Gold Experience B2 Wordlist

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bitchy adj ˈbɪtʃi unkind and unpleasant about I don't like her because she's 1 Soul mates
other people such a bitchy person!
bossy adj ˈbɒsi always telling other people what Her bossy brother is always 1 Soul mates
to do, in a way that is annoying giving people orders.
brave adj breɪv dealing with danger, pain or It was very brave of you to tell 1 Soul mates
difficult situations with courage her the truth.
and confidence
caring adj ˈkeərɪŋ thinking about what other people I think nurses have to be caring 1 Soul mates
need or want and trying to help people.
easy-going adj ˌiːzi ˈɡəʊɪŋ not easily upset, annoyed or Adrian has always been an 1 Soul mates
worried easy-going boy.
funny adj ˈfʌni making you laugh He seems to be a really funny 1 Soul mates
guy who tells lots of jokes.
fussy adj ˈfʌsi very concerned about small, Mick is very fussy about what 1 Soul mates
usually unimportant details, and he wears.
difficult to please
generous adj ˈdʒenərəs willing to give money, spend It was generous of her to pay 1 Soul mates
time, etc. in order to help people the restaurant bill.
or give them pleasure
gifted adj ˈɡɪftəd having a natural ability to do one Zoe is a gifted musician who 1 Soul mates
or more things extremely well has been enjoying a lot of
success recently.
gorgeous adj ˈɡɔːdʒəs extremely beautiful or attractive Samantha looks gorgeous in 1 Soul mates
that dress!
laid-back adj ˌleɪd ˈbæk relaxed and seeming not to be Henry's parents are very laid- 1 Soul mates
worried about anything back and let him stay out late.
loyal adj ˈlɔɪəl always supporting your friends, She has been a loyal supporter 1 Soul mates
beliefs, country, etc. of the team for many years.
mean adj miːn not willing to spend money He was so mean that he didn't 1 Soul mates
buy his girlfriend a birthday
moody adj ˈmuːdi becoming angry or unhappy Eric can be a bit moody 1 Soul mates
quickly and without warning sometimes.
obsessed with adj əbˈsest wɪð thinking about something too Claudia is obsessed with losing 1 Soul mates
much, in a way that is not normal weight.

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reliable adj rɪˈlaɪəbəl if someone is reliable, you can It's strange that Alicia isn't here 1 Soul mates
trust them to do what you want to because she's normally so
do reliable.
sarcastic adj sɑːˈkæstɪk saying things that seem to be He's probably the most 1 Soul mates
kind and friendly, but really mean sarcastic person I've ever met.
the opposite and are used to hurt
or offend someone
sensible adj ˈsensəbəl reasonable, practical and Craig appears to be a sensible 1 Soul mates
showing good judgement boy who is not likely to do
anything stupid.
sociable adj ˈsəʊʃəbəl someone who is sociable is She is a sociable girl who has 1 Soul mates
friendly and enjoys being with got lots of friends.
spoiled adj spɔɪld a spoiled child behaves badly Those children are definitely 1 Soul mates
because they always get what spoiled, and need to be taught
they want how to behave.
stubborn adj ˈstʌbən someone who is stubborn I told him it was a bad idea, but 1 Soul mates
refuses to change their opinion or Dave's so stubborn that he just
beliefs, in a way that seems never listens.
thoughtful adj ˈθɔːtfəl always thinking of the things you It was thoughtful of you to send 1 Soul mates
can do to make people happy or her a card.
trendy adj ˈtrendi influenced by the most She only talks like that because 1 Soul mates
fashionable styles and ideas she wants to sound trendy.
trustworthy adj ˈtrʌstˌwɜːði able to be trusted Many people do not think that 1 Soul mates
politicians are trustworthy.
baggy adj ˈbæɡi baggy clothes are big and do not Derek has been wearing those 1 Soul mates
fit tightly on your body baggy trousers all week.
cotton adj ˈkɒtn made from cotton (=cloth made How long have you had that red 1 Soul mates
from the white hair of the cotton cotton T-shirt?
flowery adj ˈflaʊəri decorated with a pattern of Elvira is wearing a flowery 1 Soul mates
flowers dress.
navy adj ˈneɪvi very dark blue Have you seen my navy skirt 1 Soul mates

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pink adj pɪŋk pale red She's just bought a pink blouse. 1 Soul mates
plain adj pleɪn all one colour, with no pattern or He often wears a plain black 1 Soul mates
design pullover.
tight adj taɪt fitting your body very closely Those tight trousers look really 1 Soul mates
woollen adj ˈwʊlən made of wool (=soft thick hair of She gave Albert some grey 1 Soul mates
a sheep) woollen socks as a birthday
addicted to adj əˈdɪktəd tə liking something so much that She is addicted to chocolate 1 Soul mates
you do not want to stop doing it and can't stop eating it.
or having it
be into something bi: ˈɪntə ˈsʌmθɪŋ to be very interested in He's always been really into rap 1 Soul mates
something music.
character n ˈkærəktə the particular qualities that a He has a friendly character. 1 Soul mates
person has
form a band fɔːm ə bænd to put together a group of people Dan and two friends formed a 1 Soul mates
who play music band last year.
go on stage ɡəʊ ɒn steɪdʒ to walk onto the raised part in a Girls started screaming when 1 Soul mates
theatre where people perform the band went on stage.
good at adj ɡʊd ət able to do something well She's always been good at 1 Soul mates
solving maths problems.
hip hop n ˈhɪp hɒp a type of popular dance music How long has Dan been into 1 Soul mates
with a regular heavy beat and hip hop?
spoken words
lead guitarist n ˌliːd ɡɪˈtɑːrəst the main guitar player in a band Steve has been the lead 1 Soul mates
guitarist for three years.
paintbrush n ˈpeɪntbrʌʃ a brush that you use to paint I've been using these new 1 Soul mates
pictures or to paint walls paintbrushes recently.
stencil n ˈstensəl a piece of plastic, metal or paper We used a stencil to create a 1 Soul mates
in which designs have been cut pattern on the wall.
out, that you put over a surface
and paint over, so that the design
is left on the surface
street art n ˈstriːt ɑːt art in a public place, especially if Do you like street art such as 1 Soul mates
it has been done without official graffiti?

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best friend collocation ˌbest ˈfrend the friend that you know and like They've been best friends since 1 Soul mates
better than anyone else they were at school together.
common interests collocation ˌkɒmən things which two or more The two boys' common 1 Soul mates
ˈɪntrəsts particular people are interested interests include online gaming
in and football.
household name collocation ˈhaʊshəʊld a famous person The singer has become a 1 Soul mates
neɪm household name in the last few
long-term collocation ˌlɒŋ a relationship between friends Theirs is a long-term friendship 1 Soul mates
friendship ˈtɜːm ˈfrendʃɪp that continues for a long time which began when they were
love-hate collocation ˌlʌv ˈheɪt a relationship with someone in The two sisters have had a 1 Soul mates
relationship rɪˌleɪʃənʃɪp which you sometimes really like love-hate relationship all their
or love them, and sometimes you lives.
really dislike or hate them
oldest friend collocation ˌəʊldəst ˈfrend a friend that you have known Rachel is my oldest friend. 1 Soul mates
longer than anyone else We've known each other since
we were about five years old.
pair of jeans collocation peə əv dʒiːnz trousers made of denim (=strong, Tony has just bought a new 1 Soul mates
usually blue, cotton cloth) pair of jeans.
sibling rivalry collocation ˈsɪblɪŋ ˌraɪvəlri competition between brothers There has been a sibling rivalry 1 Soul mates
and sisters for their parents' between the two brothers ever
attention or love since they were born.
sworn enemy collocation ˌswɔːn ˈenəmi someone who you will always They became sworn enemies 1 Soul mates
hate after a serious argument.
total opposites collocation ˌtəʊtl ˈɒpəzɪts people who are completely Ted and Brian are total 1 Soul mates
different from each other opposites. One is tall and
stupid, and the other is short
and clever.
break up with phr v ˌbreɪk ˈʌp wɪð to end a relationship with Fred has broken up with his 1 Soul mates
someone girlfriend.
give up phr v ˈɡɪv ʌp to stop doing something He has given up eating crisps 1 Soul mates
because he was putting on too
much weight.
go along with phr v ˌɡəʊ əˈlɒŋ wɪð to agree with something Did Brenda go along with your 1 Soul mates
something ˈsʌmθɪŋ suggestion?

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keep up with phr v ˌkiːp ˈʌp wɪð to continue to read and learn I try to keep up with the latest 1 Soul mates
about a particular subject so that musical trends.
you always know about the most
recent facts, products, etc.
let something out phr v let ˈsʌmθɪŋ aʊt to suddenly make a loud sound He let out a cry of disbelief. 1 Soul mates
such as a shout or cry
move on phr v ˌmuːv ˈɒn to develop in your life, and It's time to forget your old 1 Soul mates
change your interests, activities, boyfriend and move on.
put off phr v ˈpʊt ɒf to make you dislike something or He was thinking of joining the 1 Soul mates
not want to do something gym, but the cost put him off.
put someone phr v pʊt ˈsʌmwʌn to criticize someone and make I hate the way Dave puts me 1 Soul mates
down daʊn them feel silly or stupid down the whole time.
stand up for phr v ˌstænd ˈʌp fə to support or defend a person Sylvia was the only person who 1 Soul mates
someone ˈsʌmwʌn when they are being attacked stood up for me when I was
being blamed for the mistake.
aerosol can n ˈeərəsɒl kæn a small metal container with The paint is sold in aerosol 1 Soul mates
liquid inside. You press a button cans so that you can spray it.
on the container to make the
liquid come out in very small
assumption n əˈsʌmpʃən something that you think is true You're making a lot of 1 Soul mates
although you have no definite assumptions for which you
proof have no proof.
audition n ɔːˈdɪʃən a short performance by an actor, Did you have an audition for 1 Soul mates
singer, etc. that someone the school play?
watches to judge if they are good
enough to act in a play, sing in a
concert, etc.
be on speaking bi ɒn ˌspiːkɪŋ if two people are not on speaking He is barely on speaking terms 1 Soul mates
terms ˈtɜːmz terms, they are angry and never with his brother.
speak to each other
busking n ˈbʌskɪŋ playing music in a public place in Busking is one way to earn 1 Soul mates
order to earn money some money if you can play a
musical instrument.
do your own thing duː jər əʊn θɪŋ to do something in the way that I just want to live my own life 1 Soul mates
you like instead of copying other and do my own thing.
people or following strict rules

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hurt someone’s hɜːt ˈsʌmwʌnz to make someone feel very I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt 1 Soul mates
feelings ˈfiːəlɪŋz upset, unhappy, sad, etc. your feelings.
keep your feet on kiːp jə fiːt ɒn ðə to think in a sensible and It was a great result, but we 1 Soul mates
the ground ɡraʊnd practical way and not have ideas have to keep our feet on the
or aims that will be impossible to ground.
knock someone’s nɒk ˈsʌmwʌnz to make someone less sure that Failing her driving test knocked 1 Soul mates
confidence ˈkɒnfədəns they have the ability to do things Anita's confidence.
well or deal with situations
let success go to let səkˈses ɡəʊ to make someone feel more When you become famous, it's 1 Soul mates
your head tə jə hed important than they really are easy to let success go to your
nerve-racking adj ˈnɜːv ˌrækɪŋ making you feel nervous or She usually finds going to the 1 Soul mates
worried dentist to be a nerve-racking
rebel n ˈrebəl someone who refuses to do Jacob has always been a bit of 1 Soul mates
things in the normal way, or in a rebel.
the way that people want them to
show-off n ˈʃəʊ ɒf someone who tries to show how He's a bit of a show-off. 1 Soul mates
clever or skilled they are so that
other people will admire them
spray can n ˈspreɪ kæn a metal container from which you She bought two spray cans of 1 Soul mates
can make a liquid come out in red paint.
very small drops
stand out from the ˌstænd ˈaʊt frəm to be different from ordinary Emily's musical ability makes 1 Soul mates
crowd ðə kraʊd people her stand out from the crowd.
take life seriously teɪk laɪf ˈsɪəriəsli to have a serious attitude Michael generally takes life 1 Soul mates
towards life very seriously.
trendsetter n ˈtrendˌsetə someone who starts a new Trendsetters have been talking 1 Soul mates
fashion or makes it popular about this new band.
you’ve got to be juːv ɡɒt tə bi used to tell someone that what You've got to be joking. I can't 1 Soul mates
joking ˈdʒəʊkɪŋ they are suggesting is so strange ask her such a personal
or silly that you cannot believe question!
that they are serious
burst its banks collocation bɜːst ɪts bæŋks if a river bursts its banks, water We've had so much rain 2 Wild
from it goes onto the land recently that the river burst its

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climate change collocation ˈklaɪmət a permanent change in weather One of the effects of climate 2 Wild
tʃeɪndʒ conditions change has been the rise of
sea levels.
defence collocation dɪˈfens a system or way of behaving that When a person is ill, the body's 2 Wild
mechanism ˌmekənɪzəm helps a living thing to avoid or natural defence mechanisms
protect itself from something come into operation.
difficult or dangerous
fossil fuel collocation ˈfɒsəl ˌfjuːəl a fuel such as coal or oil that is Environmentalists would like to 2 Wild
produced by the very gradual see fossil fuels replaced by
decaying of animals or plants renewable energy sources.
over millions of years
global warming collocation ˌɡləʊbəl a general increase in world Scientists estimate that global 2 Wild
ˈwɔːmɪŋ temperatures caused by warming could cause a six
increased amounts of carbon degree rise in temperatures by
dioxide around the Earth 2100.
greenhouse collocation ˈɡriːnhaʊs gases, especially carbon dioxide Negotiations on a treaty to limit 2 Wild
gases ˌɡæsəz or methane, that are thought to the emission of greenhouse
trap heat above the Earth and gases begin in December.
cause the greenhouse effect
habitat collocation ˈhæbətæt the act or process of destroying Habitat destruction has 2 Wild
destruction ˌdɪstrʌkʃən the natural homes of plants or reduced elephant herds in
animals central Africa.
heat wave collocation ˈhiːt weɪv a period of unusually hot People rely on air conditioning 2 Wild
weather, especially one that for cooling their houses during
continues for a long time a heatwave.
ice cap collocation ˈaɪs kæp an area of thick ice that The melting of the ice caps 2 Wild
permanently covers the North increases the volume of water
and South Poles in the oceans
illegal logging collocation ɪˌliːɡəl ˈlɒɡɪŋ cutting down trees in a forest in Illegal logging has had a very 2 Wild
way that is not allowed by the serious impact on some of the
law world's most valuable forests.

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issue a warning collocation ˈɪʃuː ə ˈwɔːnɪŋ to make an official statement that The police have issued a 2 Wild
something bad might happen warning about the dangers of
learn a lesson collocation lɜːn ə ˈlesən to gain useful experience or The government has failed to 2 Wild
information learn the lessons of history.
polar bear collocation ˌpəʊlə ˈbeə a large white bear that lives near The polar bears had to swim 2 Wild
the North Pole many miles to find the floating
ice where they can hunt.
public transport collocation ˌpʌblɪk buses, trains, etc. that are How often do you use public 2 Wild
ˈtrænspɔːt available for everyone to use transport?
reflex action collocation ˈriːfleks ˌækʃən something that you do without She had shut her eyes as a 2 Wild
thinking, as a reaction to a reflex action to the sudden
situation bright light.
sea level collocation ˈsiː ˌlevəl the average height of the sea Global sea levels have been 2 Wild
rising at the rate of more than
three millimetres a year.
soil erosion collocation ˈsɔɪl ɪˌrəʊʒən the process by which soil is Soil erosion is worse in areas 2 Wild
gradually destroyed by wind, rain where trees have been cut
or the sea down.
solar power collocation ˌsəʊlə ˈpaʊə the power of the sun's light and What percent of the world's 2 Wild
heat electricity is supplied by solar
teacher’s pet collocation ˌti:tʃəz ˈpet a child who everyone thinks is She thought that Olivia was 2 Wild
the teacher's favourite student trying to become the teacher's
and is therefore disliked by the pet.
other students
weather forecast collocation ˈweðə ˌfɔːkɑːst a description of what the weather He was listening to the weather 2 Wild
is expected to be like in the near forecast on the radio.

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wildlife collocation ˈwaɪldlaɪf the protection of natural things The organisation was set up to 2 Wild
conservation ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən such as animals, plants, forests, protect wildlife across Europe.
etc. to prevent them from being
spoiled or destroyed
cut down phr v ˈkʌt daʊn to cut through the main part of a We need to stop so many trees 2 Wild
tree so that it falls on the ground from being cut down.
run out of phr v ˌrʌn ˈaʊt əv to use all of something and not When are we likely to run out of 2 Wild
have any more left fossil fuels?
throw away phr v ˈθrəʊ əˌweɪ to get rid of something that you We've been trying to throw 2 Wild
do not want away less and to recycle more.
turn down phr v ˈtɜːn daʊn to turn the switch on a machine If we turned down the heating a 2 Wild
such as an oven, radio, etc. so bit, we'd save more energy.
that it produces less heat, sound,
dishonest adj dɪsˈɒnəst not honest, and so deceiving or I don't think he was being 2 Wild
cheating people dishonest. He just didn't know
the truth.
dissatisfied adj dɪˈsætəsfaɪd not satisfied because something If you are dissatisfied with this 2 Wild
is not as good as you had product, please return it.
disobedient adj ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiənt deliberately not doing what you She said that if we were 2 Wild
are told to do by your parents, disobedient she would send us
teacher, etc. home immediately.
illogical adj ɪˈlɒdʒɪkəl not sensible or reasonable I found some of his arguments 2 Wild
totally illogical.
illegal adj ɪˈliːɡəl not allowed by the law They were involved in illegal 2 Wild
impolite adj ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt not polite I was tired, but I thought it 2 Wild
might be impolite to leave so
impractical adj ɪmˈpræktɪkəl not sensible or possible for James was a foolish man, full 2 Wild
practical reasons of impractical plans.

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informal adj ɪnˈfɔːməl relaxed and friendly without The two groups met for 2 Wild
being restricted by rules of informal talks.
correct behaviour
inexperienced adj ˌɪnɪkˈspɪəriənst not having had much experience She's too young and 2 Wild
inexperienced to go abroad on
her own.
irresponsible adj ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbəl doing careless things without It is irresponsible to pollute the 2 Wild
thinking or worrying about the environment.
possible bad results
irrelevant adj ɪˈreləvənt not useful or not relating to a Chris continued to annoy her 2 Wild
particular situation, and therefore with questions on totally
not important irrelevant subjects.
overpriced adj ˌəʊvəˈpraist too expensive and not worth the We felt that the restaurant was 2 Wild
price overpriced.
overcharge v ˌəʊvəˈtʃa:dʒ to charge someone too much The taxi driver had 2 Wild
money for something overcharged us by about $20.
oversleep v ˌəʊvəˈsliːp to sleep for longer than you I overslept and was late for 2 Wild
intended school.
rebuild v ri:ˈbɪld to build something again, after it Much of the city had to be 2 Wild
has been damaged or destroyed rebuilt after the 1906
reopen v riˈəʊpən if a theatre, restaurant, etc. The swimming pool reopened 2 Wild
reopens, or if it is reopened, it in May.
opens again after a period when
it was closed
bone dry adj ˌbəʊn ˈdraɪ completely dry There had been no rain for 2 Wild
months and the land was bone
drift n drɪft a large pile of snow or sand that All the roads to Denver were 2 Wild
has been blown by the wind blocked by snow drifts.
drought n draʊt a long period of dry weather A severe drought has caused 2 Wild
when there is not enough water most of the corn crop to fail.
for plants and animals to live

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freeze v friːz if it freezes outside, the Do you think it'll freeze tonight? 2 Wild
temperature falls to or below
freezing point
gale n ɡeɪl a very strong wind It was blowing a gale last night. 2 Wild
hosepipe ban n ˈhəʊzpaɪp bæn a period of time when you are It was such a dry summer that 2 Wild
not allowed to use a hosepipe the local council had introduced
(=long plastic tube) to water a hosepipe ban.
plants in your garden
hurricane n ˈhʌrəkən a storm that has very strong fast The hurricane devastated 2 Wild
winds and that moves over water Florida and killed at least 40
knee-deep adj ˌniː ˈdiːp deep enough to reach your The water was knee-deep in 2 Wild
knees the flooded fields
snow plough n ˈsnəʊ plaʊ a vehicle, or piece of equipment They had to use a snow plough 2 Wild
on the front of a vehicle, that is to clear snow off the road.
used to push snow off roads,
railways, etc.
sandbag n ˈsændbæɡ a bag filled with sand, used for The villagers used sandbags to 2 Wild
protection against floods, keep the water out of their
explosions, etc. homes during the floods
shutter n ˈʃʌtə one of a pair of wooden or metal I was woken by the rain beating 2 Wild
covers on the outside of a against the shutters.
window that can be closed to
keep light out or prevent thieves
from coming in
storm n stɔːm a period of very bad weather There had not been such 2 Wild
when there is a lot of rain or severe storms in southern
snow, strong winds and often England for hundreds of years.
tornado n tɔːˈneɪdəʊ an extremely violent storm A tornado destroyed twelve 2 Wild
consisting of air that spins very homes in Ashport, Tennessee
quickly and causes a lot of yesterday.

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torrential adj təˈrenʃəl torrential rain is very heavy rain Torrential rain fell solidly for 2 Wild
nine hours overnight.
uprooted adj ʌpˈru:tɪd an uprooted plant or tree has An uprooted tree lay across the 2 Wild
been pulled out of the ground, for road.
example by wind in a storm
chill out phr v ˌtʃɪl ˈaʊt to relax and rest I was chilling out at home when 2 Wild
I got a call from Matthew.
crocodile n ˈkrɒkədaɪl a large reptile with a long mouth Reports said crocodiles had 2 Wild
and many teeth that lives in lakes been washed out of flooded
and rivers in hot wet parts of the rivers near the small cattle town
world of Normanton.
delicious adj dɪˈlɪʃəs very pleasant to taste or smell The meal was absolutely 2 Wild
destruction n dɪˈstrʌkʃən the act or process of destroying Many animals are threatened 2 Wild
something or of being destroyed by the destruction of the
rainforests in which they live.
disastrous adj dɪˈzɑːstrəs very bad, or ending in failure Climate change could have 2 Wild
disastrous effects on Earth.
earthquake n ˈɜːθkweɪk a sudden shaking of the Earth's The earthquake completely 2 Wild
surface that often causes a lot of destroyed all the buildings on
damage the island.
ecology n ɪˈkɒlədʒi the way in which plants, animals Plans to build a new airfield 2 Wild
and people are related to each could threaten the delicate
other and to their environment ecology of the island.
fin n fɪn one of the thin body parts that a The shark has a fin on its back. 2 Wild
fish uses to swim
get at phr v ˈɡet ət to keep criticizing someone in an Why is he always getting at 2 Wild
unkind way me?
heartbroken adj ˈhɑːtˌbrəʊkən extremely sad because of When her parents separated, 2 Wild
something that has happened she was heartbroken.
hooked adj hʊkt if you are hooked on something, I've been hooked on the Harry 2 Wild
you enjoy it very much and you Potter books ever since I read
want to do it as much as possible the first one.

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hug v hʌɡ to put your arms around They hugged one last time 2 Wild
someone and hold them tightly to before Renata got into the car
show love or friendship and drove off.
massive adj ˈmæsɪv very big Their house is absolutely 2 Wild
plummet v ˈplʌmət to suddenly and quickly decrease At night the temperature 2 Wild
in value or amount plummeted in the desert.
prey on phr v ˈpreɪ ɒn if an animal or bird preys on Cats prey on birds and mice. 2 Wild
another animal or bird, it hunts
and eats it
responsibility n rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti something you ought to do We all have a responsibility to 2 Wild
because it is morally or socially protect the environment.
slaughter v ˈslɔːtə to kill a lot of people or animals in Many people think that it is 2 Wild
a violent way wrong to slaughter seals.
snake n sneɪk an animal with a long thin body Abigail had never seen a snake 2 Wild
and no legs, that often has a before.
poisonous bite
species n ˈspiːʃiːz a group of animals whose The giant panda is an 2 Wild
members are similar and can endangered species. There are
breed together to produce young fewer than a thousand living in
animals or plants the wild.
stroke v strəʊk to move your hand gently over Andrew was stroking the cat 2 Wild
something when it suddenly bit him.
take everyone by teɪk ˈevriwʌn baɪ to happen to everyone in an Isabella's decision to get 2 Wild
surprise səˈpraɪz unexpected way married to Ethan took everyone
by surprise
turtle n ˈtɜːtl a reptile that lives mainly in water We watched the turtles 2 Wild
and has a soft body covered by a swimming about in their tank.
hard shell
undervalue v ˌʌndəˈvæljuː to think that someone or She felt that the company 2 Wild
something is less important or undervalued her work.
valuable than they really are

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unreliable adj ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbəl unable to be trusted or depended We could ask our neighbours to 2 Wild
on feed the cat, but they're a little
whisper v ˈwɪspə to speak or say something very What were you two whispering 2 Wild
quietly, using your breath rather about over there?
than your voice
alien adj ˈeɪliən relating to creatures from another The film is about Earth being 3 Awesome science
world attacked by alien beings.
alien n ˈeɪliən a creature from another world She claims to have seen aliens 3 Awesome science
from outer space.
antibiotic n ˌæntɪbaɪˈɒtɪk a drug that is used to kill bacteria Joseph will have to take 3 Awesome science
and cure infections antibiotics to help him get over
his illness.
antidepressant n ˌæntidɪˈpresənt a drug that is used to treat He's going to ask the doctor to 3 Awesome science
depression (=mental illness that give him some antidepressants.
makes people very unhappy)
astronomer n əˈstrɒnəmə a scientist who studies the stars Do you think astronomers will 3 Awesome science
and planets ever discover life on another
beaker n ˈbiːkə a glass cup with straight sides First, we're going to use a glass 3 Awesome science
that is used in chemistry for beaker to measure the liquid.
measuring and heating liquids
black hole n ˌblæk ˈhəʊl an area in outer space into which The theories of Albert Einstein 3 Awesome science
everything near it, including light, predicted the existence of black
is pulled holes.
calculator n ˈkælkjəleɪtə a small electronic machine that Do you have a pocket 3 Awesome science
can add, multiply, etc. calculator I could borrow?
chemist n ˈkeməst a scientist who has special Sheila is going to work for a 3 Awesome science
knowledge and training in drugs company as a research
chemistry chemist.
cure n kjʊə to make an illness or medical There will one day be a cure for 3 Awesome science
condition go away all major diseases.

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discover v dɪsˈkʌvə if someone discovers a new I believe that scientists will 3 Awesome science
place, fact, substance, etc., they have discovered a cure for
are the first person to find it or cancer by 2050.
know that it exists
disease n dɪˈziːz an illness which affects a person, The disease can be treated 3 Awesome science
animal or plant with antibiotics.
doomed adj duːmd certain to fail, die, be destroyed, Their marriage was doomed 3 Awesome science
etc. from the beginning because
they are such different people.
experience n ɪkˈspɪəriəns something that happens to you Failing an exam was a new 3 Awesome science
or something you do, especially experience for her.
when this has an effect on what
you feel or think
experience v ɪkˈspɪəriəns if you experience a problem, Children need to experience 3 Awesome science
event or situation, it happens to things for themselves in order
you or affects you to learn from them.
experiment n ɪkˈsperəmənt a scientific test done to find out The students are about to do 3 Awesome science
how something reacts under an experiment in their physics
certain conditions, or to find out if lesson.
a particular idea is true
experiment v ɪkˈsperəmənt to do a scientific test to find out if Do you think that scientists 3 Awesome science
a particular idea is true or to get should be allowed to
more information experiment on animals?
extraterrestrial adj ˌekstrətəˈrestriəl relating to things that exist Will we ever be able to 3 Awesome science
outside the Earth communicate with
extraterrestrial beings?
extraterrestrial n ˌekstrətəˈrestriəl a creature that people think may In the film, the extraterrestrials 3 Awesome science
exist on another planet land a spaceship on Earth.
fix v fɪks to repair something that is Harry is going to help me to fix 3 Awesome science
broken or not working properly my bicycle.

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galaxy n ˈɡæləksi one of the large groups of stars How do scientists know so 3 Awesome science
that make up the universe much about stars in distant
geologist n dʒiˈɒlədʒɪst a scientist who has specialist She's a geologist who works at 3 Awesome science
knowledge and training in the university.
geology (the study of the rocks,
soil, etc. that make up the Earth,
and of the way they have
changed since the Earth was
gravity n ˈɡrævəti the force that causes something If you throw something in the 3 Awesome science
to fall to the ground or to be air, gravity will cause it to fall to
attracted to another planet the ground.
heal v hiːl if a wound or a broken bone It will take three months for his 3 Awesome science
heals or is healed, the flesh, skin arm to heal properly.
or bone grows back together and
becomes healthy again
immune adj ɪˈmjuːn someone who is immune to a Once you've had the disease, 3 Awesome science
particular disease cannot catch it you're immune for life.
invent v ɪnˈvent to make, design or think of a new Alexander Graham Bell 3 Awesome science
type of thing invented the telephone in 1876.
laboratory n ləˈbɒrətri a special room or building in I'll be working in the laboratory 3 Awesome science
which a scientist does tests or this afternoon.
prepares substances
mathematician n ˌmæθəməˈtɪʃən someone who studies or teaches Nowadays, mathematicians use 3 Awesome science
mathematics, or is a specialist in computers to help them do
mathematics complicated calculations.
organ transplant n ˈɔːɡən the operation of moving an organ The doctor is going to perform 3 Awesome science
trænsˌplɑːnt from one person's body and the organ transplant tomorrow.
putting it into another as a form
of medical treatment

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painkiller n ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə a medicine which reduces or William had to take painkillers 3 Awesome science
removes pain after his operation.
parallel universe n ˌpærəlel another world which is believed It's a science-fiction film about 3 Awesome science
ˈjuːnəvɜːs or imagined to exist in addition to a parallel universe in a distant
our own world galaxy.
physicist n ˈfɪzəsəst a scientist who has specialist Alexis wants to be a physicist 3 Awesome science
knowledge and training in when she's older.
prediction n prɪˈdɪkʃən a statement about what you think One prediction is that 75% of 3 Awesome science
is going to happen, or the act of households will have at least
making this statement two computers.
primitive adj ˈprɪmətɪv a primitive animal or plant has a There are primitive life-forms 3 Awesome science
simple structure or body that live deep in the ocean.
remote adj rɪˈməʊt far away In the future we may be able to 3 Awesome science
travel to remote planets.
set of scales n set əv skeɪəlz a machine for weighing people or They used a set of scales to 3 Awesome science
objects weigh different types of rock.
stuff n stʌf used when you are talking about What's that stuff at the bottom 3 Awesome science
things such as substances, of the test tube?
materials or groups of objects
when you do not know what they
are called, or it is not important to
say what they are
technician n tekˈnɪʃən someone whose job is to check The technician is going to help 3 Awesome science
equipment or machines and the chemistry teacher set up
make sure that they are working the equipment for the
properly experiment.
telescope n ˈteləskəʊp a piece of equipment shaped like Details on the moon's surface 3 Awesome science
a tube, used for making distant can only be seen through a
objects look larger and closer telescope.

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test tube n ˈtest tjuːb a small glass container that is She carefully poured the liquid 3 Awesome science
shaped like a tube and is used in into the test tube.
thermometer n θəˈmɒmətə a piece of equipment that The nurse used a thermometer 3 Awesome science
measures the temperature of the to measure the patient's
air, of your body, etc. temperature.
transplant n trænsˈplɑːnt the operation of transplanting an By this time next week Omar 3 Awesome science
organ, piece of skin, etc. will have had his heart
transplant v trænsˈplɑːnt to move an organ, piece of skin, In the future it may be possible 3 Awesome science
etc. from one person's body and to transplant any organ in the
put it into another as a form of human body.
medical treatment
carry out phr v ˈkæri aʊt to do something that needs to be We're going to carry out an 3 Awesome science
organized and planned interesting experiment in our
biology class.
come up with phr v ˌkʌm ˈʌp wɪð to think of an idea, answer, etc. Alysha came up with a clever 3 Awesome science
solution to the problem.
end up phr v ˌend ˈʌp to be in a particular situation, He came round for a coffee and 3 Awesome science
state, or place after a series of we ended up having a meal
events, especially when you did together.
not plan it
shut down phr v ˈʃʌt daʊn if a company, factory, large The way to shut down the 3 Awesome science
machine, etc. shuts down or is machine is to type EXIT.
shut down, it stops operating ,
either permanently or for a short
take over phr v ˈteɪk əʊvə to take control of something They want to take over the 3 Awesome science
company and make some big

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turn out phr v ˌtɜːn ˈaʊt to happen in a particular way, or It was a difficult time, but 3 Awesome science
to have a particular result, eventually things turned out all
especially one that you did not right.
advances in ədˈva:nsəz ɪn changes, discoveries or Advances in computer 3 Awesome science
inventions that bring progress technology have changed the
way we live and work.
afraid of əˈfreɪd əv frightened or worried that Are you afraid of snakes? 3 Awesome science
something bad may happen
agree with əˈɡriː wɪð to have or express the same Scientists do not always agree 3 Awesome science
opinion about something as with each other.
someone else
apologise for əˈpɒlədʒaɪz fə to tell someone that you are She apologised for being late 3 Awesome science
sorry that you have done for class.
something wrong
ashamed of əˈʃeɪmd əv to feel very sorry and I felt ashamed of the things I'd 3 Awesome science
embarrassed because of said to him.
something you have done
benefit from ˈbenəfɪt frəm if you benefit from something, it Thousands of people have 3 Awesome science
gives you an advantage, benefited from this new
improves your life or helps you in treatment.
some way
best at best ət better than anything else or Matteo is the best at speaking 3 Awesome science
anyone else English in our class.
choice between tʃɔɪs bɪˈtwiːn if you have a choice between two The teacher gave us a choice 3 Awesome science
things, you can choose one or between two essay titles for our
the other homework.
depend on dɪˈpend ɒn to need the help, support or We still depend too heavily on 3 Awesome science
existence of someone or fossil fuels which will eventually
something in order to exist, be run out.
healthy, be successful, etc.

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increase in ɪnˈkriːs ɪn a rise in the amount, number or There has been a recent 3 Awesome science
degree of something increase in average
temperatures around the world.
insist on ɪnˈsɪst ɒn to say firmly and often that Mike insisted that he was right. 3 Awesome science
something is true, especially
when other people think it may
not be true
lack of læk əv when there is not enough of There was a lack of scientific 3 Awesome science
something, or none of it evidence to prove his theory.
opt for ˈɒpt fə to choose one thing or do one After school, he opted for the 3 Awesome science
thing instead of another army over university.
proud of praʊd əv feeling pleased about something The professor was very proud 3 Awesome science
that you have done or something of his new discovery.
you own, or about someone or
something you are involved with
or related to
rely on rɪˈlaɪ ɒn to trust or depend on someone or We rely on scientists to help us 3 Awesome science
something to do what you need understand the world around
or expect them to do us.
responsible for rɪˈspɒnsəbəl fə having a duty to be in charge of He is responsible for recruiting 3 Awesome science
or to look after someone or and training new staff.
similar to ˈsɪmələ tə almost the same as Her ideas are quite similar to 3 Awesome science
specialist in ˈspeʃələst ɪn someone who knows a lot about Professor Wilson is a specialist 3 Awesome science
a particular subject, or is very in the study of climate change.
skilled at it
talent for ˈtælənt fə a natural ability to do something She's always had a talent for 3 Awesome science
well learning foreign languages.
detection n dɪˈtekʃən when something is found that is Early detection of the disease is 3 Awesome science
not easy to see, hear, etc., or the very important.
process of looking for it

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fancy v ˈfænsi to like or want something, or Do you fancy going to the 3 Awesome science
want to do something cinema this evening?
implant n ˈɪmplɑːnt something artificial that is put into Irene went into hospital for a 3 Awesome science
someone's body in a medical hip implant.
implant v ɪmˈplɑːnt to put something into someone's Surgeons successfully 3 Awesome science
body by performing a medical implanted an artificial hip.
mixed reaction n mɪkst riˈækʃən when some positive and some There was a mixed reaction to 3 Awesome science
negative opinions are expressed Professor Johnson's
about something suggestion.
mould n məʊld something that grows on old food The chemical was used to kill a 3 Awesome science
mould that grows on peanuts.
perfect the pɜːˈfekt ðə to make the technology as good The invention is only in its early 3 Awesome science
technology tekˈnɒlədʒi as you are able to stages. We still need to perfect
the technology.
play with the idea pleɪ wɪð ðə to think about using an idea, but He's playing with the idea of 3 Awesome science
aɪˈdɪə not very seriously starting his own company.
recruit v rɪˈkruːt to find new people to join an We're having difficulty recruiting 3 Awesome science
company, do a job, etc. enough qualified staff.
shrink v ʃrɪŋk to become smaller, or to make Don't wash that sweater in the 3 Awesome science
something smaller, through the machine because it'll shrink.
effects of heat or water
soap bubble n ˈsəʊp ˌbʌbəl a ball of air that is produced The sink was full of soap 3 Awesome science
when washing-up liquid or bubbles.
bubble bath is added to water
stranger than ˈstreɪndʒə ðən if something is stranger than Sometimes truth is stranger 3 Awesome science
fiction ˈfɪkʃən fiction, it is so unusual that it is than fiction.
difficult to believe that it is true
tricky question n ˈtrɪki ˌkwestʃən a question that is difficult to There were some tricky 3 Awesome science
answer questions in our science exam.

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weird adj wɪəd very strange and unusual, and Lots of weird animals live at the 3 Awesome science
difficult to understand or explain bottom of the sea.
applicant n ˈæplɪkənt someone who has formally He was one of 30 applicants for 4 Dream jobs
asked, usually in writing, for a the manager's job.
job, university place, etc.
apprentice n əˈprentəs someone who works for an She works in the hairdresser's 4 Dream jobs
employer for a fixed period of as an apprentice.
time in order to learn a particular
skill or job
boss n bɒs the person who employs you or I'll have to ask my boss for a 4 Dream jobs
who is in charge of you at work day off.
contract n ˈkɒntrækt an official agreement between His contract says he has to 4 Dream jobs
two or more people, stating what work 35 hours a week.
each will do
duty n ˈdjuːti something you have to do as part Your duties will include 4 Dream jobs
of your job answering the phone and
writing business letters.
employee n ɪmˈplɔɪ-iː someone who is paid to work for Company employees must 4 Dream jobs
someone else carry an identity card with them
at all times.
employer n ɪmˈplɔɪə a person, company or The shoe factory is the largest 4 Dream jobs
organisation that employs people employer in this area.
hire v haɪə to employ someone for a short The post office hires extra 4 Dream jobs
time to do a particular job people at Christmas to deliver
the post.
perk n pɜːk something that you get legally A company car is one of the 4 Dream jobs
from your job in addition to your perks of the job.
wages, such as goods, meals or
a car
promote v prəˈməʊt to give someone a better more Martina was promoted to senior 4 Dream jobs
responsible job in a company manager.

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qualification n ˌkwɒləfəˈkeɪʃən if you have a qualification, you The two-year course leads to a 4 Dream jobs
have passed an examination or teaching qualification.
course to show you have a
particular level of skill or
knowledge in a subject
rent v rent to regularly pay money to live in Many young couples rent an 4 Dream jobs
a house or room that belongs to apartment until they've saved
someone else, or to use enough money to buy a house.
something that belongs to
someone else
showroom n ˈʃəʊrʊm, a large room where you can look He works in a furniture 4 Dream jobs
ˈʃəʊru:m at things that are for sale, such showroom.
as cars or electrical goods
store v stɔː to keep facts or information in Data regarding employees' 4 Dream jobs
your brain or a computer salaries are stored on the
computer at the main office.
tough adj tʌf difficult to do or deal with Being the new kid at school is 4 Dream jobs
always tough.
vocation n vəʊˈkeɪʃən a particular type of work that you At 19 she found her true 4 Dream jobs
feel is right for you vocation as a nurse.
aim high collocatio eɪm haɪ to try to reach a high rank or James is aiming high. He wants 4 Dream jobs
n level of achievement to be a company director one
conduct a survey collocatio kənˌdʌkt ə to ask a large number of people They conducted a survey to 4 Dream jobs
n ˈsɜːveɪ questions in order to find out discover how happy people
about their opinions or behaviour were in their jobs.
earn a salary collocatio ɜːn ə ˈsæləri to receive money as payment Rod earned a good salary as a 4 Dream jobs
n from the organisation you work lawyer.
for, usually paid to you every

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fit a job collocation fɪt ə ˈdʒɒb to have qualifications, skills, His background and experience 4 Dream jobs
description dɪsˌkrɪpʃən experience, etc. that match those fit the job description perfectly.
which an employer has put in a
list of qualities needed to be able
to do a particular job
have a lie-in collocation hæv ə ˌlaɪ ˈɪn an occasion when you stay in Ruby felt tired and decided to 4 Dream jobs
bed longer than usual in the have a lie-in.
land you in collocation lænd jʊ ɪn to result in you having to go to Not following the safety 4 Dream jobs
hospital ˈhɒspɪtl hospital regulations could land you in
leave no stone collocation liːv nəʊ stəʊn to do everything you can in order He left no stone unturned in his 4 Dream jobs
unturned ʌnˈtɜːnd to find something or to solve a search to find the lost ring.
make redundant collocation meɪk if someone is made redundant, The company made Terry 4 Dream jobs
rɪˈdʌndənt their employer no longer has a redundant at the end of last
job for them year.
manufacture a collocation ˌmænjəˈfæktʃə to use a machine to make The products are manufactured 4 Dream jobs
product ə ˈprɒdʌkt something that you are going to in China and exported to the
sell, usually in large quantities UK.
play a role collocation pleɪ ə rəʊl to take part in some way in an He played an important role in 4 Dream jobs
activity or piece of work, the organisation's success.
especially one which has a
useful result or purpose
work experience collocation wɜːk the various types of work which Does Luis have enough 4 Dream jobs
ɪkˈspɪəriəns someone has done in the past relevant work experience to do
this job?
write a reference collocation raɪt ə ˈrefərəns a letter containing information Who did you ask to write a 4 Dream jobs
about you that is written by reference for you?
someone who knows you well,
and is usually intended for a new

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at work ət wɜːk at the place where you do your At work I always wear a suit 4 Dream jobs
job and a tie.
in time ɪn taɪm before the time by which it is Will you be able to finish the 4 Dream jobs
necessary for something to be work in time?
on your feet ɒn jə fiːt to be standing for a long time The worst thing about working 4 Dream jobs
without having time to sit down in the shop is that you're on
your feet all day.
out of work ˌaʊt əv ˈwɜːk without a job He's been out of work for about 4 Dream jobs
six months.
under pressure ˌʌndə ˈpreʃə having a way of working or living Zoe feels that she is under 4 Dream jobs
that causes you a lot of anxiety, constant pressure at work.
especially because you feel you
have too many things to do
accountant n əˈkaʊntənt someone whose job is to keep Have you ever thought of 4 Dream jobs
and check financial accounts, becoming an accountant?
calculate taxes, etc.
competitive adj kəmˈpetətɪv determined or trying very hard to Amanda hated working in 4 Dream jobs
be more successful than other advertising because it was so
people or businesses competitive.
consultant n kənˈsʌltənt someone whose job is to give My dad is a management 4 Dream jobs
advice on a particular subject consultant.
cooperative adj kəʊˈɒpərətɪv willing to work with someone else She's a cooperative employee 4 Dream jobs
to achieve something that you who works well with other
both want people.
creative adj kriˈeɪtɪv good at using your imagination to We need someone creative and 4 Dream jobs
produce new ideas or things enthusiastic people to take this
project forward.
demanding adj dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ needing a lot of ability, effort or His job is very demanding 4 Dream jobs
skill because he has to deal with
customer complaints.

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enjoyable adj ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbəl giving you pleasure Helping people to learn can be 4 Dream jobs
a very enjoyable experience.
flexible adj ˈfleksəbəl able to change easily to suit any If you're looking for a job, you 4 Dream jobs
new situation need to be flexible about where
you're prepared to work.
highly adv ˈhaɪli very The company is looking for 4 Dream jobs
highly skilled workers to fill
these positions.
inventive adj ɪnˈventɪv able to think of new, different or If you want to be a successful 4 Dream jobs
interesting ideas fashion designer, you have to
be an inventive person.
journalist n ˈdʒɜːnələst someone who writes news She worked as a journalist for 4 Dream jobs
reports for newspapers, the New York Times.
magazines, television or radio
knowledgeable adj ˈnɒlɪdʒəbəl knowing a lot Lily is very knowledgeable 4 Dream jobs
about computers.
motivating adj ˈməʊtəveɪtɪŋ making someone want to The possibility of getting a high 4 Dream jobs
achieve something and making salary can be very motivating.
them willing to work hard in order
to do this
presenter n prɪˈzentə someone who introduces the Being a TV presenter would be 4 Dream jobs
different parts of a television or his dream job.
radio show
receptionist n rɪˈsepʃənəst someone whose job is to Julia is working as a hotel 4 Dream jobs
welcome and deal with people receptionist during the summer
arriving in a hotel or office holiday.
building, visiting a doctor, etc.
repetitive adj rɪˈpetətɪv done many times in the same I don't want to do a repetitive 4 Dream jobs
way, and boring job in a factory when I'm older.

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rewarding adj rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ making you feel happy and Teaching can be a very 4 Dream jobs
satisfied because you feel you rewarding profession.
are doing something useful or
important even if you do not earn
much money
suitable adj ˈsuːtəbəl having the right qualities for a Applicants for the position must 4 Dream jobs
particular person, purpose or have suitable work experience.
tiring adj ˈtaɪərɪŋ making you feel that you want to Being a chef is tiring work 4 Dream jobs
sleep and rest because you have to prepare
everything very fast.
articulate v ɑːˈtɪkjəleɪt to express your ideas or feelings Alfie was unable to articulate 4 Dream jobs
in words his joy at being chosen to do
the job.
flume n fluːm a long narrow structure built for Did you have fun sliding down 4 Dream jobs
water to slide down, which is the flume?
used to move water or wood, or
which people slide down for fun
I had to think on aɪ hæd tə θɪŋk I had to think of ideas and make I had to think on my feet while I 4 Dream jobs
my feet ɒn maɪ fiːt decisions very quickly was doing that job.
I’m speaking from aɪm ˈspiːk ɪŋ I know about this because I have I'm speaking from experience 4 Dream jobs
experience frəm been in a similar situation in the when I say that it can be tough
ɪkˈspɪəriəns past working in a restaurant kitchen.
I’ve got nothing aɪv ɡɒt ˈnʌθɪŋ I have no reason for opposing or Nathan's suggestion seems 4 Dream jobs
against it əˈɡenst ɪt disapproving of something reasonable and I've certainly
got nothing against it.
it can make a ɪt kən meɪk ə It can have an important effect or It's worth being neatly dressed 4 Dream jobs
difference ˈdɪfərəns influence on something or at a job interview because it
someone can make a difference.
it’s a bit in-your- ɪts ə bɪt ɪn jə very direct and often shocking or Salespeople need to be 4 Dream jobs
face feɪs surprising confident, but not too in-your-

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it’s a dead ɪts ə ded It makes it very easy to guess It's a dead giveaway that he 4 Dream jobs
giveaway ˈɡɪvəweɪ something was given the job because he's
been smiling all day.
point taken pɔɪnt ˈteɪkən used to say to someone that you OK, point taken, I should have 4 Dream jobs
accept what they say asked you first.
snooze v snuːz to sleep lightly for a short time Dad was snoozing in his 4 Dream jobs
strip off phr v ˌstrɪp ˈɒf to take off your clothes She stripped off and got into 4 Dream jobs
the bath.
you’re having a jɔː ˈhævɪŋ ə lɑːf used to say that something is He paid £150 just for a pair of 4 Dream jobs
laugh silly or unlikely socks?' 'You're having a laugh!'
although ɔːlˈðəʊ used to introduce a statement Although he didn't have much 4 Dream jobs
that makes your main statement experience, Leandro was very
seem surprising or unlikely good at his job.
as a result əz ə rɪˈzʌlt happening or existing because of He did well in the interview and, 4 Dream jobs
something that happened before as a result, he was offered the
otherwise ˈʌðəwaɪz used when saying a bad thing You should check the job 4 Dream jobs
will happen if something is not websites regularly otherwise
done you may miss something.
so that səʊ ðæt in order to make something She's doing a course in 4 Dream jobs
happen, make something business studies so that she
possible, etc. can get a job in a bank.
whereas weərˈæz used to say that although Whereas George is very good 4 Dream jobs
something is true of one thing, it at maths, his brother is much
is not true of another more interested in art.
ace n eɪs a first shot in tennis or volleyball He finished the game by hitting 5 Body talk
which is hit so well that your an ace.
opponent cannot reach your ball
and you win the point
beat v biːt to get the most points, votes, etc. Italy beat England 3-0. 5 Body talk
in a game, race or competition

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bout n baʊt a boxing or wrestling match The two boxers will meet in a 5 Body talk
bout to decide who will be world
chalk n tʃɔːk a white or coloured substance The snooker player picked up a 5 Body talk
like soft rock, used for writing or piece of chalk and rubbed the
drawing end of his cue.
coach n kəʊtʃ someone who trains a person or The basketball coach was 5 Body talk
team in a sport giving instructions to the team.
coach v kəʊtʃ to train a person or team in a Mr Dixon will be coaching the 5 Body talk
sport school football team this term.
court n kɔːt an area made for playing games Can you book a squash court 5 Body talk
such as tennis for tomorrow?
cue n kjuː a long straight wooden stick used She rubbed the end of her 5 Body talk
for hitting the ball in games such snooker cue with a piece of
as billiards, pool and snooker chalk.
dive v daɪv to swim under water using I learnt how to dive when I was 5 Body talk
special equipment to help you on holiday in Thailand.
double fault n ˌdʌbəl ˈfɔːlt two mistakes, one after another, He served another double fault 5 Body talk
when you are serving in tennis, and lost the game.
which make you lose a point
draw n drɔː the final result of a game or The game ended in a draw. 5 Body talk
competition in which both teams
or players have the same
number of points
draw v drɔː to have the same number of The two teams are currently 5 Body talk
points in a game or competition drawing 1:1.
dribble v ˈdrɪbəl to move the ball along with you He was trying to dribble the ball 5 Body talk
by short kicks, bounces or hits in past his opponent.
a game of football, basketball,

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follow the rules ˈfɒləʊ ðə ruːlz obey the official instructions that The referee makes sure that all 5 Body talk
say how things must be done or the players follow the rules.
what is allowed
foul n faʊl an action in a sport that is The referee awarded a free kick 5 Body talk
against the rules for a foul on the goalkeeper.
frame n freɪm a complete part in the games of I won the next three frames. 5 Body talk
snooker or bowling
goal n ɡəʊl the action of making the ball go Tottenham Hotspur scored 5 Body talk
into the area between two posts three goals in the second half
in order to score in games such of the game.
as football or hockey
goalpost n ˈɡəʊlpəʊst one of the two posts, with a bar His fierce shot beat the 5 Body talk
along the top or across the goalkeeper, but hit the
middle, that form the goal in goalpost.
games such as football and
half time n ˌhɑːf ˈtaɪm a short period of rest between The manager usually gives a 5 Body talk
two parts of a game, such as talk to the players at half time.
football or basketball
helmet n ˈhelmət a strong hard hat that soldiers, American football players wear 5 Body talk
motorcycle riders, the police, etc. helmets and other protective
wear to protect their heads clothing
knockout blow n ˈnɒk-aʊt bləʊ a hard hit that knocks someone The knockout blow came in the 5 Body talk
down so that they cannot get up second round of the boxing
again match.
match n mætʃ an organised sports event Have you ever watched a 5 Body talk
between two teams or people cricket match?
motivation n ˌməʊtəˈveɪʃən the reason why you want to do His motivation for eating 5 Body talk
something healthily is that he wants to lose

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net n net the thing that players must hit the The ball flew past the 5 Body talk
ball over in games such as goalkeeper and landed in the
tennis, or the thing behind the back of the net.
posts that players try to kick or hit
the ball into in games such as
football or hockey
pitch n pɪtʃ a marked-out area of ground on It is his job to look after the 5 Body talk
which a sport is played school's football pitch.
pocket n ˈpɒkət a small net on a pool, snooker or Which pocket are you aiming 5 Body talk
billiard table, which you try to hit for?
balls into
podium n ˈpəʊdiəm a small raised area where the She was standing on the 5 Body talk
winners of a race stand so that podium, holding the trophy in
everyone can see them her hands.
pool n puːl a game in which you use a stick Alejandro enjoys playing pool 5 Body talk
to hit numbered balls into holes with his friends.
around a table
pot v pɒt to hit a ball into one of the O'Sullivan potted the black and 5 Body talk
pockets in games such as won the game.
billiards, pool and snooker
racket n ˈrækət a specially shaped piece of wood He needs to buy a new tennis 5 Body talk
or metal that you use for hitting a racket.
ball in games such as tennis. It
has a circle filled with tight strings
at one end
referee n ˌrefəˈriː someone who makes sure that The referee should never have 5 Body talk
the rules of a sport such as allowed the first goal.
football, basketball or boxing are
ring n rɪŋ a small square area surrounded The two boxers stepped into 5 Body talk
by ropes, where people box or the ring, ready for the fight.

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rope n rəʊp very strong thick string, made by His opponent fell back against 5 Body talk
twisting together many thinner the rope during the first round
strings of the boxing match.
round n raʊnd one of the periods of fighting in a He was knocked out in the third 5 Body talk
boxing or wrestling match round of the match.
saddle n ˈsædl a leather seat that you sit on Chloe was hurt when the horse 5 Body talk
when you ride a horse threw her out of the saddle.
score n skɔː the number of points that each At half time the score was one 5 Body talk
team or player has won in a all.
game or competition
score v skɔː to win a point in a sport, game, He scored an important goal to 5 Body talk
competition or test win the match for Real Madrid.
serve n sɜːv the action in a game such as Her first serve was too long. 5 Body talk
tennis or volleyball when you
throw the ball into the air and hit
it over the net
serve v sɜːv to start playing in a game such Annabelle is serving to win the 5 Body talk
as tennis or volleyball by match.
throwing the ball up in the air and
hitting it over the net
set n set one part of a game such as She won the first set 6-1. 5 Body talk
tennis or volleyball
shot n ʃɒt an attempt in sport to throw, kick Giroud's weak shot was easily 5 Body talk
or hit the ball towards the place saved by the goalkeeper.
where you can get a point
spin v spɪn to turn around and around very The ball hit the goalpost and 5 Body talk
quickly, or to make something do span into the back of the net.
stroke n strəʊk the action of hitting the ball in He's practising his tennis 5 Body talk
games such as tennis, golf and strokes with the coach.

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swim a length swɪm ə leŋθ to swim the distance from one of Hugo swam two lengths of the 5 Body talk
a swimming pool to the other pool.
swimsuit n ˈswɪmsuːt, a piece of clothing worn for She was wearing a one-piece 5 Body talk
ˈswɪmsjuːt swimming swimsuit.
table n ˈteɪbəl a special table (=a piece of The youth club has got a new 5 Body talk
furniture with a flat top supported snooker table.
by legs) for playing a particular
indoor game or sport on
umpire n ˈʌmpaɪə the person who makes sure that He was given several warnings 5 Body talk
the players obey the rules in by the umpire.
games such as tennis, baseball
and cricket
win v wɪn to be the best or most successful I never win at cards. 5 Body talk
in a competition, game, election,
yellow card n ˌjeləʊ ˈkɑːd a yellow card held up by a Smith was shown a yellow card 5 Body talk
football referee to show that a after he kicked one of the other
player has done something players.
do me a favour duː mi ə ˈfeɪvə used when you are annoyed Do me a favour, Mike, and shut 5 Body talk
because someone has asked a up!
silly question or done something
to upset people
do you good duː jə ɡʊd to have a useful effect A bit more exercise would do 5 Body talk
you good.
make a decision meɪk ə dɪˈsɪʒən to make a choice or judgement The referee made the decision 5 Body talk
about something, especially after to send one of the players off
considering all the possibilities or the pitch.
make a fortune as meɪk ə ˈfɔːtʃən to make a lot of money by doing You can make a fortune as a 5 Body talk
əz a particular job professional footballer these

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make a meɪk ə to mention an idea, plan or Can I make a suggestion? 5 Body talk
suggestion səˈdʒestʃən possibility
make you feel meɪk jə fiːl ˈhæpi to cause you to feel pleased, Does doing exercise make you 5 Body talk
happy satisfied or cheerful feel happy?
take a break teɪk ə breɪk to stop working in order to rest, If you're feeling tired, you 5 Body talk
eat, etc. should take a break.
take notice of teɪk ˈnəʊtəs əv to realize that someone or I waved at her, but she took no 5 Body talk
something exists, or to pay notice.
attention to someone or
come out with phr v ˌkʌm ˈaʊt wɪð to say something, especially You never know what that boy 5 Body talk
something unusual or is going to come out with next!
come round from phr v kʌm ˈraʊnd frəm to wake up after an operation or When she came round from her 5 Body talk
a faint operation, her mother was
sitting by her hospital bed.
do away with phr v ˌduː əˈweɪ wɪð to get rid of something or stop People thought that the use of 5 Body talk
using it robots would do away with
boring low-paid factory jobs
look forward to phr v ˌlʊk ˈfɔːwəd tə to be excited and pleased about I'm really looking forward to 5 Body talk
something that is going to playing volleyball this evening.
look out for phr v ˌlʊk ˈaʊt fə to pay attention to what is He's looking out for a new 5 Body talk
happening around you, so that tennis racket that won't cost too
you will notice a particular person much.
or thing if you see them
make do with meɪk duː wɪð to manage with the things that She'll have to make do with 5 Body talk
you have, even though this is not those trainers until she can
really enough afford some new ones.
make up for phr v ˌmeɪk ˈʌp fə to make a bad situation better or I don't eat breakfast, but I make 5 Body talk
replace something that has been up for it at lunch.

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pick up phr v ˈpɪk ʌp to lift something or someone up Ed picked up the ball and threw 5 Body talk
it to one of the other players.
put up with phr v ˌpʊt ˈʌp wɪð to accept an unpleasant situation He'll just have to put up with 5 Body talk
or person without complaining those old running shoes until
he can afford some new ones.
run out of phr v ˌrʌn ˈaʊt əv to use all of something and not She ran out of energy and 5 Body talk
have any more left couldn't finish the race.
stand in for phr v ˌstænd ˈɪn fə to temporarily do someone else's Joshua had to stand in for 5 Body talk
job or take their place Lucas as team captain when
Lucas was injured.
breakdown n ˈbreɪkdaʊn the changing of a substance into The breakdown of glucose in 5 Body talk
other substances the body causes the release of
cereal n ˈsɪəriəl a breakfast food made from What type of cereal do you 5 Body talk
grain and usually eaten with milk normally have for breakfast?
chiropractor n ˈkaɪrəʊˌpræktə someone who treats physical The chiropractor treated the 5 Body talk
problems by pressing on and pain in my lower back.
moving the bones in someone's
back and joints
dedication n ˌdedəˈkeɪʃən hard work or effort that someone It requires a lot of dedication to 5 Body talk
puts into a particular activity become a professional
because they care about it a lot sportsman.
fry-up n ˈfraɪ ʌp a meal of fried food such as We're going to have a fry-up 5 Body talk
eggs, bacon, potatoes, etc. this evening.
icing n ˈaɪsɪŋ a mixture made from very fine Spread the icing evenly over 5 Body talk
sugar and liquid, used to cover the top of the cake.
ingredient n ɪnˈɡriːdiənt one of the foods that you use to Combine all the ingredients in 5 Body talk
make a particular food or dish a large bowl.
junk food n ˈdʒʌŋk fuːd food that is not healthy, for You should try to avoid eating 5 Body talk
example because it contains a so much junk food.
lot of sugar, fat, etc.

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starve v stɑːv to be very hungry I was starving when I got 5 Body talk
tuna n ˈtjuːnə a large sea fish caught for food She opened a tin of tuna. 5 Body talk
wholemeal adj ˈhəʊlmiːl wholemeal flour or bread uses Did you remember to buy a 5 Body talk
all of the grain, including the loaf of wholemeal bread?
outer layer
advantages collocation ədˈva:ntɪdʒəz there are more positive than The advantages of going to the 5 Body talk
outweigh the aʊtˈweɪ ðə negative features or qualities gym clearly outweigh the
disadvantages ˌdɪsədˈva:ntɪdʒə disadvantages.
be up to your collocation bi ʌp tə jər aɪz ɪn to have a large amount of He's up to his eyes in 5 Body talk
eyes in something, such as work, to do homework at the moment.
or deal with
boost your collocation buːst jə to increase the belief that you Being picked for the swimming 5 Body talk
confidence ˈkɒnfədəns have the ability to do things well team definitely boosted her
or deal with situations confidence.
come last collocation kʌm lɑːst to be the person or thing that As usual, Martin came last in 5 Body talk
comes after all the others the running race.
cope with failure collocation kəʊp wɪð ˈfeɪljə to deal with not being successful Doing sport teaches you how 5 Body talk
to cope with failure.
enter a collocation ˈentə ə to take part in an organised Have you entered the 5 Body talk
competition ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən event in which people or teams swimming competition?
compete against each other
follow in collocation ˈfɒləʊ ɪn to do the same as someone Ryan followed in his father's 5 Body talk
someone’s shoes ˈsʌmwʌnz ʃuːz else, for example an older shoes and became a
relative, did before professional tennis player.
go down well with collocation ɡəʊ daʊn wel to get a good reaction from The team's third goal certainly 5 Body talk
wɪð someone went down well with the crowd.
in favour of collocation ɪn ˈfeɪvə əv if you are in favour of something I'm in favour of making Tina 5 Body talk
such as a plan, idea or system, captain of the team.
you support, approve or agree
with it

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raid the fridge collocatio reɪd ðə frɪdʒ to take some food from the Pete went into the kitchen to 5 Body talk
n fridge because you are hungry raid the fridge.
take part in collocatio teɪk pɑːt ɪn to be involved in an activity, He wanted to take part in the 5 Body talk
n sport, event, etc. with other race, but couldn't do so
people because he was injured.
the pros and cons collocatio ðə prəʊz ənd the advantages and We discussed the pros and 5 Body talk
n kɒnz disadvantages of something cons of joining the gym.
whet the appetite collocatio wet ðə ˈæpətaɪt if an experience whets your Watching tennis on TV whetted 5 Body talk
n appetite for something, it his appetite to learn how to
increases your desire for it play the game.
abomination n əˌbɒməˈneɪʃən someone or something that is Slavery was an abomination. 5 Body talk
extremely offensive or
ban n bæn an official order that prevents He faces a lifetime ban from 5 Body talk
something from being used or athletics.
ban v bæn to say that something must not Smoking is banned in the 5 Body talk
be done, seen, used, etc. building.
be up to bi ˈʌp tə used to say that someone can It's up to you whether you 5 Body talk
decide about something come with us to the yoga class
or not.
downside n ˈdaʊnsaɪd the negative part or The downside of golf is that it 5 Body talk
disadvantage of something can be quite an expensive
drop by v ˌdrɒp ˈbaɪ to visit someone you know, I just dropped by to see how 5 Body talk
usually without arranging a you were getting on.
particular time
embarrass v ɪmˈbærəs to make someone feel ashamed, He didn't want to embarrass 5 Body talk
nervous or uncomfortable, her by asking too many
especially in front of other questions.

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embarrassment n ɪmˈbærəsmənt the feeling of being To her embarrassment, she 5 Body talk
uncomfortable and nervous, and couldn't remember his name.
worrying about what people think
of you, for example because you
have made a silly mistake, or
because you have to speak or
sing in public
fist n fɪst the hand when it is tightly closed, She held the money tightly in 5 Body talk
so that the fingers are curled in her fist.
towards the palm
giggle v ˈɡɪɡəl to laugh quickly, quietly, and in a What are you two girls giggling 5 Body talk
high voice, because something about?
is funny or because you are
nervous or embarrassed
humiliate v hjuːˈmɪlieɪt to make someone feel ashamed Her boss humiliated her in front 5 Body talk
or stupid, especially when other of her colleagues.
people are present
humiliation n hjuːˌmɪliˈeɪʃən a feeling of shame and great He suffered the humiliation of 5 Body talk
embarrassment because you defeat in the first round of the
have been made to look stupid competition.
or weak
sneak n sniːk someone who is not liked Luca had a reputation for being 5 Body talk
because they do things secretly a sneak.
and cannot be trusted
sneak v sniːk to go somewhere secretly and They sneaked off without 5 Body talk
quietly in order to avoid being paying!
seen or heard
spar v spɑː to practise boxing with someone He broke his nose while 5 Body talk
sparring with Vega.
act n ækt one of the main parts into which I arrived at the theatre late and 6 Showtime
a stage play, opera, etc. is missed the first act.

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act v ækt to perform in a play or film She first started acting when 6 Showtime
she was 12 years old.
action adventure adj ˈækʃən ədˌventʃə an action adventure film has a lot Are you a fan of action 6 Showtime
of exciting scenes in it, in which adventure films?
people fight, chase and kill each
animation n ˌænəˈmeɪʃən a film, television programme, The film won a prize at the 6 Showtime
computer game, etc. that has festival for being the best
pictures, clay models, etc. that animation.
seem to be really moving
arena n əˈriːnə a building with a large flat central The sports arena had been 6 Showtime
area surrounded by seats, where specially built for the Olympic
sports or other types of Games.
entertainment take place
audience n ˈɔːdiəns a group of people who come to The band played to huge 6 Showtime
watch and listen to someone audiences in Mexico City and
speaking or performing in public Buenos Aires.
participation n pɑːˌtɪsəˈpeɪʃən the act of taking part in an The show involves a lot of 6 Showtime
activity or event audience participation.
band n bænd a group of musicians, especially He joined the rock band last 6 Showtime
a group that plays popular music year.
biography n baɪˈɒɡrəfi a book that tells what has She is the author of several 6 Showtime
happened in someone's life, books, including a biography of
written by someone else the artist Salvador Dali.
cartoon n kɑːˈtuːn a short film that is made by Do you ever watch cartoons? 6 Showtime
photographing a series of
cello n ˈtʃeləʊ a musical instrument like a large Can you play the cello? 6 Showtime
violin that you hold between your
knees and play by pulling a bow
(=special stick) across the

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ceremony n ˈserəməni an important social or religious The actress is expected to 6 Showtime
event, when a traditional set of attend next week's awards
actions is performed in a formal ceremony.
character n ˈkærəktə a person in a book, play, film, Candida is the most interesting 6 Showtime
etc. character in the play.
cheer v tʃɪə to shout as a way of showing The fans were shouting and 6 Showtime
happiness, praise, approval or cheering.
clap v klæp to hit your hands against each The audience cheered and 6 Showtime
other many times to make a clapped as the curtain came
sound that shows your approval, down.
agreement or enjoyment
computer- n kəmˌpju:tə- a character that has been The game uses highly realistic 6 Showtime
generated ˈdʒenəreɪtɪd created by a computer program, computer-generated
character ˈkærəktə for example in a computer game characters.
contestant n kənˈtestənt someone who competes in a Have you ever been a 6 Showtime
contest contestant in a game show?
costume n ˈkɒstjʊm a set of clothes worn by an actor I didn't like the play much, but 6 Showtime
the costumes were amazing.
documentary n ˌdɒkjəˈmentəri a film or a television or radio They're making a documentary 6 Showtime
programme that gives detailed about the education system in
information about a particular Cuba.
drums n drʌmz musical instruments made of Clive plays the drums in a 6 Showtime
skin stretched over circular heavy metal band.
frames, played by hitting them
with your hands or with sticks

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flute n fluːt a musical instrument like a thin She started playing the flute 6 Showtime
pipe, that you play by holding it when she was about seven
across your lips, blowing over a years old.
hole, and pressing down buttons
with your fingers
gig n ɡɪɡ a performance by a musician or The band have just played a 6 Showtime
a group of musicians playing gig in Berlin.
modern popular music or jazz, or
a performance by a comedian
give a speech ɡɪv ə spiːtʃ to talk, especially formally about Each student had to give a 6 Showtime
a particular subject, to a group of short speech in front of the rest
people of the class.
go blank ɡəʊ blæŋk to suddenly be unable to My mind went blank and I just 6 Showtime
remember something couldn't remember his name.
harmonica n hɑːˈmɒnɪkə a small musical instrument that I didn't know you could play the 6 Showtime
you play by blowing or sucking harmonica!
and moving it from side to side
near your mouth
horror adj ˈhɒrə a horror film is a film in which Did you see that horror film on 6 Showtime
strange and frightening things TV last night?
host n həʊst someone who introduces and He's the host of a chat show. 6 Showtime
talks to guests on a television or
radio programme
lead n ˌliːd the most important person in a Daphne is going to play the 6 Showtime
character/role ˈkærəktə/rəʊl play, film, etc. lead character/role in a
learn your lines lɜːn jə laɪnz if an actor learns their lines, they If you're an actor, you have to 6 Showtime
learn the words which their make sure that you learn your
character has to say in a film or lines properly.

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live adj laɪv a live performance is one in The band will be giving a live 6 Showtime
which the entertainer performs concert performance next
for people who are watching week.
rather than for a film, CD, etc.
make-up n ˈmeɪkʌp coloured substances that are put You're not allowed to wear 6 Showtime
on your face to improve or make-up in school.
change your appearance
opera house n ˈɒpərə haʊs a special building where operas La Scala is a famous opera 6 Showtime
are performed house in Milan.
plot n plɒt the events that form the main The film doesn't have much of 6 Showtime
story of a book, film or play a plot, but its characters are
rehearsal n rɪˈhɜːsəl a time when all the people in a We're having our first rehearsal 6 Showtime
play, concert, etc. practise of 'Hamlet' tonight.
before a public performance
romance n rəʊˈmæns, a story about the love between The novel is basically a 6 Showtime
ˈrəʊmæns two people romance.
saxophone n ˈsæksəfəʊn a curved musical instrument How long have you been 6 Showtime
made of metal that you play by learning to play the
blowing into it and pressing saxophone?
buttons, used especially in
popular music and jazz
science fiction adj ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃən stories about events in the future Do you like science fiction 6 Showtime
which are affected by imaginary films?
developments in science, for
example about travelling in time
or to other planets with life on
screen n skriːn the part of a television or Some televisions nowadays 6 Showtime
computer where the picture or have huge screens.
information appears

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script n skrɪpt the written form of a speech, The director was making notes 6 Showtime
play, film, etc. on the film script.
set n set a place where a film or television The couple met on the set of a 6 Showtime
programme is filmed film in which they played the
main characters.
sound effects n ˈsaʊnd əˌfekts sounds produced artificially for a Recording your own sound 6 Showtime
radio or television programme, effects is another interesting
film etc. part of video movie making.
soundtrack n ˈsaʊndtræk the recorded music from a film He wrote the soundtrack to that 6 Showtime
stadium n ˈsteɪdiəm a building for public events, The stadium has a capacity of 6 Showtime
especially sports and large rock at least 10,000 people.
music concerts, consisting of a
playing field surrounded by rows
of seats
stage fight n steɪdʒ faɪt when actors in a play or film Although it was only a stage 6 Showtime
pretend to have a fight fight, the actors made it look
very realistic.
standing ovation n ˌstændɪŋ when everyone stands up and He received a standing ovation 6 Showtime
əʊˈveɪʃən claps to show their approval at at the end of his speech.
the end of a performance,
speech, etc.
studio n ˈstjuːdiəʊ a room where television and The band are in the studio 6 Showtime
radio programmes and recording their new album.
broadcast or where music is
stunt n stʌnt a dangerous action that is done Not many actors do their own 6 Showtime
to entertain people stunts.
talent n ˈtælənt a natural ability to do something She showed a talent for acting 6 Showtime
well at an early age.

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thriller n ˈθrɪlə a book or film that tells an Bullet to Beijing' is a spy thriller 6 Showtime
exciting story about murder or starring Michael Caine and
crime Michael Gambon.
trombone n trɒmˈbəʊn a large metal musical instrument Callum plays trombone in the 6 Showtime
that you play by blowing into it National Youth Orchestra.
and sliding a long tube in and out
to change the notes
trumpet n ˈtrʌmpət a musical instrument that you Sid was practising the trumpet. 6 Showtime
blow into, which consists of a
curved metal tube that is wide at
the end, and three buttons you
press to change the notes
violin n ˌvaɪəˈlɪn a small wooden musical One of the strings on Amelia's 6 Showtime
instrument that you hold under violin has broken.
your chin and play by pulling a
bow (=special string) across the
western adj ˈwestən relating to a film about life in the He's really into western films. 6 Showtime
19th century in the American
West, especially the lives of
have a hang-up hæv ə ˈhæŋʌp to have a feeling of worry or She has a hang-up about her 6 Showtime
embarrassment about something weight.
although there is no real reason
to feel this way
love at first sight lʌv ət fɜːst saɪt when you love someone as soon Was it love at first sight when 6 Showtime
as you meet them you met Neil?
things go wrong θɪŋz ɡəʊ rɒŋ a situation in which there are You have to try to remain calm 6 Showtime
problems when things go wrong.
catch up phr v ˌkætʃ ˈʌp to improve and reach the same If you miss a lot of classes, it's 6 Showtime
standard as other people in your very difficult to catch up.
class, group, etc.

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hang out phr v ˌhæŋ ˈaʊt to spend a lot of time in a Where does he usually hang 6 Showtime
particular place or with particular out?
mess about phr v ˌmes əˈbaʊt to behave in a silly way when Stop messing about and get 6 Showtime
you should be paying attention ready for school.
or doing something sensible
put on phr v ˈpʊt ɒn to arrange for a concert, play, One summer the children put 6 Showtime
etc. to take place, or to perform on a play.
in it
run someone phr v rʌn ˈsʌmwʌn to drive into a person and kill or He was run down while he was 6 Showtime
down daʊn injure them crossing the road.
show up phr v ˌʃəʊ ˈʌp to arrive, especially at the place The actor showed up 20 6 Showtime
where someone is waiting for minutes late for the interview.
breadth n bredθ, bretθ the distance from one side of The boat measured 15 feet in 6 Showtime
something to the other length and 4 feet in breadth.
flight n flaɪt a journey in a plane or space The flight from Denver is now 6 Showtime
vehicle, or the plane or vehicle arriving.
that is making the journey
grief n ɡriːf extreme sadness, especially The grief she felt over Helen's 6 Showtime
because someone you love has death was almost unbearable.
growth n ɡrəʊθ an increase in amount, number There has been a rapid growth 6 Showtime
or size in the number of reality TV
shows that are broadcast.
in-depth adj ˌɪn ˈdepθ thorough, complete, and The actor gave an in-depth 6 Showtime
considering all the details interview about his latest film.
length n leŋθ the measurement of how long These fish can grow to a length 6 Showtime
something is from one end to the of four feet.
relevance n ˈreləvənts when something directly relates What is the relevance of this 6 Showtime
to the subject or problem being scene to the rest of the play?
discussed or considered

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relief n rɪˈliːf a feeling of comfort when It was a relief when the film 6 Showtime
something frightening, worrying was finally completed on time.
or painful has ended or has not
strength n streŋθ, strenθ the physical power and energy I'm trying to build up my 6 Showtime
that makes someone strong physical strength in the gym.
warmth n wɔːmθ the heat something produces, or The cat was enjoying the 6 Showtime
when you feel warm warmth of the fire in the living
weight n weɪt how heavy and fat someone is You shouldn't worry about your 6 Showtime
width n wɪdθ the distance from one side of These carpets are available in 6 Showtime
something to the other several different widths.
blame v bleɪm to say or think that someone or Don't blame me. It wasn't my 6 Showtime
something is responsible for fault!
something bad
bravery n ˈbreɪvəri actions, behaviour or an attitude After the war, my uncle was 6 Showtime
which shows courage and awarded a medal for bravery.
challenge n ˈtʃæləndʒ something that tests strength, I like the challenge of learning 6 Showtime
skill or ability, especially in a way new things.
that is interesting
cliffhanger n ˈklɪfˌhæŋə a situation in a story, film or The actors have been told to 6 Showtime
competition that makes you feel keep the show's cliffhanger a
very excited or nervous because secret.
you do not know what will
happen or have to wait a long
time to see how it will end
confess v kənˈfes to admit, especially to the police, McCarthy confessed to the 6 Showtime
that you have done something crime shortly after his arrest.
wrong or illegal

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crash course n ˈkræʃ kɔːs a course in which you learn a lot Aaron is doing a crash course 6 Showtime
about a particular subject in a in Japanese.
very short period of time
crush someone’s krʌʃ ˈsʌmwʌnz to stop someone's dreams from A serious leg injury crushed 6 Showtime
dreams driːmz becoming true her dreams of becoming a
professional swimmer.
drenched adj drentʃt covered with a lot of liquid Everyone got completely 6 Showtime
drenched when a huge wave
hit the boat.
elope v ɪˈləʊp to leave your home secretly in My parents didn't approve of 6 Showtime
order to get married the marriage, so we eloped.
episode n ˈepəsəʊd a television or radio programme Watch next week's thrilling 6 Showtime
that is one of a series of episode!
programmes in which the same
story is continued each week
feature v ˈfiːtʃə to include or show something as The film featured Brando as 6 Showtime
a special or important part of the Godfather.
something, or to be included as
an important part
fictitious adj fɪkˈtɪʃəs not true, or not real All the characters in the film 6 Showtime
are entirely fictitious.
gang n ɡæŋ a group of young people who The parents have denied that 6 Showtime
spend time together, and who their son is a member of a
are often involved in crime or gang.
drugs and who often fight
against other groups
gatecrash v ˈɡeɪtkræʃ to go to a party that you have not A reporter tried to gatecrash 6 Showtime
been invited to the actor's party after the
awards ceremony.
go out phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈaʊt to be broadcast on television or The programme goes out live 6 Showtime
radio at 5 o'clock on Mondays.

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hang on! phr v ˌhæŋ ˈɒn used to ask or tell someone to Hang on! I'll be back in a 6 Showtime
wait minute.
issue n ˈɪʃuː, ˈɪsjuː a magazine or newspaper Have you seen the latest issue 6 Showtime
printed on a particular day, week of the magazine?
or month
loathe v ləʊð to hate something or someone He loathed doing housework. 6 Showtime
very much.
mix v mɪks to control the balance of sounds The band's latest album was 6 Showtime
in a record or film mixed at a studio in Nassau.
mock v mɒk to laugh at someone or It's easy for you to mock, but 6 Showtime
something and try to make them we put a lot of effort into that
look stupid by saying unkind play.
things about them or by copying
name-calling n ˈneɪmˌkɔːlɪŋ when people use unpleasant She was the victim of name- 6 Showtime
words to describe someone in calling when she was at
order to insult or upset them school.
quit v kwɪt to leave a job, school, etc., The actress quit the show 6 Showtime
especially without finishing it because she was offered a role
completely in a Hollywood movie.
recession n rɪˈseʃən a difficult time when there is less The country was suffering a 6 Showtime
trade, business activity, etc. in a deep recession.
country than usual
storyline n ˈstɔːrilaɪn the main set of related events in The play had a strong storyline. 6 Showtime
a story
struggle v ˈstrʌɡəl to try extremely hard to achieve As a young actor, he had to 6 Showtime
something, even though it is very struggle to get work.
bully n ˈbʊli someone who uses their He gained a reputation for 7 School matters
strength or power to frighten or being a bit of a bully at school.
hurt someone who is weaker

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bully v ˈbʊli to use your strength or power to She was punished for bullying 7 School matters
frighten or hurt someone who is one of the younger girls.
chaos n ˈkeɪ-ɒs a situation in which everything is The earthquake caused 7 School matters
happening in a confused way widespread chaos throughout
and nothing is organized or the region.
arranged in order
corridor n ˈkɒrədɔː a long narrow passage on a train We had to wait outside the 7 School matters
or between rooms in a building, headmaster's office in the
with doors leading off it corridor.
demolish v dɪˈmɒlɪʃ to completely destroy a building Several houses were 7 School matters
demolished to make way for
the new road.
detention n dɪˈtenʃən a punishment in which children She's always getting put in 7 School matters
who have behaved badly are detention.
forced to stay at school for a
short time after the others have
gone home
discipline n ˈdɪsəplən a way of training someone so This book gives parents advice 7 School matters
that they learn to control their on discipline.
behaviour and obey rules
exclude v ɪkˈskluːd to not allow someone to take Kids who are excluded from 7 School matters
part in something or not allow school often end up getting into
them to enter a place, especially trouble with the police.
in a way that seems wrong or
expel v ɪkˈspel to officially force someone to She was expelled from school. 7 School matters
leave a school or organisation
forums n ˈfɔːrəmz groups of computer users who There are several online 7 School matters
are interested in a particular forums for fans of Manchester
subject and discuss it using United.
email or the Internet

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grade n ɡreɪd a mark that a student is given for I need a really good grade in 7 School matters
their work or for an examination the final exam to pass the
grade v ɡreɪd to give a mark to an examination The teacher spent the 7 School matters
paper or to a piece of school weekend grading tests.
layout n ˈleɪaʊt the way in which something such All the flats in the building have 7 School matters
as a town, garden or building is the same layout.
method n ˈmeθəd a planned way of doing I think we should try using a 7 School matters
something, especially one that a different method.
lot of people know about and
nickname n ˈnɪkneɪm a name given to someone, We had nicknames for all the 7 School matters
especially by their friends or teachers.
family, that is not their real name
and is often connected with what
they look like or something they
have done
participate v pɑːˈtɪsəpeɪt to take part in an activity or Do you usually participate in 7 School matters
event class discussions?
prefect n ˈpriːfekt an older student in some British Were you a prefect when you 7 School matters
schools, who has special duties were at school?
and helps to control younger
rows n rəʊz lines of things or people next to The children were asked to 7 School matters
each other stand in rows.
sewing n ˈsəʊɪŋ the activity or skill of making or Are you any good at sewing? 7 School matters
repairing clothes or decorating
cloth with a needle and thread
staff n stɑːf the people who work for an The teaching staff are all very 7 School matters
organisation experienced.

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state-of-the-art adj ˌsteɪt əv ði ˈɑːt using the most modern and His new laptop is state-of-the- 7 School matters
recently developed methods, art.
materials or knowledge
strict adj strɪkt expecting people to obey rules Most of the teachers at our 7 School matters
or to do what you say school are not very strict.
term n tɜːm one of the periods of time that a When does the summer term 7 School matters
school or university year is begin?
divided into
tutor n ˈtjuːtə someone who gives private They hired a tutor to help him 7 School matters
lessons to a student or a small with his maths.
group, and is paid directly by
pace n peɪs the speed at which something One student may learn things 7 School matters
happens or is done at a different pace from
boarding school collocatio ˈbɔːdɪŋ skuːl a school where students live as His parents sent him to 7 School matters
n well as study boarding school at the age of
do a project collocatio duː ə ˈprɒdʒekt to do part of a school or college Poppy is doing a project on the 7 School matters
n course that involves careful French Revolution.
study of a particular subject over
a period of time
do a subject collocatio duː ə ˈsʌbdʒɪkt to study a particular area of Have you decided yet which 7 School matters
n knowledge at school or subjects you are going to do
university next year?
do an experiment collocatio duː ən to do a scientific experiment to The class is doing an 7 School matters
n ɪkˈsperəmənt find out how something reacts experiment to test the strength
under certain conditions or to of different metals.
find out if an idea is true
do someone a collocatio duː ˈsʌmwʌn ə to do something for someone in Could you do me a favour and 7 School matters
favour n ˈfeɪvə order to help them or be kind to tell Kelly that I'm going to be
them late?

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do your best collocatio duː jə best to do everything you can to I tried to do my best in the 7 School matters
n achieve something history test.
do your hair collocatio duː jə heə to arrange your hair in a style She's upstairs doing her hair. 7 School matters
go one step collocatio ɡəʊ wʌn step to go to the next stage in a He went one step further than 7 School matters
further n ˈfɜːðə series of actions in order to the rest of us and complained
achieve something directly to the boss.
make a mess of collocatio meɪk ə mes əv to do something badly I made a real mess of 7 School matters
n answering that question in the
geography test.
make it easy for collocatio meɪk ɪt ˈiːzi fə to make sure there are no The teacher made it easy for 7 School matters
n difficulties for someone her to understand how to solve
the maths problem.
sense of humour collocatio sens əv ˈhjuːmə the ability to understand and She doesn't have much of a 7 School matters
n enjoy things that are funny sense of humour, I'm afraid.
take an exam collocatio teɪk ən ɪɡˈzæm to do a spoken or written test of We have to take exams at the 7 School matters
n knowledge, especially an end of each year.
important one
come up to phr v ˌkʌm ˈʌp tə to be going to happen soon She always gets excited when 7 School matters
it's coming up to the summer
get a lot out of phr v ɡet ə lɒt aʊt əv to find that something is very I got a lot out of that computer 7 School matters
useful or important for you course and learnt many things I
didn't know about before.
get into phr v ˈɡet ɪntə to begin to be involved in doing How did you first get into film- 7 School matters
something making?
get on with phr v ˌɡet ˈɒn wɪð if people get on with each other, I've always got on well with 7 School matters
they like each other and have a Henry.
friendly relationship
go on phr v ˈɡəʊ ɒn to happen There's not much going on this 7 School matters

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go round phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈraʊnd if news, a story, a joke, etc. is There was a lot of gossip going 7 School matters
going round, a lot of people hear round the village.
it and are talking about it
set up phr v ˈset ʌp to start a company, organisation, Gabriel wants to set up a chess 7 School matters
committee, etc. club.
sign up for phr v ˌsaɪn ˈʌp fə to put your name on a list for Did you sign up for the tennis 7 School matters
something because you want to competition?
take part in it
aware adj əˈweə if you are aware that a situation The children are aware of the 7 School matters
exists, you realize or know that it danger of taking drugs.
cheat n tʃiːt someone who behaves in a She was accused of being a 7 School matters
dishonest way in order to win or cheat.
get an advantage, especially in a
competition, game or
cheat v tʃiːt to behave in a dishonest way in He had cheated in the test by 7 School matters
order to win or get an using a calculator.
advantage, especially in a
competition, game or
detect v dɪˈtekt to notice or discover something, Dan detected a change in her 7 School matters
especially something that is not mood.
easy to see, hear, etc.
knuckles n ˈnʌkləz the joints in your fingers, Her knuckles whitened as she 7 School matters
including the ones where your gripped the steering wheel.
fingers join your hands
topic n ˈtɒpɪk a subject that people talk or write We discussed a range of topics 7 School matters
about in our history lesson.

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torture v ˈtɔːtʃə to deliberately hurt someone in They tortured many of the 7 School matters
order to force them to give you prisoners.
information, to punish them or to
be cruel
vandal n ˈvændl someone who deliberately Vandals broke most of the 7 School matters
damages things, especially school's windows.
public property
vicious adj ˈvɪʃəs violent and cruel in a way that Apparently the man was the 7 School matters
hurts someone physically victim of a vicious attack.
victim n ˈvɪktəm someone who has been The victim received head 7 School matters
attacked, robbed or murdered injuries from which she died a
week later.
violent adj ˈvaɪələnt someone who is violent is likely She has a violent temper. 7 School matters
to hurt, kill or attack people
broadband n ˈbrɔːdbænd a system of connecting How fast is your broadband? 8 Technology rules
computers to the Internet and
moving information at a very
high speed
clip n klɪp a short part of a film or television The new software makes it 8 Technology rules
programme that is shown by possible to cut and paste
itself, especially as an sound or video clips from one
advertisement application to another.
console n ˈkɒnsəʊl a flat board that contains the He wants a new games 8 Technology rules
controls for a machine, piece of console for his birthday.
electrical equipment, computer,
crash v kræʃ if a computer crashes, or if you The system crashed and I lost 8 Technology rules
crash a computer, it suddenly three hours' worth of work.
stops working

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digital adj ˈdɪdʒətl using a system in which Digital technology has totally 8 Technology rules
information is recorded or sent changed the way that films are
out electronically in the form of made.
numbers, usually ones and
download v ˌdaʊnˈləʊd to move information or programs Lynn downloaded the game 8 Technology rules
from a computer network, free from the Internet.
especially the Internet, to a
edit v ˈedət to prepare a book, piece of film, The software allows you to edit 8 Technology rules
etc. for printing or broadcasting video clips.
gadget n ˈɡædʒət a small, useful and cleverly- He buys all the latest hi-tech 8 Technology rules
designed machine or tool gadgets.
gaming n ˈɡeɪmɪŋ the activity of playing computer Jessica is into online gaming 8 Technology rules
games and spends hours in front of
the computer.
hit n hɪt an occasion when someone The site had 2,000 hits in the 8 Technology rules
visits a website first week.
keyboard n ˈkiːbɔːd a board marked with letters or Do you need a special 8 Technology rules
numbers that you press to put keyboard to write in Chinese
information into a computer on a computer?
modem n ˈməʊdəm a piece of electronic equipment Viruses can also spread if 8 Technology rules
that allows information from one computers are linked by
computer to be sent along modems to the outside world.
telephone wires to another
mouse n maʊs a small object connected to a Click the left button on your 8 Technology rules
computer by a wire, which you mouse.
move with your hand to give
instructions to the computer

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password n ˈpɑːswɜːd a secret group of letters or Don't let anyone know your 8 Technology rules
numbers that you must type into password.
a computer before you can use a
system or program
print v prɪnt to produce words, numbers or The printer's switched on, but it 8 Technology rules
pictures on paper, using a won't print.
machine that puts ink on the
revise v rɪˈvaɪz to study facts again, in order to Hector is busy revising for his 8 Technology rules
learn them before an physics exam.
share v ʃeə to have or use something with We don't have enough books 8 Technology rules
other people for everyone so you'll have to
signal n ˈsɪɡnəl a series of light waves, sound The telephone changes sound 8 Technology rules
waves, etc. that carry an image, waves into electrical signals.
sound or message, for example
in radio or television
social networking n ˌsəʊʃəl a website where people put Which social networking sites 8 Technology rules
site ˈnetwɜːkɪŋ saɪt information about themselves do you use?
and can send messages to other
swap v swɒp to give something to someone They swapped mobile numbers 8 Technology rules
and get something in return and agreed to meet up again.
upload v ʌpˈləʊd if information, a computer Take great care when 8 Technology rules
program, etc. uploads, or if you uploading personal information
upload it, you move it from a such as your address or credit
small computer to a computer card number.
network so that other people can
see it or use it
user n ˈjuːzə someone or something that uses A new information service will 8 Technology rules
a product, service, etc. soon be available to library
viral adj ˈvaɪərəl passed on to other people on the It was one of the most viewed 8 Technology rules
Internet or using mobile phones viral videos on the web.

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accuracy n ˈækərəsi the ability to do something in an He passes the ball with great 8 Technology rules
exact way without making a accuracy.
achievement n əˈtʃiːvmənt something important that you Winning three gold medals is a 8 Technology rules
succeed in doing by your own remarkable achievement.
bureaucracy n bjʊəˈrɒkrəsi a complicated official system We need less bureaucracy in 8 Technology rules
that is annoying or confusing the school system. Teachers
because it has a lot of rules, should be allowed to make
processes, etc. more decisions.
civilisation n ˌsɪvəl-aɪˈzeɪʃən a society that is well organised In our history class we're 8 Technology rules
and developed, used especially studying the ancient
about a particular society in a civilisations of Greece and
particular place or at a particular Rome.
democracy n dɪˈmɒkrəsi a system of government in which In 1974, democracy returned to 8 Technology rules
every citizen in the country can Greece after seven years of
vote to elect its government military rule.
development n dɪˈveləpmənt a process of gradually becoming Developments in radar and 8 Technology rules
bigger, better, stronger or more engine designs have changed
advanced the shape of the plane.
diplomacy n dəˈpləʊməsi skill in dealing with people This job requires a 8 Technology rules
without upsetting them considerable amount of
encouragement n ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt when you give someone the Part of a manager's job is to 8 Technology rules
courage or confidence to do give encouragement to his or
something, or the things that her staff.
give them the courage or
confidence to do something
imagination n ɪˌmædʒəˈneɪʃən the ability to form pictures or Reading is a good way to 8 Technology rules
ideas in your mind develop a child's imagination at
an early age.

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independence n ˌɪndəˈpendəns the freedom and ability to make Having a job gives you 8 Technology rules
your own decisions in life, financial independence.
without having to ask other
people for permission, help or
intricacy n ˈɪntrɪkəsi the state of containing a large The gadget has an amazing 8 Technology rules
number of parts or details intricacy and sophistication of
involvement n ɪnˈvɒlvmənt the act of taking part in an They thanked us for our 8 Technology rules
activity or event, or the way in involvement in the project.
which you take part in it
knowledge n ˈnɒlɪdʒ the information, skills and He doesn't have the skills or 8 Technology rules
understanding that you have scientific knowledge needed to
gained through learning or do the job.
literacy n ˈlɪtərəsi the state of being able to read There are special classes in 8 Technology rules
and write basic skills such as literacy and
observation n ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃən the process of watching The astronomers are carrying 8 Technology rules
something or someone carefully out a long-term observation of
for a period of time the solar system.
prevention n prɪˈvenʃən when something bad is stopped Safety rules are important for 8 Technology rules
from happening the prevention of accidents in
the chemistry laboratory.
privacy n ˈprɪvəsi, the state of being able to be I waited until I was in the 8 Technology rules
ˈpraɪvəsi alone, and not seen or heard by privacy of my own room before
other people I opened the letter.
reaction n riˈækʃən something that you feel or do What was Jeff's reaction when 8 Technology rules
because of something that has you told him about the job?
happened or been said
reassurance n ˌriːəˈʃʊərəns something that is said or done We've been given 8 Technology rules
which makes someone feel reassurances that the water is
calmer and less worried or safe to drink.
frightened about a problem
reception n rɪˈsepʃən a desk or office where visitors I asked the man at reception. 8 Technology rules
arriving in a hotel or large
organization go first

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baffled adj bæfləd not able to understand or explain Gilles had a baffled expression 8 Technology rules
something at all on his face.
boast v bəʊst to talk too proudly about your She's always boasting about 8 Technology rules
abilities, achievements or how clever her children are.
carrier pigeon n ˈkæriə ˌpɪdʒən a pigeon (=type of bird) that has The message was delivered by 8 Technology rules
been trained to carry messages carrier pigeon.
club together phr v ˌklʌb təˈɡeðə if people club together, they They clubbed together to buy 8 Technology rules
share the cost of something her a present.
drop you a line drɒp ju: eɪ laɪn to write a short letter or email to Drop me a line and let me 8 Technology rules
someone know how you're getting on.
flirt v flɜːt to behave towards someone in a Emma accused her husband of 8 Technology rules
way that shows you are sexually flirting with other women.
attracted to them
gossip v ˈɡɒsəp to talk about people's behaviour What are you two gossiping 8 Technology rules
and private lives, often including about?
remarks that are unkind or
hasn’t looked ˈhæzənt lʊkt bæk has become more and more He set up his first restaurant 8 Technology rules
back successful, especially after a five years ago, and hasn't
particular success looked back since.
I look forward to aɪ lʊk ˈfɔːwəd tə used in a letter to say that you I look forward to hearing from 8 Technology rules
hearing from you ˈhɪərɪŋ frəm ju: will be pleased when you receive you.
an answer from whoever you are
writing to
I’m writing aɪm ˈraɪtɪŋ used in a letter to explain the I'm writing regarding your offer 8 Technology rules
regarding rɪˈɡɑːdɪŋ reason for your message to help with the photographic
impress v ɪmˈpres to make someone feel None of the people I've 8 Technology rules
admiration and respect interviewed so far have
impressed me.
insight into ˈɪnsaɪt ˈɪntə a clear understanding of The research provides valuable 8 Technology rules
something or part of something, insights into the way humans
especially a complicated learn languages.
situation or idea

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kidney n ˈkɪdni one of the two organs in your The kidney was transplanted 8 Technology rules
lower back that separate waste into the patient.
products from your blood and
make urine
misinterpret v ˌmɪsɪnˈtɜːprət to not understand the correct He badly misinterpreted the 8 Technology rules
meaning of something that statistics of the survey.
someone says or does, or of
facts that you are considering
panicky adj ˈpænɪki very nervous and anxious By ten o'clock she was starting 8 Technology rules
to get a bit panicky.
run it past you rʌn ɪt pɑːst jə to suggest an idea to you and to I've come up with an idea and 8 Technology rules
find out your opinion about it wanted to run it past you.
send me a refund send mi ə ˈriːfʌnd send me back money which I Please could you send me a 8 Technology rules
have paid for goods or services refund for the goods?
because I am not satisfied with
slave n sleɪv someone who is owned by Do you think that robots will 8 Technology rules
another person and works for one day be our electronic
them for no money slaves?
snoop v snuːp to try to find out about Technology is making it easier 8 Technology rules
someone's private affairs by to snoop on just about
secretly looking in their house, anybody.
examining their possessions,
tease v tiːz to laugh at someone and make Sam's sisters used to tease 8 Technology rules
jokes in order to have fun by him because he was
embarrassing them overweight.
charming adj ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ very pleasing or attractive Gabby's parents thought Bill 9 Tearaways
was charming.
cruel adj ˈkruːəl deliberately hurting people or She was often cruel to her 9 Tearaways
animals sister.
disrespectful adj ˌdɪs ri ˈspekt fəl showing a lack of respect for He will be punished for his 9 Tearaways
someone or something disrespectful behaviour.
nasty adj ˈnɑːsti someone who is nasty behaves He's a nasty little man! 9 Tearaways
in an unkind and unpleasant way

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obnoxious adj əbˈnɒkʃəs very offensive, unpleasant or Her obnoxious behaviour is 9 Tearaways
rude unforgiveable.
rebellious adj rɪˈbeljəs deliberately not obeying people Would you say that you were 9 Tearaways
in authority or rules of behaviour rebellious when you were a
respectful adj rɪˈspektfəl feeling or showing respect They listened in respectful 9 Tearaways
rude adj ruːd speaking or behaving in a way He's one of the rudest people 9 Tearaways
that is not polite and is likely to I've ever met.
offend or annoy people
selfish adj ˈselfɪʃ caring only about yourself and Amy, don't be selfish. Let the 9 Tearaways
not about other people others have a turn.
spiteful adj ˈspaɪtfəl deliberately unkind to someone You shouldn't be so spiteful to 9 Tearaways
in order to hurt or upset them your sister.
stubborn adj ˈstʌbən determined not to change your Your father is so stubborn. He 9 Tearaways
mind, even if other people think won't listen.
you are being unreasonable
tolerant adj ˈtɒlərənt allowing people to do, say or You should try to be more 9 Tearaways
believe what they want without tolerant of other people.
criticising or punishing them
unselfish adj ʌnˈselfɪʃ caring about other people and It's a good team. They listen to 9 Tearaways
thinking about their needs and the coaching and they're
wishes before your own unselfish with the ball.
well-behaved adj ˌwel biˈheɪvd behaving in a calm polite way, Their children are so well- 9 Tearaways
and not being rude or violent behaved it seems almost
adopted adj əˈdɒptəd an adopted child has been The Browns have an adopted 9 Tearaways
legally made part of a family that son.
he or she was not born into
divorced adj dəˈvɔːst no longer married to your wife or Sue's parents are divorced. 9 Tearaways
engaged adj ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd if two people are engaged, they He's engaged to Paul's sister. 9 Tearaways
have agreed to marry
separated adj ˈsepəreɪtəd not living with your husband, I think Joan and Brian are 9 Tearaways
wife or sexual partner any more separated now.

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widowed adj ˈwɪdəʊd if someone is widowed, their She is a widowed woman. 9 Tearaways
husband or wife dies
arrest v əˈrest if the police arrest someone, the He was arrested and charged 9 Tearaways
person is taken to a police with burglary.
station because the police think
they have done something illegal
arson n ˈɑːsən the crime of deliberately making The school was destroyed in 9 Tearaways
something burn an arson attack.
burgle v ˈbɜːɡəl to go into a building and steal Their house was burgled while 9 Tearaways
something they were away on holiday.
cell n sel a small room in a prison or He spent a night in the cells at 9 Tearaways
police station where prisoners the local police station.
are kept
charge v tʃɑːdʒ to state officially that someone Gibbons was charged with 9 Tearaways
may be guilty of a crime murder.
court n kɔːt the place where a trial is held, or There was a large crowd of 9 Tearaways
the people there, especially the reporters outside the court.
judge and the jury who examine
the evidence and decide
whether someone is guilty or not
go joy-riding ɡəʊ dʒɔɪˈraɪdɪŋ to steal a car and drive it in a Liam was arrested for joy- 9 Tearaways
fast and dangerous way for fun riding.
judge n dʒʌdʒ the official in charge of a court, The judge gave the accused a 9 Tearaways
who decides how criminals six-month jail sentence.
should be punished
mug v mʌɡ to attack someone and rob them She decided to move from the 9 Tearaways
in a public place city after she was mugged for
the third time in less than a
police station n pəˈliːs ˌsteɪʃən the local office of the police, part He was taken to the police 9 Tearaways
of a city, etc. station and questioned about
the robbery.

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probation officer n prəˈbeɪʃən ˌɒfɪsə someone whose job is to watch, Clarkson must attend regular 9 Tearaways
advise and help people who meetings with his probation
have broken the law and are on officer.
report v rɪˈpɔːt to give people information about She was sent to Washington to 9 Tearaways
recent events, especially in report on the presidential
newspapers and on television elections.
and radio
rob v rɒb to steal money or property from Two men tried to rob him as he 9 Tearaways
a person, bank, etc. left the restaurant.
sentence n ˈsentəns a punishment that a judge gives She was given a three-year 9 Tearaways
to someone who is guilty of a prison sentence.
sentence v ˈsentəns if a judge sentences someone Sanchez was sentenced to five 9 Tearaways
who is guilty of a crime, they years in prison.
give them a punishment
shoplifting n ˈʃɒpˌlɪftɪŋ the crime of stealing things from Shoplifting cost the major 9 Tearaways
shops, for example by hiding stores millions of dollars last
them in a bag or under your year.
stalk v stɔːk to watch and follow someone for The singer was stalked by an 9 Tearaways
a long time in a way that is very obsessed fan.
annoying or threatening, and
that is considered a crime in
some places
suspend v səˈspend to make someone leave their Dave was suspended from 9 Tearaways
school or job for a short time, school for a week.
especially because they have
broken the rules
back down phr v ˌbæk ˈdaʊn to admit that you are wrong or Both sides have refused to 9 Tearaways
that you have lost an argument back down.

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be a nightmare bi ə ˈnaɪtmeə to be a very difficult, unpleasant Starting school can be a 9 Tearaways
or frightening experience or nightmare for some children.
fall out with phr v ˌfɔːl ˈaʊt wɪð to have a quarrel with someone Carrie's always falling out with 9 Tearaways
feel sorry for fiːl ˈsɒri fə to feel pity or sympathy for I felt sorry for him when he 9 Tearaways
someone because something broke his leg.
bad has happened to them or
because they are in a bad
get a rude ɡet ə ruːd to get a very unpleasant surprise Confident that he would win, he 9 Tearaways
awakening əˈweɪkənɪŋ had a rude awakening on
election day.
get kicked out ɡet kɪkt aʊt to make someone leave a place, He got kicked out of the night 9 Tearaways
job, etc. club for starting a fight.
get your own ɡet jɔː əʊn bæk to do something bad to someone She wanted to get her own 9 Tearaways
back who has done something bad to back on Liz for ruining her
you, as a way of punishing them party.
get your own way ɡet jɔː əʊn weɪ to do want you want to do, even Sophia was determined to get 9 Tearaways
though someone else wants her own way.
something different
go out (TV) phr v ɡəʊ aʊt (ˌtiː ˈvi:) if something goes out on TV, it is The new show goes out on 9 Tearaways
broadcast (=sent out) Saturday night.
have a giggle hæv ə ˈɡɪɡəl to do something that you think is We were just having a giggle. 9 Tearaways
fun and that will not hurt anyone Don't take it seriously!
or anyone
have the last hæv ðə lɑːst lɑːf to finally be successful, win an Men make jokes about women 9 Tearaways
laugh argument, etc. drivers, but women have the
last laugh. Their insurance
rates are cheaper.
make friends with meɪk frendz wɪð to become friendly with someone We soon made friends with the 9 Tearaways

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make fun of meɪk fʌn əv to make unkind insulting remarks I'm not making fun of you. I 9 Tearaways
about someone or something admire what you did.
make trouble meɪk ˈtrʌbəl to cause problems by behaving If you make any trouble, you 9 Tearaways
badly or violently will be sent home.
open up to ˈəʊpən ʌp tə to stop being shy and say what Last night was the first time 9 Tearaways
someone ˈsʌmwʌn you really think that Kevin had really opened
up to me about his problems.
tell tales tel teɪəlz to tell someone in authority Don't go telling tales to the 9 Tearaways
about something wrong that teacher!
someone else has done
anonymous adj əˈnɒnəməs unknown by name I received anonymous phone 9 Tearaways
calls warning me not to go to
the police about what I'd seen.
chore n tʃɔː a small job that you have to do Husbands should be prepared 9 Tearaways
regularly, especially work that to do their share of the
you do to keep a house clean household chores.
defiance n dɪˈfaɪəns behaviour that shows you refuse Running away was an act of 9 Tearaways
to do what someone tells you to defiance against his parents.
do, especially because you do
not respect them
humiliating adj hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪŋ making you feel ashamed, I had to apologize in front of 9 Tearaways
embarrassed and angry because everyone. It was so humiliating.
you have been made to look
weak or stupid
ignorant adj ˈɪɡnərənt not knowing facts or information He was an ignorant and 9 Tearaways
you ought to know uneducated man.
ignore v ɪɡˈnɔː to deliberately pay no attention It was very stupid of you to 9 Tearaways
to something that you have been ignore your mother's advice.
told or that you know about
impasse n æmˈpɑːs a situation in which it is Negotiations seemed to have 9 Tearaways
impossible to continue with a reached an impasse.
discussion or plan because the
people involved cannot agree

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informative adj ɪnˈfɔːmətɪv providing many useful facts or The lecture was very 9 Tearaways
ideas informative and helpful.
insulting adj ɪnˈsʌltɪŋ very rude and offensive to She started making insulting 9 Tearaways
someone comments about the size of my
outrageous adj aʊtˈreɪdʒəs very shocking and extremely They showed a scene from 9 Tearaways
unfair or offensive Almodovar's outrageous new
rebellion n rɪˈbeljən when someone opposes or There was a rebellion by right- 9 Tearaways
fights against people in authority wing members of the party.
or ideas which they do not agree
resent v rɪˈzent to feel angry or upset about a He resented having to work 9 Tearaways
situation or about something that such long hours.
someone has done, especially
because you think that it is not
sack v sæk to dismiss someone from their Aiden was sacked from his job. 9 Tearaways
stand-off n ˈstænd ɒf a situation in which neither side The political standoff led to a 9 Tearaways
in a fight or battle can gain an six-month delay in passing this
advantage year's budget.
traumatic adj trɔːˈmætɪk a traumatic experience is so His son's death was the most 9 Tearaways
shocking and upsetting that it traumatic event in Stan's life.
affects you for a long time
trust v trʌst to believe that someone is Can they be trusted to look 9 Tearaways
honest or will not do anything after the house?
bad or wrong
ancient adj ˈeɪnʃənt belonging to a time long ago in Rome is famous for its ancient 10 Looking back
history, especially thousands of monuments.
years ago

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archaeologist n ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒɪst someone who studies ancient Archaeologists have been 10 Looking back
societies by examining what excavating the site of the
remains of their buildings, ancient temple.
graves, tools, etc.
archaeology n ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒi the study of ancient societies by Lucas is hoping to study 10 Looking back
examining what remains of their archaeology at college.
buildings, graves, tools, etc.
battlefield n ˈbætlfi:ld a place where a battle is being Thousands died on the 10 Looking back
fought or has been fought battlefields of northern France.
burial n ˈberiəl the act or ceremony of putting a His burial will take place on 10 Looking back
dead body into a grave Friday.
bury v ˈberi to put someone who has died in The hardest thing a mother can 10 Looking back
a grave do is bury one of her children.
coffin n ˈkɒfən a long box in which a dead The coffin was carried into the 10 Looking back
person is buried or burnt church.
contentious adj kənˈtenʃəs causing a lot of argument and These claims are highly 10 Looking back
disagreement between people contentious.
descendant n dɪˈsendənt someone who is related to a Paul claims to be a descendant 10 Looking back
person who lived a long time of King Charles I.
ago, or to a family, group of
people, etc. that existed in the
discovery n dɪsˈkʌvəri a fact or thing that someone New archaeological 10 Looking back
finds out about, when it was not discoveries prove the existence
known about before of an ancient civilization in the
Indus Valley.
DNA n ˌdiː en ˈeɪ (deoxyribonucleic acid) a A DNA test showed that he 10 Looking back
substance that carries genetic was not the baby's father.
information in the cells of the

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excavate v ˈekskəveɪt if a scientist or archaeologist Work is under way to excavate 10 Looking back
excavates an area of land, they the ancient city.
dig carefully to find ancient
objects, bones, etc.
excavation n ˌekskəˈveɪʃən when a scientist or archaeologist Excavation of the site will begin 10 Looking back
digs an area of land carefully to soon.
find ancient objects, bones, etc.
exploration n ˌekspləˈreɪʃən the act of travelling through a He's always been interested in 10 Looking back
place in order to find out about it the exploration of space.
or find something such as oil or
gold in it
grave n ɡreɪv the place in the ground where a At the head of the grave there 10 Looking back
dead body is buried was a small wooden cross.
historian n hɪˈstɔːriən someone who studies history, or Art historians are excited by 10 Looking back
the history of a particular thing the discovery of the painting.
infamous adj ˈɪnfəməs well known for being bad or evil The police have arrested the 10 Looking back
infamous leader of the gang.
mankind n ˌmænˈkaɪnd all humans considered as a If the Earth's temperature rises, 10 Looking back
group it will be a disaster for all
mutilate v ˈmjuːtəleɪt to severely and violently damage The prisoners were tortured 10 Looking back
someone's body, especially by and mutilated.
cutting or removing part of it
myth n mɪθ an ancient story, especially one I'm reading a book about 10 Looking back
invented in order to explain Ancient Greek myths.
natural or historical events
portrait n ˈpɔːtrət a painting, drawing or The artist Hans Holbein was 10 Looking back
photograph of a person best known for painting
proof n pruːf facts, information, documents, Do you have any proof that this 10 Looking back
etc. that prove something is true man stole your bag?

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rebellion n rɪˈbeljən an organised attempt to change The army was brought in to 10 Looking back
the government or leader of a crush the rebellion.
country, using violence
record(s) n ˈrekɔːd(z) information about something that I've checked the student 10 Looking back
is written down or stored on records, and I can't find any
computer, film etc. so that it can mention of her name.
be looked at in the future
reign v reɪn to rule a nation or a group of Pharaohs reigned over Egypt 10 Looking back
nations as their king, queen or for centuries.
remains n rɪˈmeɪnz the parts of something that are There are extensive Roman 10 Looking back
left after the rest has been remains at Arles in France.
destroyed or has disappeared
rumoured adj ˈruːməd if something is rumoured to be She was rumoured to be a 10 Looking back
true, people are saying secretly millionaire.
or unofficially that it may be true
skeleton n ˈskelətən the structure consisting of all the Archaeologists discovered a 10 Looking back
bones in a human or animal human skeleton during their
body excavation of the site.
stumble upon phr v ˈstʌmbəl əˌpɒn to find or discover something by I stumbled upon a fascinating 10 Looking back
chance and unexpectedly book about Italian art in the
successor n səkˈsesə someone who takes a job or Many people regard him as a 10 Looking back
position previously held by likely successor to the current
someone else team manager.
supporter n səˈpɔːtə someone who supports a Chelsea supporters cheered as 10 Looking back
particular person, group, team or the team scored their first goal
plan in two games.
tomb n tuːm a stone structure above or below She was buried in the family 10 Looking back
the ground where a dead person tomb.
is buried

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trench n trentʃ a long narrow hole dug into the Workers dug a trench for gas 10 Looking back
surface of the ground lines.
tyrant n ˈtaɪərənt a ruler has complete power and The country had long been 10 Looking back
uses it in a cruel and unfair way ruled by tyrants.
unearth v ʌnˈɜːθ to find something after searching Farmers sometimes still 10 Looking back
for it, especially something that unearth bones in these fields.
has been buried in the ground or
lost for a long time
breakdown n ˈbreɪkdaʊn the failure of a relationship or It seems like our photocopier 10 Looking back
system has a breakdown every week.
crackdown n ˈkrækdaʊn action that is taken to deal more The government is having a 10 Looking back
strictly with crime, a problem, crackdown against drugs.
protests, etc.
downfall n ˈdaʊnfɔːl complete loss of your money, The scandal led to the 10 Looking back
moral standards, social position, president's downfall.
etc., or the sudden failure of an
downpour n ˈdaʊnpɔː a lot of rain that falls in a short A sudden downpour sent us 10 Looking back
time running for shelter.
downturn n ˈdaʊntɜːn a period or process in which The country is suffering from 10 Looking back
business activity, production, an economic downturn.
etc. is reduced and conditions
become worse
handout n ˈhændaʊt a piece of paper with Please read the handout. 10 Looking back
information, which is given to
people who are attending a
lesson, meeting, etc.
handover n ˈhændəʊvə the act of giving someone else The president will remain in 10 Looking back
control of a place or business office until the official handover
in April.

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income n ˈɪŋkʌm, ˈɪnkʌm the money that you earn from People on higher incomes 10 Looking back
your work or that you receive should pay more tax.
from investments, the
government, etc.
input n ˈɪnpʊt information that is put into a What input needs to be entered 10 Looking back
computer into the computer?
intake n ˈɪnteɪk the amount of food, drink, etc. Try to reduce your intake of fat. 10 Looking back
that you take into your body
lifestyle n ˈlaɪfstaɪl the way a person or group of You really need to think about 10 Looking back
people live, including the place leading a healthier lifestyle.
they live in, the things they own,
the kind of job they do and the
activities they do
outbreak n ˈaʊtbreɪk if there is an outbreak of fighting There's been an outbreak of 10 Looking back
or disease in an area, it food poisoning at the hotel.
suddenly starts to happen
outcome n ˈaʊtkʌm the final result of a meeting, It's impossible to say for sure 10 Looking back
discussion, war, etc. - used what the outcome of the
especially when no one knows election will be.
what it will be until it actually
outcry n ˈaʊtkraɪ an angry protest by a lot of There was a widespread outcry 10 Looking back
ordinary people over the increase in fuel tax.
sadden v ˈsædn to make someone feel sad Those of us who knew him are 10 Looking back
shocked and saddened by his
takeover n ˈteɪkˌəʊvə when one company takes control Thornbury has announced a 10 Looking back
of another by buying more than takeover bid of a regional TV
half of its shares company
turnout n ˈtɜːnaʊt the number of people who go to These shows are always 10 Looking back
a party, meeting or other popular, and we're expecting a
organised event big turnout.

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turnover n ˈtɜːnˌəʊvə the amount of business done Turnover at the two restaurants 10 Looking back
during a particular period was about $7.4 million this
unkind adj ˌʌnˈkaɪnd nasty, unpleasant or cruel A lot of unkind things were 10 Looking back
upbringing n ˈʌpˌbrɪŋɪŋ the way that your parents care She had a comfortable middle- 10 Looking back
for you and teach you to behave class upbringing.
when you are growing up
uproar n ˈʌprɔː a lot of noise or angry protest There was an immediate 10 Looking back
about something uproar when the company
talked about cutting holiday
washout n ˈwɒʃaʊt a failure The picnic was a total washout. 10 Looking back
Nobody turned up!
workout n ˈwɜːkaʊt a period of physical exercise, Start your workout with some 10 Looking back
especially as training for a sport gentle stretching exercises.
against the law əˈɡenst ðə lɔː not allowed by the law It is against the law to sell 10 Looking back
tobacco to someone under 16.
based on beɪst ɒn using something as the thing Based on past experience, the 10 Looking back
from which something else is restaurant is likely to be very
developed busy at the weekends.
caught by pure kɔːt baɪ pjʊə caught only because of luck The thief was caught by pure 10 Looking back
chance tʃɑːns chance.
deformed adj dɪˈfɔːmd something that is deformed has He's got a deformed foot. 10 Looking back
the wrong shape, especially
because it has grown or
developed wrongly
dispute n dɪˈspjuːt, a serious argument or All efforts to settle the dispute 10 Looking back
ˈdɪspjuːt disagreement have so far failed.
famous for adj ˈfeɪməs fə well-known for a particular thing France is famous for its wine. 10 Looking back
grind your teeth ɡraɪnd jə tiːθ to rub your upper and lower The dentist said that I must be 10 Looking back
teeth together, making a noise grinding my teeth at night.

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hunchback n ˈhʌntʃbæk an offensive word for someone Have you read the novel 'The 10 Looking back
who has a large raised part on Hunchback of Notre Dame'?
their back because their back
curves in an unusual way
merciless adj ˈmɜːsɪləs cruel and showing no kindness He had a reputation for being a 10 Looking back
or forgiveness merciless killer.
monster n ˈmɒnstə an imaginary or ancient creature Archaeologists have found the 10 Looking back
that is large, ugly and frightening remains of a prehistoric
parade n pəˈreɪd a public celebration when The city has a parade every 10 Looking back
musical bands, brightly fourth of July.
decorated vehicles, etc. move
down the street
put money on pʊt ˈmʌni ɒn ðeə to offer a reward of money if they The police have put money on 10 Looking back
their heads hedz are caught the thieves' heads.
reach fever pitch riːtʃ ˈfiːvə pɪtʃ if people's feelings are at fever The nation was at fever pitch in 10 Looking back
pitch, they are extremely excited the days leading up to the
strip v strɪp to take off your clothes or take Jack stripped and jumped into 10 Looking back
off someone else's clothes the shower.
villainy n ˈvɪləni evil or criminal behaviour He committed some terrible 10 Looking back
acts of villainy during his
attractive adj əˈtræktɪv pleasant to look at The houses were situated in an 11 The persuaders
attractive spot near the river.
bargain n ˈbɑːɡən something you buy cheaply or Did you get any bargains at the 11 The persuaders
for less than its usual price market?
bombard v bɒmˈbɑːd to do something too often or too They bombarded him with 11 The persuaders
much, for example criticising or questions.
questioning someone, or giving
too much information

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consumer n kənˈsjuːmə someone who buys and uses Consumers will soon be paying 11 The persuaders
products and services higher air fares.
devious adj ˈdiːviəs using dishonest tricks and Their method of collecting 11 The persuaders
deceiving people in order to get money was devious, but not
what you want illegal.
exploit v ɪkˈsplɔɪt to treat someone unfairly by Many employers are only too 11 The persuaders
asking them to do things for you, ready to exploit and underpay
but giving them very little in female part-time workers.
fashionable adj ˈfæʃənəbəl popular, especially for a short I've never been very 11 The persuaders
period of time fashionable. I'd rather wear
what feels comfortable.
give something a ɡɪv ˈsʌmθɪŋ ə to make something attractive, He wants to give his new 11 The persuaders
buzz bʌz fashionable, and interesting, etc. restaurant a buzz to attract
in a way that people admire fashionable customers.
impatiently adv ɪmˈpeɪʃəntli in a way that shows you are very He was waiting impatiently for 11 The persuaders
eager for something to happen the bus to arrive.
and do not want to wait
impressionable adj ɪmˈpreʃənəbəl someone who is impressionable The kids are at an 11 The persuaders
is easily influenced, especially impressionable age.
because they are young
live up to its ˌlɪv ˈʌp tə ɪts if someone or something lives up The film never really lived up to 11 The persuaders
promise ˈprɒməs to its promise, it is as good as it its promise.
was expected to be
makes you tick meɪks ju: tɪk the thoughts, feelings, opinions, I've never really understood 11 The persuaders
etc. that give someone their what makes her tick.
character or make them behave
in a particular way
nag v næɡ to keep asking someone to do I wish you'd stop nagging! 11 The persuaders
something, or to keep
complaining to someone about
their behaviour, in an annoying

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personalise v ˈpɜːsənəlaɪz to put your name or initials on Helena has personalised her 11 The persuaders
something, or to decorate it in office with things she's
your own way, to show that it collected on her travels.
belongs to you
pester v ˈpestə to annoy someone, especially by She'd been pestered by 11 The persuaders
asking them many times to do reporters for days.
receipt n rɪˈsiːt a piece of paper that you are Purchases may be returned if 11 The persuaders
given which shows that you have you show your receipt.
paid for something
refund n ˈriːfʌnd an amount of money that is They refused to give me a 11 The persuaders
given back to you if you are not refund.
satisfied with the goods or
services that you have paid for
refund v ˈriːfʌnd to give someone their money Saturday's concert has been 11 The persuaders
back, especially because they cancelled, and the tickets will
are not satisfied with the goods be refunded.
or services they have paid for
return v rɪˈtɜːn to give or send something back, I returned the books to the 11 The persuaders
to put something back in its library unread.
tempt v tempt to try to persuade someone to The gym is giving away free T- 11 The persuaders
do something by making it seem shirts in order to tempt people
attractive to become members.
the latest trend ðə ˌleɪtəst ˈtrend the most recent fashion She follows all the latest 11 The persuaders
fashion trends.
absolutely ˌæbsəluːtli if something is absolutely The noise of the traffic made 11 The persuaders
impossible ɪmˈpɒsəbəl impossible, there is no chance sleep absolutely impossible.
that it can happen or be done
bitterly ˌbɪtəli extremely unhappy because The children were bitterly 11 The persuaders
disappointed dɪsəˈpɔɪntəd something you had hoped for did disappointed that we couldn't
not happen, or because go to the zoo.
someone or something was not
as good as you expected

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bitterly resent ˌbɪtəli rɪˈzent to feel extremely angry or upset He bitterly resented the fact 11 The persuaders
about a situation or about that he had not been invited to
something that someone has Dan's party.
done, especially because you
think that it is not fair
critically ˌkrɪtɪkli əˈkleɪmd praised by people who are paid His work was critically 11 The persuaders
acclaimed to give their opinion on art, acclaimed.
music, etc.
deeply concerned ˌdiːpli kənˈsɜːnd extremely worried about She was deeply concerned 11 The persuaders
something about her brother's strange
deeply shocked ˌdiːpli ˈʃɒkt feeling extremely surprised and I was deeply shocked by Joe's 11 The persuaders
upset by something very death.
unexpected and unpleasant
highly dangerous ˌhaɪli extremely likely to harm or kill It was a highly dangerous 11 The persuaders
ˈdeɪndʒərəs you situation.
highly successful ˌhaɪli səkˈsesfəl achieving what you wanted, or Norman was a highly 11 The persuaders
having the effect or result you successful businessman who
intended had made a lot of money.
incredibly slowly ɪnˌkredəbli ˈsləʊli very slowly in a way that is The traffic was moving 11 The persuaders
difficult to believe incredibly slowly.
ridiculously high rɪˌdɪkjʊləsli ˈhaɪ very high in a way that is difficult The restaurant bill was 11 The persuaders
to believe ridiculously high.
ridiculously rɪˌdɪkjʊləsli very quickly in a way that is She lost weight ridiculously 11 The persuaders
quickly ˈkwɪkli difficult to believe quickly.
strongly object ˌstrɒŋli əbˈdʒekt to strongly feel or say that you Does anyone object to these 11 The persuaders
oppose or disapprove of proposals?
strongly ˌstrɒŋli to advise someone to do I recommend that you get 11 The persuaders
recommend rekəˈmend something, especially because some professional advice.
you have special knowledge of a
situation or subject
utterly convinced ˌʌtəli kənˈvɪnst completely certain that He's utterly convinced that 11 The persuaders
something is sure Vince stole his money.

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get away with phr v ˌɡet əˈweɪ wɪð to not be caught or punished Watch Frank. He'll cheat if he 11 The persuaders
when you have done something thinks he can get away with it.
go over the speed ɡəʊ ˈəʊvə ðə to drive at a speed which is The police stopped her for 11 The persuaders
limit spiːd ˈlɪmət faster than is allowed by law going over the speed limit.
make up phr v ˈmeɪk ʌp to pretend that something is true I think they're making the 11 The persuaders
in order to deceive someone whole thing up.
pick up a bargain ˈpɪk ʌp ə ˈbɑːɡən to buy something cheaply or at You can often pick up a 11 The persuaders
less than its usual price bargain at a car boot sale.
rip off phr v ˈrɪp ɒf to charge someone too much The taxi driver ripped me off. 11 The persuaders
money for something
bad service collocation bæd ˈsɜːvəs a low level of help that the You should complain to the 11 The persuaders
people who work in a shop, management if you're given
restaurant, bar, etc. give you bad service.
breaking news collocation ˌbreɪkɪŋ ˈnjuːz news that is becoming known The breaking news is that the 11 The persuaders
Foreign Minister has just
designer label collocation dɪˈzaɪnə ˌleɪbəl an expensive brand from a well- All of Olivia's clothes are by 11 The persuaders
known designer designer labels.
go window collocation ɡəʊ ˈwɪndəʊ to look at goods in shop To pass the time, she went 11 The persuaders
shopping ˌʃɒpɪŋ windows without intending to buy window shopping.
going cheap collocation ˈɡəʊɪŋ tʃiːp being sold at a lower price than I bought this bicycle because it 11 The persuaders
usual was going cheap.
overnight collocation ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt something that becomes The winner of the talent show 11 The persuaders
sensation senˈseɪʃən successful extremely quickly became an overnight
peer pressure collocation pɪə ˈpreʃə a strong feeling that you must do Teenagers often start smoking 11 The persuaders
the same things as other people because of peer pressure.
of your age if you want them to
like you
pocket money collocation ˈpɒkət ˌmʌni a small amount of money that How much pocket money do 11 The persuaders
parents give regularly to their you get?
children, usually every week or

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prime target collocation praɪm ˈtɑːɡət the most important person or Tourists are prime targets for 11 The persuaders
thing that something is aimed at theft and robbery.
product collocation ˈprɒdʌkt a form of advertising in which a Do you think that product 11 The persuaders
placement ˌpleɪsmənt company arranges for one or placement reduces the
more of its products to appear in audience's enjoyment of a
a television programme or film film?
raise awareness collocation reɪz əˈweənəs to improve people's knowledge Health officials have tried to 11 The persuaders
or awareness of a particular raise public awareness of
subject or situation AIDS.
raise money for collocation reɪz ˈmʌni fə to collect money that you can The students raised over £300 11 The persuaders
use to help people for charity.
record deal collocation ˈrekɔːd diːl a business arrangement The band have signed a record 11 The persuaders
between a band or musician and deal with a very well-known
a record company to make a company.
status symbol collocation ˈsteɪtəs ˌsɪmbəl something that you have or own These shoes have become an 11 The persuaders
that you think shows high social important status symbol among
rank or position teenagers.
deal with phr v ˈdiːl wɪð to take the necessary action, Don't worry, I'll deal with this. 11 The persuaders
especially in order to solve a
disappearance n ˌdɪsəˈpɪərəns when someone or something Police are investigating the 11 The persuaders
becomes impossible to see or woman's disappearance.
get near the end ɡet nɪə ðə end to be close to the end of She's getting near the end of 11 The persuaders
something the novel and has only got a
few more pages to read.
give a good ɡɪv ə ɡʊd rɪˈvjuː to write an article in a newspaper The play was given a good 11 The persuaders
review or magazine about a new play, review in the local press.
book, film, etc. in which you say
that you like it very much
have second hæv ˈsekənd to start having doubts about a He was having second 11 The persuaders
thoughts about θɔːts əˈbaʊt decision you have made thoughts about agreeing to
marry Luisa.
it wouldn’t tempt ɪt ˈwʊdnt tempt it would not persuade me to do Even if I was offered a lot of 11 The persuaders
me mi: something money, it wouldn't tempt me to
sell this ring.

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The minister should not have
people go mad ˈpiːpəl ɡəʊ mæd mentioned increasing tax in his
about things like əˈbaʊt θɪŋz laɪk people become very excited speech. People go mad about
that ðæt about things like that things like that! 11 The persuaders
that’s way too ðæts weɪ that is much too uninteresting That's way too boring. We'll 11 The persuaders
boring tuːˈbɔːrɪŋ have to improve our
presentation somehow.
that would go ðæt wʊd ɡəʊ that would get a good reaction The movie went down well in 11 The persuaders
down well daʊn wel from someone America.
Part of
Word speech Pron Definition Example Unit Topic
unfortunately adv ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli used when you are mentioning a Unfortunately you were out 11 The persuaders
fact that you wish was not true when we called.
cliff diving n ˈklɪf ˌdaɪvɪŋ the activity of diving from a cliff Would you like to have a go at 12 Escape!
into water cliff diving?
dry suit n draɪ suːt a piece of clothing that keeps the Dry suits are suitable for diving 12 Escape!
body warm and dry, worn by in cold water.
divers and people doing water
earplugs n ˈɪəplʌɡz small pieces of rubber that you He used to wear earplugs to 12 Escape!
put inside your ears to keep out keep out the traffic noise when
noise or water he was trying to sleep.
flippers n ˈflɪpəz large flat rubber shoes that you She was wearing a mask and a 12 Escape!
wear to help you swim faster pair of flippers.
harness n ˈhɑːnəs a set of bands used to hold The construction worker on the 12 Escape!
someone in a place or to stop roof was wearing a safety
them from falling harness.
insect repellent n ˈɪnsekt rɪˌpelənt a substance that keeps insects Rub some insect repellent into 12 Escape!
away your arms and legs to keep the
mosquitoes away.
lifejacket n ˈlaɪfˌdʒækət a piece of clothing that can be Your lifejacket is under your 12 Escape!
filled with air and worn around seat.
your upper body to stop you
from sinking in the water
mask n mɑːsk something that covers all or part He was attacked and robbed 12 Escape!
of your face, to protect or hide it by two men wearing masks.

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paddle n ˈpædl a short pole that is wide and flat He was using a paddle to make 12 Escape!
at one end, used for moving a the canoe go forward.
small boat in water
rock climbing n ˈrɒk ˌklaɪmɪŋ the sport of climbing up very I've never tried rock climbing 12 Escape!
steep rock surfaces such as the because I'm afraid of heights.
sides of mountains
scuba diving n ˈskuːbə ˌdaɪvɪŋ the sport of swimming under Have you ever been scuba 12 Escape!
water while breathing through a diving?
tube that is connected to a
container of air on your back
sleeping bag n ˈsliːpɪŋ bæɡ a large warm bag that you sleep You can roll up these sleeping 12 Escape!
in, especially when camping bags and carry them in a
snorkel n ˈsnɔːkəl a tube that allows someone who He was wearing a mask and 12 Escape!
is swimming to breathe air under snorkel.
sun cream n ˈsʌn kriːm a cream that you rub into your Make sure you put on some 12 Escape!
skin to stop the sun from burning sun cream if you go outside.
you too much
surfing n ˈsɜːfɪŋ the activity or sport of riding over When we were in Hawaii, we 12 Escape!
the waves on a special board went surfing every day.
trekking n ˈtrekɪŋ the activity of going for a walk for She's gone trekking in the 12 Escape!
several days or weeks in a Andes mountains.
faraway place, carrying your
clothes with you
wax n wæks a solid substance made of fat or The candle had begun to drip 12 Escape!
oil and used to make candles, wax down its side.
polish, etc.
wet suit n ˈwet suːt a tight piece of clothing, usually The wet suit should be tight 12 Escape!
made of rubber, worn by people fitting and allow reasonable
who are swimming, surfing, etc. freedom of movement.
in the sea
whitewater rafting n ˌwaɪtˈwɔːtə riding on a raft (=a flat floating Would you like to try 12 Escape!
ˈrɑːftɪŋ structure used as a boat) in a whitewater rafting?
part of a river that looks white
because the water is running
very quickly over rocks

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breathtaking adj ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋ very impressive, exciting or The drive along the beach and 12 Escape!
surprising up the mountain is truly
historic adj hɪˈstɒrɪk a historic place or building is He enjoys visiting ancient 12 Escape!
very old historic sites.
hospitable adj ˈhɒspɪtəbəl, friendly, welcoming and The local people were very 12 Escape!
hɒˈspɪtəbəl generous to visitors kind and hospitable.
monument n ˈmɒnjəmənt a building, statue or other large It is a fitting monument to the 12 Escape!
structure that is built to remind men who died in battle.
people of an important event or
famous person
non-stop adj ˌnɒnˈstɒp without any stops or pauses She's booked a non-stop flight 12 Escape!
to Los Angeles.
quaint adj kweɪnt unusual and attractive, We stayed in a quaint little 12 Escape!
especially in an old-fashioned fishing village in Cornwall.
ruins n ˈruːɪnz the part of a building that is left We enjoyed exploring various 12 Escape!
after the rest has been ancient ruins in Greece.
sandy adj ˈsændi covered with sand, or containing Most of the sandy beaches are 12 Escape!
a lot of sand on the north of the island
scenery n ˈsiːnəri the natural features of a The best part of the trip was 12 Escape!
particular part of the country that the fantastic scenery.
you can see, such as mountains,
forests, deserts, etc.
scenic adj ˈsiːnɪk surrounded by views of beautiful We travelled to the coast by a 12 Escape!
countryside very scenic route.
stunning adj ˈstʌnɪŋ extremely attractive or beautiful You look absolutely stunning in 12 Escape!
that dress.
sun-kissed adj ˈsʌn kɪst sunny They went to the famous sun- 12 Escape!
kissed resort of Acapulco.

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surroundings n səˈraʊndɪŋz the objects, buildings, natural The house is set in beautiful 12 Escape!
things, etc. that are around a surroundings near Lake
person or thing at a particular Coniston.
whitewashed adj ˈwaɪt wɒʃt covered in a white liquid mixture The island is famous for its 12 Escape!
whitewashed churches with
their blue domes.
winding adj ˈwɪndɪŋ a winding road or river has a lot We drove down the winding 12 Escape!
of bends road towards the village.
blue-eyed adj ˈbluː aɪd having blue eyes She's a tall blue-eyed girl. 12 Escape!
cold-blooded adj ˌkəʊld ˈblʌdɪd not showing or involving any The main character in the film 12 Escape!
emotions or pity for other is a cold-blooded killer.
people's suffering
dark-skinned adj ˈdɑːk skɪnd having skin that is a dark colour She was a beautiful dark- 12 Escape!
skinned woman with long black
ear-splitting adj ˈɪə ˌsplɪt ɪŋ very loud There was an ear-splitting roar 12 Escape!
as the jets took off.
far-reaching adj ˌfɑː ˈriːtʃɪŋ having a great influence or effect Tourism has had far-reaching 12 Escape!
effects on the island's culture.
kind-hearted adj ˌkaɪnd ˈhɑːtəd kind and generous He was a wonderful father, 12 Escape!
kind-hearted and always
long-haired adj ˌlɒŋ ˈheəd having long hair Tina is a slim long-haired 12 Escape!
mouth-watering adj ˈmaʊθ ˌwɔːtərɪŋ food that is mouth-watering Mouth-watering smells were 12 Escape!
looks or smells extremely good coming from the kitchen.
old-fashioned adj ˌəʊld ˈfæʃənd not considered to be modern or She wears really old-fashioned 12 Escape!
fashionable any more clothes.
open-minded adj ˌəʊpən ˈmaɪndɪd willing to consider and accept Bethan is quite open-minded 12 Escape!
other people's ideas and about religion.

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record-breaking adj ˈrekɔːd ˌbreɪkɪŋ a record-breaking number, level Record-breaking temperatures 12 Escape!
of performance, or person is the are being forecast for the
highest, lowest, biggest, best, weekend.
etc. of its type that has ever
happened or existed
red-haired adj ˈred heəd having red hair She's a pretty red-haired girl. 12 Escape!
right-handed adj ˌraɪt ˈhændɪd a right-handed person uses their Most people are right-handed. 12 Escape!
right hand for writing, throwing
round-faced adj ˈraʊnd feɪst having a face that is shaped like She was a round-faced 12 Escape!
a circle woman.
short-tempered adj ˌʃɔːt ˈtempəd tending to become angry very She tends to get short- 12 Escape!
quickly tempered when she's tired.
adrenaline rush collocation əˈdrenələn rʌʃ a sudden strong, usually Mountain climbing gave him 12 Escape!
pleasant feeling that you get the adrenalin rush he needed.
from doing something exciting
exotic destination collocation ɪɡˈzɒtɪk an unusual and interesting place They're always going on 12 Escape!
ˌdestəˈneɪʃən in a foreign country that you holiday to exotic destinations.
travel to
molly-coddle collocation ˈmɒlɪˌkɒdl to treat someone too kindly and He had been mollycoddled as 12 Escape!
to protect them too much from a young boy.
anything unpleasant
think straight collocation θɪŋk streɪt to think clearly Turn that music down - I can't 12 Escape!
think straight!
thrill-seeker collocation ˈθrɪl ˌsiːk ə someone who does things that The new rollercoaster will 12 Escape!
are dangerous because they like please thrill-seekers.
the feeling of excitement it gives
weekend break collocation ˌwiːkˈend ˈbreɪk a holiday that lasts a weekend She was looking forward to her 12 Escape!
weekend break in Paris.
cloudy adj ˈklaʊdi a cloudy day, sky, etc. is dark Tomorrow it will be cloudy and 12 Escape!
because there are a lot of clouds cool.

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colourful adj ˈkʌləfəl having bright colours or a lot of The garden was full of colourful 12 Escape!
different colours and fascinating flowers.
delightful adj dɪˈlaɪtfəl very pleasant The whole house is delightful. 12 Escape!
dreadful adj ˈdredfəl extremely unpleasant We've been having dreadful 12 Escape!
weather lately.
faulty adj ˈfɔːlti not working properly, or not The report said the fire was 12 Escape!
made correctly started by faulty electrical
guilty adj ˈɡɪlti having done something that is a The jury found her guilty of 12 Escape!
crime murder.
impressive adj ɪmˈpresɪv something that is impressive The school's examination 12 Escape!
makes you admire it because it results were very impressive.
is very good, large, important,
messy adj ˈmesi dirty or untidy He only cleans up his room 12 Escape!
when it gets really messy.
scary adj ˈskeəri frightening She didn't like the film. It was 12 Escape!
too scary for her.
sensitive adj ˈsensətɪv able to understand other He is a sensitive and intelligent 12 Escape!
people's feelings and problems young man.
smelly adj ˈsmeli having a strong unpleasant smell Don't leave your smelly socks 12 Escape!
lying around the bedroom.
stuffy adj ˈstʌfi a room or building that is stuffy It's getting stuffy in here. Do 12 Escape!
does not have enough fresh air you mind if I open a window?
in it
attempt n əˈtempt an act of trying to do something, She passed her driving test at 12 Escape!
especially something different the first attempt.
expedition n ˌekspəˈdɪʃən a long and carefully organised He went on an expedition to 12 Escape!
journey, especially to a Borneo.
dangerous or unfamiliar place, or
the people that make this

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Gold Experience B2 Wordlist

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Word speech Pron Definition Example Unit Topic
frown on phr v ˈfraʊn ɒn to disapprove of someone or Even though divorce is legal, it 12 Escape!
something, especially someone's is still frowned on.
have none of it hæv nʌn əv ɪt used to say that someone We offered to pay our half of 12 Escape!
refuses to allow someone to do the cost, but Charles would
something or to behave in a have none of it
certain way
journey n ˈdʒɜːni an occasion when you travel They arrived in Nice after an 12 Escape!
from one place to another, eight-hour journey by car.
especially over a long distance
off the beaten ɒf ðə ˈbiːtn træk not well known and far away The cottage was off the beaten 12 Escape!
track from the usual places that track, deep in the forest.
people visit
ordeal n ɔːˈdiːl, ˈɔːdiːl a terrible or painful experience The treatment she had to go 12 Escape!
that continues for a period of through was a terrible ordeal.
put life at risk pʊt laɪf ət rɪsk to put people in a situation If there are not enough 12 Escape!
where they may be killed lifejackets on the boat, you are
putting people's lives at risk.
the globe n ðə ɡləʊb the world The company exports all its 12 Escape!
products all over the globe.
threat n θret someone or something that is Pollution is a threat to the fish 12 Escape!
regarded as a possible danger in the river.
trip n trɪp a visit to a place that involves a This year we're going to 12 Escape!
journey, for pleasure or a Colorado on a five-day skiing
particular purpose trip.
try your hand at traɪ jə hænd ət to try to do something you have Have you ever tried your hand 12 Escape!
not done before at scuba diving?
voyage n ˈvɔɪ-ɪdʒ a long journey in a ship or In those days, the voyage to 12 Escape!
spacecraft Australia was long and
wrap in cotton ræp ɪn ˈkɒtn wʊl to protect someone completely You can't wrap those kids in 12 Escape!
wool from the dangers, difficulties, cotton wool all their lives.
etc. of life

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