Taller Fortalecimiento de La Lengua 2019: Name: Toffalo Maximiliano City: Sauce Corrientes

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Taller Fortalecimiento de la Lengua 2019

Name: Toffalo Maximiliano City: Sauce Corrientes

Taller Fortalecimiento de la Lengua 2019

The celebrity that I chose is Cristiano Ronaldo, he is a soccer player, born in Lisbon, Portugal, in
his beginnings as a soccer player in Lisbon's sporting, then he went on to play at England's
Manchester United, then he scored a before and a then in Real Madrid of Spain and at the
moment he plays in Juventus of Italy.

Cristiano Ronaldo is currently 34 years old. I chose this player because in my opinion he is one
of the best in the world and I admire him a lot.
Taller Fortalecimiento de la Lengua 2019

1-b)-Many times I have written tweets to Football players but, I have never had an answer
from them

A- Read the film review. Does the writer answer all these questions? Check and tick (✓)

1. -What is the title of the film? ✓

2. What genre is it? X

3. What is it about? ✓

4. Is it based on a book? ✓

5. Where is the film set? ✓

6. When is the film set? ✓

7. Who stars in the film? ✓

8. Who plays the main role(s)? X

9. What kind of person would like this film? ✓

B- Follow the steps to write your own film review.

1. Think of a film you have watched. 2. Make notes for each of the questions in Activity 1. 3.

Your review using your notes and the model text.

. Write between 100 and 150 words.

1- Its genre is action, this movie contains 8 parts, it is a group of friends who love cars and
get together to do many pranks, in one edition they robbed a bank in Brazil, in another
they went to Dubai to meet their enemy and They even went to a military base, this
movie is not based on a book, it was believed in the United States, at the beginning the
main character was Brian Okoner (Paul Walker) but a few years ago Paul died in a
traffic accident , and his main character is taken by Dominic Toreto (Vin Diesel) and at
this time and several years ago Toreto is the star of the movie. In my opinion this
movie is going to like those people who like the action and the cars.
Taller Fortalecimiento de la Lengua 2019
Write a paragraph saying if music is important in your life. Explain why or Why not

3-I still have the thought that 2 months ago, I don't like music because I find it very
boring to wear headphones and listen to it. But I like to go to bowling to dance with
my friends. Before listening to music I prefer to play football, play basketball or spend
time with my family and friends.


Read these articles about the importance of English, Then write a summary about
them and add a
Paragraph about your opinion. Include ideas about how you think learning English
will help you in your future life.

Article One

4-Why Learn English?

-English was originally an English language but thanks to the efforts of the British
Empire it became the language of colonies as the United States. English is currently the
language of many commercial and cultural spheres; it is the language of Hollywood
and international business.

English is the International Common Tongue

-English is essential to be able to communicate now
Because it is the foreign language used and also because if two people from different
countries try to speak they use English to communicate.

English is very important for education because it gives you the opportunity to learn
many children from different countries, and also in countries like Sweden and the
Netherlands where their language is very difficult.

List of Countries by English Speaking Population

Taller Fortalecimiento de la Lengua 2019

Country ▲ % English Speakers   Total English Speakers  

United States 94.2 298,444,149

United Kingdom 97.74 63,962,000

Thailand 27.16 17,121,187

South Africa 31 16,424,417

Philippines 56.63 57,292,884

Pakistan 49 92,316,049

Nigeria 53 82,941,000

Italy 34 20,300,000

India 10.35 125,226,449

Ghana 66.67 18,000,000

Germany 64 51,584,000

France 39 25,500,000

Egypt 35 28,101,325

Canada 85.63 28,360,240

Bangladesh 18 29,398,158

Australia 97.03 17,357,833

The Internet and Press

On the Internet, most websites are written and created in English. It is the main language of
the press, nowadays and since several years more newspapers and books are written in English
than in any other language.

Resources Make Learning English Easy

English is the easiest language to learn because there are different resources available. At the
moment the person decides that she wants to learn, there are thousands of resources on the
Internet and in bookstores. They can complement traditional learning materials with television
programs and children's books.
Taller Fortalecimiento de la Lengua 2019
Travel and Business
With a good understanding and communication in English, anyone can travel all over the
world. Because it is the international language for foreigners, you can try it by traveling online.
Any travel booking site you can find will have English as a booking option.

English skills will also help you in any business you choose to follow. Companies that want to
operate internationally only consider that their staff is well educated if they are good writers,
readers, etc.

The Language of Hollywood

We all know that Hollywood is in the United States and that the world's largest television and
music industries are based there.

Television and movies are a great way to practice your English once you start learning. In
addition, knowing English opens thousands of movies, TV shows and games for your
enjoyment. If you want to work one day in the entertainment industry, English is even more
Taller Fortalecimiento de la Lengua 2019

Article Two
4 Reasons Why Learning English is so Important

-English is the Language of International Communication

English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language of 53
countries and about 400 million people around the world speak it. Being able to speak English
is not just about being able to communicate with native English speakers; it is the second most
common language in the world. If you want to talk to someone from another country, then
they are likely to speak English to do so.

The British Council projects that by 2020 two billion people in the world will study English.

English is the Language of Business

English is the dominant business language and has become almost a necessity for people to
speak English if they want to enter a global workforce. Global companies such as Airbus,
Daimler-Chrysler, Fast Retailing, Nokia, Renault, Samsung, SAP, Technicolor and Microsoft in
Beijing have demanded English as the official corporate language. In addition, in 2010, the
Rakuten Company, a Japanese cross between Amazon and eBay, forced its 7,100 Japanese
employees to speak English.

Speaking English gives you Access to a World of Entertainment

Many of the best movies, books and music in the world are published and produced in English.
Therefore, by learning English, you will have access to a lot of entertainment.

If you speak English, you no longer need to rely on translations and subtitles to enjoy your
favorite books, songs, movies and TV shows .At ELC we encourage students to participate in
the social program to practice English outside the classroom environment. Activities include
watching popular movies in English, sports, art galleries, museums, trips and excursions to
local and historical areas.

The Importance of Learning English Today

Although learning English can be challenging and time-consuming, we can see that it is also
very valuable to learn and can create many opportunities

The English Language Center is a not-for-profit organization. This means that all our profits are
re-invested in the school, our purpose is to provide the highest possible quality in English
language teaching at our schools in Brighton and Eastbourne.
Taller Fortalecimiento de la Lengua 2019

4-He concluded that English is very important in the world, to communicate and have a good

In my opinion I suggest that you continue to promote English throughout the world and that
there are more and more institutes to learn English, websites and teachers.

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