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4/10/2014 Creating Energy Circles

Creating Energy Circles

Friday, 16 July 2010 19:26 Bina Bakshi & Kat Miller

What are Energy Circles?

Energy Circles are one way to send remote healing energy, Switchwords, etc., to a person, place or thing, or even to yourself.

It is preferred to put no more than two or three Switchphrases in an Energy Circle and it is preferred to have no more than three
Energy Circles actively sending energy to a person at one time. A Switchphrase may be one or two Switchwords, or even
possibly as many as nine or ten Switchwords. More than three Switchphrases inside an Energy Circle may cause dilution of
effects, and more than three Energy Circles with a person's name inside as a Requester, may again, begin to dilute effects.
We have also experienced extra Energy Circles beyond three with a person's name inside causing some to be deactivated.

You can also specifically put things you do not want in your experience outside the Energy Circle.

Why use Energy Circles rather than just write Switchwords?

Energy Circles broadcast the Switchwords, etc., to a space, place, person, or whatever is added to it.

An Energy Circle with no Requester or Focus inserted will generally broadcast to the space where it is hung or set facing up.

An Energy Circle with a Requester (person who wishes to have the Energy Circle affect them) will broadcast the Subject
(Switchwords, Defusing Words, Homeopathics, Numbers, etc.) to Requester, whether they are near or far.

If a Focus (additional person, place, thing to be affected by the Switchwords) is added to the Energy Circle, they too will receive
the Energy Circle broadcast.

When placed inside an Energy Circle, the Switchwords are ON for broadcasting, whether they are being read or not.

Without an Energy Circle, the Switchwords are only activated when you specifically read them.

Click here to see samples of Colored Energy Circles

(including with Rays & Amoeba Rays)

Energy Circle Creation

Write the Requester for the Energy Circle on a blank piece of paper.
The Requester may b e a person, place or thing. The Requester is whatever is to b e affected b y the Switchwords, energy vial or
other techniques you are putting into the Energy Circle.

Write the Subject (what you want to send remotely) below the Requester.
You can send Switchwords, Emotional Freedom files, Healing Energy Vib rations techniques, Flower Energies, etc. (If using
files, techniques and/or flowers from energy vials, the appropriate vials should b e set inside the Energy Circles.)

Draw a single circle around the Requester and Subject.

(Switchwords, Emotional Freedom files, Healing Energy Vib rations techniques, Flower Energies, etc.)

Make sure everything is completely within the circle, not touching or crossing the line of the circle.
If the line of the circle is touched or crossed, it may not b e effective.

Be sure the circle is closed.

A closed circle means the b eginning and end of the line meet or cross over each other. The circle should b e one solid line, with
no b reaks in it. It does not need to b e a perfect circle. It can b e any shape you want, such as a heart, ob long, rectangle or
square, so long as it is closed.

An Energy Circle does not need to be printed out.

It can simply b e drawn.

An Energy Circle does not need to be round.… 1/10
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An Energy Circle only needs to have the b eginning and end connect, and must b e continuous, with no b reaks in the color. An
Energy Circle can b e square, oval, octagonal, heart-shaped, even no really shape, as long as the b eginning and end connect
and there are no b reaks in the color.

Energy Circle Materials

An Energy Circle can be created on paper with ink, crayon, paint, a marker, a highlighter, anything that can draw on the paper.

An Energy Circle can be a bracelet that is solid in color, has one continuous thread, cord, wire, string, etc., that beads are strung

An Energy Circle can be anything that is a solid, continuous color that has two ends cross over or meet each other and has no
breaks in the color.

An Energy Circle must be in a single flat plane. If the paper is to be folded, then do not fold it through any part of the circle,
breaking the plane of the circle. If the plane of the energy circle is broken, the technique may not work. Do not crumple the

If not on a single flat plane, the Energy Circle is b roken and may not work.

Keeping Energy Circles Active

Energy Circles can be used as a “set it and forget it” technique.
Once created, Energy Circles can b e placed on a desk or any flat surface, hung on a wall, or put in a folder or noteb ook.

Energy Circles can be stacked together (though there have been reports that only the top Energy Circle in the stack has been
active for some).

Deactivating Energy Circles

An Energy Circle is temporarily deactivated when it is face-down.

An Energy Circle is permanently deactivated when it is put in the trash.

An Energy Circle is opened, and therefore permanently deactivated when you fold the paper it is on and the fold includes any
part of the Energy Circle.

An Energy Circle is compromised, and therefore permanently deactivated when it is crumpled.

Tearing an Energy Circle permanently deactivates it.

An Energy Circle is permanently deactivated when an "X" is drawn through it, if one or more of the lines of the "X" crosses over
part of the perimeter of the circle.

Colored Energy Circles

Use color to enhance the energy vibration of the Switchwords or techniques within it.

Draw the Energy Circle in color or cut the Energy Circle out of colored paper.

Dark tones of a color add intensity and permanency to the color's energy vibrations/qualities.

Light tones of a color introduce the color's energy vibrations/qualities softly and gently into the broadcast.

Energy Circle Color Qualities… 2/10
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Violet is a great color for any Energy Circle.
Violet is a cleansing, clearing color.
Violet helps to separate energies.
Violet relates to the Crown Chakra, brain and pineal gland.
Violet relates to self-knowledge and spiritual awareness.

Violet resonates with Spleen and Spinal Cord.

Violet is beneficial for controlling the function of the Spleen, strengthens the Spinal Cord, and helps in formation of white
blood cells.


Indigo helps one ascend to inner awareness.
Indigo relates to self-responsibility.
Indigo helps one trust one’s intuition.
Indigo helps one get beyond ego.
Indigo resonates with, and helps balance, the Third Eye Chakra.

Indigo resonates with Heart, Blood and Skin.

Indigo is beneficial for improving circulation of blood, and helps in sharpness of memory.


Magenta strengthens contact with your life purpose.
Magenta enhances Scorpio energy.
Magenta brings magnetism, to attract or speed up things, extra power, when immediate action and great spiritual
power are needed for life purpose and/or life path.
Magenta brings much energy and activity focused on achieving power and self-realization.
Magenta brings strong but controlled passions and emotions.
Magenta brings courage and strength to give everything for a goal.
Magenta normalizes adrenal gland function.
Magenta stimulates the heart.
Magenta creates a diuretic effect (stimulates urine flow), normalizes Kidney function.
Magenta helps create an emotional equilibrium.
Magenta builds aura.
Magenta helps balance blood pressure and normalize veins and arteries.
Magenta helps strengthen reproductive organs.
Magenta may help in cases of infertility.


Pink is a soothing color on all levels – Physical, Mental and Emotional.
Pink is the color of love.
Pink can help soothe anger and feelings of neglect.
Pink can help awaken compassion, love, and purity.
Pink is comforting to the emotional energies.
Pink heals grief and sadness, restores youthfulness. and brings you into contact with your feelings.
Pink adds softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, for children, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional
love, emotional healing.


Lemon is a cerebral stimulant.
Lemon stimulates the brain.
Lemon is a sexual stimulant.
Lemon activates the thymus gland.… 3/10
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Lemon can help stimulate growth.
Lemon has the effect of a motor stimulant to throw off morbid debris.
Lemon builds and strengthens the bones.
Lemon helps increase bone growth.
Lemon has an antacid effect on the body, excellent for chronic conditions.
Lemon gives energy to the cells in the stage of resistance and exhaustion and helps overcome stress.
Lemon is a cleanser of the system.
Lemon can be useful for coughs, as expectorant.
Lemon is a motor stimulant.
Lemon alkalizes/neutralizes acidity.
Lemon improves nutritional processes and repairs persistent disorders.
Lemon helps correct scurvy.
Lemon can have a laxative effect.


Yellow is good for despondent and melancholy conditions.
Yellow is for mental activity and intellectual power.
Yellow is for ability and awakening.
Yellow activates nerves and brain, and generates energy for muscles.
Yellow has a stimulating, cleansing, and eliminating effect on liver, intestines, and skin.
Yellow helps purify the blood stream and activates the lymphatic system.

Yellow resonates with throat, skin, tongue and speech.

Yellow may be beneficial for positive thoughts, the gift of gab, creates positive energy within, helps cure skin disorders.


White Energy Circle

White is strengthening.
White is cleansing and purifying to the entire energy system.
White promotes purity, virtue and spirituality.
White is nurturing.
White heals fevers, infections and pain.
White calms the heart, mind, nerves and emotions.
White promotes vitality and supportive feelings.
White can awaken greater creativity.

Note: White can b e used as a component in Energy Circles, as long as it is surrounded b y other colors.


Blue is the color for truth, devotion, calmness, and sincerity.
Blue is the color for meditation and spiritual expansion.
Blue is for peace, faith, aspiration, creative expression.
Blue relaxes the mind.
Blue stimulates metabolism and increases vitality.
Blue is helpful in myopia (near-sightedness).
Blue is excellent for inflammatory diseases, as it is cooling and soothing.

Blue resonates with all Joints, Nerves, Liver, Skull, Gallbladder and Pancreas.

Blue imparts confidence, courage and inspiration, and controls depression.


Turquoise encourages clarity in thoughts, feelings, and communication.
Turquoise has a constant vibration which neither overpowers nor intrudes in any way.
Turquoise resonates to the thymus and thyroid glands, builds the skin, tones the general body system and relaxes… 4/10
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sensations of stress.
Turquoise helps with renewal, innovation, originality and inventions.
Turquoise can be used for protection and to help protect you from unwanted negativity.


Silver is the color of transformation.
Silver is a major conductor and communicator.
Silver aids speech and public speaking eloquence.
Silver enhances patience and perseverance.
Silver helps with healing of hormonal imbalances, emotional stability, helps remove or neutralize negativity, enhances intuition,
dreams, psychic abilities and psychic workings.
Silver is a purging color so it is very good for removing unwanted diseases and troubles from the body.
Silver is best for cancer of tissue and blood.
Silver generally supports, enhances and strengthens other colors, making it an ideal outer circle in Concentric Colored Energy


Green is the color of energy, youth, growth, inexperience,
Green is the color of fertility, hope, and new life.
Green is for balance, growth, calming.
Green is the color of the Heart Chakra.
Green works with the heart, breasts and thymus gland.
Green helps open the ability to give and take unconditionally.
Green is practical and adaptable.
Green is also for money.

Green resonates with the stomach, nerves and mind.

Green can be beneficial for healing stomach disorders, improving digestion, giving spurts of energy and aids in removing
depression and creating self-determination.


Gold is the color of protection.
Gold strengthens the heart and self-confidence.
Gold can be a powerful tonic after heart surgery.
Gold helps awaken the body's own healing abilities and assists the body in restoring homeostasis.
Gold harmonizes the mind and endocrine system.
Gold can be used with other colors to amplify the effects without overexciting the system.
Gold symbolizes Universal Love.
Gold resonates at the Naval, Crown and the higher Chakras above the Crown.


Brown represents Elemental Earth, calms, grounds emotions and extreme mental conditions.
Brown helps stability, grounding, conservation, practicality, common sense and discrimination.
Brown is for healing, balancing all systems, hyperactivity, finding lost objects, material increase.
Brown helps to make relationships solid, increase decisiveness and concentration.
Brown helps with protection of household, family and pets.
Brown is for attracting help in financial crises.
Too much Brown can be depressing.

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Gray is for rest, self-control and neutrality.
Gray helps to neutralize negative influences.
Gray is for self-reliance, reserve and tact.
Gray may help sooth irritations, slow hyperactivity and alleviate stalemates.
Gray helps keep a low profile, and allows blending of other colors.

Caution: Very dark or excessive Gray may bring depressive energies.


Orange is warm, cheering, non-constricting,
freeing upon the body and mind, relieves repressions.
Orange shows new possibilities and other options, stimulates creative
thinking and enthusiasm, helps assimilate new ideas.
Orange is helpful in dealing with excess sexual expression.
Orange links very strongly with the Sacral Chakra.
Orange stimulates lungs, respiration and digestion.
Orange increases activity of the thyroid.
Orange relieves muscle cramps and spasms.
Orange increases mother’s milk.

Orange resonates with Chest, Kidneys, Spleen, Throat, Stomach and Nervous System.

Orange may be beneficial for Nervous system, helps constructive thinking and gives a feeling of joy and vitality.


Black repels/banishes evil and negativity.
Black is for protection, banishing, binding.
Black is for breaking free from bad habits and addictions.
Black is for deep meditation, opening up deep unconscious levels.
Black is grounding and calming, especially to extremely sensitive individuals.
Black wards off hatred and negative emotions.
Black can help put life and all of its craziness into proper perspective.

Note: Black should b e used sparingly. Too much b lack can cause depression or aggravate emotional/mental conditions. Too
much Black also increases fear, suspicion and paranoia. Black should rarely b e used b y itself, b ut generally in comb ination
with at least one other color. Use Black Floods sparingly.


Scarlet Energy Circle

Scarlet is a general stimulant, an emotional stimulant, enhances sensitivity and builds sexual power.
Scarlet increases functional activity of the arteries.
Scarlet constricts blood vessels, increases heart rate and increases blood pressure.
Scarlet is a kidney and adrenal stimulant.
Scarlet helps in cases of impotency and frigidity when used in the genital area.
Scarlet stimulates the reproductive system, and increases menstrual function.
Scarlet stimulates labor and accelerates fetal expulsion at time of delivery.


Red Energy Circle

Red represents health, fire, anger, temper, danger and destruction.

Red gives a person a sense of power. Red is the color of passion.
Red is stimulating, vitalizing and energizing.
Red is helpful for vision in far-sighted people.
Red stimulates, excites, and acts as an irritant.
Red resonates with, and helps balance, the Base Chakra.… 6/10
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Red affects Head, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Blood, Circulation and Spine.

Red benefits one with positive willpower and encourages love.

Note: Be cautious not to overuse Red. If there is anger, agitation or a similar negative emotional state, it may b e wise to use a
different color (such as Orange, Blue or Pink).

More Ideas for Working with Energy Circles

Energy Circles can b e used to send remote healing with an energy vial.
Place the vial (Emotional Freedom, Healing Energy Vibrations, Flower Energies, Rescue Remedy, etc.) inside the Energy Circle
with the focus and list of files, techniques, flowers, etc.

It may be better to use a "set" of files rather than the entire list in an Energy Circle.

The maximum number of files for the Emotional Freedom vial that should be put in an Energy Circle is 40.

When the Emotional Freedom file Switch is in Energy Circles, one can put as many Switchwords and/or Switchphrases as
desired in the Energy Circle.

Switch counts as a single file, regardless of how many Switchphrases are used.

Separate and demarcate each individual Switchphrase with “Switch.”

See Switch file description for use with the Emotional Freedom vial for examples of Switchphrases.

Use a semicolon (;) between Switchphrases and Emotional Freedom file names to demarcate them if you put more than one
Switchphrase or file name on a single line (Example: Hypersensitivity; Inner Child; Inner Light).

Keywords can be used instead of the full Emotional Freedom file name in Energy Circles (Example: Astrological Imbalances)

Be sure the words are unique to the file you want.

Too many Energy Circles with multiple Switchphrases in them can be confusing to the body. That is why limiting the number of
active Energy Circles at one time is recommended. However, the EF (Emotional Freedom) vial deals with the "overload” if any
Switchphrases are prefaced with "Switch." Therefore, when using the EF vial you can do innumerable Switchwords and
Switchphrases in an Energy Circle, so long as each Switchphrase is prefaced with Switch.

As many Chants, Mantras, Meditations and/or Prayers can be put into an Energy Circle with the EF vial as desired, but each
must be prefaced by calling the Chants, Mantras and Prayers file (Example: Chants: White Tara Mantra; Chants: Soham
Mantra; Chants: Ho'oponopono)

A full Chant, Mantra or Prayer can also be written inside an Energy Circle.

With Energy Circles the EF file Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers counts as one file (rather than 4 like when it is run
physically). This is because when physically using the vial it does not run energetic EFT. Instead it puts the vibration of the
Chant, Mantra or Prayer either 108 times (default), or the number of times stated when invoked. See Chants, Mantras,
Meditations and Prayers file description for more information.

Healing symb ols such as Reiki symb ols, Runes, Huna symb ols, etc., can b e put into Energy Circles to send remote healing:
Simply draw the symbol to send inside the Energy Circle with the name of the recipient.

Energy Circles are one way to remotely send techniques from energy vials, such as the Emotional Freedom vial, Healing
Energy Vib rations vial, Flower Energies vial, etc.: Simply place the vial inside the Energy Circle with the name of the recipient
and any files, flowers, techniques, etc., from the energy vials that to be sent.

Energy Circles can be used to send positive affirmations: Simply write the name of the recipient along with the positive
affirmation inside the Energy Circle.… 7/10
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Energy Circles can b e used to send Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers: Simply write the full Chant or Mantra you wish to
send along with the name of the recipient inside the Energy Circle (or set the Emotional Freedom vial inside the Energy Circle
and write just the name of the Chant, Mantra, Meditation or Prayer

Energy Circles can be charged with Sanjeevinis and/or Vibrational Balancing Images using the VBSE TOGETHER computer
program for broadcasting remote healing energy.

Radionic Amplifier Energy Circles

Radionic Amplifier Energy Circles can be used to broadcast Healing Numbers and Frequencies. In particular Radionic
Amplifier Energy Circles can be very useful for working with numbers. One example of a Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle for
General Healing:

721,348,192 (for Self-Healing)

957,043 (Make it easy to accept healing)
10,000 Hz (Beneficial; Allergies and much more)

Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle (RAEC) was used for amplifying the broadcast of the numbers. Gold was chosen for the RAEC
to add the qualities of Gold Color Therapy to the broadcast, including Universal LOVE, protection, enduring rewards and
incorruptibility. A Light Yellow Flood was chosen to surround, engulf and permeate the broadcast with softly and gently
stimulating, cleansing, and eliminating of liver, intestines, and skin, purifying the blood stream and activating the lymphatic
system. Blue lettering for the numbers brings calmness, sincerity, spiritual expansion, peace, faith, aspiration, creative
expression, relaxation, stimulating metabolism and increasing vitality. Blue is also cooling and soothing.

Any energy technique can b e put into an Energy Circle for continuously sending the technique to someone.

Concentric Energy Circles… 8/10
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There may be times when an Energy Circle can be enhanced by adding a second Energy Circle either outside or inside the
original Energy Circle. Generally speaking, Black, Orange, Violet, Silver or Gold may be utilized in conjunction with other
Colored Energy Circles for enhancing them.

When a situation involves one's will, for a positive outcome like

protection from, letting go of, releasing control of or control
from etc., place a Black Energy Circle around (outside) the primary
Colored Energy Circle.

When intensity is needed, such as deep healing, fast action,

or immediate attention, place an Orange Energy Circle inside
the primary Colored Energy Circle.

Green and Orange Concentric Energy Circles may be useful

in working with money and abundance, growth and new

Yellow and Orange Concentric Energy Circles may be useful

when working with healing, health and wellness, concentration
and need for wakefulness.

When negative energy may be impinging, anger is involved or for

some other reason cleansing/separation is required, place a Violet
Energy Circle around (outside) the primary Colored Energy Circle.

Silver generally supports, enhances & strengthens other colors,

making it an ideal outer circle in Concentric Colored Energy Circles.
Silver may be especially useful when used with Pink in love relationships.

Gold will help protect and strengthen when use outside other
Colored Energy Circles. Gold may also be good to add if self-confidence
is needed.

Energy Circles With Rays

There may be times when an Energy Circle can be enhanced by adding Black Rays around it. The Black Rays may help multiply
the intensity of the Energy Circle, as well as increase speed of manifestation. Two types of Rays that used to enhance Energy
Circles include:

1. Amoeba Rays (irregular rounded Rays, not necessarily evenly spaced):

Situations for which Amoeba-type Rays may be useful include:

Chronic illness or problems
Love and family relationships
Anything needing quick focused energy

2. Evenly spaced Pointed Rays:

Situations for which Pointed Rays may be useful include:

Acute illnesses
Sudden problems
Anything needing focused energy
Can be used to concentrate energy for releasing at a specific time (cut or tear the Energy Circle to release the energy)

In most acute and/or sudden illnesses/problems, the Pointed Rays work very quickly. However, if you find it does not seem to
be sending the energy cut or tear the Energy Circle to release it.… 9/10
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For focused energy create the Energy Circle with Pointed Rays and allow it to sit for a period (preferably a day or two) then tear
or cut it to release the energy.

If you wish to utilize Energy Circles with Rays and are unsure which type of Rays to use, choose the Amoeba Rays.

FLOWER Energy Circles

FLOWER Energy Circles add the energy for flourishing, thriving, opening up to the world and sharing your Inner
Beauty to the focused broadcast of the Energy Circles.

Note from Kat: I was inspired to do the FLOWER Energy Circles to bring the energy of Flowers into the Energy
Circles. Flowers usually have two or more colors, and I was asked to generally do the FLOWER Energy Circle
with two colors.

I see it as good for opening a shy person to social situations, for getting one who is reserved to thrive, anytime there is a
blockage, keeping one from being open.

Colors and Switchwords remain as powerful as always and can b e applied to using the FLOWER Energy Circles. FLOWER
Energy Circles seem to want two colors, one overlaying the other.

Click here for additional Information on FLOWER Energy Circles and applications (subscription required).

HEART Energy Circles

HEART Energy Circles add the energy of love, joy and compassion to the Contents of the Energy Circle. A
HEART Energy Circle may be useful for working with loved ones, relationships, anywhere that addition of love, joy
and compassion may enhance or improve the situation.

Energy Circles Testimonials

3 good friends for over 30 yrs... had a misunderstanding. 1 stopped talking to the other 2 and despite many messagess and
mails no response. After 2 weeks 1 friend made an Energy Circle with the 3 names, harmony number (285,555,901), Chestnut
Bud & Rock Water. Next day we wrote an email to her and she responded saying all is forgiven and forgotten and a plan to meet
for lunch is being fixed!!! :)

Click here to see samples of Colored Energy Circles

(including with Rays & Amoeba Rays)

Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 March 2014 14:50… 10/10

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