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A d v i ce . Id e a s .

I n sp i ra t i on

Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 43 15 May 2020

Useful Links Editorial

How to grow series on page 3
Blog Welcome to the forty third issue of
my newsletter Anita’s Garden for For awhile, I was struggling to come
Newsletter back issues 2020. up with veggies I hadn’t previously
covered for my “How to grow” series
Facebook I hope you have all had a good week. which appears on page 3 of the news-
Instagram letter. As many of you will be aware, I
Contactless plant nursery
am a brand ambassador for Italian
Twitter We are now at level 2, but as this is Seeds Pronto (ISP), the New Zealand
all unchartered territory I am keeping retailer of Franchi Italian heirloom
Linkedin seeds. ISP have a great range of unu-
the service contactless. This means
Pinterest you must order and collect outside our sual vegetables, including endive, chic-
home in Papatoetoe, Manukau in ory, radicchio, salsify, turnip leaf, ram-
Auckland. pion, artichokes and asparagus. Over
the coming weeks, I will be exploring
Contact me Punnets are $3.50 each or 3 for $10. each of these interesting veggies in
Punnets contain at least 6 seedlings turn. Don’t be put off by the fact
 Feedback you’ve never heard of them or tried
I have the following in stock. them before! Look at it as an oppor-
 Newsletter input
(tips, recipes, gar-  Silverbeet/spinach (I’m sorry I tunity to grow something new and
can’t say with certainty which which can’t be found in supermarkets
den photos etc)
it is as the writing on the plant and green grocers, which is a great
 To be added to my labels faded and I can’t tell reason to give them a try in the gar-
mailing list them apart) den. Last chance for planting spring

 Lettuce (cut and come again)
 Mixed brassicas (they are a mix
May is really your last chance to get
of cabbage, broccoli and cauli-
spring bulbs in the ground. I highly
Inside this issue: flower. I can’t sell these indi-
recommend sourcing your bulbs from
vidually as the writing on all of
the mail order company Bulbs Direct.
these labels faded and I can’t
They have a very wide range of spring
tell the plants apart)
bulbs, including daffodils, freesias,
Po t t e r i n g ar o u n d
Anita’s Garden The steps for ordering are as follows: dutch iris, anemones, ranunculus, tu-
lips and hyacinth, which are delivered
 Place order direct to your door. While many popu-
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 lar varieties have already sold out (a
for the week  Receive confirmation lesson for next time!), they still do
have stock for many varieties. Don’t
 Make payment via internet
delay—get your order in today!
Tips for growing gladioli 2
nanus If you plant your bulbs in June, you
 Receive a message when plants risk them flowering poorly as spring
are available for collection bulbs do best in cooler conditions.
How to grow endive 3 If you wish to place an order, please Have a great weekend.
contact me via my Facebook page or
email me at anitakun- Anita Kundu

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Here is a selection of photos from
our garden for you to enjoy

Our brassicas have started form- Last spring, I sowed the carrot
ing heads, which is exciting! This varieties Ruby, White, Yellow and
Doesn’t my kale look lush and cauliflower is called Green Macer- Purple from Egmont Seeds. Mum
healthy this year? Every year I ata and is part of the Franchi and I were amazed with the re-
grow the standard variety Cavolo seeds range, distributed in New sults—strong, healthy and tasty
Nero but this year I wanted to try Zealand by Italian Seeds Pronto. carrots which were ready by Janu-
something new. This variety is Other brassica varieties in the ary. The variety pictured is Yel-
called Black Tuscan Kale and it is Franchi range that I highly recom- low. I highly recommend these
part of the Franchi seeds range, mend are the hybrid cauliflow- multi-coloured carrots to other
distributed by the retailer Italian er/broccoli Romanesco, the broccoli gardeners. They will be popular
Seeds Pronto in New Zealand. If Calabrese and Broccoletti and the with kids, who adore colourful veg-
you live overseas, please check for cabbage San Michele. Note the gies. To shop the Egmont Seeds
your local retailer. latter is more suited for cooler cli- r a n g e , v i s i t

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

4. Plant strawberries
1. Plant spring bulbs ton Seeds has already gotten a
selection of potatoes in store. They May is when commercial growers
May is your last chance to get take awhile to chit (sprout) before plant their strawberries. Mine are
spring bulbs in the ground. Don’t they can be planted, so it pays to arriving later this month.
worry, it’s not too late—I normally source them in advance of when
plant tulips and hyacinth by the you want to plant them. 5. Plant garlic
end of May as it’s too warm any
earlier. 3. Plant brassicas You can also start planting garlic.
It is traditionally planted on the
2. Order seed potatoes It’s not too late to get brassicas in shortest day (21st June) but garlic
the ground. For best results, use can be planted any time from April
Retailers will start to get seed po- lots of compost and mix a little
tatoes in soon. The supplier New- right through to July.
veggie food in the ground.

Tips for growing gladioli nanus

 Gladioli nanus can be plant-  For maximum impact, plant
Gladioli nanus have fast become
ed anytime from late March in bold clumps
one of my favourite spring bulbs.
They are very easy to grow and through to mid-late May in
 After flowering, let the foli-
give a beautiful display in spring. New Zealand
age die down naturally be-
Bulbs Direct still has a few varie- fore lifting and dividing
ties available if you are looking to  Select a sunny, well-drained
site bulbs
source them.
 Mix in some bulb food  Store bulbs in a cool and dry
Here are a few growing tips which place until it’s time for
I have taken from Bulbs Direct’s planting them the following
 Plant with their tips facing
page. season

How to grow endive

As mentioned in my editorial, over Egmont Seeds stocks the variety Ideas for using endive
the coming weeks, I will be taking Green Curled Ruffec.
Endive pairs very well with
you through a range of unusual
It may be best to sow endive from cheese, so you might want to bear
veggies that you might not have
seed than rely on finding it in gar- this in mind when using it in reci-
previously grown in the garden.
den centres, given that it is an un- pes. Other harmonious accompa-
Please bear with me. I hope you
usual vegetable and may not be niments include apple, garlic, olive
learn something new and give
readily stocked. oil, lemon and avocado.
some thought to trying some of
them in the future. You never Tips for growing endive  Sautéed with butter
know, you could discover some-
thing you really like to eat! 1. If you’re short on garden  Braised
space, consider growing en-
Endive is not a new veggie to me. dive in containers. You can  Roasted
A few years ago, the lovely Gillian simply harvest what you
Hurley-Gordon who owns and op-  Baked
need, leaving the rest of the
erates Italian Seeds Pronto, the plant to continue to grow.
NZ retailer of Franchi Italian heir-  Pan-fried
loom seeds, gave me a complimen- 2. When choosing a seed rais-  Caramelised
tary packet with my seed order. I ing mix for raising seed-
must admit that I was a little ap- lings, look for one that is  Stuffed
prehensive about trying it, because fine in texture and doesn’t
I had heard that endive is rather contain stones and pieces of  Boiled with olive oil and
bitter in taste. Bitter greens are bark lemon
so good for you and you can always
mix them with other salad greens 3. Don’t leave sowing seeds too  Cooked with garlic
to blend the taste. This is what late—February and March
we do to make eating them more is perfect. It gives your  Eaten with ham
bearable. plants enough time to devel-
 Raw in salads (this is how
op before they are trans-
How to grow endive we like eating endive)
planted into the garden or
containers before cooler  Slaw
I recommend sowing endive in late temperatures
summer/early autumn. Simply set in. “”Bitter greens are so good  With pasta
sprinkle some seeds in a punnet for you and you can
filled with seed raising mix and 4. Water seed- always mix them with  On pizza
cover lightly. Make sure you keep lings well other salad greens to blend
them moist to aid germination, as after plant- the taste”  In green
seeds tend to dry out quickly in ing. smoothies
warm weather. When your seed-
lings are large enough to be 5. To keep your plants looking  Gratin
pricked out, transplant them into healthy, you might want to
punnets or seed raising trays so liquid feed them weekly  Quiche
they can grow a bit bigger. From with a water soluble plant
food or seaweed tonic if
 Strudel
here, you have two options—either
you can plant your endive in the you’re gardening organical-  Fondue
ground or grow it in containers as ly.
we do. If you opt for the latter,  Tarts
6. When temperatures in-
your endive will remain baby leaf,
crease in spring, you may  Tartiflette
sort of like Mesclun. This makes it
find your plants start going
easy to harvest for salads in au-
to seed. To save seeds from  Curry
tumn and winter.
your crop, simply allow one
Varieties plant to go to seed and col- Have a great weekend
lect seeds once they’re dry.
Italian Seeds Pronto stocks two Label and put them away Happy gardening!
varieties of endive—Scarola for safe keeping until you
Bionda A Cuore Pieno and Scarola are ready to sow them the
Cornetto di Bordeaux. following season.

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