Vitamina D e Imunidade

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Review Article

Vitamin D and Autoimmune Diseases

Shir Azrielant1,2, Yehuda Shoenfeld1,2,3
Sheba Medical Center, The Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Tel‑Hashomer, Ramat‑Gan, 2Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel‑Aviv University,
Tel‑Aviv University, Incumbent of the Laura Schwarz‑Kip Chair for Research of Autoimmune Diseases, Ramat‑Aviv, Tel‑Aviv, Israel

Received: August, 2017

Accepted: August, 2017
Published: November, 2017 Vitamin D and its deficiency are becoming a subject of great interest in recent years. In
addition to the well-known role of vitamin D in maintaining bone health, evidence from recent
years are accumulating in favor of its importance in the functioning of the immune system.
The association between vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune diseases has been supported
by epidemiological studies, demonstrating higher prevalence of vitamin D deficiency
among autoimmune patients, in comparison to the general population. Vitamin D was also
associated to various autoimmune diseases in both molecular and interventional studies;
among the associated diseases are: systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes mellitus,
Address for correspondence: multiple sclerosis and others. In this review, relevant literature on the association between
Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld,
autoimmunity and vitamin D deficiency will be reviewed and discussed, as well as a summary
Sheba Medical Center, Zabludowicz
Center for Autoimmune Diseases,
of important recommendations for vitamin D supplementations in autoimmune patients.
Tel‑Hashomer 5265601, Israel.
Key Words: Autoimmunity, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Vitamin D

Introduction Vitamin D deficiency is becoming more common.

Epidemiological studies suggest Vitamin D deficiency is
Genetic, immunological, hormonal, and environmental prevalent in the general population even in sunny countries
factors are assumed to contribute to the development like Israel,[20] but even more so among autoimmune
of autoimmune diseases. One of the environmental patients.[3,13,21‑23]  Vitamin D deficiency’s definition is still
factors studied has been Vitamin D.[1,2] Vitamin D has under controversy; one accepted definition is a serum level
a significant role in various processes of the immune of 25‑hydroxy‑vitamin D  (25[OH]D) under 30–40  ng/ml,
system,[1,3] and its receptors (Vitamin D receptor) were which is the necessary level for maintaining bone health.[24]
found in immune cells, including macrophages, dendritic Within the normal range of serum Vitamin D concentration,
cells, B‑cells, and T‑cells.[1,4‑6] In vitro studies showed an an optimal level for the functioning of the immune system
attenuating effect of Vitamin D on various immune cells is yet to be determined.[25]
of the immune system: neutrophils,[7] dendritic cells,[8]
and T regulatory cells  (Treg).[9‑11] In terms of its activity on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
immune cells, Vitamin D was shown to have an inhibitory Much of the evidence for the association between
effect on Th1 cells,[12] leading to a decrease in Th1 cytokine Vitamin D and autoimmunity comes from research of
production,[12‑14] and possibly by increasing Th2 cytokines, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Vitamin D deficiency is
and leading to an immunologic shift toward Th2.[12,15] more common in SLE patients than in healthy controls,[22,23]
There is some evidence that Vitamin D modulates the as in many other autoimmune diseases;[21] however,
activity of Th17  cells, which are known for their role in SLE patients are even more prone to develop Vitamin D
autoimmunity,[16] and increases the population of Treg cells, deficiency, as they are advised to avoid sun exposure, due
thereby promoting tolerance.[14,17,18] In an in vitro study, to photosensitivity.[26]
Vitamin D was shown to inhibit autoantibody production
and secretion.[19] Low levels of Vitamin D were associated with higher SLE
activity.[27‑30] Vitamin D levels were also associated with
other manifestations of the disease and its comorbidities,
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How to cite this article: Azrielant S, Shoenfeld Y. Vitamin D and

autoimmune diseases. Indian J Rheumatol 2017;12:219-22.

219 © 2017 Indian Journal of Rheumatology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Azrielant and Shoenfeld: Vitamin D and autoimmunity

such as cognitive impairment,[31] insulin resistance,[23] and reduced the risk for developing DM1 later on,[41]
sleep disturbances.[32] improved glycemic control in pediatric patients who
suffered from Vitamin D deficiency,[42] and correlated with
Analysis of the intervening variables for the association
lower prevalence of diabetic nephropathy.[43]
between Vitamin D levels and SLE found that the most
significant were medications (hydroxychloroquine, steroids, Miscellaneous
and Vitamin D supplements), body mass index, renal
function, and proteinuria.[33] Vitamin D deficiency was found to be more common
among patients with inflammatory bowel disease  (IBD),[44]
To further investigate this association, interventional rheumatoid arthritis  (RA),[45] and psoriasis[46] compared
studies were done, using Vitamin D supplementation. The to controls; low levels of Vitamin D were associated with
conventional doses described in the literature are 800, higher disease activity in IBD and RA.[44,47]
2000, and 4000 IU/day.[4,25] In a large‑scale cohort study,
Vitamin D supplementation was given to lupus patients who Conclusion
had Vitamin D levels lower than 40  ng/ml. Improvement
Vitamin D has a crucial role in the functioning of
in proteinuria was shown in patients with higher 25(OH)D
the immune system. Vitamin D was shown to be an
levels; also, a correlation was observed between disease
immunomodulator in various molecular studies. Therefore,
activity and the change in 25(OH)D values, but only in
maintaining normal levels of Vitamin D is important.
patients who were Vitamin D‑deficient at the beginning
of the study. No effect on disease activity was found after Vitamin D deficiency is common in patients with
increasing Vitamin D levels above 40 ng/mL.[34] autoimmune diseases, as was seen in patients with MS,
type  1 diabetes, IBD, and RA, and seems to affect the
Multiple Sclerosis activity and outcomes of these autoimmune diseases.
Proof for the association between Vitamin D and multiple Vitamin D is very safe to use, and adverse effects and
sclerosis (MS) arose from epidemiological studies. A review toxicity are rarely reached, even at doses as high as
from 2008 suggests that distance from the equator 10,000  IU;[48] therefore, although further studies are
is the strongest risk factor for MS, seemingly due to needed to determine the exact mechanism of the effect
ultraviolet  (UV) radiation exposure, and that emigration of Vitamin D in autoimmune diseases, we recommend
from cold countries to sunny ones decreased the risk for considering Vitamin D supplementation in all autoimmune
the disease.[35] patients based on existing evidence. Currently, there
is no across‑the‑board recommendation for vitamin
Analysis of dietary and supplementary Vitamin D intake in
D supplementation dosage in autoimmune patients.
two large cohorts of nurses, with over  90,000 participants
However, based on previous interventional studies,
each, demonstrated lower risk for MS in women with high
supplementation dosage of 800–1000 units per day seems
Vitamin D intake, compared to women with low intake,
to be appropriate.
and Vitamin D supplementation was inversely associated
with MS risk. Notably, high dietary intake of Vitamin D Financial support and sponsorship
alone did not generate similar association.[36]
Vitamin D was reported to be an early predictor of MS
Conflicts of interest
activity and progression, with slower progression and low
disease activity in patients with high serum Vitamin D There are no conflicts of interest.
levels at the time of MS diagnosis.[37,38] A seasonal pattern
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