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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 1043–1050

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A comparative evaluation of ultrasonic testing of AISI 316L welds made by

shielded metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding processes
S.M. Tabatabaeipour, F. Honarvar ∗
NDE Lab., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, P.O. Box 19395-1999, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ultrasonic testing of austenitic welds prepared by two different welding processes is studied in this
Received 29 August 2009 paper. The two welding processes considered are shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and gas tung-
Received in revised form 15 February 2010 sten arc welding (GTAW) and the ultrasonic testing technique used is time-of-flight diffraction (ToFD).
Accepted 16 February 2010
Identical artificial flaws were implanted in both welds during the welding process. Austenitic character-
istics consisting of grain orientation distribution and anisotropy show that the GTAW specimen is more
isotropic than the SMAW due to the orientation of its grains. Moreover, comparison of echo amplitudes
shows higher attenuation for the weld prepared by the GTAW process. The specimens were examined
by the ultrasonic ToFD technique under identical conditions. B-scan images obtained from ToFD mea-
81.70.v surements of the two welds indicate that inspection of the specimen prepared by the SMAW process
06.60.Mr is easier than the one made by the GTAW process due to higher scattering of waves in the latter. The
43.35.Zc measurements also showed that the probe positioning is very important in the detection of diffracted
81.05.t echoes when using the ToFD technique.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ultrasonic testing
Time-of-flight diffraction
Austenitic weld structure

1. Introduction Experimental analysis on mockups is also considered by some

researchers (Martinez-ońa et al., 2006).
Desirable properties of austenitic stainless steels such as high In austenitic welds, grains are solidified in a columnar and
resistance to corrosion, resistance to creep at high temperatures, dendritic structure. Columnar grains as well as anisotropic and
and good weldability has lead to numerous industrial applications heterogeneous structure of austenitic welds make their ultrasonic
of these materials. Oil, gas, petrochemical, and nuclear industry testing difficult (Chassignole et al., 2000a,b). This is due to beam
employ these materials in many of their equipment. The corro- skewing, beam splitting, wave attenuation, grain scattering, and
sion resistance of austenitic steels also makes them of interest to other adverse effects caused by the material structure (Apfel et al.,
the manufactures of food industry. For quality and safety reasons, 2005; Chassignole et al., 2007). These ultrasonic disturbances along
austenitic welds need to be inspected by nondestructive testing with the appearance of spurious echoes caused by mode conver-
(NDT) techniques. Ultrasonic testing is one of the efficient NDT sion may render the detection and characterization of the flaws
techniques used for this purpose. in the ultrasonic testing of austenitic welds very difficult or even
There are numerous investigations on the inspection of impossible (Chassignole et al., 2009).
austenitic welds using ultrasonic testing; however, there are lit- The structure of a weld is controlled by the welding process
tle data on the evaluation of ultrasonic testing of austenitic welds and its parameters. The structure of austenitic welds made by dif-
prepared by different welding processes. Most investigations con- ferent welding processes can be significantly different (Hudgell et
sider the SMAW process (Chassignole et al., 2005) and some are al., 1989; Handbook, 1986). Moreover, position of the weld may
based on the development of modeling codes taking into account alter the structure or in other words grain orientation of austenitic
the characteristics of the austenitic welds (Liu and Wirdelius, 2007). welds (Chassignole et al., 2000a,b). The ultrasonic test results could
vary based on the welding process. Analysis of ultrasonic testing
using through-transmission technique on submerged arc welding
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 912 148 7903; fax: +98 21 8867 4748. and SMAW processes have revealed significant beam splitting and
E-mail address: (F. Honarvar). ultrasonic beam deviations (Chassignole et al., 2005; Chassignole

0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1044 S.M. Tabatabaeipour, F. Honarvar / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 1043–1050

Fig. 1. Weld joint configuration (dimensions are in mm).

et al., 2009). The magnitude and direction of these effects may alter
depending on the welding process used.
There are two methods for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) of ultrasonic signals obtained from ultrasonic testing of
austenitic welds (Ermolov, 1989). They are:

(1) Selection of optimal test parameters such as wave mode, fre- Fig. 2. Details of machined artificial defects (dimensions are in mm).
quency, probe angle, and probe position.
(2) Signal processing of low SNR signals.
2. Experiments

The relatively new ultrasonic time-of-flight diffraction (ToFD) AISI 316L wrought austenitic steel which is used in a wide range
technique has already been used for inspection of austenitic of industrial applications was chosen as the base material in this
welds (Charlesworth and Temple, 2001; Martinez-ońa et al., 2006; study. Two welded plate specimens were prepared by SMAW (also
Subbaratnam et al., 2008). ToFD uses two longitudinal angle beam known as MMA) and GTAW welding processes (also known as TIG).
probes in pitch-catch mode. The frequencies used are generally The flat position was selected in welding both specimens. As shown
higher than conventional ultrasonic probes and the results are pre- in Fig. 1, the thickness of base material, root face, and root gap were
sented as either A- or B-scan output. For a planar defect lying inside 25, 2, and 2 mm, respectively. In the case of SMAW sample, the
the material, four indications could be identified; they are the lat- root pass was done by GTAW, and the remaining passes by SMAW
eral wave, diffracted echo from top of flaw, diffracted echo from process. The diameters of the electrodes were 3 mm in first layer
bottom of flaw, and the backwall echo. One interesting point in and 4 mm in other layers. The polarity of direct current electrode
this technique is that there are phase differences in the echoes positive (DCEP) and direct current electrode negative (DCEN) were
received from top and bottom of a flaw. Moreover, the lateral wave used for SMAW and GTAW processes, respectively.
and backwall echo also have opposite phases. Therefore, based on Gas tungsten arc welding uses a non-consumable tungsten elec-
the phase of an indication, it can be determined whether it has orig- trode, an inert gas for arc shielding, and a filler metal. In this study,
inated from the top or bottom of a flaw (Charlesworth and Temple, Argon was used as the shielding gas and filler metal was ER316L.
2001). Some of the advantages of ToFD over conventional ultrasonic Chemical compositions of the base metal and electrodes affect the
testing are: weld microstructure. Table 1 gives chemical composition of the
electrode used in the SMAW process as well as the composition
(1) The entire body of the weld can be quickly scanned in one pass. of the filler metal in the GTAW process. The weight percentage of
(2) Size of discontinuities can be measured with higher accuracy elements in the electrode and filler metal are approximately the
compared to conventional ultrasonic testing. same. Both electrode and filler metal were selected according to
AWS standards. During the welding, the inter-pass temperature
Longitudinal angle wave used in ToFD technique is the proper was maintained at approximately 100 ◦ C for both welds.
wave mode for inspection of thick austenitic welds. It has been An artificial flaw was machined by electro-discharge machin-
noted that the beam skewing and attenuation of vertically polarized ing (EDM) process in each weld. The depths of each of these flaws
shear waves (SV) are higher than longitudinal waves (Neumann, were approximately 6 mm from the top surface of the base mate-
1989). Therefore, the ToFD technique which uses longitudinal rial. With a height of 3 mm, width of 0.5 mm, and length of 26 mm,
waves seems to be a suitable choice for inspecting anisotropic this notch represents a mid-wall lack-of-fusion. The molten weld
materials such as austenitic welds. pool of austenitic stainless steel tends to be more viscose than
In this paper, the ultrasonic ToFD testing of austenitic welds ferritic and martensitic stainless steels. This prevents the metal
made by two different welding processes is investigated. Two flow in these materials and may initiate lack-of-fusion defects. The
flawed welded specimens are prepared by SMAW and GTAW implanted defects had identical dimensions and depths in both
welding processes. The base material, geometry of the bevel, and specimens. The specifications of implanted defects are shown in
implanted artificial defects are identical for the two specimens. Fig. 2. After machining the defects in each weld, the welding pro-
The welds will first be examined for their weld structure includ- cess was continued up to the crown. Welding parameters in both
ing degree of anisotropy and grain orientation distribution and processes are given in Table 2. The parameters show that GTAW
then tested by ultrasonic ToFD technique to study the effect of the has lower efficiency than SMAW due to its higher heat input.
welding process on ToFD measurements. After welding, X-ray radiography was performed on both spec-
imens to characterize the artificial flaws and to ensure the absence
of additional flaws, see Fig. 3. The sensitivities of inspection were
Table 1
Chemical composition of base metal and electrodes (wt.%).
calculated as 1.6%.
After inspecting the samples by radiographic testing, ultrasonic
Metal type C Cr Ni Mo Mn Si time-of-fight diffraction measurements were carried out on both
Base metal 0.03 15.7 11.1 2.27 1.35 0.28 specimens. The inspection was done parallel to the centerline of
ER316L <0.03 19 12.5 2.5 1.75 0.47 the welds by two 65◦ , 6 MHz longitudinal angle beam probes in
E316L-16 0.025 18.5 12 2.7 0.8 0.9
pitch-catch configuration. The probe center separation was 65 mm.
S.M. Tabatabaeipour, F. Honarvar / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 1043–1050 1045

Table 2
Parameters of welding processes.

Welding process Electrode type Electrode diameter (mm) Voltage (V) Current (A) Welding speed (mm/s) Heat input (kJ/mm)

GTAW ER316L 2.4 15 200 1.25 2.4

SMAW E316L-16 3 and 4 27 150 3.6 1.2

To study the anisotropy of the base and weld materials, samples dient, it results in a slow turn towards the temperature gradient
with dimensions of 15 mm × 15 mm × 15 mm were cut from the and consequently further epitaxial growth takes place. On the other
base metal and welded sections. Ultrasonic wave velocities were hand, when solid grains at the solid–liquid interface are very far
measured at various directions along principal and non-principal from the direction of temperature gradient, the grain growth is
axes (45◦ with respect to principal axes). The measurements were more selective (Moysan et al., 2003). These phenomena are affected
conducted by both contact and immersion techniques. Contact by the rate of solidification. Moreover, the rate of solidification is
measurements for determination of longitudinal wave velocities affected by the shape of the metal pool. This shape can ultimately
were carried out by a 4 MHz probe and for determination of shear influence the solid–liquid interface position during the solidifica-
wave velocities by a 2.25 MHz probe. The frequency used in immer- tion and cooling stages. The weld pool shape caused by variations
sion measurements was 1 MHz. of welding parameters plays an important role in the solidified
To study the grain orientation of welds, samples with dimen- microstructure of a weld (Davies and Garland, 1975; David et al.,
sions of 40 mm × 25 mm × 5 mm were cut from the welded part of 2003).
the specimens. These samples were subsequently ground, electro- Different variables including heat input, heat distribution, weld-
polished, and etched. To expose the grain orientation of welds, an ing speed, order and number of passes, position of passes, and
etching solution made from 1.5 g ammonium persulphate, 7.5 ml inclined angle of electrode may affect the change of the weld pool
H2 O, 25 g iron perchloride, 10 ml HCl, and 3 ml HNO3 was used. shape. Besides these factors, in the GTAW process, the type of gas
shielding and the arc length also influence the geometry of the weld
3. Characterization of austenitic welds pool (Jou, 2003; Lu et al., 2009). Jou (2003) showed that the effect
of heat distribution is significant on both the shape and the size of
According to Chassignole et al. (2000a,b), characterization of the weld pool in the GTAW process.
austenitic welds structure includes the following two factors: Higher energy density, higher heat input, and lower welding
degree of anisotropy and grain orientation distribution. The metal- speed of GTAW compared to SMAW produces a weld pool of dif-
lographic images obtained from SMAW and GTAW welds clearly ferent geometry. This may cause variations in the grain orientation
reveal their columnar grain structure and the grains growth and lead to more selective growth directions. Furthermore, in the
direction which is perpendicular to the weld preparation surface GTAW process, grains tend towards the direction of temperature
(chamfer). As shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b), there are noticeable differ- gradient very rapidly. In contrast, in SMAW process, grains tend to
ences between the grain orientation and extent of epitaxial growth grow in the epitaxial direction.
of the two welds. Schematic diagram of grain orientation for the Degree of anisotropy of a material plays an important role in its
two welds is shown in Fig. 4(c) and (d). ultrasonic testing. Anisotropy may cause variations in the atten-
In SMAW process, which has shallow penetration, the grains are uation of ultrasonic waves by beam skewing. The angle of skew
slightly tilted with respect to the central vertical line of the weld depends on the elastic constants of the material, beam to grain
and columnar grains extend through many layers. In GTAW pro- angle, and wave mode (Neumann, 1989). Austenitic weld is usually
cess, which has deep penetration, a more complex grain structure considered to be orthotropic (Moysan et al., 2003).
is observed. The grains show an inverted V formation in each pass Elastic constants can be measured by sending elastic waves into
which could be interpreted as grain growth towards the center of the material (Mouchtachi et al., 2004; Wu and Ho, 1990; Dewey et
each pass. This coincides with the direction of temperature gradi- al., 1977). Elastic properties of anisotropic materials can be deter-
ent. Epitaxial growth is only possible for a few suitably orientated mined according to Christoffel equation as follows (Rose, 2004):
grains and to some extent depends on the position of weld beads.
|im − 2 ıim | = 0 (1)
When a weld bead lay directly on top of a substrate bead, the grains
are more likely to allow epitaxial growth. where ,  and im are the mass density, velocity, and Christof-
In general, the grain growth is controlled by the following fac- fel acoustic tensor, respectively. The Christoffel acoustic tensor is
tors: epitaxial growth, temperature gradient, the selective growth, defined as
and solid grain at the solid–liquid interface. If solid grains at the
solid–liquid interface are close to the direction of temperature gra- im = Ciklm nk nl (2)

where Ciklm is the fourth-order stiffness tensor of the mate-

rial and nk , nl are direction cosines of the normal to the wave
The stiffness tensor of the material can be obtained by mea-
suring the ultrasonic wave velocities in different directions. The
density of the material is also required for calculating the elastic
constants. The densities of the base metal and two weld samples

Table 3
Measured densities of base and weld metals.

Metal type Density (kg/m3 )

Base metal 7968

SMAW weld metal 7745
Fig. 3. Radiogarphic image of the weld prepared by the GTAW process. GTAW weld metal 8021
1046 S.M. Tabatabaeipour, F. Honarvar / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 1043–1050

Fig. 4. Macrograph of sectional plane of: (a) SMAW and (b) GTAW welds. Schematic plot of grain orientation in (c) SMAW and (d) GTAW welds.

were determined by means of Archimedes’ principle. The measured equal to 1, the anisotropy of the base metal is not very significant.
densities are listed in Table 3. Moreover, from the stiffness matrix of the base metal, it can be
The wave velocities are measured on samples cut from each observed that the anisotropy of this material is approximately cubic
material. The wave velocities in different directions in each mate- because C11 = C22 = C33 , C12 ∼= C13 ∼= C23 , and C44 ∼
= C55 ∼
= C66 .
rial are given in Table 4. Maximum error in the measurement of According to Kupperman and Reimann (1980), the beam skew-
densities and velocities are estimated as 2% and 0.5%, respectively. ing observed in anisotropic materials, including austenitic welds, is
The stiffness matrices of the base and weld metals were con- due to the difference in the directions of phase and group velocities
structed based on the measured parameters as follows: of ultrasonic waves in these materials. It means that the wave fronts
are not perpendicular to the beam axes anymore; consequently the
⎡ 265.5 121.8 110.2 0 0 0
⎤ beam skewing is a function of beam to grain angle in each mode.
121.8 265.5 112.9 0 0 0
⎢ 110.2 ⎥ Fig. 5 shows the phase velocity and beam skewing for the base,
Base metal : ⎢ 112.9 265.5 0 0 0 ⎥ GPa (3) SMAW, and GTAW materials in the xz plane. Beam skewing is
⎣0 0 0 79.5 0 0 ⎦
0 0 0 0 76.5 0 the angle between phase velocity and group velocity (Rose, 2004).
0 0 0 0 0 77.9 Directions of coordinate axes are designated in Fig. 1. Fig. 5(c) shows
that the longitudinal wave velocity for SMAW weld material varies
⎡ 258.5 178.7 131.8 0 0 0
⎤ from 5193 to 6285 m/s and the shear wave velocity varies from
181.7 225.1 164.2 0 0 0
3029 to 3765 m/s. The corresponding variations for longitudinal
⎢ 131.8 163.9 208.9 0 ⎥ and shear wave velocities in the GTAW weld material shown in
SMAW metal : ⎢ 0 0 ⎥ GPa (4)
⎣0 0 0 115.3 0 0 ⎦ Fig. 5(e) are 5552–6061 and 2939–3644 m/s, respectively. Fig. 5(d)
0 0 0 0 101.1 0 shows that the angle between the phase velocity vector and group
0 0 0 0 0 74.2
velocity vector (beam skewing) for longitudinal (L), vertically polar-
ized shear (SV), and horizontally polarized shear (SH) waves in
⎡ 278.6 173.7 148.1 0 0 0
⎤ SMAW weld material can be as much as 16.5◦ , 40.5◦ , and 12.6◦ ,
173.7 254.9 112.1 0 0 0 respectively. The corresponding values for the GTAW weld mate-
⎢ 148.1 112.1 247.2 0 ⎥
GTAW metal : ⎢ 0 0 ⎥ GPa (5) rial are 6.3◦ , 15.2◦ , and 6.2◦ , respectively see Fig. 5(f). Moreover,
⎣0 0 0 106.5 0 0 ⎦ the relatively low anisotropy factor of the 316L wrought stainless
0 0 0 0 73.9 0
0 0 0 0 0 74.3 steel, circular shape of its velocity curves, and its average grain size
of approximately 25 ␮m, indicate that this material can be consid-
For anisotropic materials, the anisotropic factor, A, is defined as ered to be isotropic from an ultrasonic testing point of view, see
(Rose, 2004): Fig. 5(a) and (b).
In Fig. 6, the amplitudes of the backwall echoes in weld samples
A= (6) are compared with the backwall echo of the base metal along princi-
C11 − C12 pal directions. It can be observed that the amplitude of the backwall
For the stiffness matrices obtained for the base, SMAW, and GTAW echo in the SMAW sample is higher than the GTAW sample in all
materials, the anisotropic factor was found to be 1.1, 2.9, and 2.0, principal directions. Moreover, Fig. 7 shows multiple echoes orig-
respectively. Since for isotropic materials, the anisotropic factor is inating from backwall of samples in the direction of non-principal
S.M. Tabatabaeipour, F. Honarvar / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 1043–1050 1047

Fig. 5. (a) Phase velocity in base metal, (b) beam skewing in base metal, (c) phase velocity in SMAW weld material, (d) beam skewing in SMAW weld material, (e) phase
velocity in GTAW weld material and (f) beam skewing in GTAW weld material.

axes (45◦ with respect to x and z axes). In the x and y directions, processes are used for making the weld. Moreover, beam scattering
the amplitudes of the two weld samples are close while this dif- depends on anisotropy, grain size, and frequency or on the other
ference is more severe in the z direction and non-principal axes. hand ratio of grain size to wavelength, beam to grain angle, wave
Higher reduction of echo amplitudes in the GTAW sample could be mode, and material properties (Ploix et al., 2006). Since the attenu-
attributed to its complex grain orientation distribution. Moreover, ation of signals and beam skewing in the GTAW sample is less than
for both welds, echo amplitudes in the z direction and non-principal the SMAW sample, we can say that the beam scattering is more
directions are larger than the other two principal directions. This severe in GTAW compared to SMAW.
difference is more significant in the SMAW weld sample.
According to Temple (1988), in anisotropic materials, variations 4. Ultrasonic time-of-flight diffraction (ToFD) testing
of echo amplitude and attenuation are not only because of the beam
skewing effects but also because of the reflection and scattering at Fig. 8(a) shows the B-scan images obtained by ToFD testing of the
grain boundaries. Apparently, this may change if different welding SMAW weld sample. In this image, a clear indication of the defect
1048 S.M. Tabatabaeipour, F. Honarvar / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 1043–1050

Fig. 9. Schematic of probes movement.

The modeling of wave propagation by ray tracing in conven-

tional ultrasonic testing of austenitic welds shows that the wave
path depends on a number of parameters including the wave mode,
Fig. 6. Signal amplitudes measured along principal axes. angle, and positions of defect and probes (Liu and Wirdelius, 2007;
Schmitz et al., 2000; Ogilvy, 1992). Moreover, according to Schmitz
et al. (1999), the probe position can affect the reception of the
can be observed. The B-scan image of the GTAW weld sample was reflected echo. In other words, the anisotropic nature of austenitic
also obtained using identical test parameter settings. However, in welds leads to unpredictable wave propagation paths that may alter
this B-scan image the defect could not be easily identified. Increas- the arrival point of the returned echo.
ing the gain setting of the ultrasonic instrument by 5 dB produced a To investigate the effect of reduction of probe center separa-
better B-scan image in which the implanted defect could be identi- tion (PCS), this parameter was reduced from 65 mm to 55 mm
fied, see Fig. 8(b). Although the existence of flaws can be identified as shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 10 shows the B-scan images obtained
in Fig. 8(a) and (b), their through wall lengths cannot be easily mea- for PCS = 55 mm. In Fig. 10, tip diffracted echoes from both top
sured because the diffractions from top and bottom of flaws cannot and bottom of defects in the two welds can be identified. To
be identified. ensure that these echoes are diffracted echoes, representative A-

Fig. 7. Comparison of signals amplitude at non-principal axes (45◦ with respect to x and z axes): (a) SMAW and (b) GTAW.

Fig. 8. B-scan images of the two welds: (a) SMAW sample and (b) GTAW sample with additional gain.
S.M. Tabatabaeipour, F. Honarvar / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 1043–1050 1049

Fig. 10. B-scan images of the two welds for PCS of 55 mm (a) SMAW weld sample and (b) GTAW weld sample.

Fig. 11. A-scan signals at 65 mm probe center separation: (a) raw signal obtained from SMAW weld sample, (b) raw data obtained from GTAW weld sample, (c) A-scan signal
shown in (a) after processing and (d) A-scan signal shown in (b) after processing.

scan signals were taken from the defect location were examined. Figs. 11 and 12 show the raw and processed A-scan signals
Due to low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of these A-scan signals, obtained from the two weld samples for PCS of 65 and 55 mm,
they were first subjected to special signal processing techniques. respectively. In Figs. 11 and 12, L, T, B, BW, and F refer to lateral
These signal processing techniques include deconvolution by wave, echo from top of flaw, echo from bottom of flaw, back-
Wiener filtering followed by autoregressive spectral extrapolation wall echo, and false call, respectively. The signal processing has
(Honarvar et al., 2004). improved the SNR and time resolution of A-scan signals shown in

Fig. 12. A-scan signals at 55 mm probe center separation: (a) raw signal obtained from SMAW weld sample, (b) raw data obtained from GTAW weld sample and (c) A-scan
signal shown in (a) after processing and (d) A-scan signal shown in (b) after processing.
1050 S.M. Tabatabaeipour, F. Honarvar / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 1043–1050

Table 4
Measured velocities of base and weld metals.

Polarization Base metal velocity (m/s) SMAW sample velocity (m/s) GTAW sample velocity (m/s)

Longitudinal wave mode

X X 5773 5777 5894
Y Y 5773 5396 5638
Z Z 5773 5193 5552
45◦ to X and Z 45◦ to X and Z 5760 6061 5905
45◦ to X and Y 45◦ to X and Y 5838 6079 6061
45◦ to Y and Z 45◦ to Y and Z 5807 6285 5993

Shear wave mode

X Z 3095 3453 3131
X Y 3127 3162 3099
Y Z 3160 3855 3644
Y X 3127 3029 2988
Z X 3101 3765 2939
Z Y 3166 3862 3644

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