11 - Kind Priest Welcomes Stray Dogs Inside The Church

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Source: https://www.facebook.com/pg/padrejoaopaulo/posts/?ref=page_internal

In Brazil, a church has extended its welcoming arms to the neighbourhood’s homeless dogs. Padre João
Paulo de Araujo Gomes lets the poor strays in the hallowed walls of the church, even in while in the
middle of mass. The dogs were given free reign, allowing them to roam around and even be with the
kind priest up front where everybody could see them.

A professed animal lover, Padre Gomes knew he didn’t have the hurt to turn his back on the poor
animals. Their plight was brought to his attention shortly after chatting with several volunteers of a local
organization dedicated to caring for these homeless pups. As part of his support to their cause, the
priest gave them a chance to promote their fundraising projects during each mass.

Since then, he had become an active participant in their awareness campaigns. He found out the pitiful
living conditions of their city’s abandoned animals and sought ways to address them. As a means of
helping them find their forever homes, Padre Gomes allowed these animals inside the church and let
them mingle with the congregation.

As a true leader, he decided to lead by example and started to foster some of the strays, especially those
who needed medical attention. He focused on those who were abused and mistreated, earning the
praise and support of the animal rescue organization he had been helping.

Padre Gomes’ heart clearly went out to these strays. He and some friends have set up areas around the
church where these animals can access food, water, and shelter. His efforts have not gone unnoticed,
but he knew there was much to be done in order to fully solve this problem.

Padre knew there was only so much he can do, but he was determined to care for these neglected
animals for as long as he can. He hoped his actions would inspire others to follow in his footsteps and be
kind to all – man and animal alike.

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