Research Log 2

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Research Log #2 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date: March 5, 2020

Name: Isis Garcia-Wang

Essential Question: How do stray animals have a negative effect on society?

Three Points to Prove:

#1: stray animals create an unsanitary environment

#2: can risk the health of the public

#3: They impact native life

Point that this Source Proves: #2: stray animals create an unsanitary environment

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“The biggest issue is disease: obviously, strays aren’t vaccinated, so they present a health risk to
other cats and dogs, as well as to humans and wildlife.” 
“Living animals aren’t the only threat in terms of health… if a stray dies in the streets, their
remains could also present a health hazard (including polluting water).”
“These environmental issues also tie into the economic health of communities served by these

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

These three quotes support my point to prove because it states the stray animals on the
streets are the cleanest therefore, they carry diseases which is a health risk to the community. If an
animal is unable to seek the proper health cares such as baths, vaccines, and shelter it will not only
affect the community but also the economic health. When an unvaccinated stray animal is not used
to humans, coming into contact with one will not be in their nature which might make them violent.
If someone wanted to help a stray animal, they would start by trying to pet it but since the animal
isn’t used to human contact, it may attack the human with the possibility of also transmitting
diseases to the human. Disease can easily be transmitting to a human through a cut and saliva, a
scratch, or even a bite. Since these animals aren’t vaccinated and also rone freely, they come into
contact with other animals which spreads the diseases like wildfire.
If one of these animals are killed, their remains can also affect society by polluting the
water, air, and also their home. If someone was to step in a deceased animals remains without
knowledge of doing so, they will spread more diseases everywhere they go including their own
home. When the animal is alive, they have no where to do their business but on the streets, side
walks, and also in the bushes. When an animal leaves its business anywhere it creates another
reason for an unsanitary environment. When you walk around your city you don’t expect to step in
animal remains or droppings, therefore you don’t always worry about where you step. Animal
dropping contain other bacteria and diseas that

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

McIntire-Strasburg, Jeff. “Stray Animals, the Environment, and

Community Health.” Insteading, Insteading, 15 Nov. 2019,

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