03 - Woman Dresses Her Pups As The Seven Dwarves

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Source: https://www.facebook.com/sasha.hobson/timeline?

Halloween was always a fun time for adults and children alike. Finding that perfect costume for yourself
was tough enough as it is. But finding a group costume was a tougher challenge – more so if it included
seven dogs.

Sasha Hobson and her family loved their tradition of dressing up for Halloween. They came up with the
coolest costumes for everybody and have a fun photo shoot. Her dogs already knew what to expect
when they saw Sasha preparing for their Halloween photo shoot – it meant they have treats!

Finding the perfect group concept was difficult, since her dogs weren’t exactly identical in looks and
sizes. With breeds that varied from a Labrador to a Chihuahua, Sasha had to wrack her brains for the
right group concept they could use. Seeing as this was the first time that there were all seven of them,
inspiration finally struck.

Dressing up as ‘Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs’ was perfect for her and her seven dogs. She began
collecting clothing items that they could use as part of their ensemble. For the more complicated parts,
they bought rolls of fabric.

Sasha and her mother-in-law took care of the costume designs and fittings. The dogs were surprisingly
well-behaved, as long as they could see the treats they would be getting once the fittings were done.
Sasha was proud that all seven of her dogs waited patiently and quietly.

She was able to match each pup to a particular dwarf. She used their characteristics to figure out which
dog was right for a specific dwarf. One of her dogs who was extremely lazy was assigned the dwarf
Sleepy, while another who loved to bark and wrestle was given the role of Grumpy.

With everything all set, Sasha looked forward to having one of their best Halloween celebrations. Now, if
only they could bring it up a notch next year.

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