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1. I don’t know where_____next vacation. Everything is so expensive!
a) I go
b) go
c) to go
d) going

2. San looks really tired! He´s____in the garden all morning! And he started at six!
a) working
b) been working
c) got work
d) got to work

3. I’m going to____a big party next Saturday.

a) give
b) make
c) do
d) keep

4. I have to go to the gas station. The car is_____of gas.

a) finishing
b) ending
c) filling out
d) running out

5. I think I’m going to accept that job. It’s really good.______, I’ve already talked to
Mr. Smith about the salary and it´s incredibly good!
a) Suddenly
b) Actually
c) Nowadays
d) At the moment


1. (on the phone)
A: Hello?
B: Hello._________________Tom, please?
A: Just a minute.

2. (on the phone)

A: Hello?
B: Hi, Tom.___________________Sam. How are you?

3. A: If Sara hasn’t finished her report, she won’t be able to go to the party.
B: But she told_______________already finished it when I talked to her this
4. A: Guess what! Bob asked me to marry him, but I don’t know what to do.
B: Well, if I were you I____________________.He’s the perfect man for you!

5. A: It’s time to say good-bye. I’ll miss you, too.

B: I’ll miss you, too. Take care of yourself and _________________nice trip.



Through these have been solved since the time

Have been made powerful telescopes
Much has been learned about our universe 1_____________of Copernicus and
Galileo, but most of the discoveries 2____________during this century. During the
last several decades, 3____________, satellites and spaceships have been
developed. 4______________advances in technology, many of the mysteries of
the universe 5______________.
Sarah and Bob haven’t seen each other for a long time.
They run into each other while waiting for the dentist.

B: Sarah? Sarah Henderson?

S: Bob? I can’t believe it’s you! You’ve grown a beard!
It’s (1) ____________________to see you again!
B: The same to you, Sarah! It (2)____________________a long time!
S: I know! What are you doing here?
B: Well, I’m looking for a job and I (3)____________________with Dr. Lester. He
needs a receptionist.
S: Do you want to work as a receptionist? The last time we (4)_______________
You said you were about to finish your studies as a dentist. What happened?
B: I have (5)__________,____________I can’t find a job!
S: Oh! Really? You won’t believe this. My husband is a dentist, too.
He might be able (6)______________________.
B: That’s great! Do you think you (7)_________________him about my situation.
S: Sure! I’ll call him right away! Mmm... but I don’t think (8)___________________
At work now. It’s too late. I’ll talk to him as soon as (9)__________________.
B: All right. I really appreciate it. Thank you for (10)____________________such
A good friend.

III- Combine the sentences using relative clauses.

1. We bought a car last week. The car is blue.

The car ___________________________________
2. The girl is a singer. We met her at the party.
The girl ____________________________________
3. The bananas are on the table. George bought them.
The bananas ______________________________________
4. We watched a film last night. It was really scary.
The film _____________________________________
5. I have to learn new words. They are very difficult.
The new words ____________________________________

IV- Fill in the blanks with Present Perfect Simple or continuous

Read and complete the conversation below with the most suitable form of the verb in CAPITALS. You will need to use the past simple, present perfect
simple or present perfect continuous.

Rachel: Mark, remember that book I __________________________(LEND) you, the one about the murders in Texas? ______________ you
_______________________ (FINISH) it yet? I told Jan she could borrow it after you, and you ____________________________________ (HAVE) it
for ages.

Mark: Oh, no, look I’m really sorry but I __________________________________ even ______________________________ (NOT START) it yet.
I ________________________________ (WORK) really hard these past few weeks and I _____________________________________ (NOT HAVE)
time to do anything. I ________________________________ (CARRY) it around in my bag since you _____________________________ (GIVE) it to
me. Look, you give it to Jan and I’ll read it some other time.

Rachel: OK, thanks.

V- Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first using the word given . Do not change the
word. You must use between TWO and FIVE words including the word given.

1. Clothing costs the same as it did last year. (CHANGED)

Clothing prices ______________________________ last year.

2. Steve could only go on holiday because his best friend gave him the money. (ABLE)
If Steve's best friend hadn't given him the money, he _______________________to go on holiday.

3. We have never met anyone as famous as he is. (MOST)

He _________________________________we have ever met.

4. It's been three weeks since I last went out. (BEEN)

I ________________________________three weeks.

5. Please stop biting your nails. (WISH)

I ________________________________biting your nails.

6. There aren't any eggs left. (RUN)

We _____________________________ eggs.

7. It wasn't Mary's fault that your property was damaged. (BLAME)

You can't _____________________damage done to your property.

8. My mother insisted on my doing some chores every day. (MADE)

My mother __________________________some chores every day.

9. You might get hungry on the journey, so you should take plenty of snacks. (CASE)
Take plenty of snacks ______________________________hungry on the journey.

10. My parents move to New Zealand five years ago. (SINCE)

It ______________________________my parents moved to New Zealand.
VI- Correct the Mistakes. There is one in each sentence.

1. He’s the one which has the blue tie on.

2. We like very much the new secretary.

3. Could you tell me how can I get in touch with Mr. Yamamoto?

4. We’re not sure he is enough experienced for the position.

5. She’s very sick and has been at the hospital for two weeks.

6. We talked during three hours this morning.

7. We’re using all the informations we have to make an informed decision.

8. They change often our seats at work.

9. They don’t let us to send our clients gifts without getting approval from management first.

10. Do we have some coffee or tea to offer our guests?

11. I called Kate this morning and she told me she’ll call me back in a half an hour.

12. We regularly conduct emergency drills for ensuring that we are prepared for an emergency.

13. Brad is 32 now. He completes 33 years in October.

14. These are the most cheap gas prices I have seen in my life.

15. Yesterday, I must sent a very important email to a client.

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