Profile: Vara Fergi Natalia

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Vara Fergi Natalia


Mutmainnah Dwi Azzahrah


For Without
Doubt there is With the new day
a future, And comes new strength
your hope will and new thoughts.
not be cut off.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Proverbs 23 : 18

Problem’s & sOLUTION 0

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Vara Fergi Natalia
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Mutmainnah Dwi Azzahrah
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Vara Fergi Natalia

Mutmainnah Dwi Azzahrah

Suitable Helper

Women is created by god as a suitable helpmate for everything. As a helper, a

woman has to be strong individual. A women’s strength is not measured by her
physical appearance but from what is inside of her heart. Which is rich with
characters and good traits.

How to be a Strong Women ?

1 She needs to be attached to God, if her heart is

attached to god she will not worry about the future.
Because she puts her hope in god

2 Thankful for what she has and to be grateful

for what God does in her life.

Accept herself completely and not comparing herself with others
nor be envious with others. But to maximize her full potentials in her life.
Motivational talk

Last year, 2019 exactly. I got a big achievement for myself

personally. So, i’m going to tell a story a little bit, iam that kind of person
who really shy and awkward, and its really hard for me to close or
socialize with everyone. And then, there's a point of my life that i feel a
little empty if i just going to campus and then go home early and so on,
so i thought i want to join some organizing comittee in this college life. I
really want to join that thing, but i’m really worried about my personality.
And then, i read this quotes, it comes from Eleanor Roosevelt, she was
an American political figure, diplomat and activist. She once said that
“You must do the things you think you cannot do.” And, i got my self a
little bit hesitant with this quotes, and i dont really motivated by the
quotes thing, so i’m ignore this quotes. As the time goes by, i try to not
worried about my personality anymore, i’ve learn to slowly getting out
from my comfort zone, and suddenly i ventured and suggested myself try
to follow that quotes, and finally last year i’m joining some organizing
comittee for 3 events in this college life. I hope this quotes can motivate
you too, slowly try to getting you out from your comfort zone.
Teenager would think that leaving high school and
heading off to college would mean brighter days and a clean slate.
Unfortunately, for students who had a hard time making friends
during high school, the thought of attending a college campus
filled with tons of strangers may not be as comforting. Self
Confidence is a very common issue, especially among young
people. Even with bragging rights (like being accepted into a
prestigious school like UGM or UI) it isn't enough to help
individuals that have a tough time feeling like they belong among
peers. Here are six solutions where you can use this method to
boost your confidence.


Make eye contact

Adjust your body language

Feel conscious of body language: “In looking people in the eye and smiling

essence, if we stand like winners we really help to build confidence. Ain says
feel like winners,” says Emerson. “Our she’s noticed that she tends to walk
positive physiology sends positive around with her head down, but notices
messages to our brain so stand tall and that when she looks up, making eye
proud if you can.” contact with strangers “can be a positive
and self-assuring experience”.
Consider your tone of voice

Speaking quietly, not saying much or hesitating while you

speak all betray a lack of confidence. Emerson suggests recording
yourself speaking to get over self-consciousness about your voice.
“This often takes several play backs,” she says. “Then ask yourself how
you might improve the way you speak. This often means slowing down
and breathing between sentences. The more you can relax and be
yourself with your voice, the better you will come across.”Anne Walsh,
vocal coach at Confidently Speaking, says that during stressful times
like interviews or presentations, “we breathe high into our upper chest
areas through fear and tension and this interferes with our capacity to
connect breathing to speaking effectively.” She advises her clients to
breath deeply because it allows your voice to be “open, warm and

Dress in a way that makes you feel good

University professor and author of Mind What You Wear

Karen Pine did an experiment where she dressed students in
Superman costumes. She found they were more confident
than the control group. “Dressing for success really does
work,” she says. “Not only does dressing smart make you
feel confident, research suggests that you will behave more
confidently too.”
Dyslexia Survive in Their School

How they get social support from their immediate environme

It is important to note that not all students who have difficulties
with these skills have dyslexia. Formal testing of reading, language,
and writing skills is the only way to confirm a diagnosis of suspected
dyslexia. An individual can have more than one learning or behavioral
disability. For example, in various studies as many as 30% of those
diagnosed with a learning or reading difference have also been
diagnosed with ADHD. Although disabilities may co-occur, one is not
the cause of the other.

Dyslexia can also affect a person’s self-image. Students with

dyslexia often end up feeling “dumb” and less capable than they
actually are. After experiencing a great deal of stress due to academic
problems, a student may become discouraged about continuing in
school.If children succeed in school, they will develop positive feelings
about themselves and believe that they can succeed in life. If children
meet failure and frustration, they learn that they are inferior to others,
and that their effort makes very little difference. Instead of feeling
powerful and productive, they learn that their environment controls
them. They feel powerless and incompetent.

Researchers have learned that when typical learners succeed,

they credit their own efforts for their success. When they fail, they tell
themselves to try harder. However, when learners with dyslexia
succeed, they are likely to attribute their success to luck. When they fail,
they simply see themselves as stupid. Research also suggests that
these feelings of inferiority develop by the age of 10. After this age, it
becomes extremely difficult to help the child develop a positive self-
image. This is a powerful argument for early intervention.
So, we’re here trying to figure out how to solve this
problem, and what we got is the surrounding environment
must support a lot, especially parents and their teacher
on school. Schools can implement academic
accommodations and modifications to help students with
dyslexia succeed.

Help with taking notes, and work

assignments that are modified appropriately.

Teachers can give taped tests or allow students

with dyslexia to use alternative means of assessment.

Students can benefit from listening to books on

tape and using text reading and word processing
computer programs.

“Children are more successful when early in their lives

someone has been extremely supportive and encouraging,
and when they have found an area in which they can succeed.”
Self Reflection
I will say I learned perhaps many things in this class, I
also enjoyed. The assignments were very beneficial to the
entire learning process. However, I felt the tests were a bit
unexpected, (some material was not discussed thoroughly
enough, example drama) If there was one thing that I would
recommend to help the class it would be an accompanying
audio and video lecture to the power points. I feel like this
would have cleared up some of the points that I had neglected
to focus on. Public speaking has always been very hard for me,
no matter how many times I've done presentations I've always
get nervous, anxiety, sweating, shy and even always forget
what I rehearsed. In my opinion the English class prepared me
for public speaking. What I want to accomplish in this class?
Whether I like it or not I been given the opportunity to talk to
large crowds or just a couple of people in the class and I
improve my basic English. So, thank you for an incredible
Self Reflection
After learning English lessons that have been taught by
ma’am Lucy this semester, Actually the class is super fun i think
but there’s a bit obstacles for me to catch up some lessons, like
when we were on a first meeting, we have to presentate the journal
that have been prepared by ma’am Lucy. So, my confidence
suddenly dropped. But, ma’am Lucy taught us what to do, and how
we can make our the presentation appeal easily on this class. Like
how we have to know the knowledge first, the materials, main
points, sequence (order). After that, our confidence which consist
public speaking skill (best knowledge, best preparation, also strong
confidence). And then, there’s a things that we have to pay
attention to, like direct communication that makes us have to avoid
heavy reading and communicate directly with the forum, also
there’s body language which consist our gesture (body movement)
and posture, after that there are handout, time management, eye
contact, good rapport, pace, a little bit humor, and lastly audio-
visual aids on presentation. After ma’am Lucy taught this methods,
i can easily presentate something on english, my confidence
increased, because now i know the key from ma’am Lucy.

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