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Florida Educator Accomplished Practice #1

Bryan Rodin

Application of Understanding Assignment #1: Create a performance assessment tool

that could be used to assess individual student skill development.

Bi-Level Achievement Rubric

Do students have their required materials for Band Class? (Pencil, Music Binder, Band Book,

Student either has all materials (✓) or doesn’t (X)

Student 1 ✓
Student 2 X
Student 3 ✓
Student 4 ✓
Student 6 X
Student 7 ✓
Student 8 ✓
Student 9 ✓
Student 10 X

3-Level Achievement Essay Rubric

Compare and contrast pop music with classical music. Provide at least two examples.

Full Credit: Student uses content-related vocabulary and multiple relevant examples to compare and
contrast the two subjects. Few to none grammatical/spelling errors.

Partial Credit: Student could benefit from using more content-related vocabulary and additional relevant
examples. Several grammatical/spelling errors that detract from the paper.

No Credit: Student needs to use far more content related vocabulary and many more relevant examples.
Student needs to intensely review spelling and grammatical structure.
3-Level Achievement Performance Rubric

Beginning Percussion Mallet Grip Quiz:

Mallet Grip

10 points. Has hands pinched and wrapped gently around the mallets in correct playing position with
arms at proper angle.

5 points. Student is holding the mallets improperly, they are gripping either too tightly or too loosely,
but they are still able to play.

0 points. Students need to work on pinching and wrapping the mallets, they are unable to play due to
the position the mallets are being held in.

5-Level Achievement

Playing a song on

Beginning Basic Proficient Advanced Exceptional

Tone is not Tone could use Decent tone that Well supported Beautiful, well
characteristic of more support of may lack some tone, solid grasp supported and
the instrument, the breath. solidity in places. of pitch and expressive tone,
student is Student may be Has a few rhythm, could great accuracy of
overblowing and using undesirable rhythmic or pitch benefit from more pitch and rhythm.
this it is difficult to technique and errors, but the focused practice Keep up the good
discern pitch and creating idea of the piece with a work!
rhythm. Much undesirable still is able to metronome and
more practice is sounds. Pitch and come across. tuner.
needed. rhythm need

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