Health Order 5-14-20

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Monroe County Health Department a via _Fwesfoiyowng ch reac Monroe County, ana ane g aaa MEE [MONROE COUNTY PUBLICHEALTH ORDER. ISSUED ON MAY 14 2020 {As the Monroe County Public Health Authority, pursuant to the authority granted by indiana Codes 16 20.2 et se, at 6-4-9 et sey, the Hnlerea of protecting all Mone County ize, yeu the spread of communicable disease, specifially the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19}, order the following to take effect thoughout Monroe Count, indiana, beginning on May 16,2020 12:00 AM and to bein jt May 31,2020 ot 11:59 AM, “This Heath Orders issued ater respectful consideration of the needs ofthe City of Bloomington, the “Towns of Elletsvle and tinesvile, and Monroe County Government, who each, independently, have statutory authority under Indiana's Home Rule to act fr the effective operation of local affairs within ‘theieunte. The authority granted to me, 25 the Public Heath Authority, to act throughout the entirety of Monroe County, is recogrized by these units as state power delegated to instruct, guide, and protect the health of Monroe County Citizens and the constituents within thelr units "Monroe County shal follow te Executive Orders issued by the Governor of Indiana, except forthe {following deviations including the length of time forthe Health Order tobe In effect, which are {designed to and, in my dscretion and professional opinion, necessary to protect Monroe County residents. The deviations are listed here in narrative form and visually depicted on the attached chart, ‘whichis incorporated herein and made part ofthis Health Order: 1. Timeline Tis Health Order shall require Monroe Count to follw the tage Il eaurements stdin the Executive Order 20:26 the Goveror of ndana uni May 3, 2020 That deviates from the Governor's timeline, by extending the timeline by one week or sven calendar days 2, facial Coverings \Where not required by the Governor's Executive Order 20-26, Monroe County fstronely ecormmending the use of fail coverings when in public and unable to sociely stance as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control 3, Government offices Ech Unt of Government shal eects staff ana govern thee baldngs ad operations as hey ‘deem appropriate, provided no confit exists with the Executive Orders issued by the Governor of Indians A, Office Seting Teleworkng is strongly recommended where possible, n order to reduce human contact where Unnecessary and the possible spread of disease 5, Relisous Services ‘Monroe County strongly encouraging places of worship to hald of on interior gatherings until June 1, 2020. This nota prohibition, bute strong recommendation, ‘TOW. Te Bast Boring NAD" B12 99:20 12 39-681 6. Dining Services Dining Services can open immediately at SO capacity. 17. Personal Services Businesses providing personal services can open immediately within the guidelines ‘When individuals must interact with ane another ouside the home, including at work, they must, ‘observe the following precautions {2 Maintaina distance of atleast 6 feet from other individuals; ‘Wash theirhands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as Frequently as possible, or se hand sanitizer when necessary, Cover allcoughs and sneezes; 4. Disinfect frequently used surfaces 2. Share food, drinks, utensils, and office supplies and equipment (such s pen, staplers and computer keyboard) as itl as possible; Inctease ventilation of indoor spaces, by opening windows or ajustng ait conditioning, 2s, much as possible; 1g Hold all necessary meetings by telephone ar videoconference whenever possible; and F._—Refain from shaking hands or engaging in other physical contact withthe hands or face of, ‘another person, ‘This Heath Orders, hereby, issued pursuant to the Indiana Code provisions listed above and in a ‘manner consistent with ll statutory authority delegated to me asthe Monroe County Public Heath authority. {OVE TO Geet owingon NAD" 12) 2510612) 39-045. ee eee MONROE COUNTY ~KEY- 7 ca cere preci | ere eal 5, eee acs ally Open with Sica Dist Stage Stage2: | Stage3: | Staged: | Stage ‘March 26M 18. | May 16~ May 34 Social Gatherings | 10PeopleorFewer_|25 People or Fewer Facial Coverings | Resormended | Recommended ‘Government ‘Offices ose tothe Public | May Vary-Check with Gov Et Religious Recommend vo Services, ‘ni eves

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