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Mechner, F. Probability Relations within Response Sequences under Ratio
Reinforcement ................................................ 109
Findley, J. D. Preference and Switching under Concurrent Scheduling .... 123
Dinsmoor, J. A., and Winograd, E. ShockIntensity in Variable-interval Es-
cape Schedules ................................................ 145
Hurwitz, H. M. B. A Source of Error in Estimating the Number of Rein-
forcements in a Lever-pressing Apparatus ....................... 149
Stein, L., Sidman, M., and Brady, J. V. Some effects of Two Temporal Vari-
ables on Conditioned Suppression ............................... 153
Ferster, C. B. Intermittent Reinforcement of a Complex Response in a
Chimpanzee ............................. 163
Sidman, M. Some Notes on "Bursts" in Free-operant Avoidance Experiments 167
Flanagan, B., Goldiamond, I., and Azrin, N. Operant Stuttering: the Control
of Stuttering Behavior through Response-contingent Consequences .. 173
Holland, J. G. Counting by Humans on a Fixed-ratio Schedule of Rein -
forcement .................................................... 179
Azrin, N. H. Some Effects of Noise on Human Behavior ................. 183
Word, T., and Stern, J. A. A Simple Stabilimeter..................... 201
Conrad, D. G., Sidman, M., and Herrnstein, R. J. Erratum: The Effects of
Deprivation upon Temporaly Spaced Responding ................. 205

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