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Being the center of attention can sometimes be addicting, especially if you get to do whatever you
wanted. Imagine being in the spotlight, being showered with affection and adoration while constantly
receiving treats and gifts. Life is so much better when you were surrounded with such love and

That’s what a clever pup named Chewie realized when she found her forever home. She was rescued
from a puppy mill, having spent her first years locked up in a filthy cage. A loving family welcomed her
with open arms, helping her to adjust as she faced the big scary world outside.

At first, Chewie cowered with fear every time she encountered something unfamiliar. But with the
support and love of her new family, her self-confidence grew and made her braver. Soon, the once
terrified pup adjusted to life in her new home.

Chewie blossomed into a beautiful and playful dog, loving the attention her family lavished on her. She
loved how they all focused on her so much that she became jealous whenever other dogs would shift
their eyes away from her.

A family member, Rikki Perez, had her own dog named Willa, who she brings whenever she came for a
visit. Chewie’s grandma often cuddled with the smaller dog, making Chewie protective and jealous.
Because of this, she resorted to an underhanded tactic that she came up with by herself.

She faked a limp.

Chewie discovered that if she started limping, all attention would be on her again. Their grandma
promptly put Willa down and picked up the mischievous Chewie for her cuddle time.

Needless to say, every time Willa went home, Chewie made a miraculous recovery.

Everybody knew Chewie was simply acting out, but it was hard to ignore her obvious plea for attention
while limping around the house. She once led a difficult life, and if a fake limp was what it took to get a
little bit of TLC then bring it on.

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