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Hey welcome back to Get Laid More University, I of course am John Sinn, your professor of prunany

and today I am very very very happy to be bringing you a subject that is one of the favorite things guys
like to ask me about and one of the more important tools of building and maintaining sexual attraction
with women. So we are talking today about sexual teasing and over the next 45 minutes or so I am
going to be breaking down sexual teasing in more detail than I have ever gone into on it ever before.
And I am also going to be revealing my 5 types of sexual teases and giving you a ton of word-to-word
examples. So all of that is coming up very shortly but as always I’d like to start by defining the terms we
are talking about and making sure that everything is clearly understood as a base level concept.

I want to start by talking about what teasing is. So before we can get into the sexual part of what
teasing is we want to just get into what it is to tease someone. What it is to tease a girl. If you have
been studying or dating for any amount of time, I am sure you have come across the idea of teasing
before. So what is teasing? What is the meaning to tease a girl? There are a lot of people out there to
teach this stuff who don’t have an understanding of this concept in my not so humble opinion. You get
guys who say you know teasing is saying something like: nice nails are they real? And when the girl
comes back and says no they are not and then you have de-validating her little and she wants to win
you back over. That’s not really true I mean that could work if the girl was already interested in you and
thought your opinion mattered, but if you are just some random guy off the street hitting on her then it is
probably not going to work. Other guys say that you can call the girl’s dorks or power puff girls or give
them a little nickname and that’s cool and you know but that is not all of what teasing is. Teasing really
is kind of an art. It is an art of saying something on one hand is kind of cruel but on the other hand is
meaning I like you. When it comes to teasing when you look back when you were in grade school and
you liked a girl. You didn’t tell her you liked her, you pulled her hair and ran away or you told her that
she looked like a frog and laughed at her or you stole her toys and that is kind of the same level of
communication. Teasing does a lot of amazing things. Teasing shows that you are not intimidating that
you are not taking the girl or the situation too seriously and that you are used to being around women.
Teasing in a way is a form of pre selection because it shows that you understand women, that you
know how to communicate with women in a way that you find fun, flirty playful and that’s really
important and that is my 3rd point about teasing which is that Teasing is playful. The girl should never at
any point feel like you don’t like her. Even when we add the sexuality, obviously adding the sexuality
makes a little more obvious that you like her, but when you are teasing it is really, really important that
you keep a smile and that you touch the girl. If you do those things, then teasing is a lot more playful
because a lot of times you will basically mess things up because you say something harsh and the girl
thinks you are serious. But if you smile and touch when you tease the girl is always going to get the
underlying meaning that you like her and that is really what teasing is about. Teasing is nothing more
than confident flirting it is being able to express in the woman showing her that you lie her in a way that
is fun that is flirty that she understands and that sub communicates that you are a guy who gets it, you
are a guy who understands woman and you are the guy who understands how socializing between
men and women is supposed to work. So that is really what teasing is and I want to end the
explanation here by putting the best quote about teasing which I have ever heard which came from the
guy named Wayne who said that “ Sarcasm was the art of saying something that on the surface sounds
nice” like saying Nice shirt man! But what really meaning is you suck! Teasing is the art of saying
something that on the surface is rude or mean but it really means I like you. If you keep that in mind
you are going to have a great amount of success in teasing. Remember there are no points for making
a girl feel bad or de-validating her core and quote or disqualifying her, non of that stuff really works
because in the real world if you are an ass hole to people when you just start approaching them they
are probably most likely not going to be mean to you. Some people will but most are not going to be
into that and it is going to end up going badly. So, it is important that you understand that teasing is
friendly flirty and playful. If you get that then the rest will go pretty easy.

So now let’s move on and explain what sexual teasing is. Because there is a difference and the
difference is slight. It is not a huge difference but there is a difference because in sexual teasing we are
trying to basically use humor to introduce sexuality and the interaction. In my massive field of
interaction and approaching over ten thousand women and sleeping with literally hundreds and
hundreds of beautiful women, I can tell you that humor and sexual teasing are he best ways to bring up
sex. You have to bring up sex at a certain point between a man and a woman there is no other thing to
talk about. And at that point it is really important that you move the topic to sex, sexuality, you two, you
tow liking each other, you two having some sort of a relationship whether it is just physical and one
night or you know emotional and many years but you have to move to that subject and in my
experience just trying to talk about sex out of the blue is not the best thing to do. Instead it is a good
idea to start by making sexual jokes and making them about the girl and we will talk about how to do
that because humor takes away the idea of the sexual threat. When a woman starts talking to a guy
who she is attracted to, she is going to feel at a certain way like if he brings up sex or if she is
interested or if she is a little threatened. You know safety is a real concern for girls and they don’t want
to get raped etc etc. so she is going to feel kind of uncomfortable if you bring up sex too earlier on. Now
is every girl going to feel uncomfortable? No girls are slutty and are down right away but most girls the
majority whenever I talk about most girl or every girl or almost every girl there is always one-offs and
there is always going to be into you or girls are not going to be into you but I try to keep my tactics and
techniques on the majority of the woman that 80 % where they might kind of like you, they might kind of
not, but they are not totally out and they are not totally in.

So sexual teasing is what happens when we take flirty statements that are teases like I like you and
then we add sexuality to them. We add a sexual element in. We add something that either talks about
sex, talks about sex with her, talks about sex with us, you know etc etc. it is really the best way to start
sexualizing the interaction because there is no threat, it is funny. The girl laughs but she is passively
accepting you at the same time you talking about sex. Even if I say something benign like “you know I
am in my periods tonight so you know you are not getting any”. Now I have bought up sex and the girl
now laughs and I have kind of introduced sex into the equation and the idea of she wants to have sex
or we want to have sex without it being awkward or uncomfortable. Contrast that with me just saying”oh
my God! You are so sexy!” which puts a lot of pressure on the girl and allows a lot of sexual threat.

So it is important to understand that sexual teasing should not be overly sexual like you are not going
to tell the girl that you want to fuck her in the ass in a sexual tease. You are not going to tell her that
she has great tits and you want to do her from behind in a sexual tease. That stuff comes all later. That
stuff comes when you already have some attraction. Sexual teasing in general happen more early in
the attraction phase because basically what happens is when you start talking to a girl, you want to just
build what I would like to call a social comfort. Just not being a weirdo, just not doing anything that
totally creeps her out or makes her feel like she doesn’t want to talk to you. Social comforts I have
defined many times in many social programs and blog posts and stuff so if you want to google at or if
you want to check out the five-minute chemistry recourse there is a whole lot of social comfort in that
course but basically we just want to not be weird. Social comfort is of the idea that if I went up to them
after 5 minutes of talking to them and asked them what they thought of you: he seemed like a nice guy
but no like oohh I want to suck his dick up or something just like you seem like a nice guy and normal.
They’d rather talk to you than not talk to you and go about their business. That is what social comfort is.
Then that should not take more than 5 minutes. If the girl has not opened up and wanted to talk to you
in 5 minutes, you are really wasting your time, get out of there. If girls are not at least interested or
having a conversation with you, maybe not attracted to you in the first 5 minutes but at least interested
in having a conversation with you unlocked contributing you should walk away but no more than 5
minutes of that then you need to tease, you need to break that social comfort in order to get the girl to
chase you and start being attracted then you want to build some attraction and after you have built
some attraction and then you can start to build some sexual attraction. You want to build regular
interest value based attraction, looks based attraction, physical value emotional intrigue all of those
basic types of attraction to get the emotion of the girl in attraction which is what she wants more of you.
she wants more information, she wants to be around you longer, she is interested in you. Interested
attracted it is all the same. It is two ways of saying the same shit. So that is kind of when to use the
sexual teasing. As you are going to use it, it is in 3 form and if everything really goes smoothly, it’s ten
minutes in, it is basically once you have attraction you want to then sexually tease the woman and you
want to continue to do it, we used to teach that you only need to tease girls the first 4 minutes and after
that you don’t want to tease too much because going backwards and you hardly hard to had that. It
really depends. Some girls love being teased, you can just like tease them basically all the way into
bed. Those girls are awesome. Other girls you know they need a little more work, they need a little
more other stuff besides just teasing. So, you really have to depend, if the girl is really playful and quick
witted and funny and sarcastic you can tease her all the time all throughout the interaction both
sexually and non sexually. If she is not really that kind of personality type you maybe not want to just
tease like maybe every ten minute up front till you get her either on a date or her phone number and
you know maybe once or twice you know maybe when you guys hang out but don’t over do it. It’s a
really good tactic but it is also not a good thing to kind of overdo all the time. You know like a lot of
people will over tease, we will just find out like that is the only thing working and they would press the
button and you can actually see girls. When I used to teach boot camps and fields you can see girls
kind of lessen, lessen each time and every time they would do it. The first time they would do it, the girl
is pretty attracted to you, second time lessen, the third time lessen and by the fifth or sixth time you
tease the girl in five minutes you know she was not into it. so that is what is basically what is going on
in terms of when to tease.

Now I want to talk about why teasing is important. I touched one of these things a little bit when I talked
about things that teasing does, it shows that you are not intimidated, it shows that you are used to
being around with women, it shows all of that stuff but it also shows most importantly for sexual teasing
brings sex into the equation. It gets you into the mind space of her except accepting sexual
conversation and if you can do that in the first couple of minutes you really are into the way of getting
her into bed fast. In fact I would say sexual teasing is my number one tool for building sexual attraction
with women. We are doing this because we can do this a lot. It is easy and it does not have that threat
that some of the other techniques have for the girl might reject it. Sexual teasing is an entirely a
rejection proof way of bringing sexuality into the interaction. So that ‘s why it is important, what it is and
when to use it and now I want to move forward into talking about the 5 types of teases that I use and
that I teach my 5 private coaching students to use in order to achieve amazing success with women.
So first I am going to go through the list fast, give you like a one sentence two sentence of description
of what each thing is then we are going to zoom in and I am going to explain it in more detail and I am
also going to give you multiple, multiple examples. So at the end of this audio you are going to have
more examples of sexual teases than you’ll know what to do with. So 5 categories of sexual teases and
I have come up with these after years and years of extensive research, don’t get too hung up on the
name, just get to what each type of line is more than getting super hung up on knowing exactly what
things are, sometimes these are over lapse, some of these are similar but there is a clear difference in
what they are and what they do. So it is important to know what that is in order to have true mastery of
sexual teasing than I know all of you listening want.

So the 5 categories are:

1} Push Back- A push back is an unflattery stereotype that the girl is going to push back against that is
somewhat sexual.

2) Fast forward rewind- Fast forward rewind is where we are going to try to get sexual and then we are
going to take it way back. One of my best techniques one of my newest techniques, one of my
techniques I have been teaching guys outside of my private teaching students.

3) Push pull- Sexual push pull. Obviously push pull is where you say one thing nice and one thing kind
of mean, so obviously sexual push pull is the process where we are sexually into her and sexually not
into her.

4) Cocky and playful- cocky and playful is great kind of framework for getting sexual. I like to also call it
cocky and sexual more than like cocky and playful. Let’s just kind of officially change that. Let’s just call
it cocky and sexual.

5) The last one is Challenging – sexually challenging women. So when you sexually challenging you
are able to tease them through the force of you couldn’t do something. Very powerful psychologically.

All right so let’s go through these in more detail.

1} Starting with the Push Back: so as I said literally a minute ago, the push back is an unflattering
stereotype that allows you to tease the girl about her sexuality usually about being inadequate sexually
and gives her something to push back against. The whole idea of a push back is that when you box
somebody in they are going to go with it if they are the positive stereotype right like when I talk about
sexual mind reading and sexual framing, you know we talk about a lot of frames that are the positive
stereo types because we don’t want the girl to push back against it. We are just the flip back side of the
coin. This is when we are not trying to set this frame. We are actually saying some things that we don’t
want her to be because we want her to push back against them. We want her to argue and qualify
against herself, laugh and do all of these things and fight back. So we are getting her emotionally
involved with the interaction. Push backs are my favorite because they are easy to use, they are short,
you don’t have to remember a lot of stuff and they get the girl emotionally involved in the interaction like
when she starts pushing back and fighting, playfully obviously, you are creating sexual tension. The
playful combat between you and the girl is sexual tension. There is a level of sexual tension that we
need and we want a little combativeness. We want everything to be going super smoothly always all
the times because a lot of the times all of these things come back to a crashing halt, but when there is
push and pull, it creates a tension and that tension is naturally going to be resolved through sex. I
mean that is how men and women kind of resolve tension or beating girls up like a clown but we don’t
do that so sex. So the great thing about push back is that they try to create that type of a dynamic and
that is really what we want.

So let me give you a couple of examples of push backs: by saying: you are a really nice girl I can say
that you are really old fashioned. Like you are like the wait a month before sex kind of girl. You are kind
of like the prude. You are totally like the missionary styled lights off girl. You don’t get out much. You
don’t like the literally experienced. I can just tell you are too young. You are like young and you haven’t
had sex yet. I can tell.

All these things are short, they are easy. They are basically things that are sexy for her to push back
against you. You always want to say these things with a smile You don’t want to say these in a
judgmental way you are prude. She is going to be annoyed. Maybe she will push back against it or
maybe she doesn’t but she is going to be angrier. You know but if I smile and say you know: I think you
are a sweet girl but I think you are prude. It’s cool, you just cannot handle me. That is a combination of
push backs and challenging: which we will talk about later. So push backs are great, you can use them
really early in the interaction. I can use push backs in the first five minutes. I can use push backs even
in social comforts because they just give people to push back against and when you do it in a playful
way the girls wont get mad. So push backs are generally how I like to start my sexual teasing just
because they give me somewhere to work off it somewhere for the rest of the time. One of the cool
things about sexual teasing is that if you something once and you call it back and continue teasing
about it for the rest of the interaction over the phone, in person on dates etc. so its good to establish
themes earlier on and push backs help you do that because it gives you something to argue with the
girl about so that is the art of push back.

2} Now we have Fast Forward and Rewind: fast forward and rewind is one of my newest most
powerful techniques. Fast forward rewind basically works like this: we are going to make a sexual tease
that is over the top. So I would say something like: you know what? Me and you are going to go on a
romantic date to Red Lobster and I am going to take you, it’s going to be so amazing. We are going to
have a seat right upfront, we are going to go to the park, I am going to have red balloons for you, they
are going to float off into the air so romantically and then I am going to lay you down on a blanket and
fuck you in the ass in public! And the girl is going to laugh and say: No! That’s not going to happen that
is gross! And I would be like: no no, no you misunderstand me and that is when the rewind comes in.
so the fast forward is a sexual commence, a sexual tease, something about having sex with her,
something that assumes more of a relationship sexually with you and her. After you do that the rewind
happens when you then take it all the way back. So I’ll go like no no, you misunderstand me. I don’t
believe in sex before marriage. So none of that could happen until we get married, at least ten years, I
don’t even hold hands until the 34th date. The girl will now laugh or she will agree. Either one of those
reactions the girl is agreeing and now if she agrees and plays along because if the girl agrees she will
be like oh! That’s good hahaha and they’ll play along. Oh yeah that’s good! 34th dates, you are kind of
like a slut huh? Now if the girl plays back then any of those reactions I want to fast forward again. Now I
can go like: well I said I would have sex with you in the ass after marriage but oral doesn’t count. So if
you want to blow me in the bathroom like later that is cool. Now if the girl laughs and she goes like No!
Then I’ll rewind again. It is this process of making sexual teases that are overly sexual and they aren’t
even sexual teases really they are kind of more like statement of intent or over the top sexual jokes.
Right. I might say something like oh my God! I am going to dress you up in French dirty nerd outfit and
do terribly dirty things to you and they’d be like: no no bad! And I would be like: no, I mean like after we
were married and like 56 and have seven kids, I want that Heaven Merlin elder lady body. She will
laugh and then I will fast forward again.

So you use this to kind of like control escalation and to get more sexual then what you can seriously
because the rewind takes it back. It is almost like you telling her things that you want to do sexually and
then saying just kidding. Instead of saying just kidding which will kind of come off as weak and not so
great you are instead rewinding and taking it back by going really far in the opposite direction and
making sure that she knows that you were just joking, you are just messing with her, you are just
playing around, not serious and she doesn’t need to be worried. So that’s fast forward and rewind.

3} Now I am going to talk about Sexual Push Pull: we start by quickly defining what push pull is and
how it works. So push pull works because it is psychologically very confusing. It creates what is called
fractionation where you are simultaneously validating and de-validating a girl at the same time in a
funny playful way. This stopping and starting the push pull just like the fast forward and rewind gets the
girl emotionally invested and to get the girls emotional fluidity to get the girl emotionally invested is
really powerful when you add some sexuality to it. Because if you can’t control the girl’s emotions, if
you don’t get the emotional reaction from her, if she is just a pathetic and flat when you are talking to
her, she is not going to seep with you. a lot of guys feel the blow out. My definition of a blow out is the
conversation goes less than 5 minutes and doesn’t really get any attraction or social comfort and you
are just talking to people who are not interested in talking to you and it might be that they just don’t
respond, it might be that they just give one word answers and walk away, whatever it is, but that is not
really the enemy, because the truth is not every girl is going to sleep with you even if you are really,
really good at this. So we want to find the girls who are going to sleep with us. The girls who are not
going to sleep with us no matter what, we want to get those girls out as quickly as possible rather than
waste our time trying to attract them and turn them on and blah blah blah.

So the enemy is not the blah, the enemy is a 20 minute set and push pulls gets the girl emotionally
invested which keeps them to know the 20 minute set to know where. The 20 minutes sets to know
whether the girl has invested in you emotionally it is where she is just kind of killing time or being polite,
helping her friend and etc etc but push pulls kind of hurts that because it emotionally grabs the girl by
simultaneously teasing and escalating. So let’s look at some push pull lines. Now when we come to
push pull sexually what we are doing is basically sexually accepting her and then sexually rejecting her.
So I might pull the girl in, you can also do push pull physically. That is another thing to keep in mind
that physical push pull is extremely, extremely, extremely powerful especially for dealing with last
moment resistance when a girl is in bed and doesn’t quite want to go further, you know she wants to
wait or she kind of wants to do it, she doesn’t: sexual push pull really works well. you know really
getting turned on and then telling the girl oh now we need to stop. That stuff is very powerful. So that is
something to keep in mind that you can mix verbal and physical, you can do physical push pull and you
can do just verbal push pull. So for example if I want to mix physical and verbal, I might pull the girl
close to me and tell her you smell delicious and then push her away, or I might tell a girl that I hate her
and that she is gross and the hug her. That is a mixing of signals. Physically warm verbally cold;
verbally warm physically cold that works just as well as verbally warm and verbally cold. So that is kind
of like the idea of what push pull is to be both warm and cold. You know the pull is warm the push is
cold and that is the real way to think about it. Sexually accepting her: pull, sexually rejecting her: push.
Push pull, push pull. A very powerful technique.
So lets get some lines: so I like saying: you are sexy. you are trouble get away from me. Its great really
the basic sexual push pull lines. You are sexy, get away from me! You are sexy; you are trouble.
Another I’d like to do that is the type of push pull a negation. A negation happens when you tell a girl to
not do something. Negations are incredibly powerful because if I tell you right now to not to picture a
blonde girl in a bikini, the first thing that is going to pop into your head is a blonde girl in a bikini. So with
negations I can sexually tease and push and pull her while telling her not to do some thing. I might say
that you have to stop being sexy. Really like I am trying to be professional here, you need to stop. Or I
might say: don’t think about all the dirty things that you want to do to me, like I see it in your eyes; I see
what you are trying to do here. I might say: Stop looking at me like that. I see like that you are trying to
use you sexy stare. Immune. All right. Even if she is not doing it, I can accuse her of it and that kind of
pushes and pulls her because the accusation and the telling her to stop is a push but the pull in me is
kind of bringing it up. Obviously that I am somewhat interested. So that is kind of what push pull is. You
can figure out one of these on your own. I don’t want to waste too much time on the examples over
here, just because there are other things that are harder to understand that I would rather like cocky
and sexual.

4} Cocky and sexual: lets talk about Cocky and sexual. David Angelo obviously introduced the idea of
cocky and funny. Cocky and funny is a good attraction tool, cocky and playful whatever you want to call
it. The idea of having same things simultaneously slightly arrogant and funny. So that is cocky and
playful. Not serious joking around. Now on the other hand we have cocky and sexual. that is where you
say things that are cocky but also bring up sex. So for example: I can say like you know I am glad you
are talking to me like a person, because of my looks a lot of girls usually treat me like a piece of meat.
You know and I have really deep feelings and thoughts and I just want to be appreciated for those. I
read and I can read a magazine from front to back and nobody wants to talk to me about that. They all
just want me back in their house and want to show me their stereo but I am glad you are not like that. I
might say you know, I have figured it out. Girls are sexual predators. If a girl gets mad at her boyfriend,
she can go out wearing a push up bra on and do her makeup and do her nails and she can meet you in
the eye in like ten seconds. Maybe, just maybe 5 % of the guys can do what a 100% of the women can
do. Plus girls have one organ that has nothing but sexual pleasure. But you haven’t fooled me I am
onto you guys. I have figured it out. You are sexual predators. Like right now you are sitting there
crossing your arms: sexual predator! Trying to win me in. but I will not be tricked, not again. I was taken
advantage of once and it really it scarred me. So jus don’t take advantage of me. Don’t make me sad,
I’ll cry.

Other things you can do with cocky and playful is when a girl is saying something you can respond
saying something like: are you saying you want to make out in the bathroom with me?! Or if the girl
says something I do is really cool, I would be like: oh feel free to throw your panties at me anytime. Or I
will say that: I have that effect on women. I have that effect on women is a great thing on anything. Like
if a girl says, its hot in here, I would say like I am sorry I have to turn down the tiger heat, ill try and not
be so hot, it’s a gift and a curse really, I am trying I am trying to control it better, but just try and control
yourself. The idea of cocky and sexual is that you are basically; you are basically acting like she wants
you. Like she wants you and you are the girl. One of the best things you can do for this kind of cocky
and sexual stuff is to basically think about all the things that girls want to say to guys and you know flip
those around. So like my period joke I made earlier that came from a girl telling me that she was in her
periods and I wasn’t going to get laid. But now I say that to girls. You know all of these things come
from kind of places like that. If you pout some thought into it you will come up with some really cocky
and sexual frames and they will really help you kind of really understand cocky and sexual better. You
know there are frames where she wants you, frames like you’re a tease, frames like you know there are
all sorts of frames we don’t really have the time to get through them now. But there is a lot of stuff that
can be basically be used that can make the cocky sexual frame work to move in the interaction forward
and to introduce this idea of sexuality in a very easy to use way.

So that’s kind of the idea of cocky and sexual so lets see if I have any other thoughts here, if I have any
other cocky sexual routines that I use….

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