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Business cards are usually used for promoting or selling products or services.
Typically, dogs don't have any use for this kind of cards. Then again, Benji was not
your ordinary dog.

This charming labrador encountered countless people in his daily visits as a therapy
dog. His dad, Russel Teck, designed them and printed them out to be distributed to
everyone Benji met. The card included some information about Benji and the
inscription, “I hope my visit has brightened your day.”

For years, Benji visited those who needed comfort and a reason to smile. He touched
the lives of those in the local schools, hospitals, and nursing homes. Because of their
dedication, Benji and his dad became familiar faces that most people would refer to
them by name.

The patients of Monongahela Valley Hospital were especially fond of him. The
moment Benji stepped into the lobby, you would hear his name being called out by
several people at once. He was incredibly well-known, from the guards at the gate to
the staff on the top floor.

Benji had a special ability of uplifting the spirits of those who felt low. His gentle and
calming presence helped make everyone feel comfortable and at ease. Remarkably,
many of those the dog visited still remembered him even after several years have

Russell felt pleased whenever he met somebody who treasured and kept Benji’s
card. Some kept the card on the door of their fridge or safe in their wallets.
Whenever they went out, sometimes there are those who greeted them, relating how
Benji once helped them at one point in their lives.

Russel felt blessed to be part of Benji’s journey as a therapy dog. He watched his
beloved dog touch people’’s lives and helped ease the burden they carried every day.
They found their purpose in life and it was something they would never give up for
anything in this world.

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