Level 5 Final Exam: 4 - 4: Reported Speech

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26-12-2018 Universidad de Chile - eClass

Mis Cursos (/cursos)  Level 5 (/clases/index/1255/1684008/21520)  Level 5 Final Exam

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Level 5 Final Exam Punt

Este examen evalúa todos los contenidos vistos en el curso. Tiene un tiempo límite de una hora y media
para rendirlo y una vez comenzado deberás terminarlo. Punt

 26-1
4 - 4: Reported speech  90 m

Avance: 4 de 10

Revisa las respuestas correctas

Puedes ver tu nota en el cuadro de la derecha. Te invitamos a revisar todas tus respuestas corregidas
para saber en qué te equivocaste y asi aprender aún más.

► Objective:
Report conversations about typical events in life.

Pregunta 1 Incorrecta 0 de 1 punto

Listen to the audio and report what you hear to another person. Write your response in the

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26-12-2018 Universidad de Chile - eClass

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

0:00 / 0:02

He said that he haven't had time to go to the gym.

 El orden correcto es:

► 'd not had / had not had / hadn't had

Correct: had not had/ hadn´t had. Audio: "I haven't had time to go to the gym." Use reported speech when you
retell information. Reported speech goes back one tense from the direct speech. Direct speech: present perfect.
Reported Speech: past perfect. Direct speech: "I’ve planned a surprise". Reported Speech: "He told me that he
had planned a surprise".

Pregunta 2 Incorrecta 0 de 1 punto

Listen to the audio and report what you hear to another person. Write your response in the
Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

0:00 / 0:01

She said she cleaned the house tonight.

 El orden correcto es:

► 'd clean / would clean

Correct: would clean. Audio: "I'll clean the house tonight." Use reported speech when you retell information.
Reported speech goes back one tense from the direct speech. Direct speech: Will. Reported speech: would. Direct
speech: "I will call you". Reported speech: "He said that he would call me".

Pregunta 3 Incorrecta 0 de 1 punto

Listen to the audio and report what you hear to another person. Write your response in the

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26-12-2018 Universidad de Chile - eClass

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

0:00 / 0:02

She said that I wishes something before the flight.

 El orden correcto es:

► should eat

Correct: should eat. Audio: "You should eat something before the flight." Use reported speech when you retell
information. Reported speech goes back one tense from the direct speech. Direct speech:Can/Could/Should/
Might/Ought to. Reported speech: Could/Should/ Might/Ought to. Direct speech: "She can come home at 8".
Reported Speech: I said that she could come home at 8.

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