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Sierra Mace

Backscattering our work ! 

First, I want to talk about why I chose the topic of suicide. I selected the topic that I chose 

because it is a very meaningful topic for me. Growing up I have always been very suicidal, 

talking about and learning about suicide has helped me conquer my thoughts and 

decisions on this topic. While in my flash memoir I decided to talk about the story where a 

man hung himself in my backyard, this had a huge part in why I chose this topic as well. 

Although at the time I was very young and it was hard to understand why and how. Now 

that I am older I understand. I wanted to share my story and many others. In the article 

Help Guide to Suicide Prevention it said that “talking about suicide will help prevent it”. 

Many people never want to talk about this subject because it is a sensitive subject. 

Throughout the time of this assignment I have learned about suicide, survived an attempt, 

and conquered the rough times that suicide has given me. One of the many reasons this 

has helped me is because I talked about it. At first my perspective on this topic was very 

different from now. At the time I only chose to do this topic because I needed something 

to talk about and suicide was one of the many issues I knew about and could relate to. 

Eventually my perspective changed. I wanted to talk about the topic more and share 

stories on it. I decided to do this because I had learned in my research that talking about it 

to others will help prevent it. I have been in a dark place multiple times in my life. Sharing 

my stories and facts about suicide to my classmates made me feel great, knowing that this 

could prevent it. You never know what is in your peers thoughts. Hopefully if there was a 

classmate in my class that had or has ever had thoughts on suicide, their view on it 
Sierra Mace

changed. Throughout the semester I found that peer reviews were really helpful for this 

assignment. My peers were about to let me know if there were any errors, grammar 

malfunction, etc. My goal in this course was to spread awareness and help others conquer 

suicide. There were many experiences in this course that helped me achieve this goal, one 

of the many was my persuasive effect. The reason that I feel this helped me with my goal 

was because I did this assignment on an infographic, at first I had no clue how to use this 

website or how it worked. Eventually I messed around on the website and figured it out. 

Within the website you can create an infographic, this shows pictures, charts, quotes, 

facts, and many more. I was able to create many pictures, facts, and persuasion in this 

assignment. I feel that my goal was able to be reached because I put everything I felt that 

was important to know about suicide in this infographic.  

Language and writing are resources people use to do things, be things, and make things in 

the world. I feel this is and always has been very true. Many people express their opinions, 

thoughts, facts, and many more with language and writing. Although speaking to someone 

about these things also helps to do things, be things, and make things in the world, Writing 

creates a save to our memory. Not everyone is going to remember what you said about 

eating disorders last week but if this is written into a meaningful writing source then it will 

be memorable. There are a lot of visual learners in this world and being able to see the 

words instead of just hearing them will make it more memorable for them. Writing in 

rhetoric is very important because this helps persuade your audience. There are many 

ways to write and this is the best one for persuasive writing. This also makes your writing 
Sierra Mace

more effective and leaves a memory to others on what they had just read. The reason 

rhetoric writing is super effective is because it persuasive to your audience and gives 

them reasons one why they should do, listen, and read your writing. I have attempted both 

these writing strategies in many other classes and for sometimes, a resume. Why this is 

good to use in a resume is before it will teach your audience that you are a good worker 

and why they should hire you. Strategies I used as a writer in order to accomplish these 

tasks would be to make sure that my rhetorical paper is actually persuasive. If it doesn’t 

persuade you while you’re re-reading it, then it probably won't persuade your audience 

either. In my persuasive effect project I was able to use both of these examples by 

showing in my writing why it was important to know about suicide. While doing this I also 

used my rhetoric writing in order to persuade my audience on why it is important to know 

about suicide as well.  

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