Letter of Transmittal

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Letter of Transmittal

28 February 2020
Prof. Mohammad Amzad Hossain
Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Subject: Submission of the Paper on “A study on Social safety net programs and Bangladesh

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I would like to submit here with the report on “A study on Social safety net
programs and Bangladesh perspective” for your kind consideration, I found the class paper
work very interesting that was assigned to me.

I am pretty much optimistic that the preparation of this report would enrich my practical
knowledge. It is an immense pleasure for me to submit the paper which is prepared as a partial
requirement of the course named Business Economics (BUS-8403) of MBA (Professional). I
have gone through internet, different books, articles, journals, interview of authorities for this
report and getting the relevant information about the assigned topic.

Sincerely yours

Shadman Khan

Roll: 19020012

Section: 20(B), MBA Professional

Bangladesh University of Professionals


Bangladesh is a making country on the planet. Its masses is 14 97,72, 364 (BBS, 2011). Over the
span of ongoing years since independence, Bangladesh has extended its authentic per capita pay
by more than 130 percent, cut desperation rate by 60%, and is especially set to achieve most of
the thousand years progression targets. The economy today is part progressively versatile and
adaptable, as showed by the ability to withstand the overall money related crisis with least
threatening effects. Bangladesh moreover is right now significantly progressively prepared for
dealing with calamitous occasions with least loss of life. Bangladesh achieved this hitting
progression with progress notwithstanding different inside and external constraints (SFYP, 2011-
2015). In spite of this past progression, the Administration sees that Bangladesh is up 'til now a
low compensation country with significant destitution, unevenness and hardship. The poor social
affair of the masses is genuinely distressed with respect to obligation regarding and has deficient
access to institutional reserve similarly as to central organizations including quality guidance,
human administrations, water and sanitation. These people, and among them especially women
and children, are moreover disproportionately affected by disastrous occasions and the
disagreeable effects of ecological change. Despite advancement, unreservedly maintained
reducing measures as government managed savings programs are up 'til now deficient (SFYP,
2011-2015). The country has a joined of prosperity net tasks (e.g., cash and in kind trades, little
scope credit plans, and prohibitive cash moves) for widows, the injured, shock, transients, the
developed, to give a few models – each with its own colossal administrative overheads. In any
case, do they address the issues? Consideration of these security nets is astoundingly low and
shows up at an incredibly little bit of the goal poor people. At the same time, despite the low
consideration, different tasks routinely serve a comparable beneficiary, and points of interest go
to the people who needn't waste time with them (World Bank, 2006). In these conditions,
Bangladesh Government is working various settlements under Social Security Net tasks, for
instance, develop age reward, widow and left women stipend, settlement for the injured, VGD,
VGF, etc. As an inhabitant government help driven country, Bangladesh is raring these tasks
through Branch of Social Administrations, Division of Ladies Undertakings, working
environments of the endeavor use authorities and diverse government working environments.

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