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Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior

A JOURNAL primarily for the original publication of experiments relevant to the

behavior of individual organisms. Review articles and theoretical papers will occa-
sionally be invited.

C. B. FERSTER, Indiana University Medical Center, EXECUTIVE EDITOR; D. G. ANGER,
Upjohn Co.; J. E. ANLIKER, Harvard Medical School; N. H. AZRIN, Anna State Hos-
pital; D. S. BLOUGH, National Institutes of Mental Health; J. J. BOREN, Merck Sharpe
and Dohme; J. V. BRADY, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research; P. B. DEWS,
Harvard Medical School; R. J. HERRNSTEIN, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research;
F. S. KELLER, Columbia University; 0. R. LINDSLEY, Harvard Medical School, SECRE-
TARY-TREASURER; W. H. MORSE, Harvard Medical School; W. N. SCHOENFELD, Colum-
bia University; M. SIDMAN, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research; B. F. SKINNER,
Harvard University; T. VERHAVE, Eli Lilly Co. STAFF: MARILYN FERSTER, Assistant
editor; SERENA SCHOENFELD, Production consultant.

This Journal is published at least four times a year by the Society for the Experi-
mental Analysis of Behavior, Inc. The subscription rate per annual volume is $12.00
($4.50 for students). The price of a single issue is $3-oo; orders for less than a full
volume will be charged at the single-copy rate. Claims for missing numbers must be
made promptly, and will be met only when loss has occurred in the mails and so long
as reserve inventory permits. Authors will be required to order a minimum of ioo
reprints (charge: $2.50 per Journal page); additional reprints may be ordered at the
same rate. Reprints cannot be supplied for papers and technical notes one page or less
in length.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the Executive Editor, C. B. Ferster, Institute
of Psychiatric Research, Indiana University Medical Center, 1 ioo West Michigan
Street, Indianapolis 7, Indiana.
Subscriptions, change of address, and other business correspondence should be
addressed to 0. R. Lindsley, Behavior Research Laboratory, Metropolitan State Hos-
pital, Trapelo Road, Waltham, Massachusetts. Checks should be made payable to
the Journal.
It is suggested that in preparing manuscripts, contributors follow the usage concerning
references, table and figure legends, footnotes, abbreviations, etc., outlined in: Pub-
lication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 1957 revision, published
by American Psychological Association, 1333 16th Street N.W., Washington 6, D.C.
Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate, the author retaining a third copy.
Figures and tables must be submitted in a form and size suitable for direct photo-
graphic reproduction, since the Journal will be printed from photocopy on which the
actual figures submitted by the author will be mounted; the Journal takes responsi-
bility for preparing photocopy of manuscript text. Photocopy (manuscript text and
mounted matter) will be reduced 20% in publication. The maximum size of figures,
tables and illustrations, including legends and titles, as submitted by authors is
6th x lio inches. These dimensions set the limits for any single figure intended to fill
a whole printed page, and may be used as guides in cases where figures are intended
to appear side by side on a single printed page. The responsibility for correct size of
figures is the author's. In general, combining several figures into one large figure is
a more economical procedure than having separate and smaller figures. Figures and
illustrations should be made as small as possible, consistent with their purpose and
importance. When submitted, they should be identified on the reverse side with an
abbreviated title, author's name, and figure number. Halftone illustrations must be
submitted as glossy photographs; line drawings and tables must be drawn to scale,
in black ink, on a smooth surface paper.
Copyright 1958 by the Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Inc. Reproduction for
scientific and sholarly purposes of any material published in the Journal will be permitted following
receipt of written request. Application for a second-class mailing permit is pending at Boston, Massa-
chusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
JEAB is indebted to those listed below who have contributed financial support for
its establishment.

James Anliker
John J. Boren
Joseph V. Brady
Eli Lilly & Company
Charles B. Ferster
Dom V. Finocchio
Lewis R. Gollub
John M. Harrison
Richard J. Herrnstein
Michael Kaplan
Roger T. Kelleher
Fred S. Keller
Ogden R. Lindsley
Susan R. Meyer
William H. Morse
Schering Corporation
W. N. Schoenfeld
Murray Sidman
B. F. Skinner
We Salute

The Journal of the

Expermntal Analysis of Behavior

A Forward Step
in Behavioral Science


Makers of Versatile and Reliable
Behavioral Research Equipment

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