroup
sudo useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /bin/false user1

6 - Modify folder permissions:

sudo chown -R user1 /home/ftp
sudo chmod -R 755 /home/ftp

7 - Add the new user to the pure-ftpd database:

sudo pure-pw useradd username -u ftpuser -g ftpgroup -d /home/ftp
Set the user password when it request.

8 - Update the pure-ftpd database:

sudo pure-pw mkdb

9 - When the users are include in the ftp, start the server:
sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start

Remember to open the ports in your router. After this, you will be able to receive FTP transmissions on your server. We advise to
use FileZilla to visualize and manage your FTP server.

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HTTP and FTP protocols

7.3. Uploading a file

It uploads a file to a FTP server.

It returns:

• ‘1’ on success
• ‘0’ if error opening connection with the GPRS provider
• ‘-1’ if no GPRS connection
• ‘-2’ if error opening the connection
• ‘-3’ if error getting the IP address
• ‘-4’ if error setting the FTP/HTTP ID (no answer from module)
• ‘-5’ if error setting the FTP mode (no answer from module)
• ‘-6’ if error setting the FTP type (no answer from module)
• ‘-7’ if error setting the FTP server(no answer from module)
• ‘-8’ if error setting the FTP port (no answer from module)
• ‘-9’ if error setting the user name
• ‘-10’ if error setting the password
• ‘-11’ if error starting the SD
• ‘-12’ if error taking the file size in the SD
• ‘-13’ if error setting the file name in the FTP server (no answer from module)
• ‘-14’ if error setting the path of the file in the FTP server (no answer from module)
• ‘-15’ if error opening the FTP session (no answer from module)
• ‘-16’ if error when request to send data
• ‘-17’ error sending data to the FTP
• ‘-18’ if error waiting for send more data
• ‘-19’ if error when setting Upload File (with CME error code available)
• ‘-20’ if error closing the FTP session (no answer from module)
• ‘-21’ setting the file name in the FTP to get the file size
• ‘-22’ setting the path in the FTP to get the file size
• ‘-23’ if error getting the file size (no answer from module)
• ‘-24’ if error opening SD file
• ‘-25’ if error when setting pointer to the beginning of the file
• ‘-40’ if error from FTP when the module sends data with error code available
• ‘-41’ if error setting the FTP/HTTP ID with CME error code available
• ‘-42’ if error setting the FTP mode (with CME error code available)
• ‘-43’ if error setting the FTP type (with CME error code available)
• ‘-44’ if error setting the FTP server (with CME error code available)
• ‘-45’ if error setting the FTP port (with CME error code available)
• ‘-46’ if error setting the user name (with CME error code available)
• ‘-47’ if error setting the password (with CME error code available)
• ‘-48’ if error setting the file name in the FTP server (with CME error code available)

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HTTP and FTP protocols

• ‘-49’ if error setting the path of the file in the FTP server (with CME error code available)
• ‘-50’ if error opening the FTP session (with CME error code available)
• ‘-51’ if error closing the FTP session (with CME error code available)
• ‘-53’ setting the file name in the FTP to get the file size (with CME error code available)
• ‘-54’ setting the path in the FTP to get the file size (with CME error code available)
• ‘-55’ if error getting the file size (with CME error code available)
• ‘-56’ if FTP is busy error getting the size of the file from the FTP
• ‘-57’ if FTP is busy sending data
• ‘-58’ if timeout

Example of use

// Uploads file.txt file with HTTP/FTP profile 1
, “/FTP_folder/test_file.txt”
, “username”
, “password”
, “FTP_server”
, “FTP_port”
, 1);

Uploading files example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

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HTTP and FTP protocols

7.4. Downloading a file

It downloads a file from an FTP server.
It returns:
‘1’ on success
‘0’ if error opening connection with the GPRS provider
‘-1’ error downloading the file
‘-2’ if error getting the IP address
‘-3’ if error setting the FTP/HTTP ID
‘-4’ if error setting the FTP mode
‘-5’ if error setting the FTP type
‘-6’ if error setting the FTP server
‘-7’ if error setting the FTP port
‘-8’ if error setting the user name
‘-9’ if error setting the password
‘-12’ if error setting the file name in the FTP server,
‘-13’ if error setting the path of the file in the FTP server
‘-14’ if error opening the FTP session
‘-15’ if error starting the SD
‘-16’ if error creating the file
‘-17’ error requesting data to the FTP
‘-18’ if error saving data into the SD
‘-19’ if error requesting more data to the FTP
‘-21’ setting the file name in the FTP to get the file size
‘-22’ setting the path in the FTP to get the file size
‘-23’ if error getting the file size
‘-41’ if error setting the FTP/HTTP ID with CME error code available
‘-42’ if error setting the FTP mode with CME error code available,
‘-43’ if error setting the FTP type with CME error code available
‘-44’ if error setting the FTP server with CME error code available
‘-45’ if error setting the FTP port with CME error code available
‘-46’ if error setting the user name with CME error code available,
‘-47’ if error setting the password with CME error code available
‘-48’ if error setting the file name in the FTP server with CME error code available
‘-49’ if error setting the path of the file in the FTP server with CME error code available
‘-50’ if error opening the FTP session with CME error code available
‘-51’ if error requesting data to the FTP with CME error code available
‘-52’ if error requesting more data to the FTP with CME error code available
‘-53’ setting the file name in the FTP to get the file size with CME error code available
‘-54’ setting the path in the FTP to get the file size with CME error code available
‘-55’ if error getting the file size with CME error code available
‘-56’ if FTP is busy error getting the size of the file from the FTP
‘-57’ if FTP is busy sending data
‘-58’ if timeout

-23- v7.0
HTTP and FTP protocols

Example of use:
// Uploads test_file.txt file with HTTP/FTP profile 2
, “/SD_folder/file.txt”
, ”username”
, “password”
, “FTP_server”
, “FTP_port”
, 2);

•• Downloading files example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

7.5. HTTP protocol

HTTP is a great protocol because it is a standard, simple and light way to send information to web servers.

Libelium has created a little web service in order to allow GPRS, WiFi or 3G modules users to test the HTTP mode. This web
service is a little code, written in PHP, which is continuously listening to the HTTP port (port number 80) of our test server
“pruebas.libelium.com”. This is a kind of RESTful service. GPRS, WiFi or 3G modules can send HTTP instances to our web service.

HTTP instances should have the following structures so that our web service can understand.

7.5.1. GET method

In GET method the data are sent to the server append to the main URL with the ‘?’ character. The base sentence to perform GET
method is shown below:



•• getpost_frame_parser.php? : It is the main URL, where the web service is running.

•• <variable1=value1> : It is a couple with the variable name and value which we want the web service to parse.
•• view=html : It is an optional argument. It shows a “pretty” response (HTML formated)

All arguments must be separated by “&”. The variable name and value must be separated by “=”.

Some examples:


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HTTP and FTP protocols

7.5.2. POST method

Unlike GET method, with POST method the data are sent to the server into an extra data field. The URL only includes the site
name and the PHP direction:

The body is very similar to the used in GET method:

•• <variable1=value1> : It is a couple with the variable name and value which we want the web service to parse.
All arguments must be separated by “&”. The variable name and value must be separated by “=”.

•• Some examples of data field:


7.5.3. Server response

If the web service receives one instance with the appropriate format, some actions will happen:

•• the web service grabs the string and parses it. So the PHP code creates couples with the variables name and value.
•• the web service responses to the sender device (to the sender IP) with an HTML-formatted reply.

Figure: Operating with the web service from a PC browser

Figure: Operating with the web service from a Waspmote GPRS

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HTTP and FTP protocols

Remember this PHP code is really simple and is offered with the only purpose of testing, without any warranty. The source
code is available here:


The user may find it interesting to copy this code and make it run on his own server (physical or virtual). If the user wants to go
further, he can complete the code. For example, once the couples are parsed, the user can modify the PHP to save data into a txt
file, or insert couples into a database, or include a timestamp...

7.6. HTTP queries with GET and POST methods

The function readURL() can be used to send data, using the GET method, to a server and receive a response. The syntax of the
function depends of the data to send.

If the data to be sent is a plain string, the syntax is shown below:

GPRS_SIM928A.readURL(url, HTTP_FTP_profile);


•• url: the URL to get the information from

•• HTTP_FTP_profile: profile used with the function configureGPRS_HTTP_FTP()

Example of GET query:

// GET method without frame using HTTP/FTP profile 1
php?var1=2&var2=2.1516”, 1);

The function readURL() can be used to send data, using POST method, to a server and receive a response. The sintaxis of the
function depends of the data to send.

If the data to be sent is a plain string, the sintaxis is shown below:

GPRS_SIM928A.readURL(url, POST_data, HTTP_FTP_profile);


•• url: the URL to get the information from

•• POST_data: data to send wit the POST request
•• HTTP_FTP_profile: profile used with the function configureGPRS_HTTP_FTP()

Example of POST query:

// POST method without frame using HTTP/FTP profile 1
, “var1=2&var2=2.1516”
, 1);

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HTTP and FTP protocols

The funcion returns:

‘0’ if error
‘1’ on success
‘2’ if buffer_GPRS is full. The answer from the server is limited by the length of buffer_GPRS. To increase the length of the
answer, increase the BUFFER_SIZE constant.
‘-1’ if no GPRS connection
‘-2’ if error opening the connection,
‘-3’ if error getting the IP address,
‘-4’ if error initializing the HTTP service
‘-5’ if error setting CID the HTTP service
‘-6’ if error setting the URL the HTTP service
‘-7’ if error starting HTTP session
‘-8’ if error getting data from URL
‘-9’ if error closing the HTTP service
‘-10’ if error initializing the HTTP service with CME error code available
‘-11’ if error setting CID the HTTP service with CME error code available
‘-12’ if error setting the URL the HTTP service with CME error code available
‘-13’ if error starting HTTP session with CME error code available
‘-14’ if error getting data from url with CME error code available
‘-15’ if error closing the HTTP service with CME error code available
‘-20’ if error getting data from URL with CME error code available

Reading an URL using GET and POST methods examples for SIM928A:


The examples for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

7.7. Sending a frame to Meshlium

Since June 2014, it is possible to send HTTP queries from Waspmote to Meshlium. All data sent using the Waspmote Frame to
Meshlium is stored in the Meshlium’s database using the Frame Parser. Thus, it is possible to access to this data or synchronize
it to external systems.

For this purpose, we need to use the Waspmote Frame which permits to create sensor formatted frames in an easy way. Then
the frame is used as seen below.

The function readURL() can be used to send data, using both GET and POST methods to Meshlium and receive a response.

GPRS_SIM928A.readURL(url, frame.buffer, frame.length, HTTP_FTP_profile, HTTP_method);


•• url: the URL to get the information from

•• frame.buffer: buffer from frame class. The frame must composed before to use the readURL() function
•• frame.length: the length of frame.buffer
•• HTTP_FTP_profile: profile used with the function configureGPRS_HTTP_FTP()
•• HTTP_method: must be GET in order to use the GET method or POST in order to use the POST method

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HTTP and FTP protocols

Example of GET query with frame:

// GET method with frame using HTTP/FTP profile 1
, frame.buffer
, frame.length
, 1
, GET);

Example of POST query with frame:

// POST method with frame using HTTP/FTP profile 1
, frame.buffer
, frame.length
, 1
, POST);

It returns:

•• ‘0’ if error
•• ‘1’ on success
•• ‘2’ if buffer_GPRS is full. The answer from the server is limited by the length of buffer_GPRS. To increase the length of the
answer, increase the BUFFER_SIZE constant.
•• ‘-1’ if no GPRS connection
•• ‘-2’ if error opening the connection,
•• ‘-3’ if error getting the IP address,
•• ‘-4’ if error initializing the HTTP service
•• ‘-5’ if error setting CID the HTTP service
•• ‘-6’ if error setting the URL the HTTP service
•• ‘-7’ if error starting HTTP session
•• ‘-8’ if error getting data from URL
•• ‘-9’ if error closing the HTTP service
•• ‘-10’ if error initializing the HTTP service with CME error code available
•• ‘-11’ if error setting CID the HTTP service with CME error code available
•• ‘-12’ if error setting the URL the HTTP service with CME error code available
•• ‘-13’ if error starting HTTP session with CME error code available
•• ‘-14’ if error getting data from URL with CME error code available
•• ‘-15’ if error closing the HTTP service with CME error code available
•• ‘-16’ if error configuring the HTTP content parameter
•• ‘-17’ if error configuring the HTTP content parameter with CME error code available
•• ‘-18’ if error sending the POST data
•• ‘-19’ if error sending the POST data with CME error code available
•• ‘-20’ if error getting data from URL with CME error code available

HTTP query using GET and POST methods with Waspmote Frame examples for SIM928A:


The examples for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

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TCP and UDP connections

8. TCP and UDP connections

8.1. Configuring TCP/UDP profile
It configures GPRS connection with login, password and some other parameters for use with TCP/UDP connections with
parameters from ‘WaspGPRS_Pro_core.h’ file. The configuration parameters from ‘WaspGPRS_Pro_core.h are AT_GPRS_APN,
AT_GPRS_LOGIN and AT_GPRS_PASSW. Also, function GPRS_SIM928A.set_APN() can be used

There are two modes of connection for TCP/UDP application: Single connection and multi-connection. When in single connection
mode, GPRS+GPS module can work at both transparent mode and non-transparent mode. When in multi-connection mode,
GPRS+GPS module only can work at non-transparent mode.

It returns:

• ‘1’ on success
• ‘0’ if error
• ‘-2’ if error dettaching the GPRS connection
• ‘-3’ if error attaching the GPRS connection
• ‘-4’ if error setting the application mode,
• ‘-5’ if error setting the connection mode
• ‘-6’ if error establishing the connection with the GPRS provider
• ‘-15’ if error dettaching the GPRS connection with CME error code available
• ‘-16’ if error attaching the GPRS connection with CME error code available

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.configureGPRS_TCP_UDP(MULTI_CONNECTION); // Configures the profile for multiple
for single connection and non transparent mode

8.2. Setting DNS servers

It sets the directions of DNS servers from ‘GPRS_Pro_core.h’ file or by the user into the code.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ’-2’ if CME error code available.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.setDNS(); // Sets DNS servers from GPRS_Pro_core.h
GPRS_SIM928A.setDNS(“***.***.***.***”); // Sets DNS server
GPRS_SIM928A.setDNS(“***.***.***.***”, ”***.***.***.***”); // Sets DNS servers

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TCP and UDP connections

8.3. Set local port

It sets the internal port for TCP or UDP connection. This function will be effective only in single connection mode and when
module is set as a Client.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.setLocalPort(“UDP”, 32000); //Set local port for an UDP connection

8.4. Saving configuration profile

It saves the configuration profile into the internal NVRAM of the GPRS+GPS module.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:


8.5. Creating a TCP/UDP client or a TCP server

In single connection mode, GPRS+GPS can be configured as either TCP/UDP client or TCP server. When in multi-connection
mode, GPRS+GPS can work as an absolute TCP/UDP client, which can establish 8 connections in total. It also can be configured
as one TCP server, which allows 7 TCP/UDP clients to connect in; and the TCP server also can act as a client, establishing 7
connections to one remote server.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error setting the connection, ‘-2’ if error setting the connection with CME error code available and
‘-3’ if time out waiting the connection.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.createSocket( TCP_SERVER, “512”); // Creates a TCP server
GPRS_SIM928A.createSocket( UDP_CLIENT, 3, “”, “12002”); // Creates an UDP
client in connection number 3
GPRS_SIM928A.createSocket( TCP_CLIENT, “”, “12002”); // Creates an TCP client
in single connection mode

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TCP and UDP connections

8.6. Sending data

This function sends ‘data’ to the specified ‘n_connection’ .

It returns’1’ on success, ‘0’ if error waiting the response of the module, ‘-2’ if error with CME error code available, ‘-3’ if no feedback
detected and ‘-4’ if the send fails.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.sendData(“Test message in single connection!”); // Sending data in single
connection mode
GPRS_SIM928A.sendData(“Test message in single connection!”, 1); // Sending data in multi-
connection by connection number 1

For send binary data or raw data the function needs an uint8_t pointer to the data and the length of the data.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error waiting the response of the module, ‘-2’ if error with CME error code available, ‘-3’ if no feedback
detected and ‘-4’ if the send fails.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.sendData(frame.buffer, frame.length); // Send a frame in single connection
GPRS_SIM928A.sendData(frame.buffer, frame.length, 1); // Send a frame in multiconnection
by connection number 1

8.7. Closing connections

It closes TCP/UDP connection.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use

GPRS_SIM928A.closeSocket(); // Closes connection in single connection mode
GPRS_SIM928A.closeSocket(5); // Closes connection 5 in multi connection mode
GPRS_SIM928A.closeSocket(8); // Closes TCP server

8.8. Enabling/disabling close connection quickly

It enables/disables to close the connection quickly.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:


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TCP and UDP connections

8.9. Getting IP direction from an URL

It gets the IP direction from a URL using DNS servers. Stores the IP direction in ‘buffer_GPRS’.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.getIPfromDNS(“www.libelium.com”); // Gets IP direction from Libelium’s web

8.10. Enabling/disabling to adds an IP head

It enables/disables to add an IP head at the beginning of a package received.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:


8.11. Setting autosending timer

It sets a timer when module is sending data. Time is in seconds from 0 to 100.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.SetAutoSendingTimer(ENABLE, 5); // Sets timer at 5 seconds

8.12. Enabling/disabling to show remote IP address and port when

received data
It enables or disables to show remote IP address and port when received data.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:


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TCP and UDP connections

8.13. Enabling/disabling to show transfer protocol in IP head

It enables or disables to show transfer protocol in IP head when received data.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:


8.14. Enabling/disabling to discard input AT data in TCP data send

It enables or disables to discard input AT data in TCP data send.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:


8.15. Enabling/disabling to get data manually

It enables or disables to get data manually from a TCP/UDP connection.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.SetDataManually(ENABLE); // Enable to get data manually in single connection
GPRS_SIM928A.SetDataManually(DISABLE, 6); // Disable to get data manually in connection 6
in multi-connection mode

8.16. Getting data manually

It gets data manually from a TCP or UDP connection.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.GetDataManually(25); // Gets 25 characters from single connection
GPRS_SIM928A.GetDataManually(20, 2); // Gets 20 character from connection 2 in multi-connection mode

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General functions

9. General functions
9.1. Managing incoming data
It waits for incoming calls, SMSs or TCP/UDP data up to 20 seconds. When a call or SMS is received, this function stores in the
tlfIN variable the telephone number which sent the SMS or made the call, in the buffer_GPRS variable the text of the SMS
received and in sms_index the last SMS received index.

It executes the function readCall() if a call is received, readSMS() if a SMS is received and readIPData().

Returns ‘1’ for call, ‘2’ for SMS, ‘3’ for IP data and ‘0’ for error or not data.

Note 1: the phone number has a maximum length of 15 characters, including country code.

Note 2: the SMS text has a maximum size of 100 characters.

Note 3: the TCP/UDP data string has a maximum size of 150 characters.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.manageIncomingData(); // Manages incoming data

Related variables:

•• GPRS_SIM928A.tlfIN  it stores the telephone number of the incoming SMS

•• GPRS_SIM928A.sms  it stores the text of the received SMS
•• GPRS_SIM928A.buffer_GPRS  it stores the data of TCP/UDP connections or the number of the incoming call

9.2. Sending any AT command

It sends any AT command to the GPRS+GPS module and it stores in buffer_GPRS variable the answer returned by the GPRS+GPS
module. This variable ends with the character ‘\0’.

It returns ‘1’ on success and ‘0’ if error.

Example of use :

GPRS_SIM928A.sendCommand(“+CCLK?”); // It sends the AT command ‘CCLK’

9.3. Setting volume and mode for monitor speaker

These functions configure volume (0 to 9) and mode (0 to 9) of the monitor speaker.

They return ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error .

Example of use:


-34- v7.0
General functions

9.4. Setting CLI presentation in incoming calls

This function enables or disables the presentation of the incoming call.
It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.
Example of use:


9.5. Setting CLI presentation in outcoming calls

/*This function restricts or enables the presentation of the CLI to the called party when originating a call. Allowed modes
It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.
Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.setCLIRestriction(SUPPRESS_CLIR); // Restricts the CLI for called party

9.6. Gets the phone activity status

This function gets the phone activity status and it returns ‘0’ for error, ‘1’= Ready, ‘2’= Unknown, ‘3’= Ringing and ‘4’= Call in progress.

Example of use:


9.7. Setting loudspeaker level

This function sets loudspeaker volume level between 0-100.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ‘-2’ if error with CME error code available..

Example of use:


-35- v7.0
General functions

9.8. Setting call alert mode and level

This function configures mode, level and melody (0 to 19) of calls alert. Allowed modes are NORMAL_MODE or SILENT_MODE.


It returns:
• ‘1’ on success
• ‘0’ if error setting the sound mode
• ‘-2’ if error setting the sound mode with CME error code available,
• ‘-3’ if error setting the sound type
• ‘-4’ if error setting the sound type with CME error code available,
• ‘-5’ if error setting the ring level
• ‘-6’ if error setting the ring level with CME error code available

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.setCallAlert(SILENT_MODE); // All sounds from module are prevented

9.9. Mute
This function enables or disables mute during a call.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ‘-2’ if error with CME error code available.

Example of use:


9.10. Getting current operator

It gets the currently selected operator from network and stores it in ‘operator_name’.

It returns ‘1’ on success and ‘0’ if error and ‘-2’ if CME error code available.

Example of use:


-36- v7.0
General functions

9.11. Getting available operators

This function gets the currently available operators from network and stores it in ‘operators_list’.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ‘-2’ if CME error code available.

Example of use:


Related variables

operators_list  struct that stores the format and the name of the operators.

9.12. Setting preferred operator

This function sets the preferred operator in the operators list into GPRS+GPS module.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ‘-2’ if CME error code available.

Example of use:

GPRS_SIM928A.setPreferredOperator(1, 0, “operator”); // Sets “operator” in short format in
the second index

9.13. Getting cell information

This function gets the information from the cell where the module is connected and stores it in ‘RSSI’ and ‘cellID’ variables.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error and ‘-2’ if CME error code available.

Example of use:


The RSSI value is measured in -dBm.

Getting RSSI and cell ID example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

-37- v7.0
General functions

9.14. Getting module information

The function whoamI() get the model of the module and saves it in buffer_GPRS. The function firmware_version() get
the firmware of the module and saves it in buffer_GPRS.

These functions return ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:

USB.print(F(“WhoamI: “));
USB.print(F(“Firmware version: “));

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GPS related functions for SIM908

10. GPS related functions for SIM908

10.1. Defined variables
GPRS_SIM908.longitude  stores longitude in ddmm.mmmmmm

GPRS_SIM908.EW_indicator  stores ‘E’ for east or ‘W’ for west

GPRS_SIM908.latitude  stores latitude in dddmm.mmmmmm

GPRS_SIM908.NS_indicator  stores ‘N’ for north or ‘S’ for south

GPRS_SIM908.altitude  stores altitude calculated with MSL_altitude and geoid separation

GPRS_SIM908.UTC_time  stores UTC time in hhmmss

GPRS_SIM908.date  stores date in ddmmyy

GPRS_SIM908.TTFF  stores the time to first fix in seconds

GPRS_SIM908.num_sat  stores the number of the satellites used in the solution

GPRS_SIM908.speedOG  stores the speed over the ground

GPRS_SIM908.courseOG  stores the course over the ground

GPRS_SIM908.sat_info  stores data from up to 12 satellites in use into a table. Dimension of the table are 4 x 12. Data stored
are: satellite ID, Elevation, azimuth and SNR (C/N0)

GPRS_SIM908.MSL_altitude  stores Mean Sea Level altitude

GPRS_SIM908.geoid_separation  stores the geoid to ellipsoid separation

GPRS_SIM908.HDOP  stores the Horizontal Dilution Of Precision

GPRS_SIM908.PDOP  stores the Position Dilution Of Precision

GPRS_SIM908.VDOP  stores the Vertical Dilution Of Precision

GPRS_SIM908.mode  stores the working mode of the GPS engine. ‘A’ for Autonomous mode, ‘D’ for differential GPS mode, ‘E’
for DR, ‘N’ if output data is not valid and ‘R’ if coarse position

GPRS_SIM908.manual_auto  stores the mode of 2D/3D operation. ‘M’ for manual and ‘A’ for automatic change

GPRS_SIM908.FIX_2D_3D  stores the status of the GPS fix. ‘1’ if not fixed, ‘2’ if 2D fix and ‘3’ if 3D fix

10.2. Starting the GPS engine

To start the GPS engine, the function GPRS_SIM908.GPS_ON() must be used.

The GPS module needs to recognize satellites before start working. Connecting to satellites is a process that may take some
time, typically less than 35 seconds with good signal quality. So, the function GPRS_SIM908.waitForGPSSignal() should be
used after to wait the GPS fix.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:

-39- v7.0
GPS related functions for SIM908

10.3. Stopping the GPS engine

It stops only the GPS engine. The GPRS+GPS module still active.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:


10.4. Checking GPS status

The function GPRS_SIM908.check() has been developed to know the status of the GPS connection

It returns:

•• ‘1’ if the status is unknow

•• ‘2’ if the satellites are not fixed
•• ‘3’ if the satellites are fixed in 2D operation
•• ‘4’ if the satellites are fixed in 3D operation
•• ‘0’ if error

Example of use:

int status;
status = GPRS_SIM908.check();
USB.print(F(“GPS status: “);
USB.println(status, DEC);

10.5. Waiting for signal connection

Once the GPS engine is set on, it is necessary to wait for signal connection. The function in charge of this duty is GPRS_SIM908.
waitForGPSSignal(). This function waits to connect to satellites for a specific time. The default time to wait for signal
connection is 120 seconds. But another time can be specified. If the GPS engine connects to satellites, the function returns
successfully. If the GPS does not connect to satellites for the specified time, then returns error.

It returns ‘1’ if the GPS has connected within the period of time and ‘0’ if not.

Example of use:

// define timeout
#define GPS_TIMEOUT 200
// wait to connect for a maximum time of 200 seconds
bool status = GPRS_SIM908.waitForGPSSignal(GPS_TIMEOUT);
if(status == true)
// connected
// not connected

-40- v7.0
GPS related functions for SIM908

10.6. Reading NMEA strings

When the GPS engine fixes the satellites signal, NMEA strings can be requested in order to extract GPS data. Each NMEA string
must be requested using the function GPRS_SIM908.getGPSData(). This function needs two input parameters. The first one
is the NMEA string to request: Basic, GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG or ZDA. The second parameter indicates if the NMEA string
must be parsed or not (‘0’ not parsed, ‘1’ parsed). When the NMEA string is parsed, the related variables are updated. To know the
relation between the NMEA strings and the variables see the table below:

NMEA strings
API variables
latitude X X X X
NS_indicator X X X X
longitude X X X X
EW_indicator X X X X
altitude X
date X X X
UTC_time X X X X X
num_sat X X X
speedOG X X X
courseOG X X X
MSL_altitude X
geoid_separation X
sat_info X X
mode X X X
manual_auto X

Figure: Table with NMEA strings and variables

Example of use:

// Reads GGA string without parse
GPRS_SIM908.getGPSData(GGA, 0);

Showing GPS information example for SIM908 can be found in Wasmpte’s IDE.

-41- v7.0
GPS related functions for SIM908

10.7. Converting to degrees

There is a useful function to convert the longitude or the latitude given by the GPS module to degrees. This function is called
GPRS_SIM908.convert2Degrees and returns the longitude or latitude represented as a float. Range: 180 to -180.

Example of use

float longitude;
float latitude;
longitude = GPRS_SIM908.convert2Degrees(GPRS_SIM908.longitude,
latitude = GPRS_SIM908.convert2Degrees( GPRS_SIM908.latitude,

10.8. Setting RTC time and date from the GPS

It sets time and date to the RTC, getting the data from the GPS engine. Inside this function, time and date are obtained from the
GPS engine.

It returns ‘1’ if time and date have been updated and ‘0’ if not.

Example of use

//Sets time and date to the RTC from the GPS engine

-42- v7.0
GPS related functions for SIM928A

11. GPS related functions for SIM928A

11.1. Defined variables
GPRS_SIM928A.longitude  stores longitude in ±ddd.dddddd

GPRS_SIM928A.latitude  stores latitude in ±dd.dddddd

GPRS_SIM928A.altitude  stores MSL altitude

GPRS_SIM928A.UTC_time  stores UTC time in hhmmss

GPRS_SIM928A.date  stores date in ddmmyy

GPRS_SIM928A.sats_in_view  stores the number of the satellites in view

GPRS_SIM928A.num_sat  stores the number of the satellites used in the solution

GPRS_SIM928A.speedOG  stores the speed over the ground

GPRS_SIM928A.courseOG  stores the course over the ground

GPRS_SIM928A.HDOP  stores the Horizontal Dilution Of Precision

GPRS_SIM928A.PDOP  stores the Position Dilution Of Precision

GPRS_SIM928A.VDOP  stores the Vertical Dilution Of Precision

GPRS_SIM928A.GPS_status  ‘0’ for GPS disabled and ‘1’ for GPS enabled

GPRS_SIM928A.fix_status  ‘0’ if position is not fixed and ‘1’ if position is fixed

GPRS_SIM928A.SNR  stores the signal / noise ratio

GPRS_SIM928A.mode  stores the working mode of the GPS engine. ‘A’ for Autonomous mode, ‘D’ for differential GPS mode, ‘E’
for DR, ‘N’ if output data is not valid and ‘R’ if coarse position

11.2. Starting the GPS engine

To start the GPS engine, the function GPRS_SIM928A.GPS_ON() must be used.

The GPS module needs to recognize satellites before start working. Connecting to satellites is a process that may take some
time, typically less than 35 seconds with good signal quality. So, the function GPRS_SIM928A.waitForGPSSignal() should
be used after to wait the GPS fix.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:


-43- v7.0
GPS related functions for SIM928A

11.3. Stopping the GPS engine

It stops only the GPS engine. The GPRS+GPS module still active.

It returns ‘1’ on success, ‘0’ if error.

Example of use:


11.4. Checking GPS status

The function GPRS_SIM928A.checkGPS() has been developed to know the status of the GPS connection

It returns:

•• ‘1’ if satellites are fixed

•• ‘2’ if satellites are not fixed
•• ‘0’ if timeout

Example of use:

int status;
status = GPRS_SIM928A.checkGPS();
USB.print(F(“GPS status: “);
USB.println(status, DEC);

11.5. Waiting for signal connection

Once the GPS engine is set on, it is necessary to wait for signal connection. The function in charge of this duty is GPRS_SIM928A.
waitForGPSSignal(). This function waits to connect to satellites for a specific time. The default time to wait for signal
connection is 120 seconds. But another time can be specified. If the GPS engine connects to satellites, the function returns
successfully. If the GPS does not connect to satellites for the specified time, then returns error.

It returns ‘1’ if the GPS has connected within the period of time and ‘0’ if not.

Example of use:

// define timeout
#define GPS_TIMEOUT 200
// wait to connect for a maximum time of 200 seconds
bool status = GPRS_SIM928A.waitForGPSSignal(GPS_TIMEOUT);
if(status == true)
// connected
// not connected

-44- v7.0
GPS related functions for SIM928A

11.6. Reading GPS data

Once the position is fixed, the function getGPSData() reads the data which the module has parsed from NMEA strings. The
function only needs one parameter to select if the must be returned as a string stored in buffer_GPRS (the parameter will be
‘0’) or must be stored in the library variables (the parameter will be ‘1’).

It returns ‘1’ if success, ‘-1’ if timeout reading the data and ‘-2’ if error.

Example of use:

// Read GPS data and store it in buffer_GPRS

Showing GPS information example for SIM928A:


11.7. Setting RTC time and date from the GPS

It sets time and date to the RTC, getting the data from the GPS engine. Inside this function, time and date are obtained from the
GPS engine.

It returns ‘1’ if time and date have been updated and ‘0’ if not.

Example of use

//Sets time and date to the RTC from the GPS engine

-45- v7.0
Working with Hibernate mode

12. Working with Hibernate mode

When using the GPRS+GPS module with Hibernate mode, a little trick is necessary. Hibernate mode is woken up by the RTC’s
interrupt pin which is connected to the socket1’s RX pin. So, it is necessary to add the following lines to get the GPRS+GPS
module working after calling the funcion PWR.ifHibernate():

// Checks if we come from a normal reset or an hibernate reset
// now, GPRS_Pro can start

Lost call with hibernate example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

-46- v7.0
Geolocation tracker application example

13. Geolocation tracker application example

The GPRS+GPS module allows the developer to send the GPS location and sensor data to the cloud, via GPRS. This chapter
shows how to track a Waspmote with GPRS+GPS module and see in the web with Google Maps API. The example for Waspmote
and the PHP script for the server are shown as help or inspiration for the developer.

Before starting to use Waspmote, you must install the PHP script (shown at the end of the chapter). To use the PHP script you
need an Apache server with PHP active. You can run the script in a PC installing Apache with PHP. You can do this easily with the
installer from these websites (or the package manager for Linux):

•• For Windows use WAMP: http://www.wampserver.com/

•• For Linux use LAMP: Use your package manager in Linux
•• For Mac use MAMP: http://www.mamp.info/

In these websites, you have manuals to help you to install the server and activate PHP. Extract the PHP script on your computer.
You must change the Google Maps API v3 key in the PHP script:


To show the map with the marker you need to access to the next URL:

The IP address or server domain must be the same used in the example code of Waspmote (in case you are running the demo
on your computer, replace “your_IP_or_domain” by “localhost”)

Once the PHP script has been installed and Waspmote has the example code (GPRS+GPS 26: demo GPS tracker) uploaded,
Waspmote can be switched on. Remember, you must configure your APN, login and password. If you don’t do this, the GPRS+GPS
module cannot connect to the GPRS network. Also, you must set the URL with the IP address of your computer (external IP, not
the LAN IP address) or your server’s domain.

When the GPS fixes the GPS satellites, the GPRS+GPS module will connect to the network and send the GPS data through the
Internet to the PHP script in your computer. When a frame is received, a marker will be shown in the map.

Figure: Geolocation tracker demo - Map Figure: Geolocation tracker demo - Satellite

-47- v7.0
Geolocation tracker application example

if (!empty($_GET[‘latitude’]) && !empty($_GET[‘longitude’]) &&
!empty($_GET[‘time’]) && !empty($_GET[‘satellites’]) &&
!empty($_GET[‘speedOTG’]) && !empty($_GET[‘course’])) {
function getParameter($par, $default = null){
if (isset($_GET[$par]) && strlen($_GET[$par])) return $_GET[$par];
elseif (isset($_POST[$par]) && strlen($_POST[$par]))
return $_POST[$par];
else return $default;
$file = ‘gps.txt’;
$lat = getParameter(“latitude”);
$lon = getParameter(“longitude”);
$time = getParameter(“time”);
$sat = getParameter(“satellites”);
$speed = getParameter(“speedOTG”);
$course = getParameter(“course”);
$person = $lat.”,”.$lon.”,”.$time.”,”.$sat.”,”.$speed.”,”.$course.”\n”;

echo “
Latitude: “.$lat.”\n
Longitude: “.$lon.”\n
Time: “.$time.”\n
Satellites: “.$sat.”\n
Speed OTG: “.$speed.”\n
Course: “.$course;
if (!file_put_contents($file, $person, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX))
echo “\n\t Error saving Data\n”;
else echo “\n\t Data Save\n”;
else {
<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- Load Jquery -->
<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript” src=”jquery-1.10.1.min.js”></
<!-- Load Google Maps Api -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: change the API v3 key -->
<script src=”http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=your_key&sensor=false”></
<!-- Initialize Map and markers -->
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(41.669578,-0.907495);
var marker;
var map;
var mapProp;
function initialize()
mapProp = {
function mark()
map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(“googleMap”),mapProp);
var file = “gps.txt”;
$.get(file, function(txt) {
var lines = txt.split(“\n”);
for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++){

-48- v7.0

var words=lines[i].split(“,”);
if ((words[0]!=””)&&(words[1]!=””))
marker=new google.maps.Marker({
position:new google.maps.LatLng(words[0],words[1]),
map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(words[0],words[1]));
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, ‘load’, initialize);
echo ‘
<!-- Draw information table and Google Maps div -->
<center><br />
<b> SIM908 GPS position DEMO </b><br /><br />
<div id=”superior” style=”width:800px;border:1px solid”>
<table style=”width:100%”>
<td>Speed OTG</td>
<td id=”time”>’. date(“Y M d - H:m”) .’</td>
<td id=”sat”></td>
<td id=”speed”></td>
<td id=”course”></td>
<br /><br />
<div id=”googleMap” style=”width:800px;height:700px;”></div>
<?php } ?>

Geolocation tracker example for SIM928A:


The example for SIM908 can be found in Waspmote’s IDE.

-49- v4.2

14. Code examples and extended information

In the Waspmote Development section you can find complete examples:



#include “WaspGPRS_SIM928A.h”
int answer;
void setup()
void loop()

// setup for Serial port over USB:

USB.println(F(“USB port started...”));

// activates the GPRS+GPS module:

answer = GPRS_SIM928A.ON();
if ((answer == 1) || (answer == -3))
USB.println(F(“GPRS+GPS module ready...”));

// sets pin code:

USB.println(F(“Setting PIN code...”));
// **** must be substituted by the SIM code
if (GPRS_SIM928A.setPIN(“****”) == 1)
USB.println(F(“PIN code accepted”));
USB.println(F(“PIN code incorrect”));
// waits for connection to the network:
answer = GPRS_SIM928A.check(180);
if (answer == 1)
USB.println(F(“GPRS+GPS module connected to the network...”));

// configures GPRS Connection for HTTP or FTP applications:

answer = GPRS_SIM928A.configureGPRS_HTTP_FTP(1);
if (answer == 1)

USB.println(F(“Uploading the file 1...”));

// uploads file from SD card to the FTP server:
answer = GPRS_SIM928A.uploadFile(“/dirSD1/dirSD2/fileSD1.txt”, “/ftp1/ftp2/fileFTP1.txt”, “username”,
“password”, “IP_server”, “port”, 1);
if (answer == 1)
USB.println(F(“Upload done”));

-50- v4.2

else if(answer < -40)

USB.print(F(“Upload failed. Error code: “));
USB.println(answer, DEC);
USB.print(F(“CME error code: “));
USB.println(GPRS_SIM928A.CME_CMS_code, DEC);
USB.print(F(“Upload failed1. Error code: “));
USB.println(answer, DEC);
USB.println(F(“Uploading the file 2”));
// uploads file from SD card to the FTP server:
answer = GPRS_SIM928A.uploadFile(“/fileSD2.txt”, “/fileFTP2.txt”, “username”, “password”, “IP_server”, “port”, 1);
if (answer == 1)
USB.println(F(“Upload done”));
else if (answer < -40)
USB.print(F(“Upload failed. Error code: “));
USB.println(answer, DEC);
USB.print(F(“CME error code: “));
USB.println(GPRS_SIM928A.CME_CMS_code, DEC);
USB.print(F(“Upload failed. Error code: “));
USB.println(answer, DEC);
USB.println(F(“Configuration failed. Error code:”));
USB.println(answer, DEC);
USB.println(F(“GPRS+GPS module cannot connect to the network”));
USB.println(F(“GPRS+GPS module not ready”));
GPRS_SIM928A.OFF(); // powers off the GPRS+GPS module
// activates the RTC:
// sleeps one hour
PWR.deepSleep(“00:01:00:00”, RTC_OFFSET, RTC_ALM1_MODE1, ALL_OFF);
// deactivates the RTC:

-51- v4.2

15. API changelog

Keep track of the software changes on this link:


-52- v4.2

16. Certifications
Libelium offers 2 types of IoT sensor platforms, Waspmote OEM and Plug & Sense!:

•• Waspmote OEM is intended to be used for research purposes or as part of a major product so it needs final certification on
the client side. More info at: www.libelium.com/products/waspmote
•• Plug & Sense! is the line ready to be used out-of-the-box. It includes market certifications. See below the specific list of
regulations passed. More info at: www.libelium.com/products/plug-sense

Besides, Meshlium, our multiprotocol router for the IoT, is also certified with the certifications below. Get more info at:


List of certifications for Plug & Sense! and Meshlium:

•• CE (Europe)
•• FCC (US)
•• IC (Canada)
•• ANATEL (Brazil)
•• RCM (Australia)
•• PTCRB (cellular certification for the US)
•• AT&T (cellular certification for the US)

Figure: Certifications of the Plug & Sense! product line

You can find all the certification documents at:


-53- v4.2
Appendix 1: CME error codes

Appendix 1: CME error codes

CME error code Description CME error code Description
0 phone failure 100 unknown
1 no connection to phone 103 Illegal MS
2 phone-adapter link reserved 106 Illegal ME
3 operation not allowed 107 GPRS services not allowed
4 operation not supported 111 PLMN not allowed
5 PH-SIM PIN required 112 Location area not allowed
6 PH-FSIM PIN required 113 Roaming not allowed in this location area
7 PH-FSIM PUK required 132 service option not supported
10 SIM not inserted 133 requested service option not subscribed
11 SIM PIN required 134 service option temporarily out of order
12 SIM PUK required 148 unspecified GPRS error
13 SIM failure 149 PDP authentication failure
14 SIM busy 150 invalid mobile class
15 SIM wrong 151 Operation barred – Fixed dialing numbers
16 incorrect password only
17 SIM PIN2 required
18 SIM PUK2 required
20 memory full
21 invalid index
22 not found
23 memory failure
24 text string too long
25 invalid characters in text string
26 dial string too long
27 invalid characters in dial string
30 no network service
31 network timeout
32 network not allowed - emergency call
40 network personalization PIN required
41 network personalization PUK required
42 network subset personalization PIN
43 network subset personalization PUK
44 service provider personalization PIN
45 service provider personalization PUK
46 corporate personalization PIN required
47 corporate personalization PUK required
99 resource limitation

-54- v4.2
Appendix 2: CMS error codes

Appendix 2: CMS error codes

CMS error code Description CMS error code Description
300 ME failure 540 Invalid User Data Header IE
301 SMS reserved 753 missing required CMD parameter
302 operation not allowed 754 invalid SIM command
303 operation not supported 755 invalid File Id
304 invalid PDU mode 756 missing required P1/2/3 parameter
305 invalid text mode 757 invalid P1/2/3 parameter
310 SIM not inserted 758 missing required command data
311 SIM pin necessary 759 invalid characters in command data
312 PH SIM pin necessary 765 Invalid input value
313 SIM failure 766 Unsupported mode
314 SIM busy 767 Operation failed
315 SIM wrong 768 Mux already running
316 SIM PUK required 769 Unable to get control
317 SIM PIN2 required 770 SIM network reject
318 SIM PUK2 required 765 Invalid input value
320 memory failure 766 Unsupported mode
321 invalid memory index 767 Operation failed
322 memory full 768 Mux already running
323 invalid input parameter 769 Unable to get control
324 invalid input format 770 SIM network reject
330 SMSC address unknown 771 Call setup in progress
331 no network 772 SIM powered down
332 network timeout 773 SIM file not present
340 no CNMA ACK
500 Unknown
512 SIM not ready
513 unread records on SIM
514 CB error unknown
515 PS busy
517 SIM BL not ready
528 Invalid (non-hex) chars inPDU
529 Incorrect PDU length
530 Invalid MTI
531 Invalid (non-hex) chars in address
532 Invalid address (no digits read)
533 Incorrect PDU length (UDL)
534 Incorrect SCA length
536 Invalid First Octet (should be 2 or 34)
537 Invalid Command Type
538 SRR bit not set
539 SRR bit set

-55- v4.2

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