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They often say that the more that pets and their owners spend time together, the more they would start
to look alike. There are countless online photos of how animals would start resembling their human
owners. But this particular pup not only resembles his owner, his face actually has an uncanny likeness
to a human’s.

Meet Nori, an Australian Shephard and Toy Poodle mix. His expressive face, especially his soulful eyes,
are what makes him look humanlike. His lips are perpetually turned slightly upward, which makes him
look like he’s smiling all the time.

Tiffany Ngo and Kevin Hurless, Nori’s owners, shared how they adopted the sweet pooch a year ago.
They fell for his adorable features and equally lovable disposition. They also commented on how he
seemed more like a human when he was a wee little pup, due to his darker coloring and intense eyes.

They never really expected their baby would garner so much attention. People would often walk over
and chat with them while walking Nori. The handsome pooch inspired happiness and good vibes with
everyone they meet along the way.

Nori also has a brother named Boba, who is a Shih Tzu mix. Nori’s human features stand out all the more
whenever he’s beside his brother. The two are inseparable, but sometimes Boba does get a little
annoyed at Nori’s exuberance.

Many of those who’ve seen Nori up close have commented on which human he most resembles with.
Some said he looked like Garth from the movie ‘Wayne’s World.’ A number of people have also asked if
Nori gets his hair professionally styled and highlighted, which Tiffany often reply a firm no.

The good thing about famous dogs is they never let their fame go to their heads. Nori is still your typical
playful dog, romping around with his brother Boba and hangs out with his mom in the kitchen. He also
loves muddy puddles and frolicking in their pool.

Nori and Boba have already gathered quite a few fans online. The way these two can bring a smile to
people’s faces certainly is a blessing we can’t deny.

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