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Idiopathic intracranial hypertension

Elizabeth Boyter, MPA, PA-C

ABSTRACT Learning objectives

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a rare disorder of
Identify patient populations most at risk for idiopathic
elevated intracranial pressure with normal cerebrospinal
intracranial hypertension.
fluid composition and without intracranial pathology. This
condition primarily affects obese women of childbearing Describe the diagnostic criteria and appropriate work-up
age and frequently causes headaches, vision loss, diplopia, for idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
tinnitus, and nausea. The incidence of idiopathic intracranial Discuss definitive and symptomatic treatment options for
hypertension is rising along with obesity rates. Primary care idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
and ED clinicians must recognize the signs and symptoms of
idiopathic intracranial hypertension and intervene promptly
to control symptoms and to preserve vision. This article intracranial hypertension also has been reported in chil-
reviews the clinical presentation and management of patients dren as young as age 4 months old and adults up to age
with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. 88 years.3
Keywords: idiopathic intracranial hypertension, obesity, head- Most cases are self-limited, but the condition may recur
ache, vision loss, tinnitus, increased intracranial pressure and become chronic, requiring follow-up care for years.4,6
Healthcare providers must be prepared to identify the signs
and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) and

diopathic intracranial hypertension occurs in 1 to 2 per
100,000 people per year.1 About 90% of patients
with this condition are female, and 94% are Cortical veins
Falx cerebri
obese.2 Obese women ages 15 to 44 years are at Superior
high risk for idiopathic intracranial hyperten- sagittal sinus Sigmoid sinus
sion, with a higher incidence rate of 19 to 21 Inferior Superior
petrosal sinus
per 100,000.3,4 Obese women in their 20s sagittal sinus
are most susceptible. In 1980, 12.7% of US Inferior
adults were obese, and in 2012, that num- Straight sinus petrosal
ber approached 35%.5 The incidence of
Confluence of
idiopathic intracranial hypertension sinuses
reflects this rise in obesity, doubling
between 1990 and 2014.5
Males account for 8% to 10% of Tentorium
patients with idiopathic intracranial
hypertension. At presentation, they are Transverse

more likely to be older and less likely to sinus

be obese.3,6,7 Men with idiopathic intracra-
nial hypertension experience fewer head-
aches, but are twice as likely as women to Great
cerebral vein
experience severe vision loss.6,7 Idiopathic

Elizabeth Boyter practices neurology with Laureate Medical Group

Cavernous sinus
at Northside in Atlanta, Ga. The author has disclosed no potential
conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.
Copyright © 2019 American Academy of PAs Cerebral venous system

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Idiopathic intracranial hypertension

Key points
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is defined as elevated
ICP in a patient with normal CSF composition and no
intracranial pathology.
Patients typically are obese women of childbearing age;
symptoms include headaches, vision loss, diplopia,
tinnitus, and nausea. Normal optic disk
Prompt intervention is key to controlling symptoms and
Reprinted with permission
preserving vision. from Palay DA, Krachmer JH.
Weight loss is considered the cornerstone of treatment, Ophthalmology for the Primary
Care Physician. St. Louis, MO:
but medications also can help lower ICP.
Mosby; 1997.

take action to control disabling headaches and avoid tension or explain why the condition occurs in patients
significant vision loss. who are not overweight or obese. Furthermore, pregnancy
does not confer a higher risk of idiopathic intracranial
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY hypertension.3 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) homeostasis may
The cause of idiopathic intracranial hypertension remains be disturbed by reduced CSF absorption, increased CSF
unknown, but it has been closely correlated with obesity. secretion, or abnormal water and sodium metabolism
Recent weight gain, even in patients who are not obese, is related to endocrinologically active adipose tissue.1-3
a significant risk factor for developing idiopathic intracra- ICP may rise because of cerebral venous outflow abnor-
nial hypertension. Weight gain often triggers recurrent malities, such as dural venous hypertension and dural venous
symptoms in patients with idiopathic intracranial hyper- sinus stenosis (Figure 1). Whether venous sinus stenosis is
tension.2,3,6,8,9 A higher BMI is associated with worse visual a cause or a consequence of intracranial hypertension is
outcomes; for every 10-unit increase in BMI, the odds of controversial, and studies suggest it may be both.3,12 A
severe vision loss increases by 1.4 times.2,10 As obesity positive feedback mechanism may fuel both venous sinus
increases in the general population, reports of idiopathic stenosis and intracranial hypertension. Under the stress of
intracranial hypertension in children and males are grow- elevated ICP, the walls of the transverse sinuses may remodel,
ing in number.11 Obesity, rather than sex or age, may be triggering fibrosis and stenosis. The stenosis aggravates
the primary causative factor.11 venous hypertension, which reduces CSF absorption. As a
The medical literature offers several theories to explain result, ICP continues to rise and venous stenosis worsens.1
the pathogenesis of increased ICP that causes symptoms Several other conditions may be associated with idiopathic
of idiopathic intracranial hypertension in obese patients. intracranial hypertension, including hypervitaminosis A;
For example, central obesity may increase intra-abdominal, use of retinoids; and exposure to exogenous growth hor-
pleural, cardiac filling, and central venous pressures, and mone, tetracyclines, or fluoroquinolones.3 Idiopathic intra-
ICP may rise as a result. However, this theory does not cranial hypertension related to medications tends to be
explain the sex disparity in idiopathic intracranial hyper- self-limited and often resolves when the medication is
discontinued.6 Other conditions
associated with idiopathic intracra-
FIGURE 3. Bilateral papilledema
nial hypertension are Addison dis-
Reprinted with permission from Palay DA, Krachmer JH. Ophthalmology for the Primary Care Physician. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 1997.
ease, hypoparathyroidism, severe
anemia, systemic lupus erythemato-
sus, Behçet disease, sleep apnea,
uremia, and coagulation disorders.3
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is twice
as prevalent among women with
idiopathic intracranial hypertension
(15.5%) as in the general population
(8.7%).13 Treating these disorders
should improve idiopathic intracra-
nial hypertension.3

Patients with idiopathic intracranial
hypertension present with symptoms

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of increased ICP. They may experience throbbing frontal cranial nerve VI that causes diplopia.6,14 Patients often hear
or retro-orbital headaches, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and pulsatile, “whooshing” tinnitus related to high-pressure,
visual loss.1,6,12,14 Actions that increase ICP, including the turbulent blood flow in the cerebral venous sinuses.11 Neck
Valsalva maneuver, bending forward, and lying supine, stiffness and back pain also are common complaints.14
commonly aggravate these symptoms. Resuming an
upright position often relieves them. DIAGNOSIS
At diagnosis, 93% of patients with idiopathic intracranial Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a diagnosis of exclu-
hypertension complain of headache.11 Headache is one of sion.19 If increased ICP is suspected, MRI and magnetic
the most common reasons for primary care visits and ranks resonance venography of the brain are recommended to
among the top 10 disabling conditions worldwide, accord- exclude secondary causes of increased ICP, including dural
ing to the World Health Organization.15 In women, headache venous sinus thrombosis, mass lesion, aneurysm, subarach-
ranks among the top five causes of disability.15 Patients with noid hemorrhage, meningitis, subdural hematoma, and
idiopathic intracranial hypertension often present with stroke. A few imaging findings suggest intracranial hyper-
typical symptoms of migraine, such as photophobia, pho- tension, but they are not diagnostic of idiopathic intracra-
nophobia, nausea, and vomiting. In fact, migraine frequently nial hypertension, nor does their absence exclude idiopathic
coexists with idiopathic intracranial hypertension.12 Increased intracranial hypertension. These findings include bilateral
ICP may exacerbate the primary headache disorder. or unilateral dural venous sinus stenosis, flattening of the
Patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension often posterior sclera, an empty sella turcica, and distension of
describe transient visual dimming, visual blackout, or the optic nerve sheaths (Figure 4).6,12,14
“tunnel vision” occurring with postural changes.14,6,12 High If brain imaging does not reveal a structural cause for elevated
CSF pressure compresses the optic nerves and causes isch- ICP, the next step is high-volume lumbar puncture, which
emia, which may lead to optic disk edema or papilledema obtains 30 to 40 mL of CSF compared with 8 to 15 mL for
(Figures 2 and 3).12 With prolonged pap-
illedema, optic nerve damage progresses, FIGURE 4. MRI findings in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension: empty sella (A),
and the visual fields gradually constrict.6 distended optic nerve sheaths (B), transverse sinus stenosis (C), and flattened posterior sclera (D)
Bedside fundoscopy is the first step in
Reprinted with permission from Markey KA, Mollan SP, Jensen RH, Sinclair AJ. Understanding idiopathic intracranial
identifying unilateral or bilateral papill- hypertension: mechanisms, management, and future directions. Lancet Neurol. 2016;15(1):78-91.
edema.11 Confrontational visual fields
testing may detect restricted visual
fields.14 Perimetry, or visual field testing A B
performed by an ophthalmologist or
neuro-ophthalmologist, involves flashing
lights in different locations in the visual
field. The patient responds when she or
he sees the light.16,17
Perimetry identifies visual loss in about
95% of patients with idiopathic intracra-
nial hypertension, but only one-third of
patients recognize the loss.18 The most
common visual field abnormalities are an
enlarged blind spot and peripheral vision
loss. Central vision loss is a late find-
ing.6,11,14,16 About 25% of patients have C D
some irreversible visual loss, and 5% to
10% may progress to blindness.6,18 Serial
perimetry is essential to monitor the disease
and guide treatment.6,11,14,18 Only about
6% of patients with idiopathic intracranial
hypertension do not have papilledema.12
These patients do not experience typical
transient vision disturbances and are not
at risk for permanent visual loss.6
The cranial nerve examination is usu-
ally normal, but may reveal an ocular
motility defect, such as a palsy involving

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Idiopathic intracranial hypertension

a routine lumbar puncture.12,14,20 High-volume lumbar punc- prospective trial will assess the effect of bariatric surgery
ture aids in diagnosis and often provides temporary headache compared with a community weight loss program for the
relief.6,12,14 The opening pressure must be documented accu- long-term treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension
rately because it is critical to making a diagnosis. In patients in patients with BMIs over 35 kg/m2. The study will
with idiopathic intracranial hypertension, the opening pressure monitor ICP, idiopathic intracranial hypertension symp-
is elevated above the normal level of 20 to 25 cm H2O. CSF toms, headache, papilledema, visual function, quality of
also is collected in sterile tubes to be sent for analysis. The life, and cost-effectiveness over 5 years. The investigators
CSF analysis includes a cell count with differential, protein, aim to determine whether bariatric surgery provides supe-
and glucose, which are usually normal. If clinically indicated, rior sustained weight loss and idiopathic intracranial
the CSF may be analyzed for cytology and bacterial, viral, hypertension symptom relief.21
fungal, and mycobacterial pathogens.14,20 Medications Although weight loss is considered the
The Modifi ed Dandy Criteria can be used to aid cornerstone of treatment for idiopathic intracranial hyper-
providers in the diagnosis of intracranial hypertension. tension, medications also can help lower ICP. The carbonic
• Symptoms and signs of increased ICP: headache, transient anhydrase inhibitors acetazolamide and methazolamide
visual obscuration, pulse-synchronous tinnitus, papilledema, may reduce CSF production and CSF pressure.8 Acetazol-
visual loss amide may improve idiopathic intracranial hypertension
• No other neurologic abnormality (except unilateral or symptoms, visual field measurements, and papilledema.
bilateral cranial nerve VI palsy) or impaired level of con- The usual starting dose of acetazolamide is 500 mg twice
sciousness daily, titrating as needed and tolerated to 2 to 4 g/day.8
• Elevated ICP with normal CSF composition Patients taking acetazolamide often experience acral par-
• Neuroimaging showing no secondary cause of intracra- esthesias. Monitor electrolytes periodically, as patients may
nial hypertension experience a mild metabolic acidosis.8,12
• No other apparent cause of intracranial hypertension.6,14 The antiseizure medication topiramate also inhibits car-
bonic anhydrase. Like acetazolamide, topiramate may
TREATMENT relieve some symptoms of idiopathic intracranial hyperten-
The goals of treatment for patients with idiopathic intra- sion and improve vision impairment.8 Often used for
cranial hypertension are to alleviate symptoms and preserve migraine headache prophylaxis, topiramate 100 to 150 mg/
vision.6,8 Refer the patient to a neurologist for ongoing day may provide dual benefit for patients with idiopathic
management of headaches and other symptoms.6 Because intracranial hypertension who also suffer from migraines.12
the condition may lead to severe and permanent vision In addition, topiramate may suppress the appetite and boost
loss, the patient should be followed by an ophthalmologist weight loss efforts.6,8,12 Adverse reactions, including cogni-
or neuro-ophthalmologist to monitor papilledema and tive slowing, memory impairment, alteration of taste, acral
perform serial perimetry.1,12,14 paresthesias, metabolic acidosis, acute angle-closure glau-
Weight loss Educate patients about the effect of excess coma (rare), and kidney stones, may limit the titration of
weight on idiopathic intracranial hypertension and the topiramate.8,22 Topiramate use during pregnancy has been
critical role of weight loss in controlling the condition.6 associated with an increased risk of birth defects such as
Weight loss is considered the cornerstone of manage- oral clefts.23,24 Before prescribing topiramate to women of
ment.2,6,9,12 Patients should receive counseling on regular childbearing age, advise them to use effective birth control.24
exercise and diet modification.2 A loop diuretic, such as furosemide, can be used in
Some patients may be candidates for bariatric surgery. combination with acetazolamide to reduce CSF pressure
Compared with nonsurgical weight loss techniques, bar- and treat papilledema. Labwork should be drawn regularly
iatric surgery produces greater weight loss and higher to monitor renal function and electrolytes.8
remission rates of the metabolic consequences of obesity.2 Controlling headaches is often challenging for patients
A 2017 systematic review appraised the effects of bariat- with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Headache
ric surgery and nonsurgical weight loss methods on signs abortive treatments, such as triptans and butalbital-APAP-
and symptoms of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.2 caffeine, relieve pain but may elevate BP. Counsel patients
Bariatric surgery provided superior outcomes: BMI dropped about judicious use of analgesics to avoid the common
by 17.5 kg/m2, compared with 4.2 kg/m2 for patients who problem of analgesic rebound headache.8,25 Preventive
used nonsurgical weight loss techniques.2 Bariatric surgery medications, including topiramate and beta-blockers, may
reduced or resolved headache in 90.2% of patients, but reduce headache burden. In the emergency setting, severe
only 23.2% of patients got headache relief from nonsur- headache may respond to a combination of IV antiemetics
gical weight loss.2 Papilledema resolved in 100% of surgi- (such as promethazine) or dopamine receptor blockers
cal patients and 66.7% of nonsurgical patients.2 (such as metoclopramide, prochlorperazine, or
The Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Weight Trial chlorpromazine); and ketorolac, diphenhydramine, and
(IIH:WT) is in progress.21 This randomized controlled dexamethasone.25

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Lumbar puncture This procedure may relieve escalating reductions in headache, visual symptoms, papilledema,
headache or symptoms of increased ICP.6,8 However, serial and pulsatile tinnitus. Complications of the procedure
lumbar puncture is an undesirable long-term solution. CSF include ipsilateral headache, intracranial hemorrhage,
reforms within 6 hours. The procedure itself may be tech- proximal stent stenosis, in-stent thrombosis, and stent
nically challenging in obese patients. CSF infection, CSF migration.1,6,8,12 To prevent thrombosis, the patient must
leak, and low-pressure headache are potential complications start antiplatelet therapy before the procedure and continue
of lumbar puncture.8 therapy for 3 to 6 months after stenting.1,12 If vision loss
Surgery In patients with refractory intractable headache progresses, an alternative surgical procedure such as optic
or continued vision loss unresponsive to maximum medi- nerve sheath fenestration or CSF diversion may have to
cal therapy, surgical intervention is the next step.1,8,12 A be delayed until after the patient has discontinued anti-
patient may require surgery if she is unable to participate platelet therapy. More studies are needed to determine
appropriately in care and follow-up because of noncompli- the role of venous sinus stenting in managing patients
ance or impaired cognition.8 with idiopathic intracranial hypertension.6,8
Current surgical options include optic nerve sheath
fenestration, CSF diversion with ventriculoperitoneal CONCLUSION
(VP) or lumboperitoneal (LP) shunt, and venous sinus Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a diagnosis of
stenting.8 Optic nerve sheath fenestration is indicated for exclusion, and the diagnosis is often difficult to make.
papilledema-related vision loss and is performed by an Although idiopathic intracranial hypertension is most
ophthalmologist or neuro-ophthalmologist.1,8,12,26 The common among obese women in their 20s, it also may
procedure involves making a slit or rectangular window occur in children, males, and older adults. The US popu-
in the optic nerve sheath to decompress the nerve.26 The lation of obese patients continues to increase, and with
procedure improves or stabilizes visual acuity and visual it, the burden of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
fields and relieves papilledema.8,12,26 Optic nerve sheath Clinicians should consider idiopathic intracranial hyper-
fenestration makes little effect on overall ICP, but there tension in obese patients presenting with headache. Rec-
is some evidence that it reduces headache.8,12 Patients ognizing this serious disorder and promptly taking action
undergoing optic nerve sheath fenestration may experi- may make a tremendous effect on a patient’s vision and
ence temporary diplopia or pupillary dysfunction. Tran- quality of life.
sient or permanent vision loss may occur. The benefit of Despite adequate medical or surgical therapy for idio-
the procedure may wane over time, and patients may pathic intracranial hypertension, many patients continue
require repeat surgery.8 to experience some degree of headache, elevated ICP,
The most common surgical intervention for idiopathic papilledema, or vision loss. The road to recovery may be
intracranial hypertension is CSF diversion using VP or LP long and frustrating, but patients can get better. Until they
shunt. CSF diversion is indicated for patients who experi- stabilize, patients require regular follow-up with their care
ence refractory headache or progressive vision loss despite team and monitoring for recurrent disease. JAAPA
maximal medical therapy.1,6,8,12 To implant a VP shunt, a
neurosurgeon passes a catheter through the skull into a Earn Category I CME Credit by reading both CME articles in this issue,
lateral ventricle and tunnels the catheter under the skin reviewing the post-test, then taking the online test at http://cme.aapa.
and into the peritoneal cavity.27 Less common than VP org. Successful completion is defined as a cumulative score of at least
70% correct. This material has been reviewed and is approved for 1
shunting, LP shunting involves inserting a catheter into hour of clinical Category I (Preapproved) CME credit by the AAPA. The
the lumbar subarachnoid space, then threading it under term of approval is for 1 year from the publication date of May 2019.
the skin into the peritoneal cavity. In both types of shunt,
a programmable or nonprogrammable one-way valve is REFERENCES
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