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Course: Marketing of Services

Assignment I: Guidelines for Service Blueprinting

1. It is a group assignment. Each one of the four groups, formed for classroom discussions and
presentations, shall do the assignment as a team.
2. The assignment carries 15 marks. A report is to be prepared and presented based on a study of a
service firm.
3. Identify a service firm by Monday, March 9, 2020 and communicate it by email to the Course
Instructor the same day. Each team identify a different firm/ branch for the study.
4. Visit the firm on or before 11-03- 2020 and observe the service processes. Take photographs or
videos of such service facility or service processes with the consent of the officers/owner of the
service firm.
5. Hold discussions with the owner, staff and customers for clarity.
6. Prepare service blue print and submit a report by 11-03-2020.
7. Format of the report
a. A brief introduction of the firm visited, its business, size and scale of operations
b. Service processes
c. Photographs/videos
d. Service blue print- scheme/chart/process flow
e. Summary of interactions with the officers/owner, staff and customers.
f. Suggestions for better design/delivery of service.
g. Conclusion
h. Appendix
i. Extra details.

8. The report shall be signed by the members of the team who participated in the Assignment.
9. Each team will get 20 to 30 minutes for classroom presentation.
10. The report after presentation and feedback on 12-03-2020 shall be submitted to the course
instructor (hard copy) by 13-03-2020 (after modification, if any, on the basis of the feedback).

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