Trabajo Logistica

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Value Chain

Anderson Alfredo Molinares Pacheco. ID.445243

Marzo  2020.

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios.

Bogotá D.C
Electiva CPC Logística
NRC: 1841

1. Deliverable
1.1. Introduction:
 ASOPTRANS LTDA It was legally constituted on the 17th of the month of July of
the year 2001, as recorded in Public Deed No. 0001584 of Notary 64 of Bogotá
the acronym ASOPTRANS LTDA and that Territorial Directorate Cundinamarca of
the Ministry of Transportation, verified compliance with the requirements of Decree
No. 174 of February 5, 2001, Article 13 Title II, Chapter II complying and being
granted Habilitation as a Company of Special Automotive Land Transport Public
Service with Resolution N1 02596 on 10 July 2002.
 ASOPTRANS LTDA was qualified and certified with the Colombian technical
standard NTC-ISO: 9001 by the certifying company COTECNA, based on the
quality management system on September 27, 2013, in order to comply with all the
requirements of the law, and be Currently recognized by our clients as an excellent
transportation company nationwide.
 ASOPTRANS LTDA has the experience of more than 17 years providing the
school transport service, being recognized as a committed, organized, serious
company characterized by having an automotive fleet in optimal conditions, as well
as trained personnel for customer service and road safety.
 Asoptrans obtained the rehabilitation of the Ministry of transport on October 26,
2018 N. resolution 962

1.2. Business:
Asoptrans is in charge of providing the transport service such as school, business
and tourism. where Asoptrans formally makes the contract with the school or with
the company requesting its services, where at the end of each month Asoptrans
sends a receipt with the value per route in its entirety to the contractor and they
check that the services are fulfilled and they make the respective appropriation of
the money after ten days from the filing of the receipt.

1.3. Value Chain:

1.4. Customer Description
Asoptrans has a variety of clients, but currently we can identify that one of the best
clients is, the bilingual Colegio San Juan de Avila. This has generated that
Asoptrans grows in different proportions and one that is not one of the largest is
the one with the best connection.
The San Juan de Avila bilingual school is located at kilometer 5 via suba cota, The
San Juan de Ávila Bilingual School is a mixed and bilingual Calendar An
institution, which has more than 15 years of experience in the educational area,
with emphasis on values training.
The school has Cambridge English School and Cambridge English Exam
Preparation Center accreditations for the success in taking international English
exams. It offers the option of deepening for students in tenth and eleven,
depending on their skills and the life project they have.
Thus, they can choose between natural sciences, pure sciences, humanities and
technology. With dance, theater, music, arts, and sports classes we develop
everyday skills, motivate learning, and develop the talents of our students.

1.5. Introduction to value chain management

1.5.1.Is your organization ready for an effective value chain strategy?
1.5.2.Are there any significant obstacles to value chain management in your

Organizational analysis

Proposal towards
Benefits of decisions Analysis capacity
Functional areas

* Internal control and

risk management
within its
* Current information
Plan and coordinate
* Execution of systems
Administration the execution of
activities and administrative
and finance * Control the
applying mechanisms services to timely
formulation of
meet market
evaluation policies, guidelines,
* Adjustments to its
* Training programs.
* High training to be
part of autonomous
teams. Better levels of
quality and * 360-degree skills
Resources * Permanent productivity assessment that
evaluation and
systematization of
evaluated the
programs, projects
performance of
and activities.

strategies in charge
Materials and * Sources of supply
of obtaining raw
materials, parts and
aspects * Control the planning
supplies necessary to Transaction costs
of hiring needs
carry out the

Identify important
Ethics and allies to develop
social processes with an
responsibility emphasis on *Corporate * internal control and
education, culture communication risk management
and the environment

1.6. value chain description

1.6.1.Primary, the activities of the value chain Inbound logistics: In Asoptrans, the following processes are carried

out to make purchases of supplies.
 An annual purchasing schedule is determined where the annual
budget of materials to be purchased and the dates where the
transactions will be carried out are covered, where a thread is
generated and are the month-to-month purchases that are planned for
unexpected events.
 In our processes we have the selection of suppliers which is generated
by quality processes and which qualifies the different suppliers, taking
into account the payment capabilities, possibilities of agreeing on
commercial conditions, among others. Production: In the main, although Asoptrans is determined, it is a
service organization, so it could not be defined as a mass production
or online or by orders, but it can be established as follows.
 There is an operating system called log-tracking that is used to
perform routing production.
 Preparation of route planning week by week efficiently in business
 accounting software, office packages Outbound logistics:

 When the purchasing, organization and planning processes have
already been done and the number of routes required for the service
are identified, the trucks are to be assembled at the point in order to
provide the personnel collection service.
 When the process is to collect to take people to a certain point, it
squares with each of the drivers so that it blocks hours and begins to
carry out picking up each of the user’s door to door and taking them to
their work destination.
 When a client does not take the service, two options are generated,
one is that the client left late and it is time to report it, and the other is
that the driver forgot to go through the client, which generates that the
client is paid a taxi to arrive. on time for work.
 in the event that a vehicle is stranded, there are two Asoptrans support
vehicles that cover certain areas which can transfer clients to the
vehicle in good condition and thus arrive on time for work, these are
counted as relays Marketing and sales:

 Asoptrans in this part does not have a specific area to make sales
since most sales are made differently from conventional ones, and for
this reason the company has been involved in problems of reaching
more customers.
 we do not have a pleasant website with the client it does not have
interaction options among others.
 attractive offers are not seen for sporadic customers.
 there are no advertising videos or more marketing processes. Service: At Asoptrans we have a very important area and it is that of

customer service which is distinguished by its characteristics which are
 Quick and smooth contact.
 Acquisition of services quickly and effectively.
 Delivery of routing planning at established times.
 Infrastructure necessary for logistics operations.
 Handling of claims and compliments.
1.6.2.Support, activities to support value chain analysis Company infrastructure: In Asoptrans we can find the following

infrastructures from inside the company.
 Business structure
 The Physical Networks of IT Infrastructure
 Storage device connected to the Network
 Video Surveillance Solution
 Systems Licensing
 Operating systems
 Business applications Human resources management: Asoptrans invests a lot in its

workforce because they are the first responsible for transporting life,
for this reason we have the main aspects in the area of human
 Create, maintain and develop a group of people with sufficient skills,
motivation and satisfaction to achieve the objectives of the
 Establish, preserve and treasure organizational conditions that
allow the application, development and full satisfaction of people
and the achievement of individual objectives
 Achieve efficiency and effectiveness with the available human
 Recruit and select personnel with the selected profile.
 Train and train.
 Evaluate job performance.
 Describe the responsibilities that define each position in the
 Develop programs, workshops, courses, etc., and any other
programs that are consistent with the growth and improvement of
staff discernment.
 Promote leadership development.
 Offer psychological assistance to employees in order to maintain a
harmonious environment among all.
 Solve conflicts and problems that are caused in the personnel.
 Inform employees, whether through newsletters, meetings,
memoranda or by email, the human resources policies and
 Developing a personal framework based on competencies. Technological development: Asoptrans currently does not have

processes that generate significant changes in the internal
development of the organization since there is no IT area, but it does
have several options, for example.
 5G technology change.
 cybersecurity.
 have a data center.
 growth in virtual assistants.
 app growth to make routing easier. Obtaining:
One of the factors involved in obtaining suppliers is when in a process
we do not have the transport capacity and it is necessary to
subcontract people who perform route service, which must be reached
in an agreement to also be able to meet the satisfaction of the client.

1.7. Porter's Five Forces

- High levels of illegality and / or
informality in the transport activity
- Lack of institutional coordination.
- Limited land use with respect to the use
of transport and environmental
Own machinery and Low product differentiation.
equipment There are easily 15
Absence of exit barriers
companies that carry out the
Strategic partners
High concentration of same work within their
Compliance with quality competitors. activities.
standards and Colombian
RIVALITY BETWEEN Low product differentiation.
technical standards.
High quality impact on the
EXISTENTES. transport service.
High supply of substitute

Wide range of substitute
Lower price of substitute

1.8. Generic strategies

1.8.1. Cost leadership strategies type 1 low costs and 2 best value
 Establish a lower price on the product of tourist outings.
 Count on our suppliers to have better quality standards and thus avoid
generating additional research costs. with this we achieve cost reduction in
the final product.
 Achieve control of mass production, in such a way that granulometric
analysis, limits of consistency, absorption and specific weight, etc. can be
implemented in these processes. For reworkings and additions that may
generate increases in the final product
 Implement new technology to improve processes and thus perform more
efficient services in terms of transport
 Use fewer coordinators since this generates increases in the cost of the
service and leave a general coordinator for the different schools since these
activities can be carried out in a better way, obtaining better planning.

1.8.2. Differentiation strategy 3

 Having a high and effective customer service where we generate and
guarantee a guarantee on our product, this allows the customer to
empathize with us and thereby achieve effective loyalty.
 Ensure that the website has customer interaction in such a way that
simulators of buying can be performed and with that the customer has a
better experience when buying.
 Achieve more powerful and pleasant marketing with the environment where
it attributes social impacts giving a better image of the organization.
 Define better environmentally friendly processes so as to generate fewer
 Propose a better fleet where you can use environmentally friendly cars in
such a way to generate less impact at the level of contamination without
affecting the final costs of the product.
 To be able to have a faster service in a matter of planning and thus ensure
that the client is satisfied compared to other organizations.

1.8.3.Approach or segmentation of markets 4 and 5.

 Achieve the focus of a product that stands out from the rest of the products
that are on the market in such a way that it complies with quality standards,
being resistant, that can cover a long area of land, among other benefits.
 Achieve that the competition does not try to specialize in the same target
market of the product.
 Support the state to avoid levels of illegality and informality in the transport
activity and also that these companies manage to comply with environmental

1.9. References
 Quintero, J. & Sánchez, J. (2006). La cadena de valor: Una herramienta del
pensamiento estratégico. Telos, vol. 8, núm. 3, septiembre-diciembre, 2006, pp.
377-389. Disponible en
 Wheelen, T. & Hunger, J. (2013). Administración estratégica y política de negocios.
Pearson. Disponible en base de datos Ebooks 7/24.

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