Perimeter Survey

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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Aim and Objective of Study
3.0 Equipment Implored
4.0 Personnel Involved
5.0 Study Area
6.0 Field Procedure
7.0 Data Collection and capture Method
8.0 Data Analysis
9.0 Data Reporting and Presenting
10.0 Problem Encountered
Land surveying is basically an art and science of mapping and measuring land. The
entire scope of profession is wide; it actually boils down to calculate where the
land boundaries are situated. This is very important as without this service, there
would not have been railroads, skyscrapers could not have been erected and neither
any individual could have put fences around their yards for not intruding others
Boundary Survey therefore is the survey made to determine the length and
direction of land lines and to establish the original or actual position of these lines
on the ground.
In Surveying, one of the primary functions is to describe or establish the positions
of points on the surface of the earth. One of the many ways to accomplish this is by
using coordinates to provide an address for the point. Modern surveying techniques
rely heavily on 3 dimensional coordinates.


The aim of the survey is to determine the length and direction of lines and to
establish the actual position of these lines on the ground.
The objective of the survey is to delineate the boundary of the area of study
through the method of traverse.


Sokkia south digital theodolite
Ranging poles
Global positioning systems (GPS)
Tripod stands


The survey was carried out in Hallelujah house, Egbewa qtrs., celestial street,
opposite Ijero Road, Opposite Best option filing station, Aramoko-Ekiti West,
Ekiti state


The following procedures were employed in carrying out the survey. They are
stated below;
Test of instruments; theodolite
Observations; Theodolite and GPS

6.1 Reconnaissance survey

This procedure is the first and most fundamental part of the survey. This
survey is responsible to;
Ensure the accurate selection of points
Prepare a correct recce diagram of the area of study
Determine the intervisiblity of stations
To also determine the best and most suitable instrument and equipment for the
Checking for available control points
The reconnaissance survey was carried out by a team of pupil surveyors and the
diagram prepared accordingly. The team consisted of all the 300L pupil surveyors
of the Surveying and Geo-Informatics Department of the Federal University of
Technology, Akure (FUTA).


Reece Diagram of Perimeter Traverse carried out

6.2 Test of Instrument; theodolite (Two-peg Test)

The two-peg test is very simple, but provides a way to test the accuracy of a level,
and if you know which screw to turn (for analog instruments) or menu to follow
(for the digital level), you can adjust it to remove the error.
The basic principle is that since the error in level readings results from the
instrument not sighting exactly horizontally, is thus looking up or down at some
angle, and that this angle is the same whichever way it's sighting: if you place the
instrument exactly midway between two rod sightings, the vertical error reading on
the rod is the same for each, thus the difference in reading between the rods will
still give you an accurate elevation difference. Knowing this, we can accurately
determine the elevation of B relative to A above. If we then move the instrument
to sight from A to B, with the instrument exactly on a reading at A, we can detect
the error at that distance, and can adjust the reading to give us the true reading
predicted for B.
For digital instruments, you select things from menus, while you go through the
1. With the level set up at the midpoint (C), activate the "Check and Adjust"
program by pressing MENU-ADJUSTMENT. Should display cryptic instructions
like "ADJUST (1/4)" with an arrow labeled MEAS pointing back to the rod.
2. Aim at the Rod at A and press the MEAS key. Measurement display, press
ENTER key to accept/confirm.
3. Aim at B and press MEAS (step 2/4). The measurement displays; press
ENTER to accept/confirm.
4. Shift the Sprinter towards rod A, about 3 m away and make a reading to B again
(this is not the order we did things above); this will be adjustment reading 3/4.
5. Aim at rod A and press MEAS (4/4). The measurement displays; press ENTER
to accept/confirm. The new "collimation error" is displayed in seconds of angle
and corresponding dH vertical error in mm at that distance. To accept the
correction, press the ENTER key.

6.3 Field Observations

These are the various observations carried out in the course of the survey and they
are as follows;
6.3.1 Theodolite observation procedures
To begin any traverse, a known point must be occupied. (To occupy a point means
to set up and level the transit or theodolite, directly over a monument on the
ground representing that point.) Next, a direction must be established. This can
be done by sighting with the instrument a second known point, or any definite
object, which is in a known direction from the occupied point. The object that the
instrument is pointed to in order to establish a direction is known as a backsight.
Possible examples would be another monument on the ground, a radio tower or
water tank on a distant hill, or anything with a known direction from the
occupied point. A celestial body such as Polaris or the sun could also be used to
establish an initial direction.
Once the instrument is occupying a known point, for example point number
2, and the telescope has been pointed toward the backsight, perhaps toward
point number 1, then an angle and a distance is measured to the first unknown
point. An unknown point being measured to is called a foresight. With this data,
the position of this point (let’s call it point number 100) can be determined.
The next step is to move the instrument ahead to the former foresight and duplicate
the entire process.

6.3.2 GPS observation procedures

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigational or positioning
system developed by the United States Department of Defense. It was designed
as a fast positioning system for 24 hour a day, three dimensional coverage
worldwide. It is based on a constellation of 21 active and 3 spare satellites
orbiting 10,900 miles above the earth. The GPS (NAVSTAR) satellites have an
orbital period of 12 hours and are not in geosynchronous orbit (they are not
stationary over a point on the earth). They maintain a very precise orbit and their
position is known at any given moment in time.
This constellation could allow a GPS user access to up to a maximum of 8
satellites anywhere in the world. GPS provides Point Position (Latitude/Longitude)
and Relative Position (Vector). GPS can differentiate between every square meter
on the earth’s surface thus allowing a new international standard for defining
locations and directions.
The Principles of GPS
For centuries man has used the stars to determine his position. The extreme
distance from the stars made them look the same from different locations and even
with the most sophisticated instruments could not produce a position closer than a
mile or two. The GPS system is a constellation of Manmade Stars at an orbit high
enough to allow a field of view of several satellites, yet low enough to detect a
change in the geometry even if you moved a few feet.
A typical conventional survey establishes positions of unknown points by
occupying a known point and measuring to the unknown points. GPS is somewhat
the opposite.
We occupy the unknown point and measure to known points. In conventional
surveying this is similar to the process of doing a resection, the slight difference is
that the targets are 10,900 miles away and travelling at extremely high speeds.


The data captured and collected were majorly on the field with the use of
theodolite and GPS and the data recorded into the field book accordingly.
Theodolite traversing was majorly used to capture data for directions, tapes were
used to capture data for distances and the GPS was used to capture coordinates of
points that couldn’t be occupied by the digital theodolite.
Below is a sample of the data recorded into a field book.
Fig 2 sample of data recorded in field book


Most data captured were analyzed using software such as south GPS processor to
download data from the GPS and other software such as AUTOCAD and SURFER
10 were used to plot the selected points

Data analysis with AUTOCAD 2010

Area Computation and Accuracy
The area of the traverse was obtained using AUTOCAD and the accuracy gotten
was 0.001m which is within the allowable error limit.


The data collected from the field were plotted using AUTOCAD software and
presented accordingly on A3 sheets so as to show enough details on the plan.


No noteworthy problems were encountered

I want to specially recommend that the coming up students should try as much as
possible to be a part of the project during their time and also I want to also
appreciate the effort of our lecturers in the camping exercise.

The report has stated for us in detail the procedures employed in perimeter
surveying, the instruments used and other useful information.
Conclusively, the project was indeed a helpful one knowledge-wise as I gained and
learnt a lot.

I hereby certify that all the information given in the above named project were
obtained as a result of observations and measurements made by me and that the
survey was carried out in accordance with the survey Laws and Regulations.

Fundamentals of Surveying: Sample Examination, George M. Cole PE PLS
Basic Surveying, Raymond E Paul (Author), Walter Whyte (Author)
Electronic vs. Conventional Surveys, R. Dixon(Author)
Ninth Annual Seminar Presented by the Oregon Department of Transportation
Geometronics, Oregon

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