Research Log 2

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Research Log #2 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date: February 13,2020

Name: Andrew Onato

Essential Question: How is invasive seaweed harmful for Hawaii’s aquatic environment?

Three Points to Prove:

#1: Invasive seaweed degrades the health of coral

#2: Invasive seaweed harms aquatic animals and wildlife

#3: Invasive seaweed is introduced into our environment through intentional, and unintentional

Point that this Source Proves: #2

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“Invasive species are animals that have been brought outside of native range and have negative impact on
new surroundings”

“One of the top reasons for biodiversity loss”

“⅕ of all animal extinctions are due soley to invasive species”

“Huge agricultural loss and may even pose a risk to human health”

“Economic losses due to invasive seaweeds in europe -12billion euros/year”

“American mink introduced to europe, threatened seabirds and native european minks and have caused
Extinction to water voles and desman in europe”

“European mink have been out competed for most of its native range. In fact, it is now one of the most
endangered European mammals.”
“Populations of certain species, when affected by American mink, can be reduced in size by 50%”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

From the surface, it seems as if this source is talking about something completely non-related to
the topic of invasive seaweed. In this TEDTalk, Joanna Bagniewska talks about how invasive species
harm the environment and native animals that they are introduced into. She talks about the American
mink being introduced into Europe, and devastating the native population, outcompeting several native
species for resources and driving some into extinction.

Although the American mink in Europe and invasive seaweed species here in Hawaii are two
completely different living things, they create the same effects by disrupting the native populations and
causing harm to native animals and life. This source is great synthesis to how one situation where
invasive species are introduced into the environment in one part of the world share the same general
effects in another.

Bagniewska states that invasive species are one of the top reasons for biodiversity loss. This is
one way in which invasive species, whether plant or animal, are able to infiltrate a native environment,
and cause harm to the native animals and wildlife. She explains that invasive species have a negative
impact on its new surroundings, and put great emphasis on the negative. Comparing this situation in
Europe to here in our own state, invasive seaweed pose similar problems and create similar effects to that
observed by the American mink in Europe. Any invasive species creates a loss in biodiversity due to
unfair competition/regulation of resources (invasive seaweed absorbing most of the sunlight and leaving
little to none for native coral), as well as disrupts the food chain, and driving other species into extinction.

From this TEDTalk, Bagniewska has proven that any invasive species placed in any non-native
environment may have the possibility of destroying native populations and altering the environment in
their favor. Invasive species harm wildlife due to decreasing biodiversity, unfair competitive advantage
for resources, as well as the destruction of species populations altogether. In simple terms, it harms the
native animals and wildlife, as stated by point 2 of this solutionary project.

Work Cited (correct MLA format)

Bagniewska, Joanna. “Learning the Ways of Invasive Species: Joanna Bagniewska at

TEDxWarsaw.” Youtube, uploaded by TEDxTalks, 15 May 2013, Accessed 13 Feb. 2020.

This is a reputable and reliable article because

Joanna Bagniewska is a zoologist who has researched the behavior of numerous species on 4 continents,
and her doctoral thesis centered on using miniaturised data logging devices to study wild American
minks. She has appeared on TEDxWarsaw to share to the public information about her findings regarding
American mink data and effects on Europe.

This log is the second research log completed so far for our solutionary project. So far, I have

completed 2 research logs, answering 2 different points under our essential question. This research log in
particular, proves point 2, which is “Invasive seaweed is harmful to native animals and wildlife”. So far, I

have been successful in completing these research logs with the necessary quotes and resources required

in order for me to prove the point. This research log using this form of media, however, was quite a

challenge for me. There were not exactly any videos, (TEDTalks in particular), that dealt with the

situation of invasive seaweed in native ocean waters. Our topic is on how invasive seaweed harms the

environment, and this point is supposed to be proven by stating how invasive seaweed poses harm

towards native animals and wildlife. So, rather than give up and find another source of media to use and

wait until next time to do a video, I instead chose to use the video that explains how another invasive

species, the American mink, affects native populations and the environment it is introduced in. I’d be able

to use the data/research I found in this TEDTalk in order to provide a synthesis on how the effects caused

by this invasive species in Europe directly correlates to the way invasive seaweed affects the coasts and

aquatic life of Hawaii’s shores. I have tried using other videos, such as clips from national geographic or

animal planet documentaries, and even science-based educational channels on youtube, however, none

had the content that was long enough or as in depth as that compared to TEDTalks. Due to this, I was

forced to only use TEDTalk videos as to me, they were very reliable, always full of content that is usable

for me, as well as easy for the common person to understand. Next research log, I plan to find a

source/media to use that is a bit more “closer” to the essential question. I was, however, able to get the job

done using this source because of the way I was able to use synthesis and relate the research in the video

to how a similar problem harms native wildlife here in Hawaii. Outside of the research logs, we also plan

to start on our community service aspect on the project real soon, with the first organized beach cleanup

regarding invasive seaweed species starting near the end of this month, and early next month.

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