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Work Environment

Open Workspace

- Many successful firms in Public Relations have an open workspace. An open work
space is a cupicable free workspace without private offices to force employees to
collaborate. Collaboration is key within Public Relations as colleagues in PR and
always needing to collaborate on ideas.

Extremely High Stress

- The work place within Public Relations is always extremely high stress, meaning
workers are often at ease. Many places rank careers in Public Relations within the
top ten of the most stressful jobs. Public Relations professionals have to deal with
clients, clients are essential for every business whoever, the communicating with
clients is the most stressful part of the job. With public Relation professionals
needing to keep relationships it can put a lot of stress upon them to manage it.

Technology Driven

- Technology has completely changed the world of PR. The rise of the internet,
phoning and emailing has impacted how effectively Public Relations Professionals
can do their job and communicate to their clients.

- And again like stated with the open work space, the work environment for a public
relations professional involves a lot of team work. In PR you are constatntly having to
work and contrast ideas with your team to ensure that the best product is

Flexibility in Public Relations is so very important. The job of PR is very fast paced and a
benefit of being flexible will give you the ability to turn around media releases in the matter
of hours, which is very skilled when having important tasks due in a matter of hours.

In Public Relations thick skin is so important. In PR many things can happen where your
feelings may be offended. Eventually in PR you will work will tough clients that may be harsh
and personally offend you. However, to be successful in PR you have to ensure you have
thick skin and not take everything too personally.
In Public Relations to be able to stay honest is important as reputation is so important.
Being honest within the industry of Public Relations will overall create you better networks
and a quality of work, thus you will be given better opportunities within your career.


To have the ability of being able to build relationships in Public Relations is crucial. To build a
successful relationship in PR will create strong relationships for future business. Eventually,
within Public Relations if you do have the ability to build strong relationships you will create
an amazing list of networks.


The industry of Public Relations is extremely fast passed. If you lack in great organisational
skills, there will be an extremely high risk of falling behind in Public Relations, subsequently,
the work produced with lack of organisation will be rushed and not the best possible

The industry of Public Relations is constantly changing, therefore, it is crucial for those who
work in PR to be able to adapt to change successfully. To be able to adapt to change will
ensure that you will be staying up to date on the markets needs and be able to attend to

In Public Relations attention to detail is so very important. This is because in Public Relations
it is a crucial skill to be able to nit pick any slight issues involved with brands or companies
that need to be fixed before even the smallest error can turn into a PR catastrophe.


To be able to thrive under pressure is a great skill to be fortunate enough to have for Public
Relations. In the industry of Public Relations you are constantly given numerous deadlines
for numerous events. To crack under such severe pressure can disrupt your work life and
overall performance of your job.
The job of a Public Relations interests me as I desire to be working in a fast paced, exciting
environment where everyday will be a different challenge. In PR you have the ability to learn
and adapt to new things on the daily. The skills within the job of Public Relations include
speaking, writing and research, all of which are a strength of mine. The industry of Public
Relations is ever-evolving which is very suited to my personality because I work and adapt
well to change. The industry is invigorating with being able to build strong relationships,
communicating with the public and giving expert advice. I want to be able to build strong
business relationships in my career as it will be extremely useful for networking when I need
to make my own, personal business ventures, such as opening my own PR firm.

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