10 MCQ

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 In the case of, Zero-address instruction method the operands are stored
in _____

The addressing mode which makes use of in-direction pointers is ______

The addressing mode/s, which uses the PC instead of a general purpose

register is ______

A register is defined as ___________

The register is a type of ___________

How many types of registers are?

In D register, ‘D’ stands for ___________

In which of these modes, the immediate operand is included in the

instruction itself?
In which of the following addressing mode, the offset is obtained by
adding displacement and contents of one of the base registers?
While executing the PUSH*A instruction, the stack pointer is
decremented by
Option1 Option2

a) Registers b) Accumulators

a) Indirect addressing mode b) Index addressing mode

a) Indexed with offset b) Relative

a) The group of latches for storing one b) The group of latches for storing n-
bit of information bit of information

a) Sequential circuit b) Combinational circuit

a) 2 b) 3

a) Delay b) Decrement

a) register operand mode b) immediate operand mode

a) direct mode b) register mode

a) 1 bit b) 2 bits
Option3 Option4 Answer

c) Push down stack d) Cache 3

c) Relative addressing mode d) Offset addressing mode 1

d) Both Indexed with offset and

c) Direct 2
c) The group of flip-flops suitable d) The group of flip-flops suitable
for storing one bit of information for storing binary information

c) CPU d) Latches 1

c) 4 d) 5 3

c) Data d) Decay 3

c) register and immediate operand

d) none of the mentioned 2

c) based mode d) indexed mode 3

c) 4 bits d) 16 bits 3

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