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Standard Method of Test

Test for 

Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain,

for Concrete

AASHTO Designation: M 55M/M 55!"

ASTM Designation: A #$5!#

1. SCOP%

1.1. This s p

ecification covers
covers we
wellded wire reinforcement to be used for the reinforcement of concrete
Note 1-We
lded wire foforr concrete reinf 
reinf orcement
orcement has been described by various terms:
terms : welded
wi re fabric, WWF,
WWF, fabric
fabric,, and mesh. The wire reinforcement industry prefers the term "welded
wire reinforcement"
reinforcement" (WW! as bein more representative of the rane of products bein
manufactured.. Therefore
manufactured Therefore,, the term #Weldedwire fabri c" has been replaced with the
#Weldedwire fabric t he term "welded
wire rei
nforcement"" in this specifi
cation and in related specifications.
specifications .

.$.. This specificati
Thi specification is ap p pllicable f or units (' '! or in inch-pound units
or orders in either %& uni units
(' !.
!. %& units and inch-
inch- pound units are not necessaril
necessarily e)uivalent &nch-pound units are sho shown
in brac*ets in the
the te+
te+t fo
forr clari
ty bu
 butt the
y are the applicable values when the mate
riall is orde
order ed
tc ' .
 . Th
Thee valu
es state
stated d in each
each system are not e+act e)uivalents
e)uivalents  therefore,
therefore, ea
each sys
system must
 be used independentl
independently y of the other. ombinin values may result in nonconformance with the the
specification .

2. R%&%R%'C%D DOC(M%'TS
 AASHTO Standard 
St andard :
. ' 32M1M /$, %teel Wire,
Wire, 0lain, for
for oncrete einforcement

$.1.  ASTMStandard 
 A STMStandard :
.  233,
233, %tandard 0ractices
0ractices fo
forr 0a
*ain,, 'ar*in
'ar*in,, and 4oadin 'ethods for %te
%teeel 0roducts
for 5omestic %hipment

.$..  Military Standards
St andards::
. '&4-%T5-1$6, 'ar*in for %hipment and %torae
. '&4-%T5-17/, %teel 'ill 0roducts 0reparation for
for %hipment and %torae

$./.  Federal
 Fe deral Standard :
. Fed.. %td
Fed %td.. 8o
 8o.. 1$/
$/,, 'ar*in for %hi
%hi pment
 pment (i
(ivil encies!

3. T%RM)'O*O+

/.1.  Description of Te
rms Specific to This Standard:
convoluted wire-when wire for welded reinforcement is formed into a sinusoidal9wave shape, it
is commonly referred to as convoluted wire. The wire is used in the manufacture of caes for
certain applications of concrete pipe reinforcin.

weld ed wire reinforcement-as used within the scopeand intent of this specification, desinates a
material composed of cold-drawn steel wire, as drawn or alvanied, fabricated into sheets or
 by the process of electric resistance weldin. The finished material shall consist essentially of a
series of lonitudinal and transverse wires arraned substantially at riht anles to each other and
welded to"ether at points of intersection. .

;. ORD%R)'+ )'&ORMAT)O'

;.1. =rder s for mater ial to this s pecification should include the followin

;.1.1. inf ormation: >uantity (mass or s)uare area!,

 8ame of material (welded wire reinforcement for concrete


reinforcement!, Wire spacin and sies,


'inimum yield strenth if %up plement % & of ' 3 M  !  M /$

a pplies. ?+clusion of oversreelin, if re)uired (%ection 6.;.$!,
4enth and width of sheets or

rolls, 0ac* a"in" (%ection 17!, and

;.1.2. %@T= 5esination and year of issue.


 8ote 2-A typical orderin description is as follows: 6/3 rrr9 welded wire reinforcement for 
concrete reinforcement, 133 + /33-W 1( + W7 in flat sheets, $.; m wide + 7.1 m lon, in
1$ Wl lifts,
secured + to M 67
%%'. A13333 rr welded
W7 in flat sheets, in. wide + $;3 in. lon,wire reinforcement
in secured lifts, to for concrete reinforcement, ; +
' .B

5- MAT%R)A*S

(.1. The wire used in the manufacture of welded wire reinforcement shall conform to ' /$'f'
/$ and its %upplement % & if so ordered.

(.$. Welded wire reinforcement shall be furnished either in flat sheets or in rolls, as specified by the
 purchaser. .

6. MA'(&ACT(R%

7.1. The wires shall be assembled by automatic machines or by other suitable mechanical means which
will assure accurate spacin and alinment of all members of the finished reinforcement.
7.$. 4onitudinal and transverse members shall be securely connected at every intersection by a
 process of electrical-resistance weldin which employs the principle of fusion combined
with pressure.

7./. Wire of proper rade and )uality when fabricated in the manner herein re)uired shall result in a
stron, serviceable mesh-type product havin substantially s)uare or rectanular openins. It
shall be fabricated and finished in a wor*manli*e manner, shall be free from inCurious defects,
and shall conform to this specification.

Note3-A variation of manufacturin includes the application of one or more lonitudinal

convoluted wires at one ede of reinforcement for concrete pipe reinforcin caes. This shape
allows the cae ends to be e+panded to a larer diameter to accommodate the bell-sha ped ends
of concrete pipe.

7. M%CHA')CA* PROP%RT R%.()R%M%'TS

2.1. Tensile-"ire for the production of welded wire reinforcement is described in ' /$'&' /$.
Tensile tests may be made on wire cut. from the welded wire reinforcement and tested either across
or between the welds no less than 3 percent shall be across the welds. Tensile tests across th e
weld shall have the welded Coint located appro+imately at the center of the wire bein tested and
the cross wire formin the welded Coint shall e+tend appro+imately $ mm [I in.B beyond each
side of the welded Coint.
Note;-Tensile, reduction of area, and bend testin are normally done at the time the wire is
dr awn. The manufacturer9s finished product still must satisfy the mechanical properties when
tested after fabrication.

2.$.  #edu ctionof  Area-The ruptured section of the tensile specimen is measured to determine this
 pro perty. &n the case of a specimen that has been tested across a weld, the measurement shall be
made only when ruptur e has occurred at a sufficient distance from the center of a weld to permit
.an accurate measurement of the fractured section. The wire shall meet the minimum reduction of 
area re)uirements of ' /$'1'/$.

2./.  $end Test-The wire shall withstand the bend test as descri bed in ' /$'1' /$ and shall be
 performed on a specimen ta*en from between the welds.

%&'& "eldShearStren(th-The weld shear strenth between lonitudinal and transverse wires shall be
tested as described in %ection <. The minimum averae shear value in 8ewtons, shall not be less
than $;1, multiplied by the nominal area of the larer wire in s)uare millimeters Ain pounds-force
shall not be less than /333, multiplied by the nominal area of the larer wire in s)uare inchesB,
where the smaller wire is not less than sie W1.$ and has an area of;3 percent or more of the
area of the larer wire. Typical e+amples of the ;3 percent or more wire sie differential area
as follows:
4arer %maller 
%ie 8o. W$3 %ie 8o. W<
%ie 8o. W1 %ie 8o. W7
%ie 8o. W&= %ie 8o. W;

2.;.1. einforcement havin a relationship of lonitudinal and transverse wires other than those covered
in %ection 7.4 shall not be subCect to the weld shear re)uirement.

2.;.$. Weld shear tests for determination of conformance to the re)uirements of %ection 7.4 shall be
conducted usin a fi+ture as described iu %ection <
Four welds selected at random from the specimen described in %ection 11.$ shall  be tested for
weld shear strenth. The transverse wire of each test specimen shall e+tend appro+imately $ mm
A1 in.B on each side of the lonitudinal wire. The lonitudinal wire of each test specimen shall be
of such lenth below the transverse wire so as to be ade)uately enaed by the rips of the testin
machine. &t shall be of such lenth above the transverse wire that its end shall be above the
centerline of the upper bearin of the testin device.

2.;.;. The material shall be deemed to conform to the re)uirements for weld shear strenth if the avera e
of the four samples complies with the value stipulated in %ection 2.;. &f the averae fails to meet
the prescribed value, all the welds across the specimen shall then be tested. The reinforcement will
 be acceptable if the averae of all weld shear test values across the specimen meets the pr escribed
minimum value.


<.1. s the welds in welded wire reinforcement contribute to the bondin and anchorae value of th e
wires in concrete, it is imperative that the weld acceptance tests be made in a Ci that will str ess
the weld in a manner similar to which it is stressed in concrete. &n order to accomplish this, the
vertical wire in the Ci must be stressed in an a+is close to its centerline. lso the horiontal wir e
must be held closely to the vertical wire, and in the same relative position, so as to prevent
r otation
of the horiontal wir e. When the welded wire reinforcement is desined with different wir e sies,
the larer diameter wir e is the "vertical wire" when tested (see Fiure 1!.1

Vertia! "ire

Setion A# A

&igre i-Welded Wire einforcement Weld Tester 

of the materia4 The certification shall include the specification number, year-dateof issue and
revision letter, if any.

1.$. This conformance is predicated upon testin and acceptance of wire prior to fabrication, coupled
with random shear testin durin production. Gecause of warehousin and stoc*in problems, no
efforts are normally ta*en to supply actual test data on material shipped. &f this is deemed
essential, outside inspection should be utilied.

1./. When %upplemental % & of ' 32M1M /$ is specified for the material, test results for yield strenth,
tensile strenth, reduction of area, and bend tests shall be reported (% 1.$.1  of' /$'1'/$!.

16. PAC2A+)'+ A'D MAR2)'+

17.1. Hnless otherwise specified, pac*ain, mar*in, and loadin for shipment shall be in
accordance with %T'  233.

17.$. When welded wire reinforcement is furnished in flat sheets, it shall be assembled in bundles of 
convenient sie containin not more than 1(3 sheets and securely fastened toether .

17./. When welded wire reinforcement is furnished in rolls, each roll shall be secured so as to prevent
unwindin durin shippin and handlin.

17.;. ?ach bundle of flat sheets and each roll shall have attached thereto a suitable ta bearin the
name of the manufacturer, description of the material, ' 44M5M , and such other information
as may be specified by the purchaser .

17.. When specified in the contract or order and for direct procurement by or direct to the
H.%. Jovernment, when 4evel  is specified, preservation, pac*ain, and pac*in shall be in
accordance with the 4evel  re)uirement of'&4-%T5-17/.

17.7. When specified in the contract or order and for the direct procurement by or direct shipment to the
H.%. Jovernment, mar*in for shipment, in additfon to re)uirements specified in the contract or
order, shall be in accordance with '&4-%T5-1$6 for H.%. military aencies and in accordance
with Fed. %td. 8o. 1$/ for H.%. Jovernment civil aencies.

#6- 2%WORDS

12.1. oncrete reinforcement reinforced concrete reinforcin steels steel wire welded wire

I detailed drawin showin complete dimensions of the testin Ci may be obtained from %T'
@ead)uarters. e)uest dCunct K 1$-13 1<3-33.

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